All People are Different


Тема: Построение высказываний на тему «Личность. Черты характера». Предложения с оборотом there is/are

Краткие теоретические сведения

Оборотом there is/are начинаются предложения, сообщающие о наличии или существовании (или отсутствии) в определенном месте или отрезке времени лица или предмета (лиц, предметов), еще неизвестного собеседнику.

Предложение начинают оборотом there is/are, за которым следует существительное-подлежащее (с относящимися к нему словами), обозначающее название этого предмета или лица. Далее, как правило, следует обстоятельство места или времени.

There is/are + подлежащее + обстоятельство

There is a chair at the table.-У стола стоит стул.

Вопросительная форма:

В вопросительных предложениях глагол to be ставится перед there. Если глагол to be употреблен в сложной форме, то на первое место выносится вспомогательный глагол:

Is there a telephone in your room? - Естьлителефонввашейкомнате?

Are there any letters for me? - Дляменяестьписьма?

Краткие ответы:

в простой форме глагола to be ответ на вопрос с оборотом there is состоит из yes или no и оборота there is/are в утвердительной или отрицательной форме:

Is there a book on the table?- Yes, there is.; No, there isn’t.

На столе есть книга?- Да.; Нет.

Отрицательная форма:

Отрицательные предложения могут строиться двумя способами:

При помощи отрицательной частицы not, которая с to be всегда образует сокращенные формы isn’t, aren’t, wasn’t, weren’tПри этом после not исчисляемое существительное в ед. числе употребляется с неопределенным артиклем, а исчисляемое во множественном числе и неисчисляемое - с местоимением any:

There isn’t a telephone in this room.-В этой комнате нет телефона.

There aren’t any books in the desk. - Настоленеткниг.


Содержание работы

  1. Выполнение грамматических упражнений
  2. Изучение лексики по теме

3. Чтение и перевод текста.

4. Составление текста по теме по образцу

1. Выполнение грамматических упражнений

Fill in the spaces with«is»,«are»

1. There... a large table in my room.

2. There... three windows in my classroom.

3. There... a table and four chairs in my sister's room.

4. There... a blackboard, four tables and five chairs in our classroom.

5. There... a text-book and two exercise-books on my table.

6. There... a school here in 1920.

7. There... very many children in the park yesterday.

8. There... some new commercial banks in our city.

9. There... state chartered banks that offer many services.

10. There... some non-deposit financial institutions in the USA.

11. There... an insurance company and some pension funds on the list below.

12. There... a growing number of small finance companies in the USA today.


Fill in the spaces with 'there is ' or ' there are ', ' are there ' or ' is there '.


  1. ... a forest at our village.
  2. ... seven days in a week.
  3. ... a river at your village?
  4. ... some coffee in his cup.
  5. What... in your living room?
  6. What... more on the earth –- grass or sand?
  7. 'Are there many students?' 'No,... only one student.'
  8. 'Are there many rooms in the house?' 'Yes,... many.'
  9. ... many pictures on the wall?
  10. ... anything in the fridge?
  11. ... not a cloud in the sky.
  12. ... a fine view from here.
  13. ... nobody in.
  14. ... a needle and thread in her fingers.


1) traits of character / character traits — черты характера
2) negative / positive character traits — отрицательные / положительные черты
3) sociable ['ssufabl] — коммуникабельный, общительный
4) easy-going — легкий в общении, добродушно-веселый, беспечный
5) helpful — услужливый, всегда готовый прийти на помощь
6) sympathetic [.simpa'Getik] — полный сочувствия
7) kind-hearted — добрый, мягкосердечный
8) supportive [ss'poitrv] — готовый прийти на помощь, поддержать
9) lazy — ленивый
10) stubborn ['sUbdn] — упрямый
11) touchy ['Mfi] — обидчивый
12) vulnerable |^л1п(э)гэЬ1] — уязвимый, ранимый
13) hot-tempered — вспыльчивый
14) to fly into a rage — быстро выходить из себя
15) angry — злой
16) distrustful — недоверчивый
17) cheerful — веселый
18) to be in high spirits — быть в приподнятом настроении
19) to cheer up — бодрить, поднимать настроение
20) clever — умный
21) purposeful — целеустремленный
22) hardworking — трудолюбивый
23) to have wide range of interests — быть разносторонним человеком
24) envy — зависть
25) envious ['envias] — завистливый
26) greedy [fgri:di] — жадный
27) hypocrisy [hi'pokrasi] — лицемерие
28) two-faced [(tu:'feist] — лживый, двуличный
29) cruel — жестокий
30) ruthless [xu:9tas] — беспощадный, жестокий
31) cold-hearted [.kauld'haitid] — бессердечный, черствый
32) optimistic — оптимистичный
33) pessimistic — пессимистичный
34) shy [fai] — застенчивый
35) faint-hearted — трусливый, робкий
36) coward [fkau3d] — трусливый, малодушный
37) arrogant — заносчивый, высокомерный
38) mean [mi:n] — подлый
39) stupid — глупый
40) generous ['c^en(9)r9s] — щедрый, великодушный
41) unpleasant [An'plez(9)nt] — неприятный, отталкивающий


All People are Different

Nobody can deny that all people are different. Even twins are sometimes of opposite character.

Some people are communicative and outgoing, others are shy and reserved, some people are steady and tactful, while others are impatient and even rude. People have got various temperaments, abilities, and talents.

The Main Psychological Characteristics of People

Psychologists distinguish four main types of people’s temperament. Temperament is a combination of individual differences in human motivation and emotion that appear at an early age and are thought to be biological by origin. There are choleric, sanguine, melancholic and phlegmatic types of temperament.

Born and Inherited traits

It is still a question of controversy what traits a baby inherits from his parents. The inherited ones include physical characteristics, health peculiarities, genetic features, mental issues, and IQ. However, there is a debate whether talents and interests are inherited.

What is Possible to Educate in Yourself?

A trait or a characteristic of a person which is not inherited but is developed in response to the outside circumstances is called an acquired trait.

In other words, not all in a person is defined by nature. People themselves can shape their own personalities. They can build their characters and become more strong-willed, hardworking, persistent, patient, thinking, understandable.

It is possible to develop memory, attention span, logics. The acquired traits cannot be passed on to the future generations.


4.Составление текста по теме по образцу

There is no doubt that all people have different character traits. Sometimes you may think that you know a person's character well just because you have been friends for ages, but one particular situation can show how wrong you were. In lots of cases people just don't know who they really are and what they are capable of. Anyway, each of us has both negative and positive character traits and wants to be a better person. In life, there is a constant battle between these two traits.

As far as I am concerned, I am emotional and easy-going. That's why it is easy for me to make new acquaintances. Besides, my friends say that I am helpful, sympathetic and kind-hearted. Well, I am supportive as well. No matter how busy I may be, I will always be there to help if I am needed. As for my negative character traits, I am lazy and stubborn. Besides, I am too touchy and vulnerable. I dislike when people criticize me because I feel as if I must be perfect. Another negative trait of character I dislike and suffer from is my hot temper. I get angry very quickly and fly into a rage. Sometimes I even can't control myself when I argue with anyone.

If you ask me to describe a person whose character I like, I would tell you about my best friend, Anna. She is sociable and cheerful. She is always in high spirits. Her optimism always cheers me up. Besides, she is clever, purposeful and hardworking. She is an excellent student and already knows three foreign languages. Moreover, she has a wide range of interests. She is fond of music, reading and painting.

As for characteristics which are the least appealing in a person, I think it is envy and hypocrisy. Unfortunately, appearances are often deceptive. It is true when they say, "Don't judge a book by its cover." As for other negative characteristics I hate, I can't stand cruel and ruthless people. Moreover, I don't trust people who dislike animals. I find them cold-hearted.


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