Прочтите и переведите текст на русский язык

Задание 1.1

Пользуясь речевыми образцами, перефразируйте выделенные курсивом следующие выражения

  1. Our group had practice in the typography.
  2. On the 1st of September we came to the meeting at our college.
  3. I live in a very bad and old apartment.
  4. My dad has to work 16 hours a day!
  5. The President and the managers from JSC “Avtovaz” visited the economic forum in Vladivostok.
  6. This company has problems because a lot of people don’t work here more than 1-2 months.
  7. I’m sorry, I’m late. May I come in? – Yes, you may.
  8. What kind of shop is it? – It’s a shop where you can buy a guitar.
  9. Donald Trump changed Barak Obama at the post of the US president.
  10. I have no power to cook dinner for my family because I worked hard work in the office.

Задание 1.2

Выберите любые десять слов из поурочного словаря и составьте предложения с ними

to sell papers продавать газеты factory фабрика
to sine shoes начищать туфли cloth mill ткацкая фабрика
to clean stores убираться в магазинах steel mill металлургический завод
to run errands служить посыльным coal miles угольные шахты
to go on strike выходить на забастовку construction строительство
to convince убедить, убеждаться to find найти, обнаружить, понять
to crowd тесниться to found основать, учреждать
to demand требовать to settle поселиться
to enlist призываться на службу to support содержать, поддерживать
to fire уволить to treat обращаться с чем-либо
vulnerable уязвимый, беззащитный (in) secure/(un)safe (не)безопасный

Задание 1.3

Переведите слова из левой колонки, пользуясь объяснениями из правой колонки

poor you are poor if you have little or no money, if you have a lot of money, you are rich
to receive synonym – to get
a benefit synonym – a profit
sick if you have high temperature, you are sick. Synonym – ill
vacations (AE) Students have two months of vacations in summer. Synonym – holidays (BE)
bad/worse/the worst antonym – good/better/the best
previous antonym – the next
low antonym – high
to decrease antonym – to increase (make higher)
fanfare illumination and fireworks
kick off synonym – to begin, to start


Задание 1.4

Прочтите и переведите текст на русский язык

  In 1863 Peter McGuire, an eleven-year-old boy, sold papers on the street, shined shoes, cleaned stores, and ran errands in New York City. His father, a poor Irish immigrant, had just enlisted to fight in the Civil War, that’s why Peter had to work and support his mother, six brothers and sisters.
  In the 19th century, many immigrants from Europe settled in New York City, Chicago, and other cities of the United States. They found that living conditions were not as wonderful as they had dreamed. Many immigrants lived in the poorest ghettos of the city in run-down housing. Often six families crowded into a house made for one family!
  Working conditions were even worse. Immigrant men, women, and even very young children worked in factories, cloth and steel mills, coalmines, and in construction. They worked under dismal conditions, for twelve to fourteen hours a day, often seven days a week. They were allowed to stop only for a short time to eat, and received no vacations or benefits. They came to work even if they were sick, because if they didn’t, they could be fired. Thousands of people were waiting to take their workplaces. In those days, there was no concept of workers’ rights, and factory owners could treat workers as they wished. Immigrant workers were especially vulnerable.
  When Peter McGuire was 17, he began an apprenticeship in a piano shop. This job was better than his previous jobs. He was learning a trade, but he was still working long hours with low pay. At night he visited the meetings where workers talked about economics and social issues of the day[1]. Work conditions were one of the main issues at these meetings. Workers were tired of long hours, low pay, unsafe working environments and uncertain jobs. They spoke of organizing themselves into a union of laborers to improve their working conditions. In the spring of 1872, Peter McGuire and 100,000 workers went on strike and marched through the streets. They demanded a decrease in the long working day. This event convinced Peter that an organized labor movement was important for the future of workers’ rights.
  Among the business and government circles, McGuire had a reputation of a “disturber of the public peace” because he demanded to give more jobs and relief money for workers and unemployed people. But they ignored his demands. For his activity, he couldn’t find a job in his trade. He traveled around the East Coast and spoke to laborers about unionizing. In 1881, he moved to Chicago and organized a convention of carpenters. At this meeting carpenters founded their national union – “The United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America”. McGuire became its first General Secretary.
    The idea of unionizing workers according to their trades spread around the country. Factory workers, dockworkers, and toolmakers all began to demand and get their rights to an eight-hour workday, a secure job, and a future in their trades[2]. Peter also decided to plan a holiday for workers, both as a tribute to their contributions to the nation, and as a means of bringing more public awareness to their struggles. They chose the first Monday in September, a date between Independence Day and Thanksgiving. On September 5, 1882 the first Labor Day parade was held in New York City. 20,000 workers marched in the parade in Broadway. They carried banners “LABOR CREATES ALL WEALTH!” and “EIGHT HOURS FOR WORK, EIGHT HOURS FOR REST, EIGHT HOURS FOR RECREATION!”
      After the parade, there were picnics all around the city. Workers ate Irish stew, homemade bread, and apple pie. At night, fireworks were set off. Within the next few years, the idea of a day to honor workers spread from coast to coast, and all states celebrated Labor Day. In 1894, Congress voted it a national holiday.
Today we celebrate Labor Day with less fanfare on the first Monday of September. Some cities have parades and organize picnics. Many politicians “kick off” their political campaigns by holding rallies on the holiday. Most Americans consider Labor Day the end of the summer, and the beaches and other popular resort areas are packed with people who enjoy a three-day weekend. For many students, the new school year begins right after Labor Day.

Задание 1.5

Подберите правильные заголовки к каждому из абзацев текста в задании 1.1 из следующего списка. Обратите внимание, что два заголовка – лишние!

1. Meetings at night

2. Weekend activities

3. How the Europeans worked in the USA

4. Important decision

5. The first all-American trade-union

6. A little assistant

7. Labor Day

8. Modern traditions of Labor day

9. America in the 19th century

10. Life of Europeans in the USA



Задание 1.6


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