1.1 Reasons for the Growth of Cultural Tourism.. 6
1.2 The Definition of the Term “Cultural Tourism”. 8
Tourism is one of the most dynamic phenomena of the modern world. Recently, tourism is developing rapidly. Nowadays, you can hardly find a person who had never traveled. Scholars identify many different types of tourism, such as eco-tourism, cultural tourism, extreme tourism, sports tourism and so on. They differ in the motivation of travelling, visited places, tourist interest. Although in some countries, tourism is still not recognized as an academic science, many researchers studydifferent types of tourism.
In my opinion the most interesting type of tourism is a cultural tourism. Moreover, this is the oldest form of tourism whichappearedin the II millennium BC. All other types of tourism somehow include cultural tourism.
There is a lot of specialized literature, in which scientists consider the specificity of cultural tourism. For example,“Cultural tourism in Europe” edited by Greg Richards. This book consists of the data collected by the ATLAS Cultural Tourism Project and combines data presentation and analysis of development of cultural tourism in different areas of Europe. The first five chapters contain general themes. In the first part of the book the problems of cultural tourism are described in general. Here you can learn some facts about the history of cultural tourism; social, political and economic aspects of cultural tourism and learn about the specific definition of cultural tourism.In the second part of the book cultural tourism in separate European countries is discussed. The author collected material about the development of cultural tourism in 11 countries from the European Union. Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, France are among its.
In my opinion, the book has practical as well as academic value. This book is useful for students studying tourism andfor professionals working in tourism industry. The book includes a lot of terms and specific tourist abbreviations. This fact makes it difficult to learn, but does not influent on the value of the information.
The purpose of this review is to analyze the cultural tourism in Europe according to the book by Greg Richards.
The objectives of the study are: to analyze the specificity of rapid growth of cultural tourism all over the world; to identify the accurate determinationof the term cultural tourism and to study the history of the development of cultural tourism in Europe in the context of global tourism.
These problems are solved in two chapters of thisreview. The first one is devoted to the definition of cultural tourism and analysis of the factors of its rapid growth. In the second one we study the history of development of the phenomenon of cultural tourism.
Reasons for the Growth of Cultural Tourism
Before moving onto the question of definition, however, it is important to consider why cultural tourism has grown so rapidly last years. We are interested in this problem, because the way in which cultural tourism has developed has arguably answered the question of its definition.
Nowadays the relationship between tourism and culture illustrates that the cultural tourism market represents the latest phase in a long process of convergence between culture and tourism. In the past, culture and tourism have been the separate spheres of social life. Many scientists believe that now the barriers between culture and tourism are disappearing. It is a result of two parallel processes. The first one is the culturisation of society. Every day a person is faced with different spheres of cultural life. Each of us reads books, listens to music, visits museums, is interested in the latest news. Distinction between ‘high’ and ‘low’ culture, ‘art’ and ‘life’ is disappearing rapidly. Objects and people have become more mobile ones, and boundaries between previously distinct cultures are increasingly being eliminated.
The second reason is the culturisation of tourist practices. Nowadays tourism itself has become a culture or a way of life for great number of people. One might argue that all tourism is cultural. The number of people visiting cultural attractions is growing. According to the European Heritage Group, attendance at museums, historical monuments and archaeological sites has doubled between 1977 and 1997. Moreover many tour operators advertise historical cities, attractions and cultural activities. So we can say that they make cultural tourism more popular and fashionable for modern tourists.
No doubt, one of the most important arguments is that there is an increased interest in culture. However, recent research on cultural tourism in some European countries has tended to suggest that tourists are not particularly any more interested in culture than they were in the past. They say more tourists are visiting cultural attractions today simply because there are tourists, not because they are culturally interested. Educationallevel has risen, that’s why the level of cultural competence has increased in society. This means that more people could appreciate the culture presented by ’high’ cultural attractions such as museums, theatres or the opera. This effect has been demonstrated very clearly for attendance at museums in France, the UK and the Netherlands.
Another cultural trend that is important in the growth of the cultural tourism is the growth of nostalgia. The increasing pace of life and the feeling of disorientation are associated with modernity. People want to feel calm being nearby objects of cultural tourism, such as Egyptian pyramids, because they are centuries years old. The growth of nostalgia is also related to the aging population in Europe and elsewhere. They say, that as people get older, their feelings of nostalgia increase, and they are more likely to visit heritage attractions related to their own past.
One more reason why cultural tourism is developing rapidly is that this kind of tourism a growth market. This fact has stimulated many regions and countries to promote cultural tourism as an economic development tool. Tourism in general and cultural tourism in particular has come to be seen as major sources of jobs and income. One reason why cultural tourism in particular is a useful development tool for so many regions is the fact that every place has culture it can develop – unlike the development of beach tourism, which requires at least a coastline.
1.2 The Definition of the Term “Cultural Tourism”
What is cultural tourism? As McKercher and Du Cros said: “this seemingly simple question is actually very difficult to answer because there are almost as many definitions of cultural tourism as there are cultural tourists”. The reason for this complex situation is simple, as the definition of culture itself is so difficult. “Culture” is one of the most complicated words in the English language, and it has just as much variation in interpretation in most other languages as well.
Cultural tourism was largely associated with history not with culture in the past. So we have a term cultural-historic tourism. The problem of defining culture has been accentuated in recent years by the additional meanings and functions of the term “culture”. It was a result of the democratization of culture and the increasing role of culture in everyday life. The growth of culture tourism is one reason for appearance of terms such as heritage tourism, arts tourism, ethnic tourism and others. These terms seem to be almost interchangeable, but it is rarely clear whether people are talking about the same thing. The phenomenon of the cultural tourism has the broad nature and this fact generate a wide range of different definitions. Most of these definitions have been formulated for a specific purpose, and therefore tend to address only one aspect of cultural tourism.
Scientists argue that it could be identified four different types of cultural tourism definitions. It depends on different aspects of cultural tourism. For example, some definitions say something about the nature of the cultural tourism experience, they try to understand the nature of cultural tourism in general. Others concentrate on identifying cultural tourists, cultural tourism activity, the tourism industry or the tourism system.
We have already mentioned that the phenomenon of cultural tourism has a long tradition. When we use the term “cultural tourism” we mean the so-called cultural-motivated travel. The term “cultural tourism” appeared in the 1980s of 20th century and was closely linked with the so-called "heritage tourism" phenomenon.
We can identify cultural tourism in the broad and narrow sense. When we talk about cultural tourism in the broadest sense we link tourism and visiting museums, exhibitions, cultural and historical sites, all kinds of entertainment in general (they are festivals, concerts, theme parks).
If we talk about the hard interest in culture as a travel motive, we describe cultural tourism as a relatively small segment of the tourism market. In that case we talk about cultural tourism in the narrow sense. According to studies only 10% of holidaymakers are interested in culture as the current, and 90% prefer to combine an interest in culture with other forms of entertainment.
However, regardless of the aspects in the definition of the term cultural tourism, we can distinguish the specific principles of this kind of tourism:
• the tourist interest to the culture;
• study of cultural monuments (both high culture and the culture of everyday life);
• participation in cultural events (festivals, public holidays).
There are many definitions of cultural tourism. Some of them are very different from each other, even opposed, but all of them reflect the specific of cultural tourism. But nevertheless, we can say that cultural tourism includes not only the cultural landscape of the area, the arts, cultural and historical heritage, but also the way of life of people in the region, their traditions and culture. For example, one of the most respected organizations in the field of culture – the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) gives a very detailed definition of cultural tourism, based on the values and characteristics of both the heritage of the region, and its cultural values. Cultural tourism – is a form of tourism, which aims are getting acquainted with the culture and the cultural environment of the country.
Cultural tourism has been defined as “the movement of persons to cultural attractions away from their normal place of residence, with the intention to gather new information and experiences to satisfy their cultural needs”. These cultural needs can include the solidification of one's own cultural identity, by observing the exotic "other".
Sowe can say, that cultural tourism (or culture tourism) is the subset of tourism concerned with a country or region's culture, specifically the lifestyle of the people in those geographical areas, the history of those people, their art, architecture, religion(s), and other elements that helped shape their way of life. Cultural tourism includes tourism in urban areas, particularly historic or large cities and their cultural facilities such as museums and theatres. It can also include tourism in rural areas showcasing the traditions of indigenous cultural communities (i.e. festivals, rituals), and their values and lifestyle. It is generally agreed that cultural tourists spend substantially more than standard tourists do. This form of tourism is also becoming generally more popular throughout the world.
First of all, we should mention, that it was Europe where the tourism and culture have always been closely linked.
Europe is indeed a key cultural tourism destination, with a large number of major sites and a strong flow of international and domestic visitors. It is estimated that cultural tourism accounts for around 40% of all European tourism. Tourists are more and more looking for true experiences, for meeting and getting to know other people and other cultures. Tourism policies will need to adapt to these trends and develop a quality offer promoting local cultures and traditions and paying attention to sustainable aspects: preservation of the heritage, of the landscape, of the local culture. Transnational cultural tourism products represent common European shared values and heritage. They contribute to present and promote Europe as a "unique tourism destination".
Cultural tourism has a long history.
Some scientists argue that the first "cultural tourists" are considered to be theancient Romans, who took trips to Greece or Egypt to search the culture of more ancient civilizations. At the same time some archaeological researches show that the cultural tours was taken by the residents of ancient Egypt in the middle of the II millennium BC. Egyptians traveled for pleasure and visited such cultural places as the Sphinx and the three great pyramids of Giza. Archaeologists found numerous graffiti of the first "cultural tourists" on the walls of monuments. These graffiti show the purpose of such travels. In particular, the inscription which was made in 1244 BC says: «Hadnachte, Secretary of the Treasury, came here to take a tour and have fun with his brother Panachti...».
Some scientists believe that the so-called cultural tourism took place in ancient Greece. Widely known that Greek philosophers often traveled, visiting scientific and cultural centers of the ancient world. In addition, many Greeks and Romans visited the most famous sights of their time. The graffiti on the walls of Egyptian tombs and other historical monuments evidence about the existence of cultural tourism in ancient world.
The cultural and educational tourism was well known in Roman Empire. Rome was filled with Greek art and culture so it caused the interest fortraveling to Greece.
Also we should mention the religious tourism, which appeared in the Middle Ages. People traveled to the places associated with the life of Christian saints or place of their burial, such as Santiago de Compostella.
The world “tourism” is closely linked with the concept “Grand Tour”. These tours were organized in Europe in the seventeenth century for aristocrats and it was an integral part of education at the time. During the trip travelers studied ancient classical world and the Renaissance. Soon such tours became more affordable and popular among the middle class.
This time Europe became a center of cultural tourism, so cultural artifacts from all corners of the world were brought to Europe and became the basis of European museums. In such museums visitors could learn about the history and culture of far countries in which they could not go. The first European museums appeared in the 18th and 19th century. Soon such museums as Louvre and Prado became one of the components of cultural tourism. Tourism can widely contribute to the wealth of a country in promoting its cultural heritage. Unfortunately, it can also endanger it. Thanks to the leading role of museums in protection and conservation of heritage and in the promotion of cultural diversity, museums are able to promote the essential interaction between protecting the cultural heritage and cultural development.
A great role in the spread of tourism among the middle class belonged to so-called “package tours” by Thomas Cook. He organized rather cheap trips first in England and then across Europe.
Cultural motives for travel continued to be important in European tourism until the First World War. The new trend of cultural tourism in this time was the development of domestic tourism in European countries.
New tourist boom began after the Second World War. It was the period when the tourists from relatively prosperous areas of northern Europe found the cheap Mediterranean sun. At that time culture as the goal of tourism was forgotten about. This period in the history of the development of tourism, we can call “the period of 3S”. “3S” means “the sun, sea, sand”. In the term of size the cultural tourism operators remained dwarfed by the sun, sea, sand production giants. This situation reached its peak in the 1970s.
Tourism had become a global industry by the late 1970s. Traveling became fashionable, prestigious and less expensive. Tourism became a mass phenomenon and this had led to a number of negative consequences. One of these consequences is congestion of the tourist centers. Favorite tourist beaches in the Mediterranean were over-crowded and many tourists had to find less crowded alternative. Other tourists turned to the forgotten cultural tourism. Many tour operators decided to combine a “3S holiday” and sightseeing, visiting museums, participation in cultural and public events. There was a connection of beach holidays and cultural tourism.
Modern tourists are interested almost in everything: culture, traditions and lives of others. Therefore, cultural tourism today is considered to be one of the most popular kinds of tourism.
In this work we consider the phenomenon of cultural tourism. We have studied such problems as the definition of cultural tourism, its history and development this type of tourism in the modern world. At this part of work I would like to make a number of conclusions on the issues discussed.
Firstly, tourism in generalnowadays is a basic sector of the economy of many countries and a powerful economic development tool. Tourism creates jobs, provides new business opportunities and strengthens local economies. When cultural heritage tourism development is done right, it also helps to protect nation’s natural and cultural treasures and improve the quality of life for residents and visitors alike. Linking tourism with heritage and culture can do more for local economies than promoting them separately.
Secondly, the governments of most European countries areinterested in the development of cultural tourism.Moreover cultural tourism can be developed in almost every country, as there is no need for such tourist attractions as mountains or sea. For many nations around the world, cultural tourism is not only a major industry but also a support for national identity and a means for preserving heritage. Politicians, tourist operators and cultural attraction managers around the world continue to view cultural tourism as an important potential source of tourism growth. This form of tourism is becoming generally more popular throughout Europe, but also in South America (Chile, Mexico) and in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan).
In third, there is a general view that cultural tourism is ’good’ tourism. It attracts high spending visitors and does little damage to the environment or local culture. At the same timeit contributes a great deal to the economy and supportsthe culture. Otherscientists, however, have suggested that cultural tourism may do more harm than good. They say that cultural tourism is a kind of mass tourist and it allows tourists to penetrate sensitive cultural environment and destroy it. It is difficult to say whether an optimistic or a pessimistic view of cultural tourism is correct, just because we know remarkably little about it. We cannot clearly answer the questions “Who are the cultural tourists? What are their motivations? Where do they go?”.Sowe cannot identify the market of cultural tourism. One of the reasons for the lack of information is the fact that a consistent definition of cultural tourism does not exist. Individual studies offer different definitions, which makes them difficult to compare. At the same time it is a very important issue. We don’t know the clear definition of cultural tourism so we cannot answer the questions “who the cultural tourists are, or how many there are”. As we do not know the answers to these questions, we cannotmarket cultural tourism effectively or plan for the management of cultural tourism.
Modern cultural tourism is an apparent paradox. It is a form of tourism that has become so popular that everybody seems familiar with it and many people are keen to develop it, but the questions ofitsclear definition and direction of its development are still needed to be addressed.
1. Richards Gr. Cultural tourism in Europe // Gr. Richards, – CAB International, – New York, 1996.
2. Russian English Dictionary // compiled by V.D. Arakin, Z. S. Vigodskaja, N.N. Iljina, – “Soviet encyclopedia” publishing House, – Moscow, 1970.
3. ABBYY Lingvo.Pro // [electronic resources]. – Access mode:
1. Accreditation – аккредитация, сертификация
2. Add-on – нет эквивалента в русском языке, означает: компоненты пэкэдж тура.
3. Adventuretourism – приключенческий туризм.
4. Agencycontract - агентский договор – договор между турагентом и туроператором.
5. Airlineclassesofservice – авиакласс -туристический класс (уровень) обслуживания на самолетах.
6. Airlinefare – авиатариф.
7. Air-seatour – комбинированный воздушно-морской тур.
8. All-inclusive – все включено – вид туристического обслуживания в отелях.
9. Alternativetourism – альтернативный туризм – нестандартные виды туризма (некропольный туризм, нарко-туризм и т.д.).
10. Americanplan – американский план – один типов размещения в отелях (включает размещение, завтрак, ланч, ужин).
11. Artefact – артефакт.
12. Attraction – достопримечательность; аттракция:
13. Attractor – то, что привлекает, притягивает само по себе;
14. Backtoback – нет эквивалента в русском языке, означает: не прерывающееся путешествие, т.е. когда между услугами нет временных разрывов.
15. Backpacker – пеший турист.
16. Beachtourism – пляжный туризм.
17. Bedandbreakfast (B&B) – нет эквивалента в русском языке, означает: вид размещения, предлагающий ночлег и завтрак, включенный в стоимость.
18. Bellcaptain – посыльный, портье.
19. Block – группа, блок мест – количество номеров в гостинице, мест на борту самолета и т.д., которые бронирует туроператор и продает в составе своего тура.
20. Booking – бронирование.
21. Bookingform – нет эквивалента в русском языке, означает: форма, которая заполняется при бронировании тура или заказе гостиницы;
22. Bulkfare – нет эквивалента в русском языке, означает: цена на места в средствах размещения и транспортировку со скидкой для операторов за раннее бронирование.
23. Business tourism – деловойтуризм.
24. Carrier – перевозчик.
25. CarryingCapacity – пропускная способность; вместимость (о машине, автобусе), грузоподъёмность.
26. Catalog – каталог.
27. Certification – аттестация, сертификация.
28. Chamber of commerce – торговаяпалата.
29. Charter – чартер, чартерная перевозка.
30. Circletrip – круговой маршрут.
31. Cityguide – экскурсовод, гид.
32. Coachtour – автобусный тур.
33. Coastline – береговая линия.
34. Commercialrate – коммерческие расценки – договор между туроператорами и гостиницами об установлении специальной цены или льготных условий.
35. Commission – комиссионное вознаграждение.
36. Community – община; местное сообщество, население; вместе живущие люди.
37. Complimentaryroom – нет эквивалента в русском языке, означает: бесплатная комната для сопровождающего или водителей.
38. Computerreservationsystems – компьютерные системы бронирования.
39. Conservation – консервация – средство для защиты окружающей среды и памятников истории от вредного воздействия среды и туристов.
40. Continentalbreakfast – континентальный завтрак – один из видов питания в отеле.
41. Continentalplan – континентальный план – один типов размещения в отелях (включает в себя континентальный завтрак и размещение).
42. Co-op tour – горящийтур.
43. Courier – агент, представитель туристического бюро.
44. Culturalevent – культурное событие.
45. Culturaltourism – культурный туризм.
46. Culture – культура.
47. Dayrate – бронирование комнаты на день.
48. Daytour – тур, который длится менее 24 часов. Аналог в русском языке – экскурсия.
49. Deadheading – нет эквивалента в русском языке, означает: перевозка транспортного средства без туристов.
50. Deluxetour – нет эквивалента в русском языке, означает: тур, сделанный по завышенным стандартам.
51. Demographics – демографические характеристики.
52. Departurepoint – место отправлении.
53. Designation – нет эквивалента в русском языке, означает: обозначение на здании о историко-культурной ценности, или о предстоящей реставрации, консервации.
54. Destination – пункт назначения; конечный пункт маршрута.
55. Directflight – прямой перелет (без пересадки).
56. DistanceLearning – дистанционное обучение (изучение). В контексте туризма изучение и выбор туристических маршрутов и стран без помощи туристических агентов.
57. Docent – экскурсовод, гид.
58. Domestictourism – внутренний туризм.
59. Doubledouble – 2-х местный номер (с двумя двуспальными кроватями).
60. Double-occupancyrate – плата за место в комнате (не за всю комнату).
61. Double-roomrate – плата за 2-х местную комнату.
62. Downgrade – даунгрэйд (снижение качества номера, уровня сервиса).
63. Driver-guide – сопровождающий туристического автобуса.
64. Dutyfree – дьюти-фри – система беспошлинной торговли в аэропортах, на бортах самолетов, паромах и других транспортных средствах, или в отдельных местах посещения иностранцев.
65. Duty-freeimports – нет эквивалента в русском языке, означает: товары, импортируемые в страну на которые на накладывается налог (duty-free).
66. Dwelltime – время пребывания (на курорте, при осмотре достопримечательностей).
67. Ecosystem – экосистема.
68. Ecotour – экотур.
69. Ecotourism – экологический туризм – форма туризма, основанная на посещении относительно нетронутых антропогенным воздействием природных территорий.
70. Educationaltour – образовательные тур.
71. Educational/interpretivesignage – нет эквивалента в русском языке, означает: схемы, указатели, памятки, содержащие краткую информацию о месте посещения.
72. Environment – окружающая среда.
73. Errorsandomissionsinsurance – нет эквивалента в русском языке, означает: страхование от ошибки или небрежности сотрудников туристической фирмы.
74. Escort – сопровождающий на маршруте.
75. Escortedgrouptour – нет эквивалента в русском языке, означает: организованный групповой тур с сопровождающим от туристической фирмы.
76. Escortedservice – нет эквивалента в русском языке, означает: услуги по сопровождению группы на маршруте.
77. Ethnictour – этнический тур.
78. Europeanplan – европейский план – тип размещения в гостинице, включающий только размещение, без питания.
79. Excursion – экскурсия.
80. Excursionists – экскурсанты.
81. Exhibition – выставка.
82. Extension – услуги, которые не включены в основной тур, но могут быть заказаны туристом дополнительно (билеты в аквапарк, поездки в Диснейленд и т.д.). Эквивалент в русском языке – дополнительные услуги.
83. FAM (familiarization) tour – фам-тур (рекламный тур) – информационный тур для работников туристического бизнеса. Чаще всего бесплатный или с большими скидками.
84. Festival – фестиваль.
85. Fixedcosts – фиксированные цены (стоимость).
86. Fixedexpense – постоянные издержки – те издержки, которые не зависят от количества туристов (например, аренда автобуса).
87. Flagcarrier – международный перевозчик – перевозчик, работающий на международных маршрутах.
88. Fly/drive tour – авиатур, автотур.
89. Force majeure – форс-мажор.
90. Foreign Independent Travel or Foreign Individual Travel – FIT – нетэквивалентаврусскомязыке, означает: неорганизованныйтуризм, индивидуальныетуры.
91. Fulfillmentpiece – нет эквивалента в русском языке, означает: рекламные буклеты, видео материалы, которые рекламируют определенный тур.
92. Fullhouse – нет эквивалента в русском языке, означает: отель, где нет свободных мест.
93. Functionroom – конференц зал.
94. Gatewaycity – нет эквивалента в русском языке, означает: город с международным аэропортом; место (город, аэропорт) откуда вылетают туристы.
95. Geotourism – геотуризм – туризм, цель которого является изучение географической характеристики региона.
96. Globalisation – глобализация.
97. Groundoperator – нет эквивалента в русском языке, означает: туристический оператор, который занимается организацией отдыха и туристического сервиса в конкретной стране (т.е. для нужд внутреннего и въездного туризма). Синоним рецептивного туроператора.
98. Groupleader – нет эквивалента в русском языке, означает: заказчик//человек, который собирает группу лиц для туристической поездки, которую может организовывать как самостоятельно, так и с помощью туристических фирм.
99. Grouprate – групповая скидка.
100. Grouptour – групповой тур.
101. Hedonism – гедонизм.
102. Heritage – наследие – в отношении туризма в русском языке – историко-культурное наследие.
103. Heritagesite – объект историко-культурного наследия региона.
104. Highconservationvalue – объект, обладающей значительной историко-культурной ценностью.
105. History – история.
106. Holidaymakers – отдыхающие.
107. Hospitality – гостеприимство – специфический туристический термин, описывающий индустрию гостеприимства (встречи туристов. размещении и т.д.).
108. HotelPackage – гостиничные пакеты услуг (наборы услуг, предлагаемые в отелях; могут включать в себя размещение, питание, трансфер и т.д.).
109. Human-madeattraction – рукотворная достопримечательность, объект материальной культуры.
110. Immigration – иммиграция.
111. Inboundtour – тур, который начинается не в стране проживания туриста.
112. Inboundtouroperator – инкаминговый туроператор, т.е. туроператор, который делает туры по своей стране для приезжих туристов.
113. Incentivetour – поощрительный тур – тур, организованный в качестве поощрения или стимулирования работника.
114. Incidentals – дополнительные расходы.
115. Inclusivetour – нет эквивалента в русском языке, означает: тур, который включает в себя размещение, питание, и все дополнительные услуги.
116. Independenttour – нет эквивалента в русском языке, означает: тур, который продается туристу в розницу, не включает в себя сопровождение.
117. Informationsystems – информационная система.
118. Infrastructure – инфраструктура.
119. Inquiry – запрос/справка – требование более подробной информации о туре, стране, достопримечательностях.
120. Intermediary – посредник – в туризме турагентства.
121. Intermediatecarrier – трансфер.
122. Intermodaltour – комбинированный тур – включает в себя использование нескольких видов средств передвижения.
123. Internationaltourism – международный туризм.
124. Itinerary – программа тура.
125. Landoperator – местный туроператор, рецептивный.
126. Leadtime – время разработки тура.
127. Leg – перемещение – часть пути между двумя запланированными остановками.
128. Leisure – свободное время.
129. Leisuretravel – путешествие с целью удовольствия и отдыха.
130. Length of stay – времяпребывания.
131. Lifestyle – образжизни.
132. Low season – низкийсезон.
133. Mass or mainstream tourism – массовыйтуризм.
134. Meetandgreet – встречи и прием туристов.
135. Modeoftravel – средство передвижения.
136. Motivation – мотивация.
137. Museum – музей.
138. Mysterytour – мистический тур.
139. Naturalattraction – природная достопримечательность.
140. Naturetourism – экологический туризм – туризм направленный на посещение природы, нетронутой человеком.
141. Off-peak – низкий сезон, мертвый сезон.
142. Outboundtourism – нет эквивалента в русском языке, означает: путешествие из своей страны в другие (за границу).
143. PackageTour – пэкэдж тур – любой тур (индивидуальный или групповой), включающий в себя некоторый набор услуг (перевозка, размещение, питание, экскурсии и т.д.), общая продажная стоимость которого равна стоимости его элементов.
144. Packager – субъект туризма, который организовывает пэкэдж туры.
145. Passport – паспорт.
146. Portofentry – пограничный переход.
147. Postmodernism – постмодернизм.
148. Post-tourist – пост-туристы – путешественники, для которых туризм – это образ жизни, которые постоянно экспериментируют и пробуют различные виды туризма.
149. Protectedarea – охраняемая зона.
150. Rackcard – туристическая брошюра.
151. Rackrate – нет эквивалента в русском языке, означает: официальные расценки отеля, и других туристических сервисов.
152. Reassurancesign – указатели, которые применяются на маршрутах.
153. Receptiveoperator – рецептивный туроператор, туроператор на приеме.
154. Resort – курорт.
155. Responsibletourism – ответственный туризм, вид туризма, при котором турист тщательно подбирает тур, учитывая все за и против.
156. Retailagency – ритейловые туроператоры – туроператоры продающие туры непосредственно населению.
157. Roomservice – обслуживание номеров.
158. Roominglist – нет эквивалента в русском языке, означает: список гостей составляемый туристической фирмой для гостиницы.
159. Run-of-the-houserate – ранофхауз – вид размещения, при котором комнаты для группы предоставляются на усмотрение отеля.
160. Scheduledflights – регулярный рейс.
161. Scheduledtour – регулярные туры, которые проводятся туроператором постоянно, по плану.
162. Seasonality – сезонность.
163. Shells – брошюры, которые содержат только иллюстрации, без текста. Одна из разновидностей каталогов.
164. Shoreexcursion – береговое обслуживание – совокупность услуг (экскурсий, театральных представлений и т.д.), предоставляемых участнику круиза в портах захода круизного судна в период его стоянки.
165. Shoulderseason – межсезонье – период между высоким и низким туристическими сезонами.
166. Sightseeing companies – экскурсионныебюро.
167. Sightseeing guide – экскурсовод.
168. Sightseeing tour – экскурсия.
169. Social tourism – социальныйтуризм.
170. Souvenir – сувенир.
171. Special event tour – событийныйтур (элементсобытийноготуризма).
172. Standard – стандарт, закон, ГОСТ.
173. Statetraveloffice – организация, которая ответственна за продвижение туризма в регионе.
174. Subcontractor – филиал (местный туроператор/турагент, который работает на более крупные компании в другом регионе).
175. Supplier – поставщик туристических услуг (перевозчик, средства размещения и питания).
176. Tariff – тариф.
177. Teaserpiece – горячая цена – спецпредложение.
178. Themetour – тематический тур.
179. Ticklersystem – нет эквивалента в русском языке, означает: система бронирования и продажи билетов.
180. Tour – тур – туристская поездка по определенному маршруту в определенный срок с определенным комплексом услуг.
181. Tourcatalog – туристический каталог.
182. Tourmanager – туристический менеджер, менеджер туристической организации.
183. Tourmenu – туристической меню – меню, где несколько блюд предлагается по спец цене для туристов.
184. Touroperator – туроператор – туристическая фирма, занимающаяся разработкой туров, рассчитанных на массовый потребительский спрос, их рекламой и сбытом через сеть розничных турагентов.
185. Tourism – туризм.
186. TourismExports – экспорт туристических услуг.
187. Tourismflows – туристический поток/поток туристов.
188. Tourismgeography – география туризма.
189. TourismIndustry – туристическая индустрия.
190. Tourisminfrastructure – туристическая инфраструктура.
191. TourismMarket – туристический рынок/рынок туруслуг.
192. Tourismproduct – туристический продукт.
193. Tourist – турист.
194. Touristattractions – туристическая достопримечательность.
195. Touristroute – туристический маршрут.
196. Transfer – трансфер.
197. Transit visa – транзитнаявиза.
198. Travelagent – турагент – туристская фирма, занимающаяся реализацией туров населению, организуемых туроператорами.
199. Traveller'scheque – дорожный чек.
200. Upgrade – апгрейд – предоставление услуги размещения (номера) с повышением категории без взимания с туриста дополнительной платы.
201. Valueseason – низкий сезон (мертвый сезон).
202. Variablecosts – варьируемая стоимость.
203. Visa – туристическая виза.
204. Visitor – посетитель.
205. Visitorattractions – достопримечательности, объекты туристического интереса.
206. Voucher – ваучер – документ, выданный туристской или транспортной фирмой в подтверждение того, что турист оплатил конкретные виды услуг.
207. Waitlist – лист ожидания.
208. WorldHeritageArea – область (местность), включенная в список всемирного культурного наследия ЮНЕСКО.
209. Worldheritagesite – достопримечательность (объект), включенный в список всемирного культурного наследия ЮНЕСКО.
210. WTO – WorldTourismOrganization – Всемирная туристическая организация.