Patterns of translation.

Министерство образования Российской Федерации Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего

Профессионального образования

Северо-Западный государственный заочный технический университет

Кафедра иностранных языков

Левенштерн В.В.





III семестр






Утверждено редакционно-издательским Советом Cеверо-Западного заочного государственного технического университета

УДК 802.0(07)


Английский язык: Методические указания и задания по чтению общетехнических текстов для студентов второго курса всех специальностей - СПб, СЗТУ, 2003

Данное учебное пособие состоит из 7 учебных блоков, каждый из которых включает в себя структурно-модельную подачу грамматического материала с его последующим закреплением и тексты общетехнического характера.

Пользуясь приведенными грамматическими схемами и моделями перевода, студент может успешно усвоить грамматический материал и снять грамматические трудности при переводе текстов и выполнении контрольных работ.

Пособие завершается обзорными грамматическими

упражнениями и тестами по распознаванию

многофункциональных и многозначных форм и проверяющих готовность к выполнению контрольной работы №3.

Рассмотрено на заседании кафедры иностранных языков СЗПУ и одобрено методической комиссией кафедры.

Рецензенты: кафедра иностранных языков Северо-Западного заочного государственного технического университета/зав, каф. кандидат филологических наук, доцент Е.Ф.Сыроватская./; Васильева Л.А./доц. Кафедры иностранных языков СПб Академии холода и пищевых технологий/.

Составитель: доц. Левенштерн В.В.



Как работать над уроками пособия

Методические рекомендации для студентов:

1. Прочтите краткую аннотацию к грамматическому материалу и проанализируйте грамматические модели. Подробную информацию смотрите в «Кратком грамматическом справочнике», авт.Багрова Н.Ю.,СЗПИ,1998

2. Выполните упражнение 1 письменно.

3. Перед чтением текста выполните упражнение № 2. Обязательно выписывайте слова с транскрипцией.

4. Прочтите текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание. Для проверки понимания текста выполните упражнения раздела «WORK ON THE TEXT». Затем переведите текст устно.

5. Перед написанием контрольной работы № 3 выполните все упражнения из раздела «REVISION EXERCISES»,





Grammar: Sentences that may be connected without a conjunction

(бессоюзное соединение предложений)

Theme: Computers.

Grammar study. ПОМНИТЕ, ЧТО: в английском языке без союзов могут соединяться определительные и дополнительные придаточные предложения, при этом каждое придаточное предложение начинается с подлежащего. При переводе на русский язык союз «который» или «что» должен быть поставлен перед ним. Обратите внимание на структуры таких предложений.


Подл.Сказ ┴ Подл.Сказ ___

Место союза «что»


Подл. ┴Подл. Ск ┴ Ск


место союза придаточное «который» определительное



It is known ┴ computers are used everywhere. Известно, что компьютеры используются везде



The instructions ┴ the programmers put in the computer are called programs. Инструкции, которые программисты закладывают в компьютер, называются программами.



С) Если за сказуемым придаточного предложения следует предлог, при переводе на русский язык его следует поставить перед союзом "который".



+ союз


The input error you are speaking about is rather serious. Ошибка на входе, о которой ты говоришь, достаточно серьезна.



Exercise I. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1.Sandra Paar sent the letter her chief had already signed.

2.The computer programmer promised the programme would be ready by morning. 3.The data the researcher referred to should be corrected. 4. The name of the engineer Mr.Robinson is asking about is Brown. 5.Recently the world learnt Japanese computer makers had produced a computer of a new generation. 6.The secretary told her boss the visitor he sent for had already left the office.


Exercise II. Read the words to the text and translate them.

account (n,v); contain (v); data (n), input (n); keyboard (n); microchip

(n); part (n); terminal (n), typewriter (n); output (n); visual (adj).


Exercise III. Read and translate the word combinations: accounting procedures; right information; to do calculations; to process the data; the parts of the computer; to look like a television; to put into the computer; to do wrong; in other words.


Exercise IV. Read the text


Many companies have now computerized their accounting procedures because computers can do the work more quickly and more accurately than people. The work the computer does is called data processing. The part of the computer the data are processed with is called CPU (central processing unit). This contains only electronic components, called microchips.

A computer can only do what it is instructed to do. The instructions the computer stores are called the computer program. The people who write these instructions and put them in the computer are called computer programmers The parts of the computer most people use are called terminals. The terminals are usually a keyboard which look like a typewriter, and a VDU (visual display unit) which looks like a television, or a printer. Information put into the computer on the keyboard is called input. When the computer shows the result of the data processing on the VDU, this is called output. When computers go wrong, it is usually because mere is something wrong with the input. In other words, it is a mistake made by a person, not by the computer.



Exercise V. Write out international words.

Exercise VI. Find which statements are true and which are false.

Correct false statements according to the text

1. Computers can do work more quickly. 2. The part of the computer,

processing the data is called data processing. 3. Microchips are

electronic components. 4. A computer does every work it can. 5.The

instructions are stored in a computer. 6. Terminals are the parts of a

computer. 7.The terminals are typewriters. 8.The result of the data

processing on the VDU is called input. 9. Sometimes computers go

wrong because of their construction.


Exercise VII. Computers can only answer questions with "yes" or "no" answer, Answer this way about the computer text.

l. Does data mean information? 2. Does VDU look like a typewriter? 3.1s the work of the computer called data processing? 4.1s the terminal a keyboard? 5.Are the instructions stored in the computer? 6.Are the instructions stored in a computer called computer programmes? 7. Are microchips electronic components? 8 Do people work more accurately than a computer?

Exercise VIII. Write out the sentences from the text that are joint without a conjunction.

Revision exercises.

Present tenses in active and passive

Помните, что для выражения настоящего действия глаголы могут

иметь следующие времена:



Present Simple - Vo; Vs(es)

he,she it


Present Continuous - be+Ving am is are


Present Perfect - have+Ved


Переводим прошедшим временем!


Present Perfect Continuous -

have been + Ving

Переводим настоящим временем!


We build atomic power plants of different sizes. Atomic power plant works in Sosnovy Bohr.


At the moment the scientists are testing a new alloy В данный момент ученые испытывают новый сплав.


They have completed the first series of experiments. Они завершили первую серию экспериментов.


Professor Klimov has been working at this Institute since 1970. Профессор 'Климов работал в Институте с-1970.




Passive (Страдат.залог)

Be + Ved3

(в соотв. 3 форма

времени) глагола



1 Atomic power plants are built

of different sizes.

2. A new alloy is being tested


3.The first series of experiment

has just been completed.

4.This material is relied on.



Атомные электростанции строят разных размеров.

Новый сплав сейчас испытывают.

Только что закончили первую серию экспериментов.

На этот материал сейчас полагаются.


Exercise IX. Translate the sentences into Russian, paying attention to

voices and tenses.

I.We have just said that metals usually have a cubic crystal structure. 2.Lasers are widely used in medicine. 3.The molecular motion is influenced by temperature. 4.Today lasers are being employed in various branches of our life. 5.The problem professor Basov is working at now is connected with spectrography. 6.We can't speak about the final result at the moment because the data are still being processed. 7.The new polymer materials are relied on: they have shown their good properties. 8.This group of researchers has been working in Nepal since summer. They are still investigating the influence of high temperature and altitude on supersensitive devices. 9.The paper is much spoken about, for it deals with the problem of thermal energy source usage that is widely being discussed by scientists of different countries. 10.The labassistant has just been sent for: he is wanted to "help in the test.


Exercise X. Read text 2. Write out the sentences with verbs in the Passive voice. Translate the text.



Every substance or material we come in contact with can be divided into particles known as molecules, molecules are composed of smaller units or atoms, and modern physical methods have shown that the atom consists of a nucleus with a positive charge surrounded by a number of electrons which revolve about the nucleus. The total positive charge of the nucleus is equal to the total negative charge of the electrons the nucleus is surrounded with. Matter can exist in four states: solid, gas, liquid and plasma.

Words to text:

1. particle - частица 2. to be composed of- состоять из

3. nucleus - ядро 4. charge - заряд

5. to surround - окружать 6. solid - твердое тело






Grammar: Functions of the verbs "SHOULD",:WOULD".

Conditional sentences.

Theme: "Electric Current and its Uses"


Grammar study: Глаголы "should" и tswould" имеют разные функции:


1) модальные глаголы;

2) вспомогательные глаголы для образования “Future in the past” (при согласовании времен);

3) вспомогательные глаголы для образования сослагательного наклонения.


See the patterns of translation.

I.You should consult the head engineer.

2.The car would not start. 3.When James Walt was a boy he would take his toys to pieces to know how they were made. 4.The lecturer told the students that the next lecture would be on Friday.

5.If a solid body were heated, it would expand.

6.1t would be impossible to make complex calculations without а computer.



Вам следует посоветоваться с главным инженером.

Машина никак не заводилась. Мальчиком Джеймс Уот обычно разбирал свои игрушки на части» чтобы увидеть, как они были сделаны.

Лектор известил студентов, что следующая лекция состоится в пятницу.

Если бы нагрели твердое тело, оно бы расширилось. Было бы невозможно делать сложные вычисления без компьютера.


Exercise I. Translate the sentences into Russian, paying attention to "should", "would" functions.

I.It would be impossible to make astronomical observations without a radio telescope. 2.It should be noted that space flights became possible due to electronics. 3.If the motor had been examined, no overheating would have taken place. 4.Popov was sure that radio would become the most important means of communication. 5.Engineers should know that not all the materials resist corrosion. 6. They were told that the results of their investigation would be published in institute scientific papers. 7!f the designers used some parts of plastics, the device would weigh much less. 8.The programme would not work, it would give the same errors.

Exercise II. Read the words to the text and translate them. To apply (v); application (n); to contribute (v); contribution (n); current (n); continuous current (n); to enumerate (v); furnance (n)- to invent (v); inventor (n); to melt (v); to mention (v); numerous (adj); source (n); to transform (v).

Exercise III. Read text 1.

Electric Current and its Uses.

Electric current serves us in a thousand ways. The electric current was born in the year 1800 when Volta constructed the first source of continuous current. Since then both Russian and foreign inventors contributed greatly to its practical application. Nowadays it would be impossible to imagine modern civilization without the electric current. If there were no electric current, there would be no vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, telephones and many other things. People are more familiar with the application of electric current in their everyday life than they are with its numerous industrial applications. However electricity finds its most important use in industry. Would a factory work if there were no electric motors transforming electric energy into mechanical energy? Of course, it wouldn't. Another example of an important industrial use of the electric current is the electrically heated furnace. Great masses of metal meet in such furnaces flow like water. Speaking of the melted metals, we might mention a device working on electricity. Its name is electric pyrometer with the help of which it is possible to measure the temperature of hot flowing metals. Of course it would be impossible to enumerate all the industrial applications of the electric current, but even those examples you have read about in the text can give you the idea of the electric current serving us in a thousand ways.




Exercise IV. Write out the international words.

Exercise V. Choose the statements that are false to the text and correct

them according to the text. Use the phrases:


'It's false. The text says that...", or

"It cant be true. In the text they say that.


1.Electric current was born in the 20 century. 2.1t appeared with the construction of the source of continuous current. 3.The first source of continuous current was constructed by Russian inventors. 4.The electric current gave us refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, telephones and other things. 5.People know everything about industrial application of electric current. 6.Eleetric motors transform mechanical energy into electrical energy. 7.Electric current heats furnaces. 8 Metal is melted in the furnaces. 9. Pyrometer melts metals.


Exercise VI. Find the right word to answer the question. See the




-What do you call a device which measures voltage?

- It's (it is) a voltmeter; or -We call it a voltmeter.


What do you call a device which:

1) measures the temperature of hot melted metals;

2) transforms electric energy into mechanical energy;

3) lights your room;

4) cleans your room;

5)lifts objects weighing thousand of tons.

a) a motor; b) a pyrometer; c) a vacuum cleaner; d) a crane; e) a lamp.


Exercise VII. Write out of the text the sentences in the conditional Mood.


Exercise VIII. Read and translate text 2.

Scientifically speaking energy is the ability to do work. There are various forms of energy, such as: chemical, heat, mechanical, electrical, nuclear and so on. Mechanical energy is of two forms: kinetic and potential. Potential is energy of position while kinetic is energy of motion. One form of energy can be changed into another. Take waterfall for example. When water falls from its raised position, energy changes from potential to kinetic. In case of hydroelectric station the energy of falling water is used to drive turbines, the latter turn electric generators, these generators produce electric energy. Thus mechanical energy of falling water is turned into electric energy. The electric energy in its turn may be transformed into any other necessary form.




Exercise IX. Find in the text the answers to the following questions. What is energy? 2.What forms of energy are mentioned in the text? 3.What are the two forms of mechanical energy? 4.What form of energy is kinetic energy? 5.What form of energy is potential energy? 6. Can one form of energy be changed into another form?


Revision test.

Choose the right translation for the underlined predicate.

Mind the function of "SHOULD" and "WOULD".


l.One should use an electric pyrometer to measure the temperature of hot flowing metals.

2.The labassistant said that the students would use both a voltmeter and an ammeter for making experiments.

3.1f I were present during the test I should use glasses to protect my eyes from flame.

4.The researchers were sure they overcome all the difficulties in their work

5. The climber would have overcome all the obstacles on his way if he had been better equipped.

6.The horse would not overcome the barrier.



использовал бы



следует пользоваться


будут пользоваться



никак не преодолевала



преодолел бы







Grammar: The GERUND, its forms and functions.

Gerundial Constructions.

Theme: Outstanding scientists (M.Faraday)

Grammar study.

Герундий - неличная форма глагола, имеющая окончание «ing» (Ving). Он имеет простые формы (Indefinite Gerund) -e.g. studying, producing, и сложные формы (Passive Gerund, Perfect Gerund) -e.g. «being studied», «being produced», «having produced», «having been produced».

Простые формы переводятся существительным или неопреде­ленной формой глагола - «изучить», «производство». Сложные формы, как правило, переводятся придаточными предложениями. Узнать герундий во всех его формах легко по следующим признакам: 1) перед ним стоит предлог; 2) может стоять притя­жательное местоимение или существительное в притяжательном падеже; 3) он может быть подлежащим предложения.

Patterns of translations.

I.We have found a way of measuring time in smaller pieces.

2.Faraday's having discovered electromagnetic phenomenon changed the theory of electricity existing in his time.

S.The scientist spoke of his device's being successfully used at many plants of the country.

4.Finding the moments of inertia was discussed in the previous chapter.


Найден метод измерения меньших промежутков времени.

To, что Фарадей открыл явление электромагнетизма, изменило существующую в то время теорию электричества.

Ученый говорил о том, что его прибор успешно применяется на многих заводах страны.

Определение моментов инерции обсуждалось в предыдущей главе.



Exercise I. Translate the given sentences into Russian.

1. After Planck's having introduced his quantum hypothesis this idea found application in many directions. 2. We know of this method being used in investigating the quality of metal 3.Breaking a magnet does not separate the north and south poles, for each part is now a complete magnet. 4.Walking, riding and flying are examples of motion. 5.Heat may be produced by burning coal, gas or any other fuel: 6. After having read an article on electricity Faraday turned his attention to electricity. 7.Upon being irradiated by light the atoms of the sodium vapour absorb energy of radiation.


Read the words to the text and translate them.

Angle (n); to deflect (v); decomposition (n); to encourage (v); failure (n); friction (n); to introduce (v); to investigate (v); investigation (n); particularly (adv); to perform(v); to prove (v); spare (adj); solid (n); successful (adj); source (n); thoroughly (adv).


Exercise III. Read the text and translate it.

Michael Faraday

Michael Faraday was bom in 1791 in a small village near London. Since childhood he assisted his mother in providing for the family. One time while learning the art of bookbinding Faraday used his spare time by reading some of the books that passed through the shop. He was particularly interested in works on science, and in connection with his reading he began performing simple experiments. In 1812 Humphry Davy helped Faraday to become an assistant at the laboratory at the Royal Institute. Davy encouraged him to begin original investigations initially in chemistry and then in electricity. From 1821 he became interested in electromagnetism and made some unsuccessful experiments. His failure did not cut his interest; on the contrary he decided to study the phenomenon thoroughly by reading what had been done by others and by repeating his own experiments. In the course of these experiments, he observed that, when the magnetic pole was brought near the wire, "the effort of the wire is always to pass off at right angles from the pole". On passing a current through the wire, it revolved around the magnet. In the summer of 1831 after the year of patient experiments he discovered the electromagnetic induction and created the first electric motor. Next Faraday turned his attention to proving that electricity whatever may be its source in identical in its nature. He found that electricity frim a friction machine would deflect a galvanometer and would cause chemical decomposition. Ibis led him into the field of electrolysis. His having found that some substances were conductors, while the others were nonconductors contributed much into the field of electricity science. The world of science also knows of his having investigated the diffusion of gases through solids.




Exercise IV. Write out the sentences that contain the Gerund.

Exercise V. Write out international words and translate them.

Exercise VI. Write out the scientific terms connected with physics and


Exercise VII Find what statements are false to the text and correct


1 Faraday lived in a rich family. 2.When a boy, he was particularly

interested in poems. 3.Humphry Davy helped Faraday to find a job at

the Royal Institute. 4.His first experiments in electromagnetism were

successful. 5.He worked in the field of electricity. 6.Electricity is not

identical in its nature.

Note: While correcting the false statements use the expressions:

'It is false, the text says that...";

"I think it is not true to the text Here is what the text says...";


Exercise VIII. Read text 2. Do not translate it, try to understand what it is about.


Kepler discovered some remarkable but simple law regarding planetary motion. He found each planet goes around the sun in a curve called an ellipse. An ellipse is not just an oval, but it is a very specific and precise curve that can be obtained by using two tracks, one at each focus. If we want to put it more mathematically it is a focus of all points the sum of whose distances is a constant.

Kepler's second observation was that planets do not go around the Sun at a uniform speed, but move faster when they are nearer the Sun and more slowly when they are father from the Sun, His third law says that orbital periods are proportional to the 3/2 power of the orbit size.


The words to the text:

1. remarkable-adj - знаменитый, известный; regard -v - рассматривать, касаться;

3.motion-n-движение; 4.curve -n - кривая;

5.point -n - точка; 6.1aw -n - закон;



Comprehension test.

Choose the proper word combination to complete the sentence.

1. Kepler's laws regard...

a) planet; b) planetary motion; c) a uniform speed;

2. According to Kepler an ellipse is...

a) an oval; b) a curve; c) an orbit.

3. Kepler discovered that the planets move faster when...

a) they are father from the Sun; b) when they move at a uniform speed; c) they are nearer to Sun.





Grammar: The PARTICIPLE and its forms.

Theme: Radioactivity.

Grammar study: Причастие - неличная форма глагола, имеющая окончание "ing" (Ving). Причастие имеет формы времени и залога. Оно переводится причастием или деепричастием. В английском языке имеются следующие виды причастий:


  Active Passive
Indefinite (Simple) Participle using being used
Perfect Participle having used having been used

Помните, что: 1.Причастие, в отличие от герундия, никогда не имеет перед собой предлога или притяжательного местоимения. 2. Оно не может быть подлежащим.


1.There is a law governing all natural phenomena.

2.Being increased, the temperature influenced the activity of electrons.

3.Having been invented the electric candle solved the problem of lightning.

4.The method being used in this investigation helped to solve many problems.

5.Having overcome a lot of difficulties Mendeleyev could create the Periodic Table of Elements.



1.Существует закон, управляющий всеми естественными явлениями 2.Когда температуру увеличивают, она влияет на активность электронов. З.После того, как изобрели электрическую свечу, она решила проблему освещения. 4.Метод, используемый в этом исследовании, помог в решении многих проблем. 5.Преодолев много трудностей, Менделеев сумел создать периодическую таблицу элементов.



Exercise I. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. While passing through the terns of a coil the current sets up a varying magnetic field. 2.An instrument being used for measuring the value of a current is called an ammeter. 3.Being heated the material expanded little. 4.Having applied the new method the researchers improved the quality of the material being used in the test. 5.Having been designed the device was successfully used in many important experiments. 6.Being arranged very orderly protons and electrons accord with definite conditions for each particular element. 7.Being a source of power, atomic energy is widely used for producing electricity. 8.Being rubbed amber obtains the ability of attracting objects. 9.Having made a great contribution to the progress of electrical engineering Russian scientists glorified Russia. lO.Having studied some of the properties of an electric current with the aid of a huge battery Petrov discovered the electric arc. 11.This conference has brought together a great number of researchers working in the developing area of high-energy physics. 12.The method being used by these authors sums most efficient from performing investigations of this kind. 13. Being more complicated this phenomenon needs much more thorough studies.


Exercise II. Read the words to the text and translate them.

Compound (n); conclusion (n); to confine (v); to emit (v); decay (n), to disintegrate (v); disintegration (n); due to, to explode (v); fission (n); property (n), to prove (v); substance (n); to yield (v). honorary (adj); nucleus (n); to penetrate (v); plate (n);


Exercise III. Read the text.

Having been discovered at the end of the 19th century radioactivity became a major step in the development of the science of the atom structure. It was Becquerel who found that the compounds of uranium being placed on a photographic plate covered with black paper emitted radiations. It was discovered that the property of emitting penetrating radiations is not confined to uranium and its compounds. Some other minerals had the same property. Having discovered radium and polonium Marie and Pierre Curie proved they were radioactive elements the radioactivity of which turned out to be several million times higher than that of uranium. Radium and other radioactive substances continuously emit energy. Having discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity they started working at the problem of the nature of radiation in radioactive substances. Ernest Rutherford, the great British physicist, honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, was the first to solve the problem. In 1899 he discovered alpha and beta radiation of radium. He was the first to make an experiment in fissioning an atomic nucleus. Rutherford suggested that radioactivity was the result of atomic decay. He found out that a part of atoms of a radioactive substance disintegrated due to an unknown reason. They exploded with alpha and beta particleis constituting the products of the decay. Having started the phenomenon more profoundly he came to the conclusion that some radioactive substances disintegrate very slowly, others very quickly. While disintegrating certain radioactive substances emit electrons (beta particles). They are produced m the process of atom disintegration. Having yielded an electron some of the nucleus turn into a proton.




Exercise IV. Write out the sentences containing the participles.

Exercise V. Write out international words.

Exercise VI. Write out the terms connected with radioactivity.

Exercise Vtt Comprehension test.

Choose the right answer.

1: Who of the scientists was the first to deal with radioactivity?

a) Pierre and Marie Curie;

b) Rutherford;

c) Becquerel;

2. Is uranium the only radioactive element? a) yes; b) no;

3. The radioactivity of which elements is the highest?

a) uranium;

b) radium;

c) polonium;

4. Who of the scientists is honorary member of the USSR Academy of Science?

a) Becquerel;

b) Rutherford;

c) Marie Curie;

5. What does the text say about the disintegration of radioactive substances?

a).. they all disintegrate at the same speed;

b) some disintegrate slower than others;

c) there is no disintegration at all;

Exercise VIII. Translate text 1

Exercise IX. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the text.

1. This____consists of three substances.

2. Rutherford found out that a part of atoms of a radioactive substance

3. Before creating the periodic Table of Elements Mendeleyev studied the_______ of different chemical elements.

4. The phenomenon of ______ is still being studied.

5. The Curies were long working at the problem of the nature of radioactivity in radioactive ________.

6. A photographic _______ covered with black paper_______ radiation.

(fission, plate, substances, emitted, disintegrated, compound, properties)

Exercise X. Read the text. Do not translate it, try to retell it, fill in in the blanks in the exercise XI.

TextB. Alessandro Volta.

The discovery of the electric current was made possible thanks to Alessandro Volta after whom the unit of electric pressure, the Volt, was named. Volta was born in Como, in Italy, February 18, 1745. Being a teacher of physics in his home town, he got interested in many physical phenomena. His works were so important that he was invited to work to the University of Pavia, his great discovery being made there. He was also invited to Paris to lecture on the newly discovered chemical source of continuous current. Having returned to Gomo in 1819 he continued his investigations there for the rest of his life. He took great interest in Galvanr's researches. Being interested in his experiments he began carrying on similar experiments, finding out that electric source was the result of the contact of dissimilar metals. He spent the next few years trying to invent a source of a steady continuous current. The year 1800 is a good date to be remembered: for the first time in the world's history a steady continuous current was generated.


Exercise XI

1. Volt is _______, that was called so after the name of great


2. Being born in Como Volta_______in his home town.

3. He got interested in many physical phenomena_________,

4. He lectured at the University of Pavia, then was invited to Paris to lecture on the chemical source of_______.

5. Carrying on his own experiments similar to Galvani's he used two _________to get electric source.

6. In 1800 Volta managed to________a steady continuous current.

a) being a teacher of physics; d) the unit of pressure;

b) continuous current; e) generate;

c) spent many years; f) metals.



Grammar: Absolute Participle Construction - Независимый причастный оборот

Theme: Masers and Lasers


Grammar study:

Причастие, входящее в состав независимого причастного оборота,

выражает действие существительного или местоимения, стоящего

перед ним, таким образом не завися от подлежащего всего предложения. Независимый причастный оборот имеет следующие признаки: 1) перед причастием обязательно стоит существительное без предлога или местоимение;

2) Такой оборот отделяется запятой.

Помните что: В начале предложения независимый причастный оборот переводится придаточным предложением с союзом "когда", "так как", "после того, как". Если такой оборот стоит в конце предложения, он переводится самостоятельным предложением с союзом "и", "причем", "но".

See the patterns.


l.The resistance being very hjgh. the current in the circuit was low.

2.Different molecules have different speeds, the average speed remaining the same at constant temperature.

3.The oil having been exhausted, the engine stopped.

Так как сопротивление было очень высоким, ток в цепи был низким.

У разных молекул разные скорости, но средняя скорость при постоянной температуре остается одинаковой.

После того, как бензин закончился, з аглох двигатель.



Exercise I. Choose the sentences with the Absolute Participle


l.The problem having excited a great deal of discussion, a series of tests had to be carried out. 2. Lasers are becoming so useful, that we have hardly yet begun to realise their potentialities. 3. Working at his new device, the inventor made numerous improvements. 4. The experiments having been carried out, the students left the laboratory. 5. The atoms of different substances have different weights, their properties being also different. 6. The scientist's having investigated this phenomenon led him to an interesting discovery.

Exercise II. Translate the sentences into Russian.

LA laser beam having been used, accurate calculations of Jupiter's temperature were obtained. 2.Many difficulties having been overcome, the problem of lighting the streets was solved. 3.The beam traveled 800 000 km in space, its velocity approaching that of light. 4.Russian scientists have made a great contribution to the science, Lodygin being well known in the world of power engineering. 5.The joint team of cosmonauts fulfilled their many months' programme, some new medical observations being made. 6. A great number of calculations having been made, Tsiolkovsky declared it was possible to reach outer space. 7.For metallic conductors the resistance increases with rise of temperature, the increase being proportional to the rise of temperature. 8. The quantum hypothesis being introduced by Plank, the idea was immediately supported by other scientists. 9. Potassium and rubidium possess extremely weak activities, both emitting B-partictes. lO.The magnitude of the Faraday effect for different substances was shown in the Table, the values being given for room temperature.

Exercise III. Read the words to the text and translate them. Amplification (n), amplifier (n); to apply (v); application (n); article (n); beam (n); condition (n); conversion (n); demand (v,n); to engage (v); to extend (v); explanation (n); quantative (adj); visible (adj); wavelength (n).

Exercise IV. Read the text. Write out the sentences with absolute participle constructions.

Masers and Lasers.

The devices known as masers and lasers serve as amplifiers and generators of radiation, their common characteristic being conversion of atomic energy to electromagnetic radiation. This is achieved by means of the process known as stimulated emission of radiation. The wavelength of the emitted radiation being 1 cm, we speak of microwave amplifies or masers. Instruments which generate visible radiation are called optical masers or lasers. The history of the evolution of these devices may be divided into some periods. The first period that started in 1916 and ended in 1953 was the period of the discovery of the stimulated emission process. The second period called maser period begins with" the publication of the articles by Basov and Prokhorov, the latter giving a detailed theoretical explanation of the use of molecular beams in microwave spectroscopy. Detailed calculations having been made by these two scientists, the quantative conditions for the operation of a microwave generator were found. So, the maser period extends from 1954 to 1960. During this period many masers were constructed for application in radio astronomy and as components of radar receivers. A lot of scientists being engaged in laser and maser work at this time, many new laser types were discovered, the first ruby laser by Maiman appearing in 1960, opening the laser period. Lasers made possible carrying out experiments in optics. Laser applications having increased, new developments in laser field are in demand. Nowadays laser application can be found in medicine, communications, geophysical exploration, military and metal technology.


Exercise V. Write out international words.

Exercise VI. Read the text once more. Find out which of the following statements are false and correct them.

l.Lasers and masers serve as amplifiers. 2. They convert atomic energy into electromagnetic radiation. 3. The wavelength of the emitted radiation is large. 4. A maser is a microwave amplifier. 5. The first period of the history of maser evolution started in 1953. 6. This period began with the publication of the articles by Basov and Prokhorov. 7.Basov gave the detailed explanation of the use of molecular beams. 8. Masers are used in radio astronomy. 9 The first ruby laser was discovered by Prokhorov. 10. Laser period began in 1954.

Exercise VII. Translate text 1.

Exercise Vin. Read text 2, do not translate it, but try to retell it,

filling in the blanks in exercise IX.

The laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) is closely related to the maser. But it is simplier in construction and therefore is more widely used, semiconducter lasers being most notable among many new laser types. In these lasers, electrical energy is directly converted into radiation. Laser application have also increased. Lasers are absolutely necessary for experiments requiring really high intensities in narrow spectral regions. The potential importance of these applications continues to stimulate new developments in the laser field.

The awarding of the 1964 Nobel prize in physics to Basov, Prokhorov and Townes was a recognition of the importance of the achievements in quantum electronics.

Words to the text:

1. to be related to - быть сродня чему-либо

2. semiconductor- полупроводник

3. notable - зд. популярный, выдающийся

4. to convert - превращать

6. to require - требовать

7. to award - награждать, присуждать награду

8. recognition - признание.

Exercise IX.

1. The Laser ______ to the maser in its functions, but it is______

in construction.

2. Lasers are_______in experimenting.

3. There are different_________

4. The most notable among them is

5. In these lasers electrical energy. into radiation directly

6. New______are being continued.

7 The _____ achievements of Russian scientists in are

great. 8. Two of them, namely Basov and Prokhorov_______1964 Nobel Prize in physics.

(types of lasers; is converted; development in the laser


quantum electronics a semiconductor laser; is related; were awarded; simplier; widely used)



Summerising test N 1.

Ving - forms.

Task 1. Choose the sentences with the Gerund.

a) Instruments for producing interference phenomena are divided into classes.

b) Measuring the temperature every hour, the labassistant could see the changes in the substance.

c) Measuring that can be done by counting is simple.

d) The experiments having been repeated, some faults in the alloy were found.

e) The scientist's having repeated the experiment helped to receive the most precise data.


Task 2. Choose the right translation of the -ing form.

1.Having constructed the first laser, the investigators began developing semiconductor lasers.

2.The engineers constructing the device have to overcome many difficulties.

3.Constructing computers of various types requires profound knowledge and many skills.

4.The engineers are constructing new types of lasers for using in medicine.

5.Testing different properties of the material went on for some hours.

6.The conductivity of the material being tested was high.

7. Testing thermal properties of the material the investigators found it suitable for electrical devices.

8.The new device is being tested in the experimental laboratory, that is why all the investigators are out now


















Task 3. Choose the sentences with the Absolute Participle Construction and translate them.

1. An electron leaving the surface, the metal becomes positively charged.

2. While leaving the laboratory, the professor asked the students to repeat the experiment.

3. His leaving for the USA was unexpected not only for his collegues but for his Mends as well.

4. Polymers possessing many important properties are widely used in different fields of industry.

5. Polymers possessing many important properties and technical progress is impossible without them at present.

6. Polymers' possessing the possibility to substitute natural 'materials made them very important for industry.





Grammar: The INFINITIVE and its functions

Theme: Historical Facts and Inventions


Grammar study. Инфинитив - неличная форма глагола. Признаком инфинитива является частица 'tо" (to Vo). Инфинитив имеет следующие формы:


Indefinite Infinitive - e.g. to study Continuous Infinitive - e.g. to be studying Perfect Infinitive - e:g. to have studied Perfect Continuous - e.g. to have being



to be studied

to have been studied


Инфинитив выполняет в предложении разные синтаксические функции.



Patterns of translation.

1 .To understand this phenomen is to understand the work of masers and lasers. (Подлежащее)

2.To understand the action of the device he read the instruction very carefully. (Обстоятельство)

3.There is a difference to be understood between the weight of an object and its inertia.

Понять это явление - значит работу лазеров и мазеров. Чтобы понять действие прибора он очень внимательно прочитал инструкцию.

Существует разница между весом тела и его инерцией, которую следует понять.


Exercise I. Translate the given sentences into Russian. l.The purpose of this report is collect and summarize the results obtained in the laboratory. 2.The two methods described above were used to determine the average polarization. З.То ехаmine the accuracy of this approximation, we have also applied the same technique. 4.This is the device to be used in our experiment. 5.Petroff was the first scientist to study the electrification of metals by rubbing them! 6. To make experiments with atmospheric electricity was dangerous at that time. 7.To launch a space rocket was Tsiolkovsky's life-dream. 8.To launch a space rocket a new type of fuel was needed. 9. The purpose of neutron theory was to determine neutron characteristics. lO.To obtain the desirable characteristics in metals was possible by mixing them with other substances. 1 l.To obtain desirable characteristics in metals we mix them with other substances. 12.To drive machines requires power.

Exercise II. Read the words to the text and translate them.

To consist (v); degree (n); device (n); to develop (n); to employ (v); to graduate (v); to freeze (v); to -indicate (v); to invent (v); Liquid (n); to mark (v); mercury (n); point (n); purpose (n); scale (n).

Exercise III. Read the text and translate it.

History of the Thermometers.

The very first step in the development of heat engineering made it necessary to find a device to indicate temperature and to measure its changes. As is well known the thermometer is the very instrument to serve this purpose. The word comes from two Greek words, namely "thermos" meaning "warm" and "measure" meaning "meter", that is a measuring instrument. As earlier as 1602 Galileo invented an air thermometer. It consisted of a glass bulb containing air and connected to a glass tube; the latter being immersed into a colored liquid. Gallileo's air thermometer was not sensitive to all changes of atmospheric pressure. The type of thermometer familiar to everyone at present was first put into general use as early as 1654. To make these first instruments was not an easy thing at all. The most difficult problem of all was to mark the degrees on the thermometer that is to graduate the scale. At last it was decided to take two fixed points and to divide the interval between them into the same number of degrees. In 1701 Isaak Newton, the famous British scientist, constructed a scale in which the freezing point of water was taken as zero and the temperature of the human body as 12'. Some time later the German physicist Fahrenheit proved that the temperature of boiling water was always the same at the same atmospheric pressure. It might therefore be used as a second fixed point instead of the temperature of the human body. As for the liquid used it was mercury which has been mostly employed since that time.

On the Fahrenheit scale the boiling point of water is taken as 212' and the freezing point as 32'. This scale is mainly used in English-speaking countries. In Europe the Centigrade scale is most popular.

* Centigrade scale - шкала Цельсия;


Work on the text:

Exercise IV. Write out international words.

Exercise V. Write out scientific terms.

Exercise VI. Read the text once more and name the scientists

mentioned in the text. Using the text speak about their role, in

constructing thermometers.

Exercise VII. Find in the text the answers to the following


1. What is the thermometer used for?

2. Who invented the first air thermometer?

3. Was it sensitive to all changes in atmospheric pressure?

4. When did the first thermometer appear?

5. What was the most difficult thing to do?

6. Who constructed the'first scale?

7. What liquid is used in thermometers?

8. Which scale is used in English-speaking countries?

9. Which scale is used in Europe?

Revision exercise.

Translate the following sentences using the pattern.

The greater the number of free electrons in a substance, the better that substance conducts electricity.


Чем больше число свободных электронов в веществе, тем лучше вещество проводит



l.The faster the molecules of a substance move, the higher is the temperature of the substance. 2.The larger the water pipe, the more water passes through it. 3. The more we read, the more we learn. 4.The shorter the wire, the less i its resistance to current flow.



Grammar: Infinitival Constructions

(Complex Subject, Complex Object)


Revision: "that" functions Theme Cooperation in Space


Grammar study:

В английском языке существует два инфинитивных оборота:

субъектный (Complex Subject) и объектный (Complex Object).

Оба переводятся придаточными предложениями.

Субъектный инфинитивный оборот имеет следующую конструкцию:


Существительное без предлога или личное местоимение.


Глагол в личной форме (чаще в форме Passive).

Одна из форм инфинитива.



Алгоритм перевода: 1.Переводим глагол в личной форме

неопределенно-личным предложением. 2.Вводим союз "что".

3.Переводим подлежащее предложения.

4.Переводим инфинитив глаголом.



1.Radium is known to be radioactive.

2.The programmer is supposed to be processing the new data.

3.Scientists are sure to find new ways for getting electricity.


Известно, что радий радиоактивен. Полагают, что программист сейчас обрабатывает новые данные. Несомненно, что ученые найдут новые способы получения электричества.


Объектный инфинитивный оборот представляет собой сочетание дополнения и одной из форм инфинитива (сложное дополнение). Предложение с объектным инфинитивным оборотом имеет следующую структуру:

Подлежащее сказуемое сложное дополнение

/ \

/ \

Существительное toVo



Переводится придаточным предложением с союзом «чтобы» или «что».



Pattern N2.

We know heat to be a form of energy.

Newton considered light to consist of very tiny particles.


Мы знаем, что тепло — это форма энергии.

Ньютон считал, что свет состоит из крошечных частиц.


Exercise 1. Translate the given sentences into Russian.

1.The oscillator was found to have good wave form and stability. 2.The engineer watched the plastic become soft when heated. 3.We know solid semiconductors to be employed in all modern transistors. 4.Lightnmg was proved to be a discharge of electricity. 5.We know the electrons to flow from the negative terminal of the battery to the positive one. 6.This scientist is said to have been working at the problem of splitting atoms. 7.Coal is considered to be a valuable fuel. 8.We know many articles to have already been written on that subject. 9. The students are certain to know that alternating voltage can be increased and decreased. 10.A modern steam power station is known to consist of four compounds. 11.This type of engine is said to have many disadvantages. 12.We expect most bodies to expand when heated. 13.Laboratory testing is assumed to be proceeded. 14.The scientists expected the discovery to have produced great changes. 15.The technique to be used in the experiment proves to have been worked out only some time before. 16.Tests have shown the thermometer to be very sensitive.

Exercise II. Read the words to the text and translate them:

To achieve (v); achievement (n); crew (n); to devote (v); to exercise (v); exercise (n); forecast (v,n); to imagine (v); imagination (n); mutual (adj); to participate (v); to realize (v); realization (n); science-fiction (n).

Exercise Ш. Read and translate the text.

Cooperation in Space.

A little over 70 years ago, when the idea of space flights was considered to be the product of imagination, the great Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky published his book "Outside the Earth". It was supposed to be only a science-fiction novel written by someone who lived and taught in a small provincial town of Kaluga. Nobody believed the ideas described in the book to be realized in future. Ears passed and Tsiolkovsky's ideas proved to have been used in studying space and constructing rockets Many pages of his book were devoted to mternationalism. His imaginary spaceship described in the book was inhabited by scientists from all over the world. Each one of them appeared to be highly competent in the particular field, and all of them taken together formed a friendly crew. Now the time has come when this dream was realized. The cosmonauts of different countries exercise mutual scientific programmes in space. Ten countries are known to have b


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