Range of products being remanufactured

Machine tools Electrical motors and compressors Starter motors Automatic transmissions Car and truck engines Office photocopiers (laser toner cartridges) Excavation equipment Office furniture Power bearings Defense equipment Computer and telecoms equipment. Air-conditioning units Pumps Industrial food processing equipment Aerospace Rolling stock (railway vehicles – подвижной состав) (900)


Rebuilding is an old name for remanufacturing. It is still widely used by automotive industry. For example, the Automotive Parts Remanufacturers Association (APRA), have the new term in their name, but to be safe on their own website use the combined term as 'rebuild/remanufacture' (разобрать предложение по членам предложения).

The term “rebuilding” is also often used by railway companies; a steam locomotive may be rebuilt with a new boiler or a diesel locomotive may be rebuilt with a new engine. This saves money (by re-using the frame, and some other components, which still have years of useful life) and allows the incorporation of improved technology. For example, a new diesel engine may have lower fuel consumption, reduced exhaust emissions (обратить внимание на цепочки слов) and better reliability. (740)




1. To prepare for a dictation.

2. To translate in the written form the paragraph “Trybology” from the exam topic.



Dictation - 25 min. (+10 min. for check)




Tribology is the science and engineering of interacting surfaces in relative motion. It includes the study and application of the principles of friction, lubrication and wear. Tribology is a branch of mechanical engineering and materials science.


Review the paragraph about Tribology from your home task:

Tribology is a branch of engineering that deals with friction and the problems it causes. This science studies different types of friction in mechanisms. It is always necessary to eliminate or reduce wear and tear in machines. Therefore, we study fundamental aspects of lubrication and lubricants, corrosion and maintenance. We study properties of different types of materials, for example, metals, metallic alloys, ceramics, polymers and composites). All over the world, the wastage of resources resulting from high friction and wear is great. That is why our specialty is very important now.


Read, translate and discuss:

Tribology Course objectives (Tribologists’ Commandments) – Заповеди триболога

Machine elements like gears, bearings, brakes, clutches, cams, chains, and seals all have moving parts.

•The surfaces of these moving parts rub against each other.

•The contact zone is frequently the origin of failures.

•These failures include wear, seizure, excessive friction, or contact fatigue.

•The study of friction, wear, contact mechanics, and lubrication is of great importance.

•Tribology is the science of relative surfaces in relative motion.

•All technical students should be given a basic understanding of the principles of Tribology.

•Students should be prepared to solve industrial tribological related failures when they occur in their later working life. (660)


Text 1. Fundamentals

The tribological interactions of a solid surface's exposed face with interfacing materials and environment may result in loss of material from the surface. The process leading to loss of material is known as "wear". Major types of wear include abrasion, friction (adhesion and cohesion), erosion, and corrosion. Wear can be minimized by modifying the surface properties of solids by one or more of " surface engineering" processes (also called surface finishing) or by use of lubricants (for frictional or adhesive wear).

Estimated direct and consequential annual loss to industries in the USA due to wear is approximately 6% of the Gross Domestic Product. Engineered surfaces extend the working life of both original and recycled, and resurfaced equipment, thus saving large sums of money and leading to conservation of material, energy and the environment. Methodologies to minimize wear include systematic approaches to diagnose the wear and to prescribe appropriate solutions. (980)


Words and word combinations to be remembered:

Interfacing materials, surfaces - соприкасающиеся, смежные, взаимодействующие материалы, поверхности

Loss of material - потеря металла

Wear - износ (сущ.); истирание

to wear (глаг.) – wore - worn (off, out) изнашивать(ся); истирать(ся); срабатывать(ся)

wear and tear — износ, снашивание Tear – износ физический, разрыв

adhesion - 1) адгезия; прилипание; сцепление 2) схватывание при трении

adhesion in friction — схватывание при трении

cohesion - когезия, сцепление, связь; связность

surface engineering - модифицирование поверхности

lubricant - смазочный материал, смазка (обычно жидкая), смазочное масло


Ex. 1: translate the following word combinations and learn them:

1) abrasive wear

2) corrosive wear

3) cutting wear

4) dynamic wear

5) erosive wear

6) even wear

7) fine wear

8) gross wear

9) in-service wear

10) mechanical wear

11) metallic wear

12) rapid wear

13) roller/bearing/shaft wear

14) smooth wear

Ex. 2

How to start learning one word and learn the whole bunch of them!

TO LUBRICATE (глагол, прав.) lubricated - пр.время - смазал

Lubricated (прич. прош. вр.) - смазанный

Lubricating (прич. наст. вр.) - смазывающий

Lubricating (герундий – назв. процесса) - смазывание

LUBRICANT - смазочное вещество

LUBRICATION - смазка (процесс), смазывание (метод смазывания)


LUBRICITY - смазывающая способность, смазываемость, маслянистость

Lube - 1) СОЖ, смазочный материал, смазка, смазочное масло

2) смазывать (глагол); 3) смазочный

Lube oil, lube system (система подачи СОЖ), and lube cycle (цикл периодической смазки)



1). Ex.3. Find Russian equivalents for the following word combinations (word-strings):

automatic lubrication hydrodynamic lubrication preventive lubrication permanent lubrication  
spray lubrication splash lubrication pressure lubrication lifetime lubrication separate lubrication     Принудительная смазка, С. под давлением  
chassis lubrication engine lubrication suspension lubrication semi-fluid lubrication   Полужидкостная смазка
direct lubrication system  
pulse lubrication system Импульсная смазочная система
series lubrication system Последовательная
air-oil-mist lubrication system  
“total loss” lubrication system Проточная



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