Найдите слова из первой колонки в тексте и соотнесите с их значением во второй колонке. (x1)

Пробный итоговый тест

По проверке уровня сформированности иноязычной профессиональной коммуникативной компетенции студентов IV курса специальностей ФЭП

Part I Vocabulary

Определите, имеют ли слова или словосочетания в каждом ряду схожее или противоположное значение. Поставьте букву Е (equivalent), если следующие слова близки по значению, и букву О (opposite), если они противоположны по значению. (x1)

1. discrete separate

2. enhance enlarge

3. far close

4. rate velocity

5. intermediate medium

6. conceive realize

7. immense tiny

8. device apparatus

9. shortage excess

10. expenditure profit

Составьте словосочетания (x2)

1. solid a. time
2. output b. memory
3. delay c. state
4. word d. capability
5. bubble e. processor

Соотнесите слово с его переводом (x1)

1. stack a. ускорять
2. precipitate b. полоса пропускания
3. simulate c. указатель
4. passband d. важный
5. attributable e. разводка, монтаж
6. durable f. складывать, накапливать
7. subtle g. теория
8. significant h. уязвимость
9. vulnerability i. моделировать
10. wiring j. причастный
  k. сборный
  l. тонкий
  m. прочный

Прочитайте текст и заполните пробелы словами, приведенными в рамке. (x1)

film devices surface silicon wafer insulator durable dominant glass transistor


1._____has been the backbone of the semiconductor industry since the inception of commercial 2____and other solid-state circuits. The 3___role of silicon as a material for microelectronic 4.____is attributable in large part to the properties of its oxide. Silicon dioxide is a clear 5.____with a softening point higher than 1400 degrees C. If a 6.___of silicon is heated in an atmosphere of oxygen or water vapour, a 7.____ of silicon oxide forms on its 8.___. The film considered is hard and 9.___and adheres well. It makes an excellent 10.__.

Заполните таблицу, образуя однокоренные слова указанных частей речи. (x2)

noun verb noun adjective
1. benefit   6. majority  
2. specify 7. preventive
3. establish 8. similarity  
4. expenditure   9. harm  
5. perfect 10. responsible

Выберите правильную грамматическую форму. (x1)

1. Electronic computers___ the work of different devices.

a) is controlled b) are controlled c) will be controlled d) control

2. You study at a technical university.___the laboratories____with modern

Instruments and apparatus?

a) Do…equip b) Are….equipped c) Did…equip d) Was…equipped

3. Electronics___an important part in the development of many sciences.

a) is played b) play c) was played d) plays

4. Human speech___by a part of the brain called the cerebrum.

a) was controlled b) is controlled c) controls d) are controlled

5. Niels Bohr___ a model of the atom with the electrons revolving around the nucleus.

a) was proposed b) proposed c) is proposed d) proposes

6. The horizontal axis of the frequency domain___ be referred to in four different ways.

a) can b) may c) would

7. One___switch the device unless the permission is given.

a) don’t have to b) mustn’t c) needn’t

8. The unit must ____ off before an inspection.

a) turn b) to be turned c) be turned d) be turn

9. Cobalt is a heavy metal___ nickel.

a) as b) like c) than d) most

10. A barometer is an instrument_____measures air pressure.

a) where b) which c) by which d) who


Выберите из данных предложений, соответствующее предъявленному английскому предложению. (x2)

Microelectronics faces many problems.

a) Микроэлектроника показывает многие проблемы.

b) Микроэлектроника сталкивается со многими проблемами.

Plasma etching involves the use of glow discharge.

a) Травление плазмы включает в себя световой разряд

b) Плазменное травление заключается в использовании светового разряда

c) Плазменное травление включает в себя использование светового разряда

We are to learn how to exploit the potential of the integrated circuits.

a) Мы учимся эксплуатировать потенциал интегральных контуров

b) Мы должны научиться использовать возможности интегральных схем

c) Мы учимся, как эксплуатировать возможности интегральных цепей

The advances made by device fabrication have allowed all functions to be integrated into just one chip.

a) Достижения, сделанные на фабрике устройств позволили всем функциям объединиться в только одном чипе

b) Успехи, сделанные прибором фабрики, позволили объединить все функции в одном чипе

c) Прогресс в приборостроении позволил объединить все функции в всего лишь одном чипе

The phosphorus concentration had no influence on the receptivity of the film.

a) Фосфор концентрата не имел значения для сопротивляемости пленки

b) Концентрат фосфора не повлиял на сопротивляемость пленки

c) Концентрат фосфора не повлиял на пленку сопротивляемости.

Part III Reading Comprehension


What is this computer phenomenon called the Internet, or the Net? Do you personally have need of it? Before you decide to get “on” the Internet, you may want to know something about it.

What is it?

Imagine a room filled with many spiders, each spinning its own web. The webs

are so interconnected that the spiders can travel freely within this maze. You now have a simplified view of the Internet- a global collection of many different types of computers and computer networks that are linked together. The Internet enables a person to sit at his computer and exchange information with other computers and computer users in any place in the world.

Some refer to the Internet as the information superhighway. Just as a road allows travel through different areas of a country, so the Internet allows information to flow through many different interconnected computer networks. As messages travel, each network that is reached contains information that assists in connecting to the adjacent network. The final destination may be in a different city or country.

Each network can “speak” with its neighbor network by means of a common set of rules created by the Internet designers. Worldwide, how many networks are connected? Some estimates say over 30000. According to recent surveys, these networks connect over 10000000 computers and some 30000000 users through the world. It is estimated that the number of connected computers is doubling each year.

What can people locate on the Internet? It offers a rapidly growing collection of information, with topics ranging from medicine to science and technology. It features exhaustive material on the arts as well as research material for students and coverage of recreation, entertainment, sports, shopping, and employment opportunities. The Internet provides access to almanacs, dictionaries, encyclopedias, maps and any other information.

Найдите слова из первой колонки в тексте и соотнесите с их значением во второй колонке. (x1)


1. phenomenon a) a general look at something
2. maze b) refreshing your mind or body after work
3. adjacent c) a book or set of books containing all kinds of information
4. estimate d) an event or fact, especially one that is remarkable
5. exhaustive e) happening or made or done a short time ago
6. recreation f) the place to which a person or thing is traveling
7. encyclopedia g) a network of paths
8. destination h) through: trying everything possible
9. recent i) a rough calculation or guess about an amount or value
10. survey j) near or next to


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