Hygiene of the body includes a lot of the methods by which we maintain (keep) good health. Hygiene involves many aspects of living. They are: ventilation, heating, lighting, possible contacts with industrial hazards, bacterial control of foods, the source (источник) of water supply, exposure to infectious diseases. All these aspects influence ['ɪnfluəns] (влияют на) the people’s health.
The care of mouth, teeth and gums is part of the hygiene of the digestive tract. The teeth should be brushed once a day. Children should be taught to do it properly. It’s necessary to visit a dentist once a year to prevent the diseases of the oral cavity.
Care of skin is of great importance to personal hygiene. The skin is more than just a protective coat (покров) of body. It is wonderful in many ways. It can stretch and fold. It has colouring matter (вещество) called pigment. Pigment helps to protect the skin from the sun. The skin has a thin layer of oil. Oil glands send oil to the skin surface to make it «waterproof». There are sweat glands in the skin. The sweat moves out of the skin through pores. The sweat evaporates and body cools.
You must take care of eyes and ears too.
Personal hygiene practices include: seeing a doctor, seeing a dentist, regular washing (bathing or showering) of the body, regular hand washing, brushing and flossing of the teeth, basic manicure and pedicure, feminine hygiene, healthy eating, exercise and spiritual development.
Personal hygiene is achieved by using personal hygiene products including soap, hair shampoo, hair conditioner, toothbrushes, toothpaste, cotton swabs, deodorant, chapstick, cream, lotion, facial tissue, hairclippers, nail clippers, mouthwash, nail files, skin cleansers, razors, shaving cream, skin cream and toilet paper.
- personal hygiene ['haɪʤiːn] – личная гигиена
- include [ɪn'kluːd] включать в себя
- maintain health [helθ] поддерживать, сохранять здоровье
- involve [ɪn'vɔlv] касаться, затрагивать
- lighting ['laɪtɪŋ] освещение
- possible ['pɔsəbl] вероятный, возможный
-industrial hazards ['hæzədz] – опасности, вызванные деятельностью промышленностью
water supply [sə'plaɪ] – водоснабжение
exposure [ɪk'spəuʒə] – подверженность
infectious disease [ɪn'fekʃəs [dɪ'ziːz]] – инфекционная болезнь
digestive [daɪ'ʤestɪv] tract – пищеварительный тракт
oral cavity ['kævətɪ] – ротовая полость
oil glands – сальные железы
surface ['sɜːfɪs] - поверхность
sweat glands – потовые железы
to require – требовать
Ex.1. Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.
Включает, предотвращать болезни, подверженность риску инфекционных заболеваний, вентиляция (проветривание), заботиться о, здоровое питание, очень важно.
Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты.
A lot of methods; to maintain; many aspects of living; possible contacts; the source of water supply; the people’s health., ventilation, industrial hazards, exposure to infectious diseases, personal hygiene, oral cavity, oil glands, sweat glands.
Ex. 3. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. What does the hygiene of the body include?
2. How many aspects of living does hygiene involve?
3. What do all these aspects influence?
Ex.4 Сопоставьте слова с их переводом:
chapstick ['ʧæpstɪk] | бритва |
skin cleanser [skɪn 'klenzə] | ватная палочка |
cotton bud ['kɔtən bʌd] | гигиеническая помада |
deodorant [dɪ'əudərənt] | лосьон |
facial tissue ['feɪʃəl 'tɪʃuː] | жидкость для полоскания рта |
hair conditioner [heə [kən'dɪʃənə]] | зубная паста |
hairclipper ['heəˌklɪpə] | зубная щётка |
lotion ['ləuʃən] | крем для бритья |
mouthwash ['mauθwɔʃ] | дезодорант |
nail clippers [neɪl 'klɪpəz] | машинка для стрижки волос |
nail file ['neɪlˌfaɪl] | мыло |
razor ['reɪzə] | пилка для ногтей |
shampoo [ʃæm'puː] | средство для очистки кожи |
shaving cream ['ʃeɪvɪŋˌkriːm] | средство для ухода для волосами |
soap [səup] | ткань для носовых платков |
toilet paper ['tɔɪlət ['peɪpə]] | туалетная бумага |
toothbrush ['tuːθbrʌʃ] | шампунь |
toothpaste ['tuːθpeɪst] | щипцы для стрижки ногтей |
№5. Соотнесите рисунки с названиями средств гигиены, упомянутыми в тексте (soap, hair shampoo, hair conditioner, toothbrushes, tooth paste, cotton swabs, deodorant, chapstick, cream, lotion, facial tissue, hairclipper, nail clippers, mouthwash, nail files, skin cleansers, razors, shaving cream, skin cream and toilet paper).
Пожалуйста, мой руки перед едой.
Вы должны принимать душ или ванну регулярно.
Чистите зубы дважды в день.
Ты не должен забывать (forget)посещать стоматолога дважды в год.
Я делаю утреннюю зарядку каждый день.
Мы должны сходить в магазин и купить средства гигиены: мыло, шампунь, ватные палочки, туалетную бумагу.
Каждый человек хочет сохранить и поддержать свое здоровье.
Я знаю, ты можешь отказаться от (give up) своих вредных привычек.
Зачем ты пьешь лимонад каждый день? Это вредно для здоровья.
Match the words and their definitions. Сопоставьте слова и их определения.
Deodorant | is a liquid (жидкое) soap that is used for washing your hair |
Cotton swab | is a thick substance which you put on your toothbrush and use to clean your teeth. |
Toothbrush | is a substance that you can use on your body to hide or prevent the smell of sweat. |
Lotion | is a small wad (палочка) of cotton wool on a short, thin stick, used for cosmetic purposes or cleaning the ears |
Razor | is an instrument that is used for shaving |
A nail file | is a small tool for cutting the nails on your fingers and toes |
Shaving cream | is a liquid or cream that you use for cleaning your skin. |
Mouthwash | is a soft soapy substance which men put on their face before they shave. |
Hair conditioner | is a small brush with a long handle (ручка), used for cleaning the teeth |
Cleanser | is a small strip of rough metal or card that you rub across the ends of your nails to shorten them or shape them. |
Nail clippers | is a liquid used to make the mouth fresh and healthy |
Shampoo | is a liquid that you use to clean, improve, or protect your skin or hair. |
Toothpaste | is a liquid applied to the hair after shampooing to improve its condition |