Работа с текстом по теме

Дата: 19.05.2020


Группа № 90 профессия повар, кондитер 1 курс

Тема: Чемпион (2 урок)

Форма работы: индивидуальная, электронное обучение.

Тип урока: урок изучения нового материала

Цель урока: познакомиться с творчеством заслуженного мастера спорта России Евгения Плющенко

Используемая литература: Учебник Английский язык 10 класс: учебн. для общеобразоват. организаций: базовый уровень/ (О.В. Афанасьева, Д.Дули, И.В. Михеева и др.) – М.: Express Publisching: Просвещение, 2018.


Презентация «Евгений Плющенко: биография, творчество»

Интернет- ресурсы:

1.Биография Евгения Плющенко. https://24smi.org/celebrity/75-evgenii-pliushchenko.html

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Познакомитесь с творчеством мастера спорта России Евгением Плющенко

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План изучения:

1. Изучить биографию Е. Плющенко

2. Работа с текстом по теме

3.Обобщение изученного по теме

Изучить биографию Е. Плющенко

Evgeni Plushenko (born 3 November 1982) is a figure skater from Russia. He was born and raised in the Soviet Union. He is the last of the "Soviet System" figure skaters, which took children from their parents at a young age and raised them in a training system away from home while giving them everything they needed, including housing and food and equipment, so they could become the best.

Plushenko was a very good skater as a child. At age 14, he won the World Junior Championships. At age 15, he won the bronze medal at the World Championships. He has always been coached by Alexei Mishin, a very famous Soviet and Russian skater coach. At the time of Plushenko's rise, Mishin was also coaching Alexei Yagudin. When Yagudin saw all the attention Mishin was giving Plushenko, it made Yagudin leave and find another coach. Plushenko and Yagudin had a very big rivalry that ended in 2002, when Yagudin won the Olympic Gold and Plushenko won the silver.

Between the 2002 Olympics and the 2006 Olympics, Plushenko only lost a competition twice. The first time was to Emanuel Sandhu at the 2003-2004 Grand Prix Final. The second was to Brian Joubert at the 2004 European Championships. Plushenko came close to losing the 2003 World Championships to American Timothy Goebel, but won.

Plushenko withdrew from the 2005 World Championships with injury. But he won the 2006 Olympics with a very big lead over everyone else there.

Plushenko took the 2006-2007 seasons away from skating. He was married and had a child, but he is now getting a divorce. He is trying to come back to competitive skating, but still has a lot of injuries.

Plushenko is known for his consistency and his strong jumping ability. He has done a lot of quadruple jumps in competition and in combination with other jumps. He was the first to do a lot of quadruple-jump combinations. He has also done the Biellmann spin in competition, although he has not done that recently.

Работа с текстом по теме

Evgeni Plushenko is an Olympic Champion, World Champion, European Champion, Grand Prix Champion and National Champion.
Name: Evgeni Viktorovich Plushenko (Zhenya)
Date of Birth: 3rd November, 1982
Birthplace: Solnechni in the Khabarovsk region in Siberia (moved to Volgograd when he was 3)
Family: Father - Viktor; Mother - Tatiana; Sister - Elena
Pets: A bulldog called Golden and a Persian cat
Hometown: St Petersburg (moved from Volgograd when he was 11)
Home Club/Coach: Yubileiny Sport Club; Alexei Nickolaevich Mishin
Best Personal Scores: 258.33; Short - 90.66; Free Skate - 167.67 (Olympics 2006)

Young Evgeni began life next to the railroad in a house his father built. He was a sickly child and, after Evgeni spent three months in hospital with double pneumonia, his parents decided to move to Volgograd.
When Evgeni joined his first skating group, his health quickly improved, but being the youngest meant he still had many difficulties to overcome. He used to cry when he fell on the hard ice, unable to get up again. However, Evgeni persevered and won his first competition when he was seven at the Crystal Skate Tournament in Samara.
Evgeni was obviously very talented, but his career almost ended in 1993 when the local ice rink closed. Although he was only eleven years old, Evgeni was
When Evgeni joined his first skating group, his health quickly improved, but being the youngest meant he still had many difficulties to overcome. He used to cry when he fell on the hard ice, unable to get up again. However, Evgeni persevered and won his first competition when he was seven at the Crystal Skate Tournament in Samara.
Evgeni was obviously very talented, but his career almost ended in 1993 when the local ice rink closed. Although he was only eleven years old, Evgeni was determined to pursue his dream even if it meant living alone in St Petersburg. Training with Alexei Mishin, young Evgeni ignored the teasing from older kids as he learned how to perform the quad toe loop and the Biellmann spin.
In 1998, fifteen-year-old Evgeni won the World Junior Championships and finished 3'° in the Senior World Championships. A string of victories followed, and by 2006, Evgeni had won every major championship except one. Having recovered from a serious injury, Evgeni finally won the Olympic gold medal in Turin, setting new personal bests for each phase of the competition.
The dream has come true, but where will he go from here? For a true champion like Evgeni Plushenko, victory is only a beginning.



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