Ethical and Practical Considerations in Client Selection


A Like many other segments of society, law firms keenly feel the effects of an economic downturn. Corporations carefully examine their bottom line, and ask lawyers to deliver more for less. In such circumstances a law firm has several options to increase its profitability. Seeking to enhance or establish a practice in an area of law that seems impervious to economic swings, or in an emerging area with a high demand for legal services, is one logical response. In fact, it is a most judicious response if a firm is willing to expend the resources – time and money – to become immersed in the area.


B Law firms with a long-range plan are generally better positioned to weather an economic downturn. A problem arises, however, when a firm, without a plan for survival, reacts precipitously when its client base and/or income begin to decrease dramatically. For example, a response of this nature may cause a firm that focuses on regulatory or transactional work – confident of its attorneys’ analytical, research, and writing abilities – to decide that it is competent to begin litigation practice. Such a firm is not likely to appreciate the nuances of the practice area, the importance of being familiar with how the court systems work, and the in-depth knowledge required of the procedural and evidentiary rules.


C A second reaction to a weakened economy that results in fewer new clients is to keep existing clients when prudence and objectivity counsel withdrawal from a case. Another option is to become less discriminating when accepting clients. But feeling the effects of a weakened economy should not cause a firm to panic and resort to accepting clients indiscriminately. On the contrary, a firm needs to remain vigilant and adhere to its established client selection process. Likewise, if ethical or practical concerns dictate that a firm should no longer act for a client, the firm should not allow the amount of revenue it receives from the client to cloud its judgement.


D Failure to maintain rigorous standards for client selection can jeopardize an attorney’s reputation, increase stress and decrease morale within the firm, and ultimately have a negative impact on the firm, rather than provide the remuneration the firm envisioned in entering into a relationship with an improperly screened client. If a firm has to assign lawyers to represent it in charges of malpractice, or has to retain outside counsel for that purpose, its bottom line is being adversely affected. Potentially, these lawyers will have to spend several hours each day documenting every detail of every conversation with in- house counsel, and a substantial amount of time apprising management of evolving issues and discussing how to resolve them.


adhere v следовать; придерживаться

adverse adj неблагоприятный

anticipate v предвидеть; опережать

assign v назначать

bottom line n самый нижний уровень

charge n обвинение

client selection n выбор клиента

cloud v омрачать; затуманить

counsel v советовать

discriminating adj разборчивый

drain n истощение

economic downturn n экономический спад

emerge v появляться, возникать

envision v представлять себе

evidentiary adj доказательный

evolve v развивать, совершенствовать

fluctuation n колебание

immerse v погружать; окунать

impact n влияние

impervious adj недоступный, непроницаемый

jeopardize v подвергнуть опасности / риску

litigation practice n судебная практика

malpractice n недобросовестная практика

outcome n результат; последствие

precipitiously adv поспешно

profitability n рентабельность; прибыльность

prudent adj благоразумный, предусмотрительный

remuneration n вознаграждение

resort v прибегать, прибегнуть

reverse adj обратный; противоположный

rigorous adj строгий, суровый

specialty n амер., speciality англ., область специализации

swing n колебание

underestimate v недооценивать

vigilant adj бдительный

weather v вынести, перенести, выдержать

withdrawal n уход, прекращение


Reading tasks

Answer these questions.

1 What circumstances make law firms carefully examine bottom line?

2 What options does a law firm have to increase its profitability?

3 Which firms are better positioned to weather an economic downturn?

4 What problems can arise when a firm reacts precipitiously?

5 Why must a firm be vigilant in client selection?

6 What policy can have a negative impact on the firm?

Part 5

A Read the following extract from a letter of advice from a lawyer to a client.

Choose the best sentence from B to fill each of the gaps. For each question 1- 6 mark one letter (A—H) on your answer sheet. Do not use any letter more than once. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).


You have requested advice regarding your legal position in a suit filed against you by Jermain Equipment Co. (the “Claimant”) related to an equipment rental agreement. You have been sued for damages based on an alleged breach of contract.

The statements expressed herein should not be construed in any way as conclusive or indicative of our future opinions and views. (0) ………..

A summary of the facts as you have provided them are as follows. You are a shareholder in Richardson (the “Company”). Some time in November, the Company’s managing director entered into an equipment rental agreement with the Claimant. (1) ………. You have been sued personally based on the allegation that the company was improperly formed.


In such situations, the law is not completely clear as to the issues concerning the Company’s legal status and your personal liability. I have reviewed the Articles of Incorporation of the Company and, in my opinion, pursuant to the laws of this jurisdiction, the Company might be considered as no company at all. This is because its purported formation was deficient as the Articles did not comply with the relevant statutes and no certificate of incorporation had been issued at the time of contract. (2) ……….

The issue of your personal liability primarily hinges on whether the court accepts this view. In the case that the Company is deemed a company in fact, you will, of course, be insulated from liability. (3) ……….

However, it might be efficacious to argue another modern development in the law. The traditional view in this jurisdiction is that all of the “shareholders” in a would-be company may be held personally liable for debts incurred in the name of the company. (4) ………. In this context, the idea is that passive “shareholders” should not incur liability due to the failure of the managing “shareholders” to act competently. On the other hand, the traditional view seems to prevail perhaps due to the ease of its application. (5) ………. Judges tend to support the traditional approach as, in practice, they are likely to spend less time in court. I would therefore anticipate an argument endorsing the modern approach will not be warmly received by the court.

There is one final argument you could raise. It is based on the concept that a party cannot argue that a would-be company was improperly formed when at all times it dealt with the undertaking as if it were validly formed. (6) ………. In my opinion this argument represents the best possibility for you to avoid personal liability. However, its success depends on the evidence presented, which means that a more detailed investigation of the facts is required.

B Example:

  A B C D E F G H


A Specifically, it obviates the need for an in-depth factual analysis of the shareholder’s participation.


B As a result of this action, the interpretation of the clause of the original
agreement relating to rental payments became a matter of dispute.


C However, there is an argument, increasingly supported by judges and prominent legal scholars, that provided the inadequacy is later cured, as it was in this case, the would-be company should be given the status of a company in fact at the time of contract.


D In a case of this nature, it would operate as an injustice to permit such a
contention to be advanced.


E If not, your chances of avoiding liability are greatly diminished.


F The Company has failed to make contractual payments despite receiving and using the equipment.


G However, there is a significant development in the law towards allowing claims only against those who actively participated in the management of such a company.

H That is to say, facts and circumstances may come to light which would require us to significantly modify our advice.



anticipate v ожидать, предвосхищать

application n применение (права, закона)

argument n аргумент, довод

alleged adj заявленный; allegation n заявление

Articles of Incorporation of the Company свидетельство о регистрации


comply with v соответствовать

deem v считать

contention n утверждение

cure v исправлять

deficient adj недостаточный, неполный

efficacious adj эффективный, действенный.

endorse n поддерживать

equipment rental agreement n соглашение об аренде оборудования

hinge on связан с

hold liable v считать/признать ответственным

inadequacy n несоответствие требованиям

incorporation n предоставление статуса компании

increasingly adv всё более; всё больше и больше

incur v нести (ответственность, расходы, ущерб и т.д.)

insulate from v освобождать от

issue n вопрос

obviate v устранять, избегать

provided при условии, что

purport v подразумевать; претендовать

pursuant to в соответствии с; согласно (чему-либо)

specifically adv конкретно



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