Relationships between ideas




Materials: Worksheet 3.1[20]

Dynamic: Whole class

Time: 10 minutes

Procedure: 1. Make copies of the handout. Give half of your class Part A and the other half, Part B. Do not tell the students that there is a difference between the sentences in the two parts.

2. Tell the students to memorize the sentences for about 30 seconds and then turn over their papers. On the backs of their papers, or on another piece of paper, have them write the sentences exactly as they remember them.

3. Students now turn their papers back to the front and check their answers with the sentences. Did anyone get all the sentences correct?

4. Reveal that there is a difference between the sentences in the two parts and have a student with Part A compare papers with a student who has part B. Ask them which one was easier to remember and why. Talk about where the parallel structure is in each sentence in Part A.

NOTE: Those students with Part A usually have an easier time memorizing the sentences because of the parallel structure. Occasionally, however, you may have a student who can memorize Part В completely. In that case, talk about how some people have a good ability to memorize, but that it is easier for most of us if there is some kind of structure.



Materials: 3"x 5" index cards

Dynamic: Whole class

Time: 15 minutes

Procedure: 1. Write out two kinds of cards: one set has sentences; the other set has short answers that agree or disagree. Each sentence in Set One has only one matching answer in Set Two.

Example: Set One Set Two

I'm having a good time I am, too.

I'm not having fun. I'm not either.

The U.S. president lives in

Washington, D.C His wife does, too.

I don't have a headache. Neither do I.

I didn't do the homework. Neither did I.

You're a good student. You are, too.

2. Divide the students into two groups. Each student receives one card. The students circulate and look for their match. They can say their sentences to each opposite group member until they find the appropriate matching answer.

3. Students can then invent their own sentences and see if their classmates can give an appropriate answer.


Materials: Worksheet 3.2[21]

Dynamic: Pairs

Time: 15 minutes

Procedure: 1. Put students into pairs. Fill the blanks in the worksheet with your students' names. Give one copy of the worksheet to each pair of students.

2. Have the pairs work together to write one sentence, joining the pairs of sentences on the paper with an appropriate correlative conjunction (both … and, not only... but also, either … or, and neither... nor).


Guillermo has black hair. Jorge has black hair. Possible combinations;

Both Guillermo and Jorge have black hair.

Not only Guillermo but also Jorge has black hair.

Variation: Use the worksheet as a model only. Write your own sentences containing" information about students in your class. This will make it seem less like an exercise and more fun for your students.


Materials: Worksheet 3.3[22]

Dynamic: Pairs

Time: 20 minutes

Procedure: 1. Put students into pairs and give each student a copy of the worksheet. The students ask each other the questions on the worksheet. Then they write a sentence, using an appropriate correlative conjunction to compare themselves with each student who answered each question.


Question: What month were you born in?

Student A's answer: June

Student В writes: Both Student A and I were born in


or Neither Student A nor I was born in September.

2. Circulate to check on student progress. When all pairs have finished, you may want to have volunteers give a few example sentences.


Materials: Board, paper

Dynamic: Small groups

Time: 10 minutes

Procedure: 1. Write a list of connecting words on the board (for example, because, although, for, before, so). You may want to concentrate on just one type (conjunctions, adverbial subordinators, or transitions) or mix them.

2. Divide the class into groups of approximately three or four. Set a time limit (perhaps 5 minutes), and have the groups write a logical and grammatical sentence for each word on the board. Each sentence must have a different meaning. (This avoids such sentences as / went to bed after I finished my homework, I went to bed before I finished my homework, I went to bed because I finished my homework.)

3. For each word on the board, have the groups read their sentences. Give the groups a point if a sentence is both grammatical and logical. (If it is not correct, have other students correct it.) If you are also looking for correct punctuation, have a student from each group write some of the group's answers on the board.

NOTE: The time limit will vary depending on the level of the class and the number of words you list on the board. If you want, you can give the class a topic to base their sentences on, although this can lead to similar sentences, as noted in step 2 above.


Materials: 3" x 5" cards with instructions on them

Dynamic: Whole class

Time: 15 minutes

Procedure: 1. Write one situation on each card.

Suggestions: starting a car on a cold morning receiving a letter from a good friend eating something you don't like making scrambled eggs trying to study next to a noisy person

Hand out cards, face down, to the most outgoing students, who will be your "actors." They should not show their cards to anyone.

2. Be sure the class understands the meaning of "pantomime." Then call the first student to the front of the class to act out his/her card.

3. Ask the class to explain what the "actor" did by using adverbials of time and sequence and adverbial clauses of time.

Example: "First, she sat down at the table. Then she took her books out of her bag. As soon as she began to study, another student sat down next to her."

4. Encourage students to shout out possibilities for each action. Do not focus on guessing what the "actor" was doing, but rather on describing how he/she did it.


Materials: Worksheet 3.4[23]

Dynamic: Small groups

Time: 15 minutes

Procedure: 1. Put students into groups of three or four. Give each group one copy of the worksheet.

2. Have students work together to choose the best answer for each sentence. (Remember, the directions state to find the expressions that can not be used in the sentences.) In each case, two answers are correct and one is not. The students are looking for the expression/word that is not possible in the sentence, considering both appropriate meaning and appropriate punctuation.


Materials: Worksheet 3.5[24]

Dynamic: Teams

Time: 15 minutes

Procedure: 1. Cut up the worksheet and divide the class into two teams.

2. The students on each team take turns drawing slips of paper that contain a clause beginning or ending with a coordinator or subordinator.

Examples: He went to class although...

Because he was all wet...

3. If the student completes the sentence correctly, he/she scores a point for his/her team.

NOTE: You may want only the student who draws the slip to respond, or you may allow the teammates to help. Either way, accept the answer only from the student who drew the slip. This activity can also be used with intermediate students if you limit the coordinators and subordinators to those used in their text.


Materials: Worksheet 3.6[25]

Dynamic: Pairs

Timer: 15 minutes

Procedure: 1. Arrange students in pairs and give each pair a copy of the worksheet.

2. Using the randomly listed independent clauses, the students work together to write logical and grammatical sentences by combining two of the clauses with because. Punctuation also counts!

3. You can award one point for each correct sentence, or one point for a logical combination of clauses and one point for correct punctuation. Collect the written sentences and grade them immediately, if possible. The pair with the most points wins. If you do not want to do this activity as a competition, go around the room and have the pairs share some of their sentences as a closure.

4. As a follow-up activity, use the students' combination and punctuation errors for an error analysis worksheet.

Variation: Read an independent clause from one of the lists on the worksheet. The students, working in small groups, supply a logical completion to your sentence, using because. The first group to produce a good completion scores a point. Alternatively, ask all groups for a completion and give points for all correct answers.


Materials: None

Dynamic: Whole class

Time: 15 minutes

Procedure: 1. Explain that you will write a sentence such as I have a headache or / have to work on the board after a student volunteer leaves the room.

2. Send a volunteer out of the room. With the rest of the class, brainstorm several possible logical clauses to complete the sentence, beginning with otherwise or else.

3. Erase the sentence on the board and have the volunteer return. The other students offer their responses. The student volunteer tries to construct the sentence that had been written on the board.


Possible responses: Otherwise, I would be scared.

Otherwise, I would worry about my valuables.

Otherwise, someone could break in.

Sentence on the board (which the volunteer must guess);

I always lock my doors.

Examples of worksheets

Chapter 1: Worksheet 1.1: SCAVENGER HUNT

With a partner, find the objects on the list. They are all located somewhere in the classroom. Then write a complete sentence that includes a prepositional phrase to describe each object's location.


1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.


1. ___________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________


6. ___________________________________________________________

7. ___________________________________________________________

8. ___________________________________________________________


10. __________________________________________________________

Worksheet 1.2: ERROR ANALYSIS

With your partner, decide whether the sentences describing the picture are correct or incorrect. If they are incorrect, correct them.

1. The bird is on the umbrella.

2. The sandwiches are behind the salad.

3. The spatula is on the man's hand.

4. The hammock is between a tree and a pole.

5. The dog is under the table.

6. The cat is under the table.

7. The baby is beside the father.

8. The hot dogs are next to the salad.

9. The chairs are under the table.

10. The grill is in front of the man.


1. What time do you get up ___________________________ the morning?

2. She is sitting ____________________________________________ me.

3. The roof is ______________________________________our classroom.

4. I have a doctor's appointment ______________________________10:30.

5. Scott was born ___________________________________________June.

6. Do you have any money _____________________________ your wallet?

7. I am standing __________________________________Sarah and Alison.

8. I'll meet you ____________________________ the library this afternoon.

9. Our classroom is _____________________________________ the office.

10. Before the test begins, please put your books ______________ the table.

11. Keiko attends class ___________9:00________________________2:30.

12. What time does it get dark_______________________________ night?

13. I'll be ________________ my office after class if you want to talk to me.

14. Please keep your notes____________________________your notebook.

15. I'm always cold because there is a ceiling fan directly ________my desk.

16. When it's cold, I wear a sweater _________________________my skirt.

17. Hugo works out in the gym ____________________________ Saturday.

18. Where's my pencil? I don't see it, but it must be ______ here somewhere.

19. The back seat is ________________________ the driver's seat in a car.

20. I'm going _____________________________to take my dog for a walk.

21. The children pressed their noses inside the store _______ the glass to see what was inside the story.


1. I'll meet you _____________________4:00, give or take 15 minutes.

2. Mary was walking ________________ from her car when I saw her.

3. It's raining; you'd better put a coat ____________________your dress.

4. Marco was walking ____________________the river when he fell in.

5. He set the vase ____________________________________the table.

6. The basketball went ________________________________the hoop.

7. The sign warned people not to lean_________ the newly painted wall.

8. My partner's eyes kept closing the entire presentation. It _______was so embarrassing!

9. Shut the computer ____________________if you are the last to leave.

10. Max is ________________Mexico, but he has lived here for 10 years.

11. You can't get Jasmine's attention when she is _____________ a group of her friends.

12. There were many accidents _______________the big storm last week.

13. The glass fell ___________ her hands _________________ the floor.

14. Because of my allergies, the doctor told me I would have to

go _________ chocolate.

15. My house is located __________________________ the city limits.

16. Your final essays are due __________________________ May 27.

17. Jordan was born __________________________ the last day of July.

18. I sat in the middle seat, ____________________ Luci and Claudia.

19. Because of all the trees, I can't see what is ________ those buildings.

20. Dogs must be ________________________ their yards or on a leash.

21. Is there any holiday that is celebrated ________________ the world?

Worksheet 1.4: TIC TAC ТОE

pay hand look

put try wake

make shut run

do figure grow

find fill tear

ask call drop

write watch pick

look keep hang

hang give fill


1. I first asked my girlfriend _______________ on a date two years ago.

2. I had a message to call you_______________________________.

3. Rumi gave ____________on her math homework because she couldn't figure the problems.

4. My handwriting was so messy that my teacher told me to do my homework______________________.

5. Ali is very easy-going; he gets ____________________ everyone.

6. If the classroom gets too hot, take _________________ your sweatshirts and sweaters.

7. Watch________________________! There's a big pothole in the road.

8. The copy machine ran ________ paper, so I couldn't make you copies.

9. I need an alarm clock to wake __________________________.

10. They are tearing ___________ the old building on the corner.

11. I'll lend you the money if you promise to pay me ______________.

12. Before our teacher hands _______________ our tests, she always tells us to put our books____________________.

13. Yuji is not a serious student; he is always fooling _________ in class.

14. I know this class is difficult, but try to get ____________________ it.

15. Hitoshi grew _________________________ in a small town in Japan.

16. Cassio hung the phone before I could ask him about the _______________ homework.

17. I like to buy clothes, but I hate trying them ___________________.

18. If you don't know how to spell a word, look it_______________ in the dictionary.

19. Elena lost her essay and had to start _____________________.

20. I ran _________________ my former teacher in the parking lot today. I hadn't seen him in three years.





if you sleep with a mirror under your pillow you will dream of what your future husband looks like
if you trip on a flight of stairs you will have triplets
if your cat washes its face company is coming
if your eyebrows grow together or your arms are hairy you will be very rich
if the bottom of one of your feet itches you are going to take a trip
if your nose itches you'll kiss a fool
if a cat licks its tail it will rain
if your ears burn someone is talking about you
if you find a four-leaf clover you will have good luck
if you walk under a ladder you will have bad luck
if you use the same pillow your dog uses you will dream what he dreams
if you step on your shadow you will have bad luck
if you want to do well on a test use the same pencil you used for studying because it will remember the answers


Worksheet 2.2: JUST THE FACTS

drive with your eyes closed eat five pizzas at once
use sunscreen heat water to 100°C
fly east from here put ice cubes in the sun
have a baby never study
read a lot do not eat
over water plants pour oil on water
pass this class take scuba diving lessons


Worksheet 2.3: DIRECTIONS

A. I. Can you tell me how to get to...? The Goddard Space Flight Center The White House Georgetown University II. If you take... you will get to... 16th Avenue B. I. If you take... you will get to... Mac Arthur Boulevard Route 214 The Baltimore-Washington Parkway II. Can you tell me how to get to...? The University of Maryland The National Zoo The Pentagon


Worksheet 2.4: LINE-UF

If you lost your homework and your teacher did not believe that you had done the work, what would you do? If you discovered, after eating dinner at a restaurant, that you had no money or credit cards with you, what would you do?
If you disliked your sister's new boyfriend, what would you say to her? If you saw your friend cheating on a test, what would you do?
If you had a choice between finishing your essay and going to a party, what would you do? If you arrived at a friend's house for dinner and realized you had the wrong night, what would you say?
If your parents told you not to see your boyfriend/girlfriend, what would you do? If your parents asked you to return to your home country, what would you do?
If your friend gave you a puppy for your birthday, what would you do? If a classmate asked you a personal question, what would you say?
If your friend made mistakes in grammar while speaking, would you correct him/her? If you were invited for dinner to a friend's house and the food was terrible, what would you say or do?


Worksheet 2.5 A: VALUES

You accidentally break your host family's remote control. Do you confess? Your best friend's boyfriend girlfriend asks you out. Do you accept?
You see your teacher's car hit a parked car and leave. You know the owner of the damaged car. Do you tell him/her? A new acquaintance invites you to a party, and everyone there goes skinny-dipping. Do you join them?
You know that a friend's boyfriend is involved with another man. Do you tell her? You see a friend shoplift something inexpensive. Do you talk to him/her about it?
Your friend is copying someone else's homework instead of doing it himself/herself. Do you talk to him/her? The cashier overcharges you by 15 cents. Do you complain?
You see your sister's husband kissing another woman. Do you tell her? You run over your neighbor's dog, Do you confess?  
The waiter forgets to charge you for your dessert. Do you tell him? Your parents tell you to stop seeing your boyfriend/girlfriend. Do you see him/her in secret?


Worksheet 2.5 B



Worksheet 2.6: STORY SAGAS

Sample Summaries:

From General Hospital:

Catherine is accused of murdering Damian even though no body has been found, (Damian has disappeared under mysterious circumstances.) Lucy remembers seeing Catherine parked outside her building at 11 P.M., which does not match the prosecution's case. Lucy agrees to testify for Catherine. When asked how she happened to look outside at 11 P.M, Lucy says that her pet duck was quacking. This amuses the jury and the lawyers, who laugh at Lucy. Embarrassed, Lucy tries to defend her duck, which only makes matters worse. After her testimony, Catherine is angry at Lucy for mentioning the duck because it made Lucy look foolish and caused the jury to disregard her testimony.

From All My Children:

Charlie and Hailey were dating, but break up over a difference of opinion regarding her domineering" father. Meanwhile, Cecily's newly famous movie star husband divorces her. She returns to Pine Valley and begins to work for Charlie. An attraction begins to develop between them, which they both deny. Charlie is surprised when Hailey announces only weeks after their break up that she is engaged to Alex.

From One Life to Live:

Eighteen-year-old Joe falls in love with a much older woman, Dorian. Although she swears that she really loves Joe, everyone warns him that Dorian is just using him and that he will be hurt. Joe's mother makes a deal with Dorian. Dorian's part of the deal is to drop Joe and marry David, who agrees to marry Dorian for money.

David impersonates Vicki and Tina's brother to inherit a fortune. When he falls in love with Tina, he is forced to reveal the truth to her. She agrees to conceal the truth to help David inherit. David and Tina marry in secret. When Tina's ex-husband, Cord, learns about the marriage, David must confess he is not the true heir. To save Tina from possible conspiracy charges and to help her retain custody of her children, David tells Tina he never loved her, and he divorces her. Having had to give up Tina, whom he really did love, he agrees to Dorian's plan to marry Dorian.



Worksheet 2.8: REVIEW MATCH

if you catch a cold you need to take some medicine and keep warm
if I had been tired I would have taken a nap
if I had a dog I would take him for a walk
if you eat a lot of ice cream you will gain weight
if I had been as sick as you I wouldn't have gone to school
if you study hard you get good grades
if I had had a dog I wouldn't have been afraid to be alone
if I found a wallet I would return it
If I find your wallet I will return it to you
If I had found your wallet I would have returned it to you
if I had eaten the whole box of chocolates I would have had an upset stomach
if you had asked me I would have helped you
If I had had enough money I would have lent you some
if I am sick tomorrow I will stay home
if I had eaten a lot of ice cream I would have felt sick
if I am angry my face turns red
if your skin turns green you have a serious problem
if you ask me I will tell you the truth
if you need me I will be there
if I were bitten by a dog I would go to the hospital
If my feet hurt I would rub them


Worksheet 2.9: DEAR ANNIE

Choose one of the situations. For the situation you choose, write a letter to "Dear Annie" explaining your situation. Ask her for advice about how your situation could have been prevented or how it can be prevented in the future.

1. You forgot to lock your car and as a result, your books were stolen from the back seat. How could you have avoided having your books stolen?

2. You were absent from class on Monday when the teacher told the class there would be a test on Tuesday. How could you have avoided failing the test?

3. Your dog always barks late at night. As a result, your neighbor has threatened to kill the dog. What will save your dog's life?

4. You were out having a good time. On your way home, a policeman gave you a ticket for speeding. How could you have avoided getting a speeding ticket?

5. Although you know that you are not a very good cook, you prepared dinner for all of your friends. As a result, all of your friends got sick and had to be taken to the hospital. How could this situation have been avoided?

6. While you were playing, you left a little ball on the stairway. When your mother came down the stairs, she fell and broke her leg. How could this have been avoided?

7. Every time you go shopping, you go at 5:00 when the store is busiest. As a result, you always have to stand in a long check-out line. How can you avoid standing in a long line the next time you go to the store?


Dear Annie,

Help! A terrible thing has just happened to me! Yesterday after my classes, I went to the mall to go shopping. I forgot to lock my car, and as a result, my books were stolen from the back seat. I have a test this Friday, but now I can't study because I don't have my book, I am very upset. Could you tell me how I could have prevented this terrible situation?

Sincerely yours,

Going to fail in Buffalo

Part B

You write an advice column in the paper and sign yourself "Dear Annie." You have received a letter that describes a situation and asks your advice on how the situation could have been prevented/avoided or how it can be prevented/ avoided in the future. Write a response, using the appropriate conditional constructions. If you are asked about how a situation could have been avoided, use the untrue in the past conditional. If you are asked about how a situation can be avoided, use the present/future conditional. You may also use other conditional constructions in your response.


Dear "Going to Fail,"

If you had remembered to lock your car in the first place, your books wouldn't have been stolen and you wouldn't be in this terrible situation! Perhaps in the future you should keep your books in the trunk of your car. That way, if you forget to lock your car again, your books won't be stolen and you won’t fail any more tests.

Yours truly,


PS. If you tell your teacher about your situation, I'm sure he/she‘ll help you find a book to study with.

Worksheet 2.10: ALADDIN'S LAMP

Answer the questions based on the wishes in your group.

1. How many were past wishes?

2. How many were wishes for the present?

3. How many were wishes for the future?

4. How many wishes were about family members?

5. How many wishes were about money?

6. How many wishes were about the environment?

7. How many wishes were about stopping some habit?

8. Did any group members have the same wish?

9. What was the most popular topic of the wishes?

10. What was the most popular time for the wish (past, present, future)?

Chapter 3:

Worksheet 3.1: MEMORIZE IT


1. Mary liked to dance, bowl, and swim.

2. I admire Bob for his intelligence, honesty, and cheerfulness.

3. By getting a job and saving money, Marcia paid for her dance lessons.

_________________________________________________________________PART B

1. Mary liked to dance and bowl, and she is a good swimer.

2. I admire Bob for his intelligence and honesty, and he has a cheerful disposition.

3. By getting a job and she was able to save her money, Marcia paid for her dance lessons.


Write one sentence joining the two ideas with a correlative conjunction (both... and, not only... but also, either... or, and neither... nor).

1. __________ isn't from Hong Kong. She isn't from Mexico.

2. Someone just bought a new car, but I can't remember who. Maybe it was __________. Maybe it was __________.

3. __________ lost her passport. She lost her driver's license too.

4. We have an essay due next Tuesday. We have a grammar test next Tuesday.

5. I enjoy this class. I am learning lots of new things. I am meeting new people.

6. __________ doesn't like to cook. He doesn't like to eat out in

7. __________ likes cats. She likes cocker spaniels.

8. Chocolate can make some people hyperactive. It can keep people awake at night.

Worksheet 3.3: SAME/DIFFERENT

Ask your partner these questions. Then use correlative conjunctions (both.. and, not only... but also, either.,. or, neither... nor) to write sentences about the two of you.

1. What month were you born in?


2. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?


3. Are you married?


4. Do you drive?


5. Are you the youngest in your family?


6. Can you play the piano?


7. Do you have American friends?


8. Do you like cats?


9. Have you ever studied in another foreign country?


10. Can you speak more than four languages?


Worksheet 3.4: COMBINATION

Cross out the words or expressions that can not be used in the sentences without a change in meaning or punctuation.

1. (Although / Because / Even though) Sue is a good student, she did not receive a good grade.

2. It was hot today. (Although / However / Nevertheless), I still ran for five miles.

3. I went swimming (despite / even though / in spite of) the cold weather.

4. Mary is rich, (but / however / whereas) John is poor.

5. (However / Whereas / While) John is poor, Mary is rich.

6. I always eat breakfast. (Nevertheless / However / Therefore), I still get hungry.

7. It was raining today. (But / Consequently / Therefore), we stayed home.

8. This university, (for example / for instance / such as), has an excellent ESL program.

9. (Besides / Furthermore / In addition to) working at the restaurant, Kim works on campus.

10. I had a terrible headache today. (Furthermore / As well as / In addition), I was very tired.


My friend went to class although
Since the dog was all wet,
I got a raise at work; consequently,
Not only does the president like to go running, but
Because my boyfriend thinks he is God's gift to women,
My friend found a new job last week, so
I had fun at the beach this weekend; nevertheless,
Neither my sister nor her children
Both Indonesia and Thailand
Even though my brother has five children,
The population of the United States is increasing, for
Despite the fact that I didn't go to my friend's party last Saturday,


Worksheet 3.6: (CONTINUED)

Because Kim lost her car keys,
I went to class even though
Before I called ray mother,
Since I had lived there for five years,
I was born in Mexico, yet
Every day there is more information about the dangers of smoking; therefore,
My brother got involved with bad people; as a result,
I don't like the taste of carrots, nor
While my mother likes to stay home and watch movies on TV,
While I was walking down the street,
As long as you are happy,
He seemed happy; however,


Worksheet 3.7: JUST BECAUSE

With your partner, select two sentences from the list and combine them using because. Be sure your sentences are logical and grammatical. Remember to punctuate correctly.

I'm not going to go camping. She studied hard for her final exams.

She has six children. She took aspirin. Air pollution in California is increasing.

I had to go to work. The bus was late.

Don't eat too much for lunch. My sister doesn't work outside the house.

My in-laws are coming for a visit. I was late for work.

It's impossible to see out the front window. She has a migraine headache.

More and more people are driving alone. She wants to get into a good university.

We are going to a great restaurant for dinner.

You should wash your car.

It's been raining all day. I ate breakfast at 7:00 A.M.

I spent the day cleaning the house.

Iii. Conclusion


In the present qualification work we attempted to investigate the problem of game using at English language lessons, one of the main problems in theory of English grammar teaching. We chose the theme of our qualification work because we interested in it. We used different kind of references to investigate the role of games in teaching English.

Recently, using games has become a popular technique exercised by many educators in the classrooms and recommended by methodologists. Many sources, including the ones quoted in this work, list the advantages of the use of games in foreign language classrooms. Yet, nowhere have I found any empirical evidence for their usefulness in vocabulary presentation and consolidation.

Though the main objectives of the games were to acquaint students with new words or phrases and help them consolidate lexical items, they also helped develop the students' communicative competence.

From the observations, I noticed that those groups of students who practiced grammar activity with games felt more motivated and interested in what they were doing. However, the time they spent working on the words was usually slightly longer than when other techniques were used with different groups. This may suggest that more time devoted to activities leads to better results. The marks students received suggested that the fun and relaxed atmosphere accompanying the activities facilitated students' learning. But this is not the only possible explanation of such an outcome. The use of games during the lessons might have motivated students to work more on the vocabulary items on their own, so the game might have only been a good stimulus for extra work.

Although, it cannot be said that games are always better and easier to cope with for everyone, an overwhelming majority of pupils find games relaxing and motivating. Games should be an integral part of a lesson, providing the possibility of intensive practice while at the same time immensely enjoyable for both students and teachers. My research has produced some evidence which shows that games are useful and more successful than other methods of vocabulary presentation and revision. Having such evidence at hand, I wish to recommend the wide use of games with vocabulary work as a successful way of acquiring language competence.

The present material can be used at the lessons of grammar, practical course of English language, lexicology, and speech practice in both: universities and English classes at schools. This paper can help to create the teaching aids, textbooks, etc. Teachers and students might use the results of the present work for the further investigations.



1. Abbott G., D. McKeating, J. Greenwood, and P. Wingard. 1981. The teaching of English as an international language. A practical guide. London.

2. Azar B. Sh. Fun with grammar. New York. 2000

3. Ersoz Aydan. The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. VI, No. 6, June 2000.

4. Hubbard, P., H. Jones, B. Thornton, and R. Wheeler. 1983. A training course for TEFL. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

5. Horwitz E.K., Horwitz, M.B., and Cope, J.A. 1986. Foreign language classroom anxiety. The Modern Language Journal 70 (2)

6. Lee Su Kim. Creative Games for the Language. Class Forum Vol. 33 No 1, January - March 1995

7. Lee, W. R. 1979. Language teaching games and contests. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

8. Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen, Khuat Thi Thu Nga. Learning Vocabulary Through Games. 'Asian EFL Journal' - December 2003

9. Rinvolucri Mario. Grammar Games: cognitive, affective and drama activities for EFL students. Cambridge, 1989.

10. Rinvolucri Mario and Paul Davis.1992. More grammar games. Cambridge University Press.

11. Rixon, S. 1981. How to use games in language teaching. London: Macmillan Publishers Ltd.

12. Wright A. Games for Language Learning. Cambridge University Press, 1984.

13. Wilga M. Rivers, Mary S. Temperley. A practical guide to the teaching of English as a second language. - Cambridge, 1978.

14. Yin Yong Mei and Jang Yu-jing. 'Using Games in an EFL Class for Children' Daejin University ELT Research Paper. Fall, 2000.

15. World Book Encyclopedia Chicago 1993 Vol. 6 p. 56

16. Internet:

17. Internet:

18. Internet:

19. Internet:

[1] The full list of works and authors is mentioned in bibliography to this qualification paper

[2] Abbott, G., D. McKeating, J. Greenwood, and P. Wingard. 1981. The teaching of English as an international language. A practical guide. London: Collins.

[3] Lee Su Kim. Creative Games for the Language. Class Forum Vol. 33 No 1, January - March 1995, Page 35.

[4] Lee, W. R. 1979. Language teaching games and contests. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

[5] See the Paragraph 2.2.3 – chapter 1 (Worksheet 1.1: SCAVENGER HUNT)

[6] See the Paragraph 2.2.3 – chapter 1 (worksheet 1.2: ERROR ANALISIS)

[7] See the Paragraph 2.2.3 – Chapter 1 (Worksheet 1.3 A: PREPOSITION BEE (LOWER LEVEL)


[8] See the Paragraph 2.2.3 – chapter 1 (Worksheet 1.4: TIC TAC TOE)

[9] See the Paragraph 2.2.3 – chapter 1 (Worksheet 1.5: PREPOSITION BEE: Phrasal verbs)

[10] See the Paragraph 2.2.3 – chapter 2 (Worksheet 2.1 and 2.2: SUPERSTITIONS MATCH)

[11] See the Paragraph 2.2.3 – chapter 2 (Worksheet 2.2: JUST THE FACTS)

[12] See the Paragraph 2.2.3 – chapter 2 (Worksheet 2.3: DIRECTIONS)

[13] See the Paragraph 2.2.3 – chapter 2 (Worksheet 2.4: LINE – UPS)

[14] See the Paragraph 2.2.3 – chapter 2 (Worksheet 2.5 A and B)

[15] See the Paragraph 2.2.3 – chapter 2 (Worksheet 2.6: STORY SAGAS)

[16] See the Paragraph 2.2.3 – chapter 2 (Worksheet 2.7:COMIC STRIP ADVICE)

[17] See the Paragraph 2.2.3 – chapter 2 (Worksheet 2.8:REVIEW MATCH)

[18] See the Paragraph 2.2.3 – chapter 2 (Worksheet 2.9:DEAR ANNIE)

[19] SEE the Paragraph 2.2.3 – chapter 2 (Worksheet 2.10: ALLADIN’S LAMP)

[20] See the Paragraph 2.2.3 – chapter 3 (Worksheet 3.1: MEMORISE IT)

[21] See the Paragraph 2.2.3 – chapter 3 (Worksheet 3.2: USING CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTIONS)

[22] See the Paragraph 2.2.3 – chapter 3 (Worksheet 3.3: SAME/DIFFERENT)

[23] See the Paragraph 2.2.3 – chapter 3 (Worksheet 3.4:COMBINATIONS)

[24] See the Paragraph 2.2.3 – chapter 3 (Worksheet 3.5:COMPLETE THE SENTENCE)

[25] See the Paragraph 2.2.3 – chapter 3 (Worksheet 3.6: JUST BECAUSE)


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