Упражнение на Passive voice


Переведите предложения на английский:

1. Работа будет закончена завтра.

2. Моя статья была напечатана.

3. Ее сумочка была украдена вчера каким-то парнем.

4. Кэтрин не была приглашена на эту вечеринку.

5. Обед был приготовлен моей мамой.

6. Her house was made of wood.


Past Continuous Passive

Past Continuous Passive образуется по тому же принципу, что и Present. Здесь основу конструкции составляют вспомогательные глаголы was/were, затем следует being, что характерно для продолженного времени, а дальше стоит основной глагол в форме Past Participle. Формула будет следующей:

Подлежащее + to be (was, were) + + V3


1. The show was being performed from 7 till 9 p.m. yesterday – Шоу показывали вчера с 7 до 9 вечера

Was the show being performed from 7 till 9 p.m. yesterday?

The show was not being performed from 7 till 9 p.m. yesterday.

2. The rooms of the house were being cleaned the whole morning yesterday – Все комнаты дома убирали вчера все утро.

Were the rooms of the house being cleaned the whole morning yesterday?

The rooms of the house were not being cleaned the whole morning yesterday


Note: правило употребления страдательного залога с длительными временами имеет одно строгое ограничение: время Future Continuous в пассиве никогда не используется. Это можно объяснить максимальной загруженностью этой формы всеми возможными элементами, включая и вспомогательный глагол to be. В действительном залоге структура выглядит так: will be + V(–ing), и, как становится, понятно, добавить сюда что-то еще и продублировать be будет крайне неразумно.

Помнить обо всех подобных правилах употребления пассива в Continuous просто необходимо, и тогда применение любой такой формы в речи или на письме будет правильным и уместным.

Exercise 1. Выполняя необходимые грамматические изменения, дополните предложения в Past Continuous Passive глаголами, стоящими в скобках:

a. A novel was by my teacher of Poetry. (to write)

b. The washing machine was by the young mechanic. (to repair)

c. A new employee for by his wife. (to wait)

d. the birthday party by your parents? (to prepare)

e. Were the roses by the grandma? (to water)

f. the pilot project? (to carry out)

g. Where the flight attendants from the airport? (to fly)

h. Whose dog when I came in? (to wash)

i. The church fence was. (to paint, not)

j. A new theatre next to the cinema. (to build, not)

Exercise 2. Трансформируйте предложения из the Past Continuous Active в the Past Continuous Passive:

a. The company was sponsoring our teenage organisation.

b. The workers were reconstructing these breathtaking bridges.

c. Olga and Irina were ignoring the message.

d. The boy was drawing a picture of a tree.

e. The President was making his persuasive speech.

f. Two siblings were watching animated Disney films.

g. The exquisite castle was holding a jubilee party on that day.

h. The local authorities were threatening the fraudulent employees.

i. Extremists were openly advocating violence.

j. Maestro was playing the electronic guitar.

Present Perfect Passive

( настоящее завершенное время в страдательном залоге

Present Perfect Passive Voice употребляется для выражения действий, которые уже завершились к моменту речи, но их результат имеет отношение к настоящему времени. В данном случае речь идет о действиях в страдательном залоге, то есть подлежащее не осуществляет действие, а действие направлено на подлежащее (кем-то).

Формула образования

Подлежащее + have, has (вспомог. Глаг.) + + V3 with (чем-то)

By (кем-то)

She has already watered the flowers. Она уже полила цветы. (Present Perfect)

Present Perfect Passive

The flowers have been watered. — Цветы полили.

Have the flowers been watered? Цветы полили?

The flowers have not ( haven’t) been watered. Цветы не полили.

Не забывайте, что в отрицательных предложениях можно использовать сокращения:
have not = haven’t
has not = hasn’t

Упражнение 1. Change the sentences with Present Perfect Active into Present Perfect Passive.


I have already finished my work. My work...

— My work has already been finished.

1. I have already taken the books back to the library. The books...

2. She has just posted those letters. Those letters...

3. The teacher has already checked my test. My test... —

4. He has lost the key. The key...

5. We have opened all the windows. All the windows... '

6. I have bought bread on the way home. Bread...

7. I have done this exercise. This exercise...

Упражнение 2. Imagine that your classroom and the school yard have been thoroughly cleaned. Say what has been done by whom.

Example: The windows... (to wash)

— The windows have been washed by the girls.

1. The desks... (to wash)

2. The flowers... (to water)

3. The floor... (to mop)

4. The furniture... (to dust)

5. The grass... (to cut)

6. The trees... (to cut)

Упражнение 3. Answer the questions about your English lesson using Present Perfect Passive.

1. Have you been asked to read a text?

2. Has the text been translated?

3. Have the new words been written down?

4. Have the exercises been done by all the pupils?

5. Has your friend been asked to recite something?

6. Has large homework been given?

7. Who has been given good (bad) marks?

8. Have you been praised by the teacher?

Упражнение 4. Use Present Perfect Active or Passive of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. Peter... (to break) the window.

2. The exercise... (to write) already.

3. The text... (to translate) by Victor.

4. The teacher just... (to explain) the new rule.

5. We (to learn) the Passive Voice already.

6. A new school... (to build) in this street.

Упражнение 5. Translate into English using Present Perfect Active or Passive.

1. Я только что купил газету

2. Телевизор только что выключили.

3. Он уже ответил на вопрос

4. Слова только что написали на доске

5. Мы уже говорили об этом

6. Все ответы уже даны.

7. Об этом только что сказали по радио.

8. Я уже смотрел этот фильм

9. Мне ничего об этом не говорили

10. Все предложения уже написаны.


Past Perfect Passive

( прошедшее завершенное время в страдательном залоге)

Формула образования

Подлежащее + had (вспомог. глаг.) + + V3 with (чем-то)

By (кем-то)

• He had cleaned the room before I came in. Он (уже) убрал комнату, прежде чем я зашёл. (Past Perfect)


• The room had been cleaned before I came in. Комната (уже) была убрана, прежде чем я зашёл. (Past Perfect Passive)

Had the room been cleaned before I came in?


The room hadn’t been cleaned before I came in.

Exercise 1.

Passive Past Perfect - English learning exercises Change the sentences into the Past Perfect Passive form.
They had invited the Browns. (Past Perfect Active) The. (Passive)
They had washed the glasses. (Past Perfect Active). (Passive)
He had cleaned the room. (Past Perfect Active). (Passive)
They had informed mother. (Past Perfect Active). (Passive)
They had moved the table. (Past Perfect Active). (Passive)



Exercise 2.

Конец формы


Past Perfect Passive - examples and online exercises Fill in the Past Perfect Passive form.
Most things already by computers. (to do)
The newspaper to the wrong address. (to send)
A photo of the monster. (to take)
All kids the same thing. (to teach)
Questions by the teacher. (to ask)


Exercise 3.

Past Perfect Passive sentences Change the sentences into the Past Perfect Passive form.
They had sent an e-mail. (Past Perfect Active) An e-mail. (Past Perfect Passive)
He had examined her leg. (Past Perfect Active) Her. (Past Perfect Passive)
They had filmed all the scenes. (Past Perfect Active) All. (Past Perfect Passive)
They had taken the dog to school. (Past Perfect Active). (Past Perfect Passive)
They had looked after the cat. (Past Perfect Active). (Past Perfect Passive)


Exercise 4.


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