Unit 3 Money and the Banking System


1. Deferred payment - отложенный (отсроченный) платеж - a unit of account over time.

2. Demand deposit - депозит до востребования| бессрочный вклад| текущий счёт - a perpetual Bank account, the funds from which are issued to the client on demand without restrictions.

3. Transaction - деловая операция| сделка - the action or process of buying or selling something.

Example: financial transactions between companies commercial transactions.

4. Medium of exchange - средство обращения – a medium of exchange is any item that sellers will accept in payment for goods or services. As a medium of exchange, money assists in the buying and selling of goods and services because buyers know that sellers will accept money in payment for products or services.

5. Store of value – средство накопления; средство сбережения - money to be useful as a store of value, it must be stable in value. Stability in value encourages saving and maintains money’s purchasing power.

6. Purchasing power - покупательная способность, платёжеспособность -

money that people have available to buy goods with.

Example: The cost of houses has risen faster than purchasing power.

7. Legal tender - законное платёжное средство - fiat money in the form of banknotes is referred.

8. Forgery – подделка| фальсификация - the crime of copying money, documents, etc. in order to cheat people.

9. Economic recession - экономический спад - a difficult time for the economy of a country, when there is less trade and industrial activity than usual and more people are unemployed.

10. Debt securities - долговые ценные бумаги - document issued by a borrower to a lender when obtaining a loan.

11. Financial products - company shares and debt securities.

12. Stock exchange - фондовая биржа - a place where shares in companies are bought and sold; all of the business activity involved in doing this

Example: the London Stock Exchange, to lose money on the stock exchange

13. Currency – валюта| денежная единица -the system of money that a country uses,

14. Foreign currency - иностранная валюта - banknotes of foreign countries, credit and payment documents, used in international payments.

15. National currency - национальная валюта - currency issued by the government (Central Bank) for use on the territory of the state.

16. Securities - ценные бумаги - documents proving that somebody is the owner of shares, etc. in a particular company.

Example: government securities.

17. Rate of interest, high interest – высокая процентная ставка, to pay interest – выплачивать проценты.

18. Bonds - облигации - an agreement by a government or a company to pay you interest on the money you have lent; a document containing this agreement.

Example: government bonds.

19. Monetary policy - денежно-кредитная политика - it is macroeconomic policy that affect the quantity of money in circulation with the aim of ensuring price stability, full employment and growth of real production. Conducts monetary policy by the Central Bank.

20. Unemployment - безработица - the fact of a number of people not having a job; the number of people without a job.

Example: an area of high/low unemployment.

21. Insurer - страховщик - a person or company that provides people with insurance.

22. Durability - долговечность прочность - money’s ability to be used over and over again.

23. Portability – транспортабельность| мобильность, переносимость - money’s ability to be carried from one place to another and transferred from one person to another.

24. Relative value - относительная стоимость - a method of determining an asset’s value that takes into account the value of similar assets.

25. Acceptability - приемлемость - the willingness to accept money in exchange for goods or services.

26. Divisibility - делимость - money’s ability to be divided into smaller units.

27. Central bank - центральный банк - a national bank that does business with the government and other banks, and issues the country’s coins and paper money.

28. Commercial bank - коммерческий банк - a bank that offers services to the general public and to businesses.

29. Deposits, to withdraw a deposit – изымать вклад| отозвать вклад| взять вклад из банка - it is submitted to the Bank for storage or augmentation funds.

30. Loan - ссуда, заем - money that an organization such as a bank lends and somebody borrows, to make a loan - давать ссуду.

31. Lender - кредитор - a person or an organization that lends money.

Example: The bank is the largest mortgage lender in the country.

32. To issue a deposit – открывать счёт.

33. Mortgage – заклад| ипотека - a legal agreement by which a bank or similar organization lends you money to buy a house, etc., and you pay the money back over a particular number of years; the sum of money that you borrow.

34. Sight deposit – счёт до востребования| текущий счёт - involve the expenditure or grant funds from them on demand of the owner of the account or the person authorized by the account holder to conduct transactions on the account.

35. Time deposit| demand deposit – срочный вклад - Bank Deposit, on which is mounted a shelf-life.

36. Chequing account – текущий счёт - this kind of accounts in banks which serve for the storage of cash and current calculations by enterprises, organizations and individuals.

37. Net – нетто; без вычетов| сальдо| окончательный - net income minus all deductions.

38. Cash - наличные деньги, наличный расчёт - money in the form of coins or notes/bills.

39. Liability - обязательство; задолженность - the state of being legally responsible for something.

40. Period of notification – срок уведомления - the deadline for submission of letters to the buyer by a supplier of goods that his order is executed.

41. Salary – жалованье| заработная плата (служащего)| оклад - money that employees receive for doing their job, especially professional employees or people working in an office, usually paid every month.

Example: 9% salary increase

42. Wage – заработная плата (рабочих) - a regular amount of money that you earn, usually every week; for work or services wage cuts - сокращение зарплаты.

43. To earn money – зарабатывать деньги.

44. Money - деньги - means of payment for goods and services, a means of measuring value, and a store of value, to save money – копить деньги; откладывать деньги; экономить деньги, to borrow money – брать в долг.

45. Commodity money - товарные деньги, обладающие внутренней стоимостью в отличие от бумажных - The value of commodity money is about equal to the value of the material contained in it. The principal materials used for this type of money have been gold, silver, and copper.

46. Fiat money - бумажные деньги - Fiat money is paper money the value of which is fixed by government.

47. Representative money - представительские деньги - in all simplicity, is any medium of exchange that represents something of value, but has little or no value of its own.

48. Bank account - банковский счёт - an arrangement that you have with a bank that allows you to keep your money there, to pay in or take out money, etc.

Example: to open/close a bank account.

49. Pension – пенсия - guaranteed monthly payment for the material security of citizens in relation to age, disability, seniority and death of the breadwinner.

50. Transaction – сделка -a group of sequential database operations that represents a logical unit of work data.

51. Commodities – товары - any thing that participates in a free exchange for other things; the product produced for sale.

52. To settle debt – урегулировать задолженность - the practice of control of debts, is very common in Western countries having developed credit system, especially the United States. This is one of the methods by which debtors survive the accumulated debts.

53. Liability – обязательство - relative civil legal relationship by which one party (the debtor) is obliged to perform in favor of the other party (the creditor) certain actions or refrain from certain actions.


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