Dyldin Yury Valentinovich



Mail: yurydyldin@gmail.com




Since 2012, the ongoing joint project at the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, with the Prof. Dr. Lubomir Hanel (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lubomir_Hanel)

Since 2014, the ongoing joint project at the VNIRO (Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography), Moscow, with the Prof. Dr. Alexei M. Orlov (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/A_Orlov)

Since 2015, the ongoing joint project at the National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo, Japan. Department of Zoology, with the Dr. Keiichi Matsuura (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Keiichi_Matsuura)

Since 2016, the ongoing joint project at the State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart, Germany. Department of Zoology, under the leadership Dr. Ronald Fricke (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ronald_Fricke)

Since 2017, the ongoing joint project at the SakhNIRO (Sakhalin Scientific Research Institute of Fisheries), Sakhalin, with the many scientists

2018 – Associate researcher, in Laboratory biogeochemical and remote monitoring techniques

environment of the Tomsk State University (BIO-GEO-CLIM) https://biogeoclim.tsu.ru/en/


1) Higher education (specialist), at Sakhalin State University (SakhGU), with diploma in 2006 year, with the qualification - teacher of biology-chemistry, specializing in Biology with a supplementary specialization in chemistry»

Diploma work is perfectly protected:

On the topic:

«Population structure of saffron cod Eleginus gracilis of the Far East seas of Russia»

Scientific adviser: PhD., head of the laboratory of aquatic ecology, Professor of biology SahkGU, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences – Safronov Sergey Nikitich.

2) Postgraduate Studies at the Biological Institute of Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia.

With start studying in the year 2017. Term of training is 4 years.

Scientific adviser: professor, Doctor of biological sciences (Dr), head of Department of Ichthyology and Hydrobiology of Tomsk State University (Tomsk State University) – Romanov Vladimir Ivanovich

A list of current international projects in English (the head of all these projects):

1) The freshwater and brackishwater ichthyofauna of Russia and adjacent waters (Eurasia): a catalogue with taxonomical notes (with Prof. Dr. Lubomir Hanel and etc.).

2) Sharks of Russia and adjacent waters: taxonomy, distribution, biology, fisheries and conservation status. Identification guide to sharks with illustrations. Part - 1.

3) A taxonomic review of the genus Thymallus (Pisces: Thymallidae) from Russia and the World (with Prof. Dr. Lubomir Hanel and etc.).

4) Biodiversity of marine and freshwater fishes of the Sakhalin Island.

5) Lampreys of Sakhalin Island, will begin in 2018 (with Prof. Dr. Lubomir Hanel).

List of publications:

1) Dyldin Yu.V. 2015. Annotated checklist of the sharks, batoids and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali) from waters of Russia and adjacent areas. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory v. 43: 40-91. (Kyoto University, Japan)

2) Dyldin Yu.V. Matsuura K., Makeev S.S. 2016. Comments on puffers of the genus Takifugu from Russian waters with the first record of yellowfin puffer, Takifugu xanthopterus (Tetraodontiformes, Tetraodontidae) from Sakhalin Island. Bulletin of the National Museum of Natural Science (Tokyo, Japan), Ser. A., Supplement v. 42 (no. 3): 133-141.

3) Романов В.И., Лаврентьев С.Ю., Дылдин Ю.В. 2016. К морфологии сибирского хариуса (Thymallus arcticus (Pallas)) из бассейна реки Казым (нижняя Обь). Вестник СурГУ. Вып. 3. № 3. С. 37-42.

4) Dyldin Yu.V., Orlov A.M. 2016a. Ichthyofauna of Fresh and Brackish Waters of Sakhalin Island: an Annotated List with Taxonomic Comments: 1. Petromyzontidae–Clupeidae Families. Journal of Ichthyology v. 56 (no. 4): 534-555.

5) Dyldin Yu.V., Orlov A.M. 2016b. Ichthyofauna of Fresh and Brackish Waters of Sakhalin Island: An Annotated List with Taxonomic Comments: 2. Cyprinidae–Salmonidae Families. Journal of Ichthyology v. 56 (no. 5): 656-693.

6) Dyldin Yu.V., Orlov A.M. 2017a. Ichthyofauna of Fresh and Brackish Waters of Sakhalin Island: an Annotated List with Taxonomic Comments: 3. Gadidae–Cryptacanthodidae Families. Journal of Ichthyology v. 57 (no. 1): 53-88.

7) Dyldin Yu.V., Orlov A.M. 2017b. Ichthyofauna of Fresh and Brackish Waters of Sakhalin Island: an Annotated List with Taxonomic Comments: 4. Pholidae–Tetraodontidae Families. Journal of Ichthyology v. 57 (no. 2): 183-218.

8) Romanov V.I., Interesova E.A., Dyldin Yu. V., Babkina I.B., Karmanova O.G. and Vorobiev D.S. 2017. An annotated list and current state of ichthyofauna of the Middle Ob River basin. International Journal of Environmental Studies, v. 74 (no. 5): 818-830.

9) Dyldin Yu.V., Hanel L., Romanov V.I., Plesnik J. 2017. Review of the Thymallus genus (Pisces: Salmoniformes, Salmonidae, Thymallinae) with taxonomic comments. Bulletin Lampetra, ZO ČSOP Vlašim, VIII, pp. 103-126.

10) Dyldin Yu.V., Orlov A.M. 2018. An annotated list of cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali) of Sakhalin Island and the adjacent southern part of the Sea of Okhotsk. Journal of Ichthyology. Vol. 58, № 2. P. 158-180.



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