Text 4 Out-of-home advertising formats

Outdoor advertising, or out-of-home (ООН) advertising can really grab your attention or get in your face. Advertisers have a wide choice of poster sites, sizes and formats from 4 sheets (60x40 inches) to 96 sheets (480x120 inches).

Roadside panels: Billboards are large outdoor panels for displaying ads. Giant banners or wallscapes are hung on the front of buildings. Outdoor contractors also offer lightboxes (illuminated panels), tri-face billboards (with rotating sections allowing three different advertisements to be displayed in sequence) and scrollers (signs displaying a number of posters, one after the other).

Street furniture: In 1962 Jean-Claude Decaux introduced the concept of advertising on bus shelters. Pedestrian panels are backlit - lit from behind - and normally located on streets in town and city centres.

Transit advertising: Taxis, buses, trams and trains can be wrapped in vinyl showing a company's adverts. Ads can also be positioned inside or on the side or rear of a vehicle.

Ambient media: Adverts can be displayed on non-traditional media such as the back of a receipt from a shop or a travel ticket. The use of floor graphics is common in supermarkets and shopping centres.

Digital outdoor advertising: LED screens are used in similar sites to traditional billboards. Digital video billboards show short advertising spots (15, 30 or 60 seconds). Consumers can interact directly with some interactive advertising sites, such as bus shelters and poster panels, using their mobile phones.

Note: Paste is the adhesive used to attach posters to walls; the word can be used as a noun and as a verb. Billboards are sometimes called hoardings in India and the UK.

Advertisers can buy a network of sites to target their consumers or to reach people in their geographical area, or catchment zone. Eye-catching - attractive and noticeable - ads such as sonic posters (which include sounds), 'smelly' posters (including smells or odours) and lenticular posters (showing different images as you walk past them) can be very memorable. Outdoor campaigns can be measured by opportunities to see (OTS) or coverage. The term approach specifies the distance between the point where the advertisement first become visible, to the point where is no longer readable because it has passed out of sight.

8.10 Complete the crossword.


2 Another name for a hoarding. (9)

5 This type of furniture is found outside. (6)

7 This type of advertising makes a noise. (5)

8 A giant ….. is hung on a building. (6)

10 Advertising on buses, taxis, etc. (7)

12 Advertising you can walk on: a ….. graphic. (5)

13 The latest technology for out-of-home advertising. (7)

14 The image changes as you walk past this type of poster. (10)




1 Out-of-home advertising gets in your …... (4)

3 To put up posters. (5)

4 An illuminated panel. (8)

6 By the sides of streets and roads. (8)

9 You can wrap buses and taxis in this material. (5)

11 Another word for 'out-of-home'. (7)


8.11 Complete the news report using words from the box.


Catching coverage graphics hung shelters wrapped


Commuters in Bristol were surprised by an invasion of out-of-home advertising last Tuesday. The opening of a new concert hall was announced by huge banners (1) ….. on prominent sites around the city. Buses were (2) ….. in the concert hall's logo and colours. Bus (3) ….. were treated to new eye- (4)…… interactive ads that lit up and made noises as pedestrians walked past. A spokesperson for the new concert hall said that the public reaction had been good. "We got greater (5) ….. than we had imagined.' he added. One commuter said that she had been pleasantly surprised to find herself walking on floor (6) ….. instead of the ordinary floor.

Describe a poster you have seen recently. Why did this ad catch your eye?


Text 5 The press

Newspapers. Most newspapers are dailies, printed every day. Some are weeklies, printed once a week. The national daily press includes titles like The Sun and The Times in the UK and is available all over the country. The regional press is only available in certain parts of the country - for example, the South Wales Echo. The local press is similar to the regional press but for a smaller geographical area - for example, the Basingstoke Gazette is only for sale in the town of Basingstoke.

Tabloids are newspapers with a smaller format than broadsheets. Originally broadsheets carried more economic and political reports and were more serious. Most UK newspapers today are tabloid or Berliner, slightly bigger than a tabloid. However, the term tabloid press is still used to refer to less serious newspapers which contain sensational stories, short articles or reports, and a lot of photographs. Some newspapers are not sold but given away free. These freesheets are funded entirely by the advertising they carry.

Magazines can be weekly, published every week; fortnightly, published every two weeks; or monthly, published every month. The advertising salesdepartment of a newspaper or magazine sells advertising space or advertising positions in their publications. As part of the sales effort, ad salespeople work with the marketing team to prepare media packs, which contain information about:

■ The advertising rates, or cost of advertising in the newspaper or magazine. The rate card shows the price of advertising and also gives technical data about the size, or format, of the ad. The copy deadline tells advertisers when they have to deliver the copy (the images and text for the ad) or the complete advert itself.

Circulation figures or distribution figures, showing the number of copies (single newspapers or magazines) sold per issue(the version of the newspaper or magazine published on a particular date). The readership figures, which show how many people read the publication, may be higher than the circulation figures because one copy may beread by more than one person.

■ The advertising policyof the publication, which gives general information on what can beadvertised, which formats are available, and how to pay.

■ Details and dates about special features - articles about a particular subject, such as theTechnology Quarterly from The Economist, or reviews of fashion shows in women's magazines. If you are a clothing brand it is a good idea to book spaceto coincide with reviews of fashion shows

8.12 Match the categories of newspapers and magazines (1-6) to the descriptions (a-f).

1 daily local freesheet

2 fortnightly special interest

3 monthly children's magazine

4 monthly glossy men's magazine

5 regional daily press

6 weekly national press

a Since October 10, 1870, the Eastern Daily Press has been a source of authoritative comment for its readers in Norfolk, North Suffolk and East Cambridgeshire, helping form opinion and encourage debate.

b A leading quality magazine, whether it's fashion, sport, health, humour, politics or music, every month GQ covers it all with intelligence and imagination.

с The Sunday Review from The Independent is part of the 'world's best designed newspaper'. It is renowned for its strong reporting, national news features and cultured outlook.

d RAIL is published twice a month in the UK. It is Britain's number one modern rail magazine for news, features, analysis and opinion. Perfect for the railway enthusiast.

e CY - A brilliant new intelligent and entertaining magazine for 7 to 12-year-old children. Full of features, activities, puzzles, facts, cartoons and challenges to stimulate and stretch their minds. 12 issues a year.

f Metro is designed to be read in about 20 minutes and contains bite-sized national and international news and local information - entertainment previews, listings, weather and travel. We're completely free and you can pick us up Monday to Friday in 15 cities across the country.


8.13 Choose the correct word combinations from the brackets to complete the sentences. There are two possible answers for each question.

1 Our (copy deadline is / circulation figures are / readership is) growing year on year.

2 You can book (advertising positions / advertising space / advertising policy) using our secure online booking system.

3 Please click here to download a PDF version of our (media pack / book space / rate card).

4 Before submitting an ad, please make sure you have read and understood the (technical data /advertising space / advertising rates).


8.14 Translate into English.

Реклама – это оплаченное присутствие в средствах массовой информации сведений о товаре, имеющее целью увеличить известность фирмы и ее обороты.

Функции рекламы:

1. Маркетинговая (продвижение товара к потребителю).

2. Информационная (информирует потребителей о товарах).

3. Экономическая (стимулирует продажу).

4. Образовательная (ускоряет темпы научно-технического прогресса).

5. Социальная (аппелирует к общечеловеческим ценностям: сохранению окружающей среды, здоровья и т.п.).

6. Политическая.

Основные задачи рекламы:

1) создание осведомленности о существовании товара или марки;

2) создание образа марки или благоприятной эмоциональной предрасположенности к марке;

3) внедрение информации о выгодах и преимуществах марки;

4) умение отразить или подорвать утверждение конкурентов;

5) способность исправить превратные представления, развеять неправильную информацию и устранить другие помехи сбыту;

6) умение добиться легкой узнаваемости упаковки;

7) внедрение в сознание потребителей уникального торгового предложения.

К основным принципам рекламы можно отнести:

Принцип повторения – хорошо запоминается та информация, которая многократно повторяется, многократное повторение сообщения адаптирует к нему психику человека, формирует у него требуемые наклонности к действию.

Принцип непрерывного усилия – постепенное наращивание усилий в рекламном сообщении положительно воспринимается людьми.

Принцип “двойного вызова” – имеется в виду обращение не только к разуму человека, но и к эмоциональной сфере его психики. Чтобы побудить человека к действию, следует обращаться одновременно и к сознанию, и к подсознанию.

Основные правила рекламной деятельности:

а) реклама должна вызывать интерес;

б) реклама должна быть правдивой: обманув один раз, можно навсегда потерять доверие;

в) реклама должна быть корректной по отношению к другим фирмам;

г) реклама должна быть тактичной, ненавязчивой.

Важным аспектом рекламной деятельности является правильное позиционирование рекламируемого товара на рынке, т.е. обеспечение ему не вызывающего сомнения, четко отличного от других, желательного места на рынке и в сознании целевых потребителей.

Позиционирование дает возможность оптимального выбора такого важного элемента любой рекламной акции, как уникальное торговое предложение (УТГ). УТГ – оригинальный призыв, выделяющий товар из ряда ему подобных, и побуждающий потребителя рекламы осуществлять нужные рекламодателю действия.

Итак, эффективное рекламное обращение должно: 1) привлекать и удерживать внимание целевой аудитории; 2) доносить до аудитории необходимое представление о предмете рекламы; 3) вызывать положительную ответную реакцию.

Unit 9 Marketing tools


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