The story of the Bicycle
As people try to use less energy, and find alternatives to cars, more and more people are buying, and riding, bicycles. But where did the bicycle come from? Who invented this "velocipede"?.
You may be surprised to learn that the humble bicycle was invented several years later than the railway locomotive! But the two-wheeler has come a long way since the day it was invented by a Scottish blacksmith, Kirkpatrick MacMillan, back (it is said) in 1839.
MacMillan developed his bike from an older wheeled vehicle, called a "hobby horse". This was a wooden horse with two wheels. The rider sat on the horse, and pushed the vehicle along with his feet. It was not a very fast or safe vehicle, since it had no steering and no brakes.
MacMillan, nicknamed Mad Pate, modified the hobby horse, by adding a system of articulated bars. The rider could push the bars back and forwards with his feet, and make the back wheel go round. He could also steer the bike, as the front wheel could be turned.
To demonstrate his invention, he cycled 60 miles to Glasgow! It must have been a terrible journey, on the roads of the day! Pate's bike did not have rubber tyres or springs.
Mad Pate was not recognised in his time, but other people became interested in bicycles. Twenty-five years later, a Frenchman called Pierre Lallemant designed and patented the first bicycle with rotary pedals; and in 1876, H.J.Lawson added another basic feature, "chain- drive ".
Other features, such as rubber tyres and gears, have appeared since then; but the basic bicycle has not changed.
Since then the bicycle has had a magnificent fortune. Today, it is probably the most common form of transport in the world, especially in the Third World; and non-polluting and easy to ride, it has a big future as the town vehicle of tomorrow. Thanks Pate!
In 1497 a German fisherman caught a ringed pike dated 1230. This meant that the pike was more than two hundred and sixty-seven years old. But the pike cannot compete with a turtle found in 1737 and brought to the London Zoo. When the turtle was found, scientists studied it and said that it was more than a century old. Two hundred years later, the same turtle was still living in the Zoo. There are also crocodiles that live as long as turtles.
We all know that large parrots live long. There is one that lived 140 years. There are other birds that live to be a century old. But elephants do not usually live so long – not more than 50 to 70 years. The life of lions is even shorter – not more than 30 years.
But the animals who live the longest lives cannot compete with members of the plant world. Little blueberry plants can live more than three hundred years. Scientists have shown that Mexican cypress trees can live ten thousand years; but the prize for long life belongs to a tree in Australia that can live fifteen thousand years.
Самые старые растения и животные
В 1497 году в Германии рыбак поймал окольцованную щуку; на кольце стояла дата – 1230 год. Это означало что щуке более чем 267 лет. Но даже щука не может соревноваться с черепахой, пойманной в 1737 году привезенной в лондонский зоопарк. Ученые изучили её и выяснили, что ей более, чем 100 лет. 200 лет спустя, эта черепаха все еще жила в зоопарке. Так же существуют виды крокодилов, которые могут прожить столько же сколько черепахи.
Мы все знаем, что большие попугаи живут долго. Был один попугай, который дожил до 140 лет. Так же есть птицы, которые живут почти 100 лет. А вот слоны, как правило, не живут долго – от 50 до 70 лет. Продолжительность жизни львов еще короче – не больше 30 лет.
Но даже животные, живущие так долго, не могут соревноваться с растениями. Маленькое растение голубика живет более чем 300 лет. Ученые выяснили, что мексиканские кипарисы могут прожить 10 тысяч лет. Но первое место принадлежит дереву, растущему в Австралии, которому около 15 тысяч лет.
I. In 1989 a young Australian was travelling around Europe and found
himself at his British hotel after closing time — at 10 in the morning.
While most of us might take this as an opportunity to find a cosy bed
and breakfast or at least a dry bench in a railway station, Matt Lassiter
spotted a business opportunity. Knowing that he was not alone and that
thousands of backpacking youngsters were wandering the world with
heavy bags and fat wallets, Lassiter came up with a plan to start his own
hostels that made young visitors feel at home whenever they arrived.
"I realised there was not so much a gap in the backpackers market, but
rather a canyon!"
II. A couple of years later, Lassiter formed his own company which he
called Roamers. His intention was to focus on creating hostels which
would provide accommodation for the dynamic youth tourism market.
"The average backpacker, around 18—21, is likely to be highly educated,
often taking time off between school and university and usually has quite
a lot of money to spend and these are the people Roamers sets out to
attract," says Lassiter.
III. Today, Roamers operates in more than 20 countries, has 70 hostels
and provides 1.5 million bed nights each year. Lassiter says that each
hostel is like a kindly aunt or uncle looking after young people.
IV. Backpackers like that and their parents like it even more, not because
Roamers is a fun environment, but because Roamers offers a safe and
secure form of accommodation.
V. A typical hostel has showers and toilets on each floor, a "chill out"
room with television, food, bar and drinks facilities, a laundry room and
internet access with free e-mail usage. Lassiter was very aware that his
young, bright customers would all be familiar with the Internet and that it
would play an important part in marketing his company.
VI. Part of Lassiter's success is knowing that backpackers want to feel
like explorers. "We have to be very careful how we market our products —
it must be their decision and not seen as a package holiday — we make
them think they are independent." The Roamers technique is to offer
pre-booked two or four-day tours, a couple of nights recovering from
jet-lag, a welcome pack, clean sheets — no sleeping bags — and a free call
home. The formula is certainly working, which just goes to show that
Lassiter's instincts are exactly right for this growing holiday market.
1. How did Matt Lassiter react to the British hotel closing in the
1) He looked for alternative accommodation.
2) He decided to continue his journey.
3) It gave him an idea for the future.
2. What did Lassiter think would help young travellers?
1) To be more aware of looking after their money.
2) To accept that accommodation can vary.
3) To find more welcoming accommodation.
3. Roamers hostels are designed for young people who
1) are studying part-time.
2) have freedom and leisure.
3) are living on a small budget.
4. Why are parents in favour of Roamers?
D1) They approve of the entertainment on offer.
2) They don't worry about their children's safety.
3) They like the fact that their children have fun.
5. Lassiter is successful because
1) he has researched his market.
2) travelling can depend on his advice.
3) explorers benefit from his hostels.
Определите, в каком значении употреблено указанное слово в тексте.
6. spotted
2) missed
3) gave up
7. was aware
1) was worried
2) doubted
3) understood
Выберите правильный вариант перевода (1, 2 или 3) в соответствии с содержанием текста.
8. While most of us might take this as an opportunity to find a cosy
bed and breakfast...
1) В то время как большинство из нас могло воспользоваться этим,
так же как и возможностью найти удобный ночлег...
2) В то время как большинство из нас воспользовалось бы этим как
возможностью найти удобный ночлег...
3) В то время как большинство из нас согласились бы с этим, так
как у них появилась бы возможность найти удобный ночлег...
9. The average backpacker, around 18—21, is likely to be highly
1) Средний турист, в возрасте от 18 до 21 года, скорее всего, хорошо образован...
2) Средний турист, в возрасте от 18 до 21 года, хочет получить высшее образование...
3) Средний турист, в возрасте от 18 до 21 года, привлекателен своей образованностью...
10.... and a free call home. (§ VI)
1)... и свободное посещение дома.
2)... и бесплатный звонок домой.
3)... и неограниченные приглашения к себе.
3-3-2-2-1-1-3-2-1-2Конец формы