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И.В.Панфилова г. Петровска Саратовской области»


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(работы на английском, немецком, русском языках, посвященные страноведению, лингвистике изучаемого иностранного языка)

Проектно-исследовательская работа на тему:

«Welcome to My Native Town»!

Работу выполнили:

обучающиеся 10 «А» класса

МОУ СОШ №3 г. Петровска

Мосолова Валентина

Горынина Ангелина,

Забелина Юлиана,


учитель английского языка

Кащеева Наталия Анатольевна


«Welcome to My Native Town»!

Как сказал Президент Российской Федерации Владимир Путин в своем Послании Федеральному Собранию Российской Федерации: «Общество требует перемен, люди хотят развития и сами стремятся двигаться вперед».

Народ, живущий в провинциальных городах, гордится своей малой Родиной и стремится заинтересовать широкую общественность историей родного края, его природными, культурными, социальными и экономическими особенностями. Однако в современном мире на фоне переплетения культур все более заметной становится утрата патриотического сознания в обществе. Развитие интереса к истории родного края – одно из эффективных средств в нравственно-патриотическом воспитании подрастающего поколения.

Для решения данной проблемы нами был разработан проект «Welcome to My Native Town!», актуальность которого состоит в том, что в соответствии с Указом Президента в 2024 году необходимо обеспечить воспитание гармонично-развитой и социально-ответственной личности на основе духовно-нравственных ценностей народов Российской Федерации, исторических и национально-культурных традиций.

Цель проекта: развитие туристско-краеведческого потенциала своей малой Родины.

Исходя из поставленной цели, были сформулированы следующие задачи:

- повысить интерес к изучению истории родного края;

- вовлечь единомышленников для создания культурно-познавательного маршрута в городе Петровске Саратовской области;

- привлечь туристов (в том числе иностранных) с целью развития культурного, экономического и социального развития города.

- создать интерактивную карту с точками, на которых будут отмечены объекты (локации), имеющие богатую и интересную историю.

Проект планируется реализовать в 2021-2022 году.

Проект «Welcome to My Native Town»! способен объединить жителей, заинтересованных в развитии туристической сферы в городе Петровске, и направлен на формирование у молодого поколения основ патриотизма, ответственности за судьбу Отечества, готовности к его защите, а также расширению общего кругозора на основе ознакомления их с культурно-историческим наследием нашего края.

Данный проект способствует вовлечению единомышленников для создания культурно-познавательного маршрута в городе Петровске и привлечению туристов (в том числе иностранных) с целью развития культурного, экономического и социального потенциала города. Роль английского языка в современном мире очевидна. С целью привлечения туристов в наш провинциальный город Петровск, нами был снят фильм на английском языке, в котором мы рассказываем об истории нашего родного города, знакомим с его историческим прошлым и настоящем, рассказываем о великих людях, которые жили и прославили его, об удивительных архитектурных сооружениях, о традициях и обычаях.

Идея создания фильма родилась после того как, люди, впервые посещающие наш город, отмечали его потенциал как туристического края не только для жителей России, но и иностранных гостей. Теперь туристы смогут не только реально, но и виртуально пройти по самым интересным маршрутам города, посетить памятники и памятные места, связанные с Героями Отечества, объекты историко-культурного наследия и другие достопримечательности.

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по городу Петровску «Welcome to My Native Town!»


Angelina: Hi, I’m Angelina!

Do you enjoy travelling?

I think everyone likes to travel. We travel to see other countries and continents, to discover different ways of life, to meet different people and to practice foreign languages.

Juliana: Hi, my name is Juliana!

It goes without saying that travelling broadens our mind. While visiting different places we get experience that we can never get staying at home and watching TV or reading books. Valentina: Hi, I’m Valentina!

Russia has always been a country of mystery and attraction not only for foreigners but also for its citizens.

You see, we are mad about travelling and we always do it if we have a chance.

Last year we visited one of the most beautiful cities in the world, the second largest city in Russia-Saint Petersburg with its magnificent architectural ensembles, unique historical monuments, museums and bridges.

While walking along the streets of Saint Petersburg we have found very much in common with our native town Petrovsk. It's surprising, but completely different places: the old merchant provincial town Petrovsk and the "Northern Capital" look like the same, sometimes.

Angelina: Dear guests,

Just imagine where we are now! We’re in Russia, Saratov region, Petrovsk.

Have you ever heard about Petrovsk?

Well, welcome to our fascinating and exciting town with a very long history.

Juliana: Our ancient town Petrovsk is the same age as Saint Petersburg. It is beautiful in its own way: quiet streets, glittering domes of temples, picturesque riverside Medveditza. Petrovsk was founded on June 29, 1698, when the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. The legend says that at the day of June 29, 1968 Peter the Great, Russian Imperator was passing the picturesque place on the bank of the Medveditza river. There was situated a small settlement with a small church. He liked the place very much and ordered to found the fortress here. And the fortress was founded.

Valentina: And you know, Peter the Great was also the founder of St. Petersburg. The building of the Peter and Paul fortress on May 16, 1703, on Zayachy Island in the Neva Delta, marked the birth of Russia’s new capital. So, we can see that the beginning of Saint Petersburg and Petrovsk is closely connected with the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul Church. This is where they have their origins.

Angelina: St. Petersburg is a city of great beauty, with marvelous palaces, cathedrals, churches and government buildings. The city is proud of its heroic past and beautiful architecture. The greatest architects of the 18th and 19th centuries created magnificent ensembles in the city. The whole city itself is a wonderful monument, a museum; it is "music fixed in stone". This northern city on the Neva River is a city of magic beauty, sung by poets and painted by artists, a city of broad, straight avenues, green parks and countless bridges and canals. Juliana: The same we can say about our small native town Petrovsk. We were very surprised when we saw the similarity of our "Iron Bridge", monuments, churches and buildings with bridges, monuments, churches and buildings of St. Petersburg.

So, Petrovsk is a typical provincial Russian town. There is so much for people to see in Petrovsk. And we can study the history of our town only walking around it. Old buildings which were built in the 18-19th centuries are still presented here. All of them are marked by memorable tables with the names of ex-owners.

Valentina: Are there any monuments in Petrovsk?

Of course, there are. In the Station Square you can see the monument to the founder of our town Peter the Great. There is a monument to the Hero of the Great Patritic War Ivan Panfilov in the courtyard of school number 3.

In the Central Square there is a monument to the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

And if you walk along the streets of Petrovsk, you’ll see lots of other ones.

Angelina: Some sights of the town have their own history. Some are very famous like this one-«The Iron Bridge». They say, that so called «The Iron Bridge» was bought by the merchants when it was transporting from Penza to Atkarsk.

Juliana: Can you visit churches in Petrovsk?

Yes, of course. Our town is known for its churches. They were built by the parishes and not long ago with a great help of citizens they were reconstructed. They did not stop their celebrations since the time they were built.

Angelina: Are there any museums or galleries?

Certainly. There are two museums and an Art Gallery in Petrovsk.

Learn about the history of our town visiting the Natural History Museum. You can see a huge bronze dog here and a big mirror. The legend says that if you look in this mirror and make a wish, it will come.

If you are fond of painting there is a famous Art Gallery for you! Enjoy the works of art not only of the famous painters, but also local artists and craftsmen.

The history of our town is closely connected with the name of I.V.Panfilov, the Hero of the Second World War. He was born, studied and lived in our town. In November 1941 he died defending Moscow. In 1943 the school where he studied was awarded the name of the Hero of the Soviet Union General Major I.V.Panfilov.

And we invite you to visit our local museum of I.V.Panfilov. It exhibits documents, photos and things which tell people about the life and deeds not only of I.V.Panfilov, but also about the heroically way of his division and 28 riflemen. The materials about life and deeds of our famous countryman were gathered by teachers, students and members of his family.

We, the students of school number 3, are very proud of the fact that we are studying at school named after the Hero of the Soviet Union I.V.Panfilov. And we are proud that we are often named the Panfilovites.

Valentina: Do Petrovchaners keep up different traditions?

Of course, we do.

Petrovsk is a town of great culture and lots of old traditions have survived up to the present days. People in Petrovsk keep their old traditions and are very proud of them. We celebrate religious holidays such as Easter, Christmas, Maslenitsa. People cook traditional food and visit churches.

The holiday that makes me especially proud is Victory Day on the 9th of May. The main ceremony is held in the Central Square in Petrovsk. There is usually ’’Immortal Regiment’’ in which a lot of people take part. On this date we usually put flowers at the tombs of the soldiers and honor the memory of our grandparents who died in the Great Patriotic War.

Juliana: Are you fond of music, dances and theatrical performances?

Knushevitsky music school is for you. You can enjoy children’s dancing, singing and playing different musical instruments.

If you like theatrical performances, folk songs or dances come to “The House of Culture”. It is a wonderful place to spend free time and to have fun.

And the best way to spend an enjoyable evening is to visit the cinema “Sovremennik”, where you can watch new movies or exciting concerts.

Angelina: Do you want to spend your free time outdoors?

No problem! Go to our famous Forest Park "Sosnovy Bor" or "Pines" as locals call it or our wonderful “Town Park” where you can walk, jog, play football, have a picnic or just relax and get away from the noise.

When it is winter you can enjoy cheesecake riding, skiing, playing snowballs or just walk and feed birds in the forest park «The Pine Forest ». It is located on the outskirts of the town and it is free. «The Sosnovy Bor » is also famous for its annual open-air festival «Creative sleigh». The festival is for kids and adults. Every year hundreds of people take part in this interesting event.

If you are fond of skating, there is a skating rink next to the sport centre. You can rent skates if you don’t have your own.

Valentina: Hungry? What about a snack or lunch?

Well, there are restaurants, cafes and eateries. I’m Russian and I grew up in Petrovsk, but many people here come from other parts of Russia or other countries. It’s very multicultural here. So there are lots of different types of food.

But if you want to try Russian food and eat like a real Petrovchaner, then I suggest you to go to “Bilina” or “Kamelot” to eat.

Juliana: What about some shopping?

Petrovsk is also a great place for shopping.

This is “Magnet”, probably the most famous store in Petrovsk. A lot of people shop here every day.

Another popular place for shopping is “Exclusive”. It’s also a centre of fashionable women’s clothes.

How to shop on budget?

Well, try the local open-air markets at Chapaeva Street and Moskovskay Street. You’ll find lots of agricultural products, clothes and other different things.

Angelina: Every town or city is proud of its people. What can you say about the Petrovchaners?

Whoever comes to Petrovsk, they all say that Petrovchaners are great. They are kind and hospitable, clever and inventive. Petrovsk is proud of its citizens who brought, are bringing and will bring the fame to the country. Such names as T.Kazankina (twice Olimpic champion), S. Knushevitsky (a famous musician), V. Prelatov (a heart surgeon), writer S.Gladkov, poet E.Martinov are widely known among all cultural and educated people not only in our country but even abroad..

Juliana: So what people like about Petrovsk? I’m going to ask a few people?

Could you tell me what you like most about Petrovsk?

Citizens of Petrovsk:

The shops, I love shopping.

Peace and quite of our town.

I enjoy beautiful landscapes.

Well, Petrovsk ’s got a lot of architectural nice buildings.

Friendly and helpful people.

The museums and galleries, especially the Panfilov’s Museum and the Art Gallery.

I like our traditions and customs.

I like all of Petrovsk.

Valentina: But as a whole, our town is still a typical Russian provincial town with straight green streets, beautiful parks and gardens, old architecture and wonderful suburbs.

Juliana: Our Petrovsk, as we have said stands on the both sides of the Medveditza river and its amazing views attract everybody, nevertheless visitors or native citizens.

Angelina: So you see, there’s lots to do in Petrovsk. Have a good time and plan a day there. You can get here by bus, by car or by taxi and stay in a wonderful hotel in the centre of the town.

Welcome to our town Petrovsk!


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