DOs and DON'Ts For Job Seekers

Пример сопроводительного письма

(Sample of Cover Letter)

Dear Mr. Marinichenko:

Mark Diamond

4701 Pine Street, #K-13

Philadelphia, PA 19143

Tel. l-(215)-748-3037

April 2, 1992

I am a first-year student in the M.B.A. program at the Wharton Business School in Philadelphia.

I understand that you are heading the independent Ukrainian airline. I have heard from my friend Mr. Bill Eastmann, a student at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business, that you might wish to have an American M.B.A. student work with your airline this summer as an intern. I am very interested in the possibility of such an internship during the summer of 1992.

My professional experience has given me an in-depth knowledge of the air transportation industry. I have, in particular, worked for American Airlines, the Federal Aviation Administration, and Kurth & Company, Inc., an aviation consulting firm where I was Manager of Airline Analysis. My responsibilities included the study of sched­ules, fares, equipment selection, and financial results. Notably, I pre­pared numerous feasibility studies for both jet and turboprop routes, including passenger and pure cargo service, for proposed transat­lantic and transpacific services.

I wish to place this experience at the disposal of your airline. I believe strongly that my knowledge of the deregulated air transporta­tion industry in the United States could be quite beneficial to your carrier.

I have enclosed a copy of my resume. If my background and qualifi­cations are of interest to you, please telephone me at (215) 748-3037. I would be interested in meeting with you in mid-April in New York to discuss further the possibility of such a summer position, and your requirements.


Клише и выражения сопроводительного письма:

With reference to your advertisement in "Kiev Post" of Tuesday, January 10, I would like to apply for the position of... in your compa­ny. Ссылаясь на объявление в «Киев-Пост» от 10 января, вторник, я хотел бы претендовать на должность... в вашей фирме.

- / recently heard from... that there is a vacancy in your sales depart­ment. - - Я недавно услышал от... о вакансии в вашем торговом отделе.

I am used to working on my own. Я привык работать самостоятельно.

- / appreciate the opportunity to work on my own initiative and to take on a certain amount of responsibility. - - Я высоко ценю возможность работать с должной мерой ответственности, проявляя собствен­ную инициативу.

During training for my present job I took courses in marketing. - Во время обучения для получения должности, которую я занимаю в настоящий момент, я закончил курсы маркетинга.

Since my present position offers little prospect for advancement, I would prefer to be employed in an expanding organization such as yours. — Так как моя настоящая должность не дает мне больших возможностей для продвижения, я хотел бы работать в такой перспективной организации, как Ваша.

I am at present earning... per month. — В настоящее время я получаю... в месяц.

Thank you for offering me the post/position of... Благодарю Вас за то, что Вы предложили мне должность,..

-— / have pleasure in accepting this position. — С удовольствием принимаю эту должность.

I am looking forward to commencing work on September 1. — С нетерпением жду начала работы 1 сентября.

Письменный отказ от предложенной работы:

- / regret to inform you that I am unable to accept the position, since I have received another, more attractive one. С сожалением сообщаю вам, что не могу занять эту должность, так как получил другое, более привлекательное предложение.

- I feel that my experience in this field would not be used to its full capacity in above position. Therefore I have to decline. — Чувствую, что мой опыт работы в этой области не будет использован в пол­ной мере, поэтому вынужден отклонить предложение.


Ниже представлены выдержки из публикаций университета Стони Брук (США) о том, как вести себя в поисках работы.

DOs and DON'Ts For Job Seekers

DO learn ahead of time about the company and its product. Do your homework.

• DO apply for a job in person.

• Do let as many people as possible know you are "job hunting."

• DO stress your qualification for the job opening.

• DO recount experience you have had which would fit you for the job.

• DO talk and think as far as possible about the future rather than the past.

• DO indicate, where possible, your stability, attendance record and good safety experience.

• DO assume an air of confidence.

• DO approach the employer with respectful dignity.

• DO try to be optimistic in your atti­tude.

• DO maintain your poise and self-control.

• DO try to overcome nervousness and shortness of breath.

• DO hold yourself erect.

• DO answer questions honestly and with straightforwardness.

• DO have a good resume.

• DO know the importance of getting along with people.

• DO recognize your limitations.

• DO make plenty of applications.

• DO indicate your flexibility and readiness to learn.

• DO be well-groomed and appropri­ately dressed.

• DON'T keep stressing your need for a job.


• DON'T discuss past experience which has no application to the job situation.

• DON’T apologize for your age.

• DON’T be untidy in appearance.

• DON’T display "cocksuredness."

• DON’T cringe or beg for consider­ation.

• DON’T speak with muffled voice or indistinctly.

• DON’T be one of those who can do anything.

• DON’T hedge in answering ques­tions.

• DON’T express your ideas on com­pensation, hours, etc. early in the interview.

• DON’T hesitate to fill out applica­tions, give references, take physical examination or tests on request.

• DON'T hang around, prolonging the interview, when it should be over.

• DON'T go to an interview without a record of your former work con­nection.

• DON’T arrive late and breathless for an interview.

• DON'T be a "know it all" or a per­son who can't take instructions.

• DON’T isolate yourself from con­tacts that might help you find a job.

• DON’T feel that the world owes you for a living.

• DON’T make claims if you cannot "deliver" on the job.

• DON’T display a feeling of inferi­ority.




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