New Seven Wonders of the World: Machu Picchu

A phone call

Among the e-mails waiting for me at work one morning was one from a member of my staff. It was sent from his personal e-mail address and there was only his home phone number. Thinking something was wrong, I immediately called _______ HE ___________.

A sleepy female voice answered and told me he was at work and _______ COME _______ home late in the evening.

The ______ BAD _________ moment was when I remembered that I had recently asked staff members to give me their home numbers. I went right down to the employee’s office to apologize for my call.

_______ LATE ________, however, he thanked me. I had awakened his daughter, who had an exam that morning but had forgotten to set her alarm. Thanks to my call, she hadn't missed the exam.

New Seven Wonders of the World: Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu, often called "The Lost City of the Incas", is probably the most famous symbol of the Incan Empire. Machu Picchu is situated 7,875 _______ FOOT ________ above sea level in Peru.

Machu Picchu _______ BUILD _______ around the year 1460 by the Inca as a secret ceremonial city, very well hidden and protected.

The ruins of Machu Picchu were rediscovered in 1911 by an American archaeologist. Since then, Machu Picchu _______ BECOME ________ an important tourist attraction. Thousands of visitors come here every year to admire its wonders.


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My elder brother likes all kinds of music. He prefers jazz but also listens to pop music and sometimes goes to classical music concerts. But when driving __________________ in his car, he insists on listening to heavy-metal music.     I

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For a long time I __________________ understand why he was doing it. NOT CAN

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He knew very well that for me it was the __________________ kind of music. BAD

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One day I decided to ask him why he always chooses this type while driving. “Well, sister,” he reluctantly replied, “to be frank, it's mainly so you can't sing along.” He added that he __________________ to anything else if only I promised not to sing along.   LISTEN

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Honesty is the best policy
To learn more about her students, my younger brother's teacher sent home a lengthy questionnaire at the beginning of the school year. She asked __________________about their likes and dislikes and about many other things.   THEY

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She asked what they __________________ about their school in twenty years time. THINK

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Some of the questions were so difficult that I __________________ answer them offhand though I was 6 years his senior.   NOT CAN

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The __________________ question, in my opinion, was the one relating to their self-image: "When you look in a mirror, what do you see?" But my ten-year-old brother had no trouble with his answer: "Myself, and everything behind me." BAD

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5 Excuses, excuses...
For years my husband, Tom, and I had complained bitterly about the lack of sidewalks in our village. We didn't have enough exercise but we __________________ jog because there were no sidewalks.     NOT CAN

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Tom had often told__________________, "If only we had sidewalks, we would jog or walk daily and become models of fitness". I  

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So we were thrilled when a community sidewalk project was announced, and watched eagerly as paving neared completion. Then the __________________ thing happened: wishful thinking and reality collided.     BAD

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"Well, dear," Tom said. "What'll we use as an excuse for not walking now?" I said I __________________ of some excuse.   THINK

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As old as a brontosaurus
As we walked around the Prehistoric Park in Calgary, I had my six-year-old son, Jordie, pose for a picture with a brontosaurus in the background. After I took the photo, I __________________ help crying.   NOT CAN

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"What’s wrong, Mom?" Jordie asked. I explained that when I was his age, my parents had taken my picture standing in exactly the same spot, and I was feeling rather nostalgic. I added that perhaps one day he __________________his son’s picture here.     TAKE

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Puzzled, he looked several times from the brontosaurus to __________________. I

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And then came the __________________ moment of my life. My son said, "But …when you were a girl... it was alive then, right?" BAD

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6 A cup of coffee
Once I was travelling in Italy. It was a lovely day. I had been driving for two hours already. When I came to the next little town, I __________________ help stopping for a cup of coffee.     NOT CAN

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I wandered along the street until I came upon some parasol-shaded tables which seemed to__________________ very nice. I settled and opened my book.   I  

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It was taking a long time for the waiter to arrive, but I was in no hurry. I was sure that the waiter __________________ soon.   COME

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But finally, becoming impatient, I turned to signal for service and saw the neon sign. That was the __________________ moment... I discovered that I was sitting outside a store selling garden furniture.   BAD

Secret of the Sahara

This is a story about a strange discovery made in the great Sahara Desert. In 1933 a French officer _________ RIDE _________ in the Sahara through a deep canyon in a mountain range where no other European had ever been.

Suddenly he saw that the walls of the canyon _________ COVER _________ with age-old carvings and paintings of strange unknown animals.

News of the discovery soon _________ BRING _________ many experts of all kinds to the place.

Dinosaur Facts

Dinosaurs lived on our planet millions of years ago. Some of them were very big. Now only their giant bones and footprints ________ FIND __________.

Millions of years ago, the world did not look like it does today. Many of the animals that walked the land had bodies low to the ground and legs on the sides of their bodies. As time passed, the land changed. The animals changed too. Some of the animals now had legs under their bodies. They moved _________ FAST _________ than the other animals.

________ THIS __________ new animals were the first dinosaurs. They came in all sizes. Some were about 75 feet long.

The dinosaurs all died about 65 million years ago. Some people think that it got too cold for the dinosaurs. Other people think the dinosaurs _________ NOT CAN _________ find enough food to eat. Still, no one is sure why the dinosaurs all died.

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8 Leaving School at Sixteen
In Britain many young people decide to leave school at the age of 16 and go to a Further Education College. Here most of the courses __________________ to some kind of practical vocational training in engineering, typing, cooking, etc.     LINK


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Some 16-year-olds leave school but cannot find work. At the same time they __________________ to go to college.   NOT WANT  

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For them the British government __________________ the Young Opportunities Scheme. This scheme places young people with a firm or a factory for 6 months and pays them a small wage. INTRODUCE  

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Spectators at the Ancient Olympic Games
Nowadays people all over the world can watch the Olympics on TV or listen to the sports news over the radio. They __________________ to travel to Greece or any other country to see the sports competition.     NOT HAVE


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In ancient times, the Olympic festival __________________huge numbers of visitors to Olympia. BRING

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They came from all over the Greek world, from Greek colonies in Italy, Turkey, Egypt and Ukraine. There were so many visitors that __________________ people had to sleep outside, under the stars. MANY

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Foreigners __________________Greece had a warm welcome. VISIT

How old is Coca-Cola?

Do you know how old this popular drink is? In 1886 a chemist from Atlanta, John Pemberton, ________ MAKE __________ a syrup from cola-nut extract, cocoa leaves, some vegetable extracts, caffeine, and sugar.

He ran the _______ ONE ___________ advertisement for the beverage on May 29 of the same year in the Atlanta Journal.

He started ________ SERVE __________the syrup diluted with soda-water to customers in his drugstore.

That’s how the world famous drink _________ INVENT _________.


College life

We are a family of five. My ________ OLD __________ sister, Heather, is in her second year in college. This year she could not find a book she needed.

When the professor assigned reading from a hard-to-find book, 150 hands shot in the air to inform him they _________ NOT HAVE _________ it. He told them it had arrived at the bookstore that morning.

When the class was over, Heather sprinted to the bookstore, grabbed a copy and rushed to the cashier. The cashier saw Heather and began ringing the bell for assistance, a look of panic on her face. “How many ________ BE __________ there behind you?” she demanded.


Kid inventions

Becky Schroeder was only 10 years old when she came up with the idea of the glo-paper. Two years________ LATE __________, in 1974, her invention was patented.

She became the ________YOUNG __________ female to ever receive a patent in the United States.

The idea came to her when she tried to do her homework in the family car, while her mother shopped for groceries. It _________ GET _________ dark gradually, and she couldn’t see her notebook very well.

She ________ NOT HAVE __________a flashlight and imagined how nice it would be to have a paper that glows in the dark and allows you to write effortlessly without light. A year of research and experiment and she did it!

A white flag

It’s always a problem for me to find my car in a huge parking lot. After reading an article with a piece of advice for people like me, I decided to follow it one day. I attached a tissue to the car’s antenna with a rubber band. The little white flag waving in the breeze ________ SUPPOSE __________to help me spot my car easily.

So I went _______ SHOP ___________.

When I _________ COME _________ out, I quickly spotted a little white flag … and about ten others.

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Morse Code

Before phones, computers, and telegraphs were invented, messages would take months or even years to reach their destination. Samuel Morse was born in Charlestown, Massachusetts, in April 1791, not knowing that he would be a famous _______ INVENT ___________.

Since the age of four, Morse had been interested in ________ DRAW __________and he wanted to become a painter. Mr. and Mrs. Morse were afraid that he couldn't make a living as a painter, so they made him a bookseller. He worked as a bookseller but at night he would paint.

________ FINAL __________, his parents realized how he loved art, so they found the money for Morse to study art in London.

After a ________ SUCCESS __________ artistic career (first painting historical scenes and then portraits), Morse built the first American telegraph around 1835.

Morse patented a working telegraph machine in 1837, with help from his _________ BUSY _________ partners, Leonard Gale and Alfred Vail.

Morse used a dots-and-spaces code for the letters of the alphabet and for numbers. It was later improved to use dashes with dots and spaces. Since then, it has proved its _________ EFFECTIVE _________many times.

Can fish hear?

To divers, the underwater world is silent, and we call the ocean the “silent deep.” But to a fish, the underwater world isn’t silent at all. Fish can “hear” other fish ________ MOVE __________ through the water.

Fish ________ NOT HAVE __________ ears, but they do have a structure inside their head that is very much like our own inner ear.

This structure is sensitive to vibrations in the water, ________ MAKE __________ by other fish.

Research ________ SHOW __________ that some fish are sensitive to ordinary sounds, too. Catfish can probably hear everything we hear!


The White House

The White House, in Washington, DC, is one of the world’s most recognized buildings. It is the home of the president of the United States. The original house _________ BUILD _________ in the 1790s.

It was burnt down in 1814, and rebuilt ________ LATE __________.

Since then, various presidents _________ MAKE _________changes to it over the years. The White House has 132 rooms, including the President’s Oval Office.

Alaska flag

Do you know any kids’ inventions? One of them is 13-year-old Bennie Benson from the USA, who designed the state flag of Alaska in 1926. His design ________ CHOOSE __________in a flag-designing contest.

_______ LATE ___________, in 1959, it became the official flag of Alaska. The blue background is for the sky and the forget-me-not, the state flower.

The flag also has the Big Dipper (a symbol of strength) and the North Star (also ________ CALL __________ Polaris), which represents Alaska's northern location.

For a prize Bennie _______ WIN ___________ a $1000 scholarship and a watch.



This year we decided to go on a camping trip. It was our ________ ONE __________ experience.

We started ________ PACK __________ a month before the trip.

When our neighbor saw the assortment of boxes, bins and gear strapped to our car’s roof rack, she came rushing over. “Oh!” she exclaimed. “I ________ NOT KNOW __________ you were leaving! I’m so glad I got to see you before you moved!”


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