Find what this proverb means (Найдите, что означает эта пословица).
Complete the sentences with the appropriate words (Завершите предложения соответствующими словами).
Распределите названия продуктов на две группы (Divide the product names into two groups): Fruit /vegetables and Milk meal.
Read the text and translate into Russian (Прочтите текст и переведите на русский язык).
Creative task (Творческое задание).
I. Find what this proverb means (Найдите, что означает эта пословица.).
1. After meat mustard.
2. A tree is known by its fruit.
3. Every vegetable has own season.
4. A spoon is dear when lunchtime is near
5. Breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and dine like a pauper.
1. Завтрак съешь сам, обед раздели с другом, ужин отдай врагу. (Завтракай, как король, обедай, как королева, а ужинай, как нищий.)
2. Ложка хороша к обеду
3. Дерево познаётся по плодам.
4. Каждому овощу своё время года
5. После обеда горчица
II. Complete the sentences with the appropriate words (Завершите предложения соответствующими словами).
1. When you live the table for good, the napkin may be placed …, slightly folded
1. on the table b) on your hands c) on your head
2. Salt and … are passed together
1. Pepper b) sugar c) mustard
3. Our recipe will tell us what we need to make …
1. potato chips b) soup c) tea
4. We can get cotton candy at … fairs.
1. wintertime b) summertime c) autumn
5. In the summer, people eat many hot dogs.
You can put ketchup, … and relish on you hot dog.
1. Pepper b) sugar c) mustard
III. Распределите названия продуктов на две группы (Divide the product names into two groups): Fruit /vegetables and Milk meal.
apple cheese apricot pineapple yogurt cucumber kiwi milk shake green beans potato butter kefir avocado orange sour cream cream
IV. Read the text and translate into Russian (Прочтите текст и переведите на русский язык):
1. Pre-dinner cocktails or aperitifs are usually served before eating. They stimulate the appetite. They are made with strong and clear spirits, such as whisky, gin or brandy. They have high alcohol content. They have no more than three ingredients and are not mixed with juice or cream.
2. Creamy cocktails are usually served after a meal as a dessert. They are made with ice cream, milk, sweet liqueurs, fruit, chocolate and coco-nut sprinkles. They can be made layered.
3. Long cocktails are usually served in a long glass with a straw. They are not as strong as other cocktails. They consist mainly of ice with a little spirit, fruit juice and sodas.
4. Sour cocktails are a combination of spirits and liqueurs with lemon juice and sugar syrup. They are good in hot weather because they are served with ice.
Creative task (Творческое задание).
Prepare a dish at your own discretion, prepare a recipe, sign products, actions in English. Take photos of the stages and results of cooking. (Приготовить блюдо на свое усмотрения, подготовить рецепт, подписать продукты, действия на английском языке. Сфотографировать этапы и результат приготовления блюда).
I. Phonetic charging (Фонетическая зарядка)
[ k ]
How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?
How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies?
A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.
II. Students should write down words and expressions in a notebook and translate them to choose the country that suits each set of products (dishes) (Слова и выражения студенты должны записать в тетрадь и перевести подобрать страну, которая подходит к каждому набору продуктов (блюд):
a) gifts of the sea, vegetables, soya and beans, octopuses, mollusks, oysters, crabs, rice, shushi, poultry, fruit, green tea.
b) paste, cheese, sauce. vegetables, meet, fruit, nuts, ice-cream, coffee, butter, roasted pork and rye bread.
(Brazil, Japan, Belarus, Russia, Turkey, Italy)
III. Translate a recipe (Перевести рецепт)
Beef roast
Beef: 500 g;
Flour: 3 tbsp;
Mustard: 1 tablespoon;
Honey: 3 tablespoons;
Vegetable oil: 3 tablespoons;
Dried Basil: 1 teaspoon;
Ground black pepper: to taste;
Salt: to taste.
The cooking process
Wash the meat and dry with paper towels. Then the beef should roll in flour. At this stage it should not be salted, as meat can get in the end is not juicy. In a frying pan heat vegetable oil and fry the meat on all sides until Golden brown. About 3-4 minutes on each side over medium heat. Meanwhile, prepare the bread sauce. Mix 3 tablespoons of honey with mustard and dried Basil. Remove the meat and place on foil. Salt and pepper on all sides. Then how should fluff it prepared in the previous step sauce using a cooking brush. Wrap the beef in foil, put in a baking dish. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and remove the meat in it for 1 hour. Ready roast beef cut into pieces and serve with side dishes of potato, rice or pasta.
IV. Сопоставьте названия русских блюд с их описаниями, используя свой индекс (Match the names of the Russian dishes with their descriptions using your index).
1.Pelmeni 1) Russian salad; it is mixture of vegetables, boiled and chopped
2.Vinaigrette 2) Soup with pickled cucumbers3.Shchi 3) Russian dumplings- cases of dough filled with meat or berries
4.Rassolnik 4) Thin fruit jelly made from fruit or berry juice and potato flour
5.Kasha 5) Soup with kvas, hard boiled eggs, chopped spring onions, cucumbers and dill, boiled meat; everything is chopped. It is cold6.Kissel 6) Cabbage soup with fresh or sauerkraut cabbage
7.Okroshka 7) Cereal pudding. It is made of oats, rice, manna groats, buckwheat,millet
8.Blini 8)Pancake(made of flour, water or milk, yeast and eggs