Кот: На сегодняшнем балу я буду твоим кавалером, принцесса. Если что-то пойдёт не так, я буду защищать тебя! (французская версия)
#3 Леди Вайфай | Lady Wi-Fi
#4 Принцесса ароматов | Princess Fragrance
#5 Злобный купидон | Dark Cupid
#6 Месье Голубь | Mr. Pigeon
#7 Пикселятор | Pixelator
#8 Двойник | “Copycat”. Злодей: скульптор, который влюбился в Леди Баг и стал копией Супер-Кота. https://vk.com/wall74411320_11
#9 Пузырь | “Bubbler”(Bulleur). Эта серия о дне рождения Эдриана, когда его друг Нино Лейф становится злодеем Пузырём, не сумев убедить отца Эдриана устроить ему вечеринку в честь дня рождения: https://vk.com/wall74411320_9
#10 Гипнотизер | Simon Says
#11 Роджер-коп | Rogercop
#12 Игрок (Геймер) | Gamer (злодей – Макс. Есть отсылка на Mortal Kombat) видео: https://vk.com/bemiraculous?w=wall-122455412_998969
#14 Темный рыцарь (Чёрный рыцарь) | Darkblade - видео: https://vk.com/bemiraculous?w=wall-122455412_991995
#13 Зверочеловек | Animan
#15 Фараон | The Pharaoh. (результат: мы узнаёи, что Тикки более 5000 лет. Она была со всеми Ледибаг с самого начала. Аля и Эдриан поняли, что Леди Баг может учиться в их школе. Аля сняла Кота для Ледиблога крупным планом. В эпизоде Горзилла Габриэль Агрест воспользуется этим видео, чтобы сравнить кольцр Эдриана и Кота Нуара. Габриэль практически догадался, что Эдриан – это Кот Нуар),
Маринетт, перевоплотившись в Леди Баг, теряет учебник по истории и по совету Тикки приглашает свою подругу Алю на экспозицию о древнем Египте в музей Лувр. Выставка посвящена Тутанхамону. Аля в своём Леди-блоге успела снять видео, в котором показала учебник Леди Баг. Эдриан видел видео и понимает, как и Аля, что Леди Баг учится с ним в одной школе, так как такой учебник используется только в их школе. Маринетт и Аля приезжают в Лувр, и там они сталкиваются с Джалилом Кюбделем (братом Аликс). Во французском дубляже Джалил, встречая Маринетт и Алю, решает, что они тоже интересуются фараоном Эхнатоном, который хочет вернуть свою жену Нефертити. Тутанхамон был сыном Эхнатона. Джалил уверен, что расшифровал папирусный свиток – в нём заклинание, которое нужно произнести, что воскресить человека. Он пытается убедить своего отца проверить свою догадку. Ему для этого нужно взять из коллекции скипетр фараона, но отец запрещает – так как это бесценный артефакт, плюс, не верит, что Джалил расшифровал свиток. В кулон, который Джалил дежал в руке, вселяется акума, он превращается в фараона. Бражник наделяет его силами египетских богов. Аля ведёт прямой эфир, Эдриан видит всё, что происходит в музее, перевоплощается и приходит на помощь Леди Баг. Фараон бросает Кота в саркофаг, хватает Алю, чтобы принести её в жертву. Кот котоклизмом разрушает решётки, чтобы выбраться из комнаты музея. Пока он кормит квами, Леди Баг попадает во временной пузырь, который оставил фараон. Кот освобождает её, и они бегут на крышу. Фараон может превращаться в разных египетских богов. Став Анубисом, он превращает людей в мумии, чтобы принести их в дар богу Солнца. Леди Баг и Кот Нуар избавляются от некоторых мумимй, закрыв их в автобусе, но фараон начинает чиать заклятие из свитка. Аля спрашивает про богиню в платье с точками, которая изображена на свитке. Фараон говорит, что это его заклятый враг Леди Баг, которая 5000 лет назад не дала исполнить этот ритуал и вернуть Нефертити. Фараон читает заклятие. Леди Баг спасает Алю, но та пытается взять у неё интервью. Аля подсказывает Ледибаг, что акума в медальоне. Фараон снова хватает девочку. Он продолжает читать заклятье, поднимая Алю в небо на луче. Леди Баг цепляет фараона йо-йо, срывает кулон с акумой, но фараон опережает её и выхватывает кулон снова. Леди Баг использует супер-шанс. Ей выпадает комплект Леди Баг. Она просит фараона принести в жертву её, а не Алю. Фараон соглашается. Леди Баг обманывает его, отдав ему игрушечные серёжки. Леди Баг срывает кулон, разбивает его, ловит акуму и спасает Алю. Леди Баг возвращает всё на круги своя. Маринетт и Аля встречаются в музее, но учебник истории пропадает из сумки Али. Уже дома Тикки говорит МАринетт, что ей более 5000 лет, и она была со всеми Ледибаг с самого начала.
Видео: https://vk.com/bemiraculous?w=wall-122455412_1013373
#16 Повелительница времени | Timebreaker. Злодей: подруга Маринетт – Аликс Кюбдель, которая сможет вернуться в прошлое и затащить туда Леди Баг. В результате в этой серии будет две Леди Баг и две злодейки. В 12-ой серии «Таймтеггер» третьего сезона мы видим Аликс из будущего уже как скупергероиню Кроликс.
#17 Страшила | Horrificator
#18 Кукловод | The Puppeteer
Кот: «Не дай превратить меня в марионетку! Только твои желания – закон для меня!» (французский дубляж)
#19 Мим | The Mime
#20 Злодей-гитарист | GuitarVillain
#21 Рефлекта | Reflekta
#22 Начало. Каменное сердце - Часть 1 | Stoneheart (Origins – Part 1) (злодей – Айвон (Каменное сердце). Есть отсылка к рекламе кабаре «Чёрный Кот». Квами Вейзз спит в спичечном коробке с изображеним афиши кабаре.)
Ещё до того, как Маринетт придумала себе прозвище Леди Баг, в ответе на вопрос Али: Как зовут новую героиню – Супер-Кот при прощании назвал её моя леди. Теперь он будет назвать её так постоянно.
#23 Каменное сердце (Начало. Часть 2) | Stoneheart (Origins – Part 2) (злодей – Айвон (Каменное сердце). Есть отсылка к Волан-де-Морту, когда появляется огромная голова Бражника, образованная бабочками). #24 Антибаг | Antibug #25 Кунг-фуд | Kung Food #26 Вольпина | Volpina (злодейка – Лайла. Есть отсылка к картине «Золотая Адель» художника Густава Климта – портрет Эмили Агрест). · По хронологии после первого сезона должен идти спецэпизод Shanghai - The Legend of Ladydragon |
The Pharaoh
In the daytime I'm Marinette, just a normal girl with a normal life but there's something about me that no-one knows yet because I have a secret.
Alya: Don't blink now, 'cause we are live from Paris. Yo, peeps, Alya here bringing you the one and only Ladyblog. Huh? What is that? Ah! Ladybug in action. Hang on 'cause we're going for a ride. Oh! Freak out! What you've got here is no ordinary book. It's a 10th grade history book, and I should know 'cause I've
got this very same book. Could our very own Ladybug be a high school student in real life? Whoa!
Marinette: I told you from day one, Tikki, I'm a total klutz. (French version: Tikki: I have signed the book!)
Tikki: What's done is done. We can't change what happens. We can only move forward. Alya must not find out who you are. [You know how persistent she can be with her blog totally dedicated to Ladybug. (French version: We should return your book before Alya finds out the name in your textbook!]
Marinette: But how? Maybe I'm not cut out for this whole Ladybug thing.
Tikki: You are the chosen one, Marinette. It will all work out. Trust me. Everyone has a past they can work from. This will show you why.
Marinette: An exhibition at the Louvre on the Pharaoh Tutankhamen? What does that have to do with my book and Alya?
Tikki: You must persuade Alya to go there with you and make sure she brings the book. You'll tell her you found out something about Ladybug.
Marinette: At the museum?
Tikki: You'll see.
Marinette: Well, I don't know how I'm gonna convince Alya to go to an Egyptian exhibit, [much less convince her that I'm not Ladybug. {French version: if Ladybug is the only thing she is interested in!]
Tikki: She will be interested and so will you. Promise.
Alya: Can you believe it? All I've gotta do is find out who this history book belongs to and bam! I've figured out Ladybug's true identity. I'm so on this one.
Marinette: You really think you can figure out who Ladybug is from a textbook that every high school student owns?
Alya: Yup. 'Cause our school is the only school that uses that book, ha! So, all I gotta do is find out which girl in 10th grade lost her book last week. There are 43 girls,
not counting myself.
Marinette: Forty-two, not counting you or me. Ooof!
Alya: Yesterday somebody didn't have her textbook in class.
Marinette: I left it at home. You know I always forget my stuff.
Alya: Hmmmm... Just messing with you, Marinette. Of course I'll only drop you from my investigation when you bring your history book back to class.
Jalil Kubdel Oh! It's not broken.
Alya: Uh, I'm okay, too. Thanks for asking.
Jalil Kubdel: I'm sorry. Hey, you're in the same grade as Alix, right? I'm her older brother, Jalil Kubdel. So, you're into Tutankhamen, too? Dad!
Alya: Weird. So, again, girl, why are we here? This exhibit's got something to do with Ladybug, for real?
Marinette: Well, uh...
Tikki: There.
Marinette: Yeah, it's over there. Uhh...
Alya: Hm...
[Adrian is watching Alya’ blog] Alya: Hang on 'cause we're going for a ride. Oh! Freak out. What you've got here is no ordinary book. It's a 10th grade history book, and I should know 'cause I've got this very same book. Could our very own Ladybug be a high school student in real life?
Adrian: That's crazy! What are the odds that we have the same textbook? Maybe we even go to the same school.
Plagg: Don't you think you'd know her then? Why bother yourself with ladies when you can be enjoying this?
Adrian: For one, ladies smell about a thousand times better than that cheese and they're much better looking.
Pkagg: Suit yourself. Your loss.
Adrian: My only loss is my appetite.
[in the museum] Alya: Come on, tell me what it is already.
Marinette: No, no, 'cause it wouldn't be a surprise then... To you or me.
Jalil Kubdel: I'm telling you, Father, it's right there in the hieroglyphics. Excuse me. There, as you know, the one with the scepter is Tutankhamen the First [French version: Akhenaten], and there, opposite,
is Nefertiti, his princess. There are exactly 100 mummies beside them. She died several years before him, and the sun god, Ra, took her as his goddess.
Jalil Kubdel’ father: Yes, I know all that. I'm the director of this exhibition, remember?
Jalil Kubdel:: Then you also know that Tutankhamen [French version: Akhenaten] wanted to bring his princess back to life by offering the sun god a new wife. This scene illustrates a ritual he devised. Nobody has ever fully deciphered the hieroglyphics... But I have! It's a magic chant that needs to be recited in order to complete the ritual. I'm sure of it!
Marinette: He kind of reminds me of someone else with crazy ideas... you.
Alya: You might think my theories about Ladybug are crazy, but you watch, girl, I'll prove you wrong.
Jalil Kubdel’ father: Jalil, these types of frescos are almost always the illustration of a legend. They call it a legend for a reason.
Jalil Kubdel: That's what everyone thinks, but I know it's real. I can prove it!
Jalil Kubdel’ father: Really? And exactly how are you going to prove it?
Jalil Kubdel: I just need to get my hands on Tutankhamen's scepter [French version: Akhenaten] and recite the spell.
Jalil Kubdel’ father: Are you serious?
Jalil Kubdel: Oh!
Jalil Kubdel’ father: Don't even think of touching that scepter. I'd lose my job on the spot. It's a priceless, historical object... not a toy.
Jalil Kubdel: Come on, Dad, we have to try out the spell! What if Tutankhamen [French version: Akhenaten] had found out how to bring people back to life?
Jalil Kubdel’ father: Listen, Jalil, that's enough. Get your head out of those papyrus scrolls and focus on the real world... this one.
Hawk Moth: There's nothing wrong with living out a fantasy, especially when I can make it a reality. Fly away my evil akuma and transform that young man.
Alya: Uh... Uh...
Marinette: Gah! Put that down! I'm gonna show you the secret I found out about Ladybug.
Alya: About time! This better be blog-worthy.
Hawk Moth: Pharaoh, I am Hawk Moth. I have endowed you with the magical power of the ancient gods. You must do me a favor in return for this gift.
Jalil Kubdel: My precious Nefertiti will come back to life.
Marinette: Uh... uh...
Alya: This thing's making my eyes hurt.
Marinette: Look closely. It is in there. Huh?
Person: Hey, you!
Pharaoh: Tut, give me time!
Person: Oh! Hey!
Marinette: Alya, hide! Oh!
Pharaoh: Get out of here! Faster!
Marinette: {French version: We should stop him] Time to transform. Tikki, spots on! Yeah!
(At Adrian’s house)
Alya: OMG. Coming to you live, Ladyblog viewers. I am at the scene even before Ladybug or Cat Noir. This is insane!
Plagg: Wow, I love the face changes. You could use that one.
Adrian: Time to transform. Plagg, claws out!
(in the museum)
Ladybug: You know that's considered stealing.
Pharaoh: Actually, I'm taking back what rightfully belongs to me!
Ladybug: Maybe if you were the real Pharaoh... which you're not!
Alya: Look at Ladybug go! If I'm dreaming, don't wake me up. Hey! Ladybug waved at me. Me! No way!
Pharaoh: Sekhmet, give me your strength!
Cat Noir: How nice of you to hold the door open for me. Hah!
Pharaoh: Enjoy your coffin. [French version: Have a rest, Cat]
Alya:This is heck-a-crazy! Keep your eyes peeled. Huh? Hi ya.
Pharaoh: Your face. Fate has placed you on my path. Come with me.
Alya: Hey, hands off the threads! I can walk myself! Ladybug!
Ladybug: Seriously? Let her go!
Cat Noir: Hiding behind an innocent bystander? You're weak, Pharaoh.
Pharaoh: I'm way more powerful than you are.
Alya: And don't forget... All the latest behind the scenes are on my blog.
Cat Noir: That Alya is one brave chick.
Ladybug: If by brave you mean bossy, feisty, and bold... Yup, that's her. Come on, get us out of here, Cat Noir.
Cat Nor: Cataclysm! ♪ How are we gonna find them?
Ladybug: Alya's got a live stream on her blog.
Alya: Hi, everyone, Ayla here, live blogging from the shoulder of a terrifying villain. Huge scoop to come. Stay tuned!
Cat Noir: Uh, go ahead. I'll join you as soon as my Miraculous is charged up again.
Lady bug: Hurry up. It's gonna take both of us to defeat him.
Alya: Hey!
Pharaoh: Onto the next phase. Anubis, bring me mummies! Soon we will be together again, my Nefertiti, my long lost love.
Alya: This is gonna be one major scoop. Uh, excuse me, Pharaoh, but, uh, what exactly is going on here?
Pharaoh: I am going to carry out the sacred spell to bring Nefertiti back.
Alya: Ah, hm, gotcha. You're talking about the spell on the papyrus, right?
Pharaoh: Correct, the 100 mummies and the offering.
Alya: Offering? What offering?
Pharaoh: To persuade the sun god Ra to give me back my sweet princess, I must give him something in return... a pure soul.
Alya: Dude, that's hard to come by.
Pharaoh: But I've already found her. You look so much like her. Say what?
Ladybug: Hold on, Ayla. Whoa! Oh, no, I ran right into one of those time bubbles. I've got to get out of this.
Alya: Ladybug, this is Ayla. I just found out I'm the sacrificial offering to the sun god. Please hurry!
Ladybug: Hold on, Ayla. I'm nearly there.
Plagg: Oh, do you seriously think this mumbo jumbo with the sun and mummy stuff is gonna work?
Adrian: You have no respect. Your batteries are charged up enough. Plagg, claws out! Hm. Whoa! Thanks for waitin'
around for me.
Ladybug: No problem. We've gotta find the hidden akuma and free it before he sacrifices that poor Alya. I can't see her or Pharaoh.
Cat Noir: Over there!
Alya: Hm? Huh? Whoa, back up. Who's that goddess chick with the black spots there on your papyrus?
Pharaoh: Ladybug, my sworn enemy. My nemesis may have kept me from carrying out my ritual 5,000 years before, but she will not stop Nefertiti from coming back
for me this time!
Alya: Did you say, "Ladybug 5,000 years ago"?
Ladybug: Everyone does have a past they can learn from.
Cat Noir: Well, you don't look a day over 3,000.
Ladybug: Now you know why I'm so much wiser than you, hm!
Pharaoh: Oh, sacred Ra, god of the sun, I, Pharaoh, offer to thee a pure soul. This sacrifice for the return of Nefertiti. I bow to you and present this gift with my mummies. In company, we pray to you the safe return of Princess Nefertiti! Awaken, Nefertiti, awaken!
Mummies: Awaken, Nefertiti, awaken! Awaken, Nefertiti, awaken!
Alya: Ladybug!
Ladybug: We've gotta save her before he completes the ritual or Ayla will be gone forever.
Cat Noir: What should we do?
Ladybug: Hold back the mummies while I take on the Pharaoh.
Cat Noir: Why do I have to deal with these freaks while you get to slip calmly around his back?
Ladybug: Because I'm the only one who can capture his akuma, and because you're the bravest one out of both of us.
Cat Noir: Sure. I know you don't really think that, but I'll pretend you do.
Mummies: Awaken! Awaken, Nefertiti, awaken! Awaken, Nefertiti, awaken! Awaken, Nefertiti, awaken!
Cat Noir: Hey there, you buncha bandages. [What do you say we wrap this up? (French version: Let’s play a tag]
Alya: Cat Noir!
Pharaoh: Seize him!
Cat Noir: (French version: Do you know the game? You need to tag a person!) Is that really as fast as you can go? Ha!
Pharaoh: What? This looks like a trap!
Lady Bug (saving Alya): Gotcha!
Pharaoh: Horus, give me your wings!
Alya: Peeps, you've just witnessed another insane feat from Ladybug. Thanks for saving my butt.
Ladybug: Oh, uh, you're welcome. But it's not over yet. Not until...
Alya: Not until Ladybug destroys the pendant containing the akuma and turns everything back to normal. I pay attention.
Ladybug: The pendant! Good eye! (Pharaoh throw Ladybug off the building) Phew!
Alya: Way to go, Ladybug! No!
Pharaoh: You're not going to win this time, Ladybug.
Alya: Help me, Ladybug!
Pharaoh (to the mummies): Crush that insect!
Cat Noir: What the...
Ladybug: Cat Noir, this way! We have to save Alya before she reaches the circle of darkness.
Pharaoh: You will not stop me from bringing Nefertiti back. I'll finish you off. Anubis, bring me mummies! Horus, give me your wings! Huh?
Ladybug: Cat Noir, the pendant! That's where the akuma is!
Pharaoh: Sekhmet, give me your strength! It's over.
Alya: Ladybug, save me!
Pharaoh: Oh, Ra, god of the sun, accept this humble offering, and return the princess to me!
Ladybug: Lucky charm! A Ladybug outfit?
Cat Noir: That's our last hope?
Ladybug: Hm... This offering isn't good enough for Nefertiti.
Alya: Hey! Thanks a lot!
Pharaoh: Too late, Ladybug. The ritual has begun.
Lady Bug: Set Alya free and sacrifice me instead. Wouldn't that be the sweetest revenge... 5,000 years later. After all, I'm the one who kept Nefertiti from you all these years.
Pharaoh: It's true that you would make a much more precious offering than this mortal. Horus, give me wings.
Alya: Seriously? Excuse you, but I make excellent sacrificing material. Hmph!
Hawk Moth: Take her Miraculous... The earring.
Lady Bug: You win, Pharaoh. If you want my Miraculous... go get it!
Hawk Moth: Get it!
Pharaoh: A toy? You tricked me!
Lady Bug: No more evil doing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize. Gotcha! Bye-bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!
Jalil Kubdel: What happened?
Alya: Thanks, Ladybug, but, uh... I've still gotta ask... How old are you really?
Lady Bug: Um, much older than a high school student, that's for sure.
Cat Noir: Don't you wanna know how old I am?
Alya: In a sec, it looks like I'll be able to tell for myself.
Alya: Where have you been?
Marinette: You won't believe this. I got mummified.
Alya: I hope you weren't one of the ones trying to swap me for Nefertiti. Creepy!
Marinette: What? You were almost sacrificed?
Alya: If it hadn't been for you I'd never have found out that Ladybug is at least 5,000-years-old.
Marinette: Hey, what are friends for?
Alya: I still don't get it though. What was she doing with that 10th grade history textbook?
Marinette: Uh, she... she probably had to find out what's been going on for the past 50 centuries.
Alya: You're probably right. It's tough staying in the loop. Hey, Ladybug's textbook! It's gone!
Hawk Moth: You might've gotten away this time, but I assure you, Ladybug, someday, wherever you are, I will have your Miraculous and you'll be nothing! Nothing at all!
Marinette: I don't get it. I know I'm not 5,000-years-old. So who exactly was that Ladybug in the papyrus?
Tikki: Quamies like me, and superheroes like you have always existed.
Marinette: So that wasn't you on the papyrus either?
Tikki: What do you think?
Marinette: You don't look 5,000-years-old.
Tikki: Well, I'm not. I'm older than that. I'm the quamy who's watched over every single Ladybug since the very beginning.
Marinette: You must've known much less klutzy Ladybugs than me, right?
Tikki: Every Ladybug is different.
Marinette: Yeah, that's what I thought.
Tikki: Marinette, you are different. But different as in surprising, unpredictable, and endearing. And very talented. You learn fast.
Marinette: Really?
Tikki: Yes.
Marinette: Mmmm...
Tikki: You'd better get to sleep. Remember, you have that history test tomorrow.
Marinette: Oh, yeah. Good thing it's on ancient Egypt.
In the daytime I'm Marinette, just a normal girl with a normal life but there's something about me that no-one knows yet because I have a secret.
♪ Miraculous! Simply the best! ♪
♪ Up to the test when things go wrong! ♪
♪ Miraculous! The luckiest! ♪
♪ The power of love, always so strong! ♪
♪ Miraculous! ♪
Sabina: Well? With or without? [hesitantly] With? You're sure it's not better without?
Either way, you look perfect.
It's not every day you celebrate
your 20th wedding anniversary.
[father] Marinette! Can you come here? Well?
Marinette: Well what?
Tom: My moustache, I groomed it. Is it too short? Should I shave it off? Is it crooked?
Marinette: You look perfect, dad... Except for one thing.
Tom: Thanks, sweetheart.
Marinette: No problem, dad. You're going to be late.
Tom: Mrs. Chamack is coming to pick up her Eiffel Tower cake in 30 minutes. I'm depending on you.
Marinette: Yeah, yeah, no sweat, piece of cake.
[questioning sigh]
Marinette: Married 20 years... pretty cool isn't it, Tikki? Time flies when you're having fun. Not when you're doing homework.
[Tikki chuckles]
They're Marinette's parents, a chick I hang out with.
Yes, I remember. They make the best bread in Paris.
Couldn't you have made
more effort to dress nicely?
What d'you mean? I took off my cap.
But this is a special day.
Well, it's only a birthday.
[he tuts] No...
This is a special birthday.
This family heirloom was made
by an ancestor many years ago.
It's been passed down
through the generations,
on the fifteenth birthday, and today,
it's your turn to inherit it.
It's sweet, but I've already got a watch,
synched to my phone.
Sometimes, there's more to things
than meets the eye.
Let's just say our ancestor was...
ahead of his time.
Of course, I'd understand
if you'd rather me buy you
a new pair of rollerblades.
No, dad, I'm stoked.
It's awesome, thank you.
[her phone rings]
Are your friends waiting?
Yeah, but I don't want
to bail on you, it's cool.
No, no, go ahead.
Now take good care of it.
Come on, Marinette, you can do it.
Just remember the formula.
Think, Marinette.
I might be able to if you weren't
distracting me.
Hey, Alya. What's up?
The what?
The bet between Alix and Kim?
No, of course I didn't forget.
I've made the banner.
I know everyone's counting on me.
In five minutes?
No sweat. I'm on my way already.
Be right there.
But you have to wait for Mrs. Chamack.
I've 20 minutes before she arrives.
I told them I'd do the banner.
They're counting on me.
Besides, Adrien will be there.
You'll never make it to Trocadéro
in five minutes, it's too far.
Not too far for Ladybug.
Tikki, spots on!
Play one of the best new FPS shooters,
search Steam for PROJECT WARLOCK
That's beautiful.
Impressive, Marinette.
You've picked the wrong side.
Alix hasn't even shown up.
Probably too chicken
to race an athlete like me.
[Alix] Spoke too soon, Kim.
Your ridiculous bets are over.
I'm gonna leave you in the dust, meathead.
You're no match for me.
My neck's bigger than your thigh.
Is that a good thing?
Let's review the official rules.
Two laps around the fountains,
approximately 500 yards.
The first over the line is the victor.
If Kim wins, Alix will relinquish
her rollerblades to him.
If Alix wins,
Kim will be prohibited
from making any dares
for the rest of the school year.
We're through with those stupid dares.
-Yeah, that's right!
-No more dares!
On your marks.
Get set...
Hold up!
[he groans, the crowd giggles]
Forfeiting already?
Hold on to this, Alya.
I don't want to drop it.
Hold on, girl. I can't. I...
Guard it with your life.
It's a family heirloom.
Marinette, take this.
I gotta record the race for my blog.
On your marks.
Get set.
But she asked you to look after it.
I've gotta hold the banner.
Need any help?
Wh...? Yep, thanks,
Gotta be careful,
even if you are amazing...
At... holding things... in your hands.
Last lap.
Amazing at holding things?
Adrikins? Whatcha got there?
Some super-old case or something?
Careful, it's Alix's.
If it's Alix's, it's probably worthless.
Give it back to Adrien, Chloé.
I call a rematch.
That false start threw me off.
Did you do this?
I had to record the race,
so I gave it to Marinette.
She had the banner so she gave it to Adrien.
Then Chloé snatched it and dropped it.
Then you skated over it.
My old man gave me this for my birthday.
This watch is totally a family heirloom.
It was an accident.
We didn't mean any harm.
As if... I totally had nothing
to do with this.
You're all to blame!
[she sobs]
Alix, wait!
Tikki: Marinette, what about the cake?
Marinette: There's still time. Hide.
Hawk Moth: Such disappointment, frustration, and negativity. How it fills my heart with exhilaration. Fly away, my little Akuma and evilize her.
Waiter at the restaurant: Bon appetit. [phone rings]
Tom: It's Mrs. Chamack. Hello.
Mrs. Chamack: Hi, I'm at the bakery, but it's closed. I need my cake now.
Tom: I know you do. My daughter's home. She must be upstairs. I'll phone her now.
Maybe we could fix it.
This watch was sick, one of a kind.
It can't be fixed!
There has to be a way
to get it back to how it was.
Like, how?
Go back in time and change the future?
When you figure out how, lemme know!
[phone rings]
Marinette: Oh no, this can't be good. Hello, dad.
Hawk Moth: Timebreaker, I'm Hawk Moth. I'm granting you the power to retaliate against the people who've wronged you, and to go back in time
to restore the future. But you must do me a favor in return when the time is right.
Timebreaker: You got it, Hawk Moth.
Marinette: Mrs. Chamack is outside waiting for her cake. I gotta go. Can't keep her waiting.
Tom: She was listening to music.
Stop, Alix! What are you doing?
The name's Timebreaker now.
I'm going back in time to save my watch,
using you punks to do it.
Go back in time?
What did you do? Why is he fading?
I needed his energy.
He was a pain anyway with all those bets.
He deserves to disappear forever, and so do you.
We've got to transform, now. Tikki, spots on! Yeah!Time out, Timebreaker.
Please, help me.
I'm messed up, please, please,
Sweet, Rose,
always thinking of others before yourself.
One minute.
I gotta destroy her Akuma before everyone disappears. Where's is that Cat?
Time to transform. Plagg, claws out!
[she cackles]
Timebreaker: One and a half minutes. You won't be able to stop me where I'm going, Ladybug.
Cat Noir: Lemme guess, we're playing tag and you're it?
Lady Bug: Exactly! Don't let her touch you.
Cat Noir: Missed me. Just a second too late.
Lady Bug: No!
Cat Noir: Well she wastes no time, does she?
Lady Bug: The more people she freezes, the more minutes she gets to go back in time. Those kids are goners if we don't get that Akuma. Keep your hands to yourself.
Hawk Moth: Now, Timebreaker, grab her Miraculous, her earring!
Lady Bug: Cat Noir, No!
Timebreaker: Wow, six minutes in one go. Musta been those nine lives. Gotta go, the past is waiting.
Hawk Moth: Timebreaker, the Miraculous! Take his ring before he disappears!
Lady Bug: Go ahead and try.
Timebreaker: Chill out, Hawk Moth, I have a sick plan.
Ladybug [squeals]: Wh-What just happened?
Children [cheering]: Go, Alix, yeah!
We've gone back in time, haven't we?
Watcha got there?
Careful, it's Alix's.
What is this?
Some super-old case or something?
If it's Alix's, it's probably worthless.
Give it back to Adrien, Chloé.
My watch!
Chloé, put the watch down!
Ladybug, this time it's your fault!
I need more energy.
I've gotta go further back in time.
Ladybug, it's all Ladybug's fault!
[evil voice] Could this be possible?
Do I see double vision in my future?
Or should I say "double villain"?
Fly away, my devilish Akuma,
and join this troubled soul.
Everyone, get out of here!
Don't let her touch you!
Time to transform.
Marinette: Who are you?
Lady Bug 1: I don't have time to explain, but I'm you, from a few minutes in the future.
Tikki: She's right. I can feel it. She is you... from the future.
Marinette: Crazy!
Lady Bug 1: I know it seems unbelievable but trust me. I mean trust... yourself. And dad's gonna call me, I mean you, in two minutes. He won't be happy because Mrs. Chamack
is waiting at the bakery.
Marinette: The cake... But I... I still have...
Lady Bug 1: Time? That's what I thought. She'll be early. Just leave now and take care of the cake. Don't worry, Ladybug can handle this.
How do I get myself
into these crazy situations?
Lady Bug 1: Cat Noir, I can't explain now but we've gotta capture Timebreaker's Akuma. Your life depends on it.
Cat Noir: Which life? I've got nine.
Lady Bug 1: I'm serious! The Akuma's in her rollerblades.
Cat Noir: We've gotta release it. Am I seeing double?
Lady Bug 1: Another thing I don't have time to explain.
Timebreakers: The energy from these two will be enough for us to go farther back. I want my watch back. Let's do it.
Lady Bug 1: Whatever you do, don't let them touch you.
Hawk Moth: Get the Miraculous, Timebreaker!
Timebreakers: If we were faster, they'd be no match for us. Then let's stock up on more energy first. Then we'll destroy them.
Mrs. Chamack: Oh, hold on, here she comes now. It's fine, thanks. It's all good.
Marinette: Sorry again for making you wait.
Tikki: Mission accomplished.
Marinette: You mean Mission 1 accomplished. Time for Mission 2. Tikki, spots on! Yeah!
Timebreakers: We've got enough speed. Let's go hardcore on Ladybug and Cat Noir. Once we get their energy, we'll have enough to go back together. And get our watch!
Cat Noir: I thought we were chasing them.
Ladybug 2: Hey, need a hand?
Ladybug 1: Thanks!
Ladybug 2: They're insane on their rollerblades.
Lady Bug 1: Unstoppable on the ground.
Lady Bug 2: So... what if they're not on the ground?
Cat Noir: Two Ladybugs? I'm in heaven.
Timebreakers: We'd better go back now. There'll be less of them. I'm down.
Hawk Moth: Don't fail me this time!
Ladybugs: They're planning to go back in time again. [together] Lucky charm! Any ideas?
Cat Noir: While you figure it out, I'll try to buy some time.
Lady Bug 1: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Lady Bug 2: Of course.
Cat Noir: Cataclysm!
Timebreakers: Let's freeze her. [panicked cries] We're going too fast! We can't stop!
Lady Bugs: Now! [together] No more evil-doing for you, little Akuma. Time to de-evilize! Gotcha. Bye-bye, little butterfly. Miraculous ladybug!
Cat Noir and Ladybugs: [together] Pound it.
Lady Bug 2: Here, I think this is yours.
Alix: Sweet! How did you fix it? Thank you. I shouldn't have given it to someone else to look after. It was my responsibility, my bad.
Lady Bug 2: Responsibility isn't something to be taken lightly. I should know.
Alix: You're totally right. I'll be more careful next time. Thanks, Ladybug.
Cat Noir: I was getting used to having two Ladybugs around.
Lady Bug 2: Now you're going to get used to no Ladybugs around.
I gotta split before I change back.
Cat Noir: She'll fall for me someday. It's just a matter of time.
Hawk Moth: You slipped by me this time, Ladybug and Cat Noir, but one day, past, present, or future, you will be destroyed, and I'll have your Miraculouses! I will be unstoppable!
Marinette: Hey! So... did you have a nice anniversary?
Father Tom: We sure did. Although, it was a close call.
Marinette: Yeah. I'm sorry that I kept her waiting.
Sabina: Next time, please wait in the bakery, not in your room listening to music.
Marinette: Got it. I won't screw up next time.
Father Tom: Good, cuz mom's right, there's only one Marinette, and we're counting on her.
Ious Episode
Season 1 Episode
In the daytime I'm Marinette, just a normal girl with a normal life but there's something about me that no-one knows yet because I have a secret.
♪ Miraculous! Simply the best! ♪
♪ Up to the test when things go wrong! ♪
♪ Miraculous! The luckiest! ♪
♪ The power of love, always so strong! ♪
♪ Miraculous! ♪
You have one day to work on a fashion piece of your own design.
In ten hours, your presentation
will be judged
by the great fashion designer
Gabriel Agreste,
the father of our student Adrien.
Adrien will model the winning design.
And now, this year's theme: derby hats.
Derby hats?
[Marinette] Derby hat?
Derby hat? Derby hat?
I don't have any derby hat design.
I've got top hats, caps, two-horned hats.
A beret? I'm your girl.
A sombrero? No problemo. But a derby?
It won't even matter,
I'll probably make a fool of myself,
trip on my derby, collapse on Mr. Agreste,
give him a concussion
and Adrien will hate me.
I'll never be a great fashion designer.
My life is over!
For a derby hat?
Let me see your sketch pad.
There must be something in here.
Forget it, I'll probably mess
everything up in the end.
[Adrien] Wow, Alya! Awesome designs.
I didn't know you had such skills.
Thanks, but I can't take the credit.
These sick designs belong to Marinette.
Off the chain, right?
You're super talented.
You have a good chance of winning.
Well... um... yeah, I like designs that...
go upwards?
[they gasp]
While stopping?
I mean... thanks?
Sure. Good luck, maybe I'll be wearing
your derby at father's next photo shoot.
You gotta get a grip next time.
Did you hear?
He thinks you can win.
Did you hear how impressed Adrien was?
Of course I heard.
Her? Win the contest? As if.
Adrien will convince his father
to award me the winner.
I'm sure he will, Chloe.
You're a born champion.
Yours is sure to be the best.
Yeah, it is.
As soon as I can get my hands
on this sketch pad.
[Alya] Nine hours until show time.
Yikes! I'm off to my secret garden
of inspiration.
I'm okay, I'm okay.
The time has come for us
to find our next victim,
my wicked little Akumas,
and to prey upon Ladybug and Cat Noir.
Their Miraculouses must be mine.
It's hard to be creative under pressure.
You save the world under pressure.
Designing a hat is a piece of cake.
A cake derby hat,
stylish and tasty.
[pigeons coo]
[Mr. Ramier] Happy day, happy day.
Splendid is the afternoon.
Edgar, you fancy one.
Fantastic. Dazzling performance.
Scram, winged rats.
How many times do you need
to be told Mr. Ramier?
No... feeding... the pigeons!
It's forbidden.
They'll leave their waste everywhere!
Who's going to feed my poor pigeons?
Mr. Ramier, you're banned
from every park in Paris.
Leave or I'll call the authorities.
Wait, I'm the authorities.
Get out!
I almost feel sorry for that man.
[Tikki] What a unique character.
He was like a human bird.
All he needed was a feather jacket
to complete the look.
A feather jacket?
Nice thinking, Tikki.
[Hawk Moth] Poor Mr. Ramier.
The feeling of injustice.
Such easy prey for my Akuma.
Fly away, my little Akuma,
and evilize him.
Mr. Pigeon, I'm Hawk Moth.
Neither this police officer
nor any other park keeper
should stop you from taking care
of your friends.
What would Paris be without pigeons?
What would pigeons be without you?
[evil laugh]
[he yells]
[mad cooing]
-That's a derby.
-Thanks, Tikki.
We're so awesome!
Sorry, you're so awesome.
When are we... you going to make the hat?
And ruin these nails? Of course not.
Daddy will pay someone.
-What are you looking for?
-A feather.
I don't have a feather for the hat.
It has to have one.
Sorry, Mr. Officer, Sir.
[he yells]
Come on, can't we go any faster?
[Driver] Sorry, we have a situation.
You need to get off.
This is weird.
[car horns]
[Announcer] Pigeons took over Paris.
This is a matter of major concern
for authorities.
I've just been told that a "Mr. Pigeon"
is making an announcement.
Oh dreary day for Parisians.
[he coos]
Sorry to ruffle your feathers,
but Paris now belongs to pigeons.
[he coos]
[Marinette] Paris needs us.
Tikki, spots on!
[loud cooing]
This is weirder than weird.
Birds of a feather flock together.
[he sneezes]
I'm allergic to feathers.
-That's helpful.
-Tell me about it.
[he begins to sneeze]
There's another problem.
The park keepers are vanishing.
What? We have to track down Mr. Pigeon.
But how?
I don't know where we can find him
but he can find us.
Act natural or he'll never show up.
What? I am acting natural.
Ladybug and Cat Noir.
Job well done, buddy-boy.
Pigeons will reign supreme.
Power to the pigeons!
[triumphant cooing]
Where is he?
He should have been here by now.
[Adrien sneezes]
What the...
[he sneezes]
[Cat Noir]
Where's that bird brain Mr. Pigeon?
He's gotta be here.
If you want to give Paris
to the pigeons for good,
you must rid the city of those two pests.
I feel like birdseed all of a sudden.
[they both gasp]
Any bright ideas?
You're the cat,
don't you eat these things?
[Mr. Pigeon coos]
Chirpy day! I'm so ruthless.
[Hawk Moth] Excellent.
Take their Miraculouses.
Your Miraculouses. Give them to me
or face the wrath of my feathered friends.
On the count of three,
my pigeons will open fire.
You can save your sorry skins
by handing me your Miraculous. One, two...
Cat Noir, the bars.
[he gasps]
[Cat Noir]
Well, well, the pigeon is a chicken.
Me? I'm not flying away.
I'm just killing two birds with one stone.
[he coos]
[flapping and yelling]
[they gasp]
[mocking yell]
[mocking cooing]
Merry Christmas!
I'm not done with you yet.
[mad cooing]
I've got to go
before my identity is revealed.
You wouldn't want
to let the cat out the bag.
Ha, ha, very funny.
Ladybug, Cat Noir,
I'm in great danger of losing money
if my guests leave Paris.
Get rid of those pigeons.
Before we do, I have an urgent need.
An urgent need? I see.
Head to the Royal Suite.
There's paper in there.
Perhaps you'd prefer a litter tray?
No need for litter.
But could I have some camembert?
Sorry, emergency.
-How do you like your camembert?
-Unpasteurized Saint-Claquos.
[Plagg screams]
The exhaustion. My poor aching body.
I can't move a muscle.
[Adrien] You wanna bet?
My gooeyness...
Eat up, Ladybug needs help.
I can get a much better view from up here.
They're flying in the same direction.
Better follow them.
[Elevator beeps]
-Ready when you are.
-Let's go.
That's where Mr. Pigeon keeps
the park keepers.
The Grand Palais.
[he begins to sneeze]
My pigeon radar is on alert.
Either your radar's on the brink
or the park keepers are unattended.
Let's set the cat among the pigeons.
Hold up, kitty. It's too easy.
I've got a plan.
[Mr. Pigeon] Perfect timing.
We're ready to greet them.
They're going to fall right into my trap.
It won't be long
before you get your Miraculouses.
I can't wait, my dear Pigeon.
[Ladybug] If we destroy that bird call,
we'll capture the Akuma.
You open the window,
I grab him and you snag the bird call.
Early bird gets the worm.
[he sneezes loudly]
So much for the element of surprise.
[yelling and cooing]
Diddle-dee-dee, come closer.
I have a bone to "peck" with you.
I'd be honored.
[Agent] Get us out of here.
[evil giggle]
Lucky charm!
A coin? What am I supposed
to do with that?
You can't buy yourself out of here.
Cat Noir!
[Ladybug] Snack time, pigeons.
My bird call. No!
Cat Noir, grab it.
[he sneezes]
[desperate cooing]
No more evil-doing for you, little Akuma.
Time to de-evilize.
Bye-bye, little butterfly.
Miraculous Ladybug!
What happened? Where am I?
Pound it.
Wretched pigeons, wretched Ladybug!
I'll destroy every one of you.
[he roars]
I have less than an hour.
[busy signal rings]
Where is that girl?
Hello, Mr. Damocles,
I am Mr. Agreste's assistant.
Hello Miss.
Pardon me, but where is Mr. Agreste?
I'm here.
Hello Mr. Agreste, welcome to our school.
Adrien, take Nathalie around.
There's Mr. Agreste. He's coming this way.
They have poured their hearts
and souls into their projects.
Where have you been? You got your hat?
Yep, here.
[she gasps]
-But it's the same as Chloe's.
Hi, Mr. Agreste, I'm Chloe Bourgeois.
You know my father, the Mayor.
That thieving little brat!
-Shall I take care of it?
-I think I can handle this.
Turn the tablet to Miss Bourgeois's hat.
Is this a joke?
No fair!
Marinette copied my design.
It's scandalous!
I apologize for the situation.
But I can prove
that this derby hat is mine.
Go ahead.
Everything is handmade
from the embroidery
to the weaving and the stitching.
Done by myself.
And there's an element
that only a true designer knows about.
I signed mine.
[Chloe cries]
Exquisite creation.
You have the laboring hands
of a hat maker, Miss...
Congratulations, Miss Marinette.
You're the winner.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Adrien will wear your derby.
Adrian: Awesome job, Marinette. [he starts to sneeze] [he sneezes loudly] [sniffing] I'm allergic to feathers.
[he sneezes]
19 декабря 2015 | |
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26 октября 2015 | |
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28 октября 2015 | |
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30 октября 2015 | |
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24 января 2016 | |
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28 февраля 2016 | |
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6 марта 2016 | |
19 марта 2016 | |
6 августа 2016 | |
6 августа 2016 |
Сезон 2 2016, эпизодов: 26 · В этом сезоне у Маринетт обычный костюм; зимний наряд (жакет, розовый шарф, сапоги и меховые наушники), пижама в трёх сериях - Сапотисы, Горизилла и Сеятель; аквакостюм (Сирена) и костюм для холода с коньками (Мороз). · У Эдриана – обычный костюм; костюм для фехтования; стильный костюм для модного показа (Королева Стиля); аквакостюм (Сирена) и костюм для холода с коньками (Мороз). · У Али – обычный костюм; зимний наряд – свитер и сапоги; пижама и костюм Рены Руж в Сапотисах. | |
Эпизод 1 (26.10.2017) Собиратель The Collector | |
Эпизод 4 Гневный мишка Despair Bear | 21 октября 2017 |
Эпизод 2 Королева прайм-тайма Prime Queen | 25 октября 2017 |
Эпизод 8 Бефана Befana | 30 октября 2017 |
Эпизод 7 Укол Riposte | 1 ноября 2017 |
Эпизод 11 Робостус Robostus | 3 ноября 2017 |
Эпизод 6 Гигантитан | Gigantitan (26 ноября 2017 года) Когда Эдриан предлагает подвезти Маринетт, она отказывается и говорит, что поедет на кус-кус (французское название рикши pousse-pousse очень похоже на кус-кус couscous). Эдриан желает ей приятного аппетита и уезжает с телохранителем. | |
Эпизод 13 Филин The Dark Owl | 5 декабря 2017 |
Эпизод 3 Лединатор |Glaciator [Маринетт и Эдриан ели мороженое, приготовленное Андре, по разным сторонам моста. Они ели до того, как Когами и Эдриан ели мороженое в третьем сезоне. Поэтому это подтверждает тот факт, что они созданы друг для друга: в третьем сезоне Маринетт начинает встречаться с Люкой, а Эдриан с Когами, но в начале четвертого сезона они расстаются со своими пассиями]. | 14 января 2018 |
Эпизод 12 Сапотисы | Sapotis (злодеи – сестры Али. Есть отсылка на гремлинов) | 30 марта 2018 |
Эпизод 10 Горизилла | Gorizilla (злодей – телехранитель Эдриана. Есть отсылка на Кинг-Конга, оба взбираются на самое высокое здание) | 14 марта 2018 |
Эпизод 16 Капитан Хардрок Captain Hardrock | 30 марта 2018 |
Эпизод 15 Зомбизу Zombizou | 13 апреля 2018 |
Эпизод 14: Сирена |Syren. В этом эпизоде Маринетт помогла мастеру Фу расшифровать книгу, и мастер Фу сумел приготовить семь волшебных снадобий, которые наделяли квами новыми возможностями. В этой серии зелёное снадобье превратило Тикки в Акватикки -> Леди Баг стала Акваледибаг, у которой появилась способность дышать под водой. Суперкот первратился в Аквакота. · Предположение. В эпизоде «Мороз» Леди Баг и Супер Кот используют синее снадобье, которое превращает Тикки в Сталактикки, а Плагга – в Плагг-Ледник. Таким образом, новые костюмы супергероев позволяют им не замерзнуть при низких температурах. В специальном выпуске про Нью-Йорк нам показали Астрокота и Астроледибаг. Похоже, что они воспользовались фиолетовым снадобьем. Возможно, что розовое снадобье даст героям возможность безлимитного супершанса и котоклизма. Красное снадобье: превращает йо-йо Леди Баг и шест Супер Кота в любой предмет (например, в меч или бомбу). Оранжевое снадобье даёт силу огня. Белое снадобье даёт способности стать невидимкой. | 14 декабря 2018 |
Эпизод 9 Frightningale | 22 октября 2018 |
Эпизод 5 Бунтарка Troublemaker | 17 июня 2018 |
Эпизод 21 Ананси Anansi | 23 сентября 2018 |
Эпизод 23 Сеятель Sandboy | 24 сентября 2018 |
Эпизод 20 Обратитель Reverser | 23 июля 2018 |
Эпизод 17: Мороз |Frozer. В эпизоде «Мороз» Леди Баг и Супер Кот используют синее снадобье, которое превращает Тикки в Сталактикки, а Плагга – в Плагг-Ледник. Таким образом, новые костюмы супергероев позволяют им не замерзнуть при низких температурах. | 14 октября 2018 |
Эпизод 18 Королева стиля (Битва королевы. Часть 1) Style Queen (Queen's Battle - Part 1) | 21 октября 2018 |
Эпизод 19 Королева ос (Битва королевы. Часть 2) Queen Wasp (Queen's Battle - Part 2) | 21 октября 2018 |
Эпизод 22 Маледиктатор Malediktator | 28 октября 2018 |
Эпизод 24 Катализатор (День героев. Часть 1) Catalyst (Heroes' Day - Part 1) | 18 ноября 2018 |
Эпизод 25 Маюра (День героев. Часть 2) Mayura (Heroes' Day - Part 2) | 18 ноября 2018 |
Эпизод 26
Санта-Хаос (Санта с когтями) | Santa Claws – злодей Санта-Клаус
В этом эпизоде много песен. У большинства героев, кроме Эдриана, есть зимняя одежда: свитера, зимние шапки, варежки, перчатки или шарфы, или куртка (Хлоя). У Маринетт есть жакет, розовый шарф, сапоги и меховые наушники. Все приходят в булочную родителей Маринетт и поздравляют их с Рождеством, покупают вкусняшки и обмениваются подарками. Телохранитель Эдриана приходит тоже, Маринетт передаёт через него подарок для Эдриана – красивую шапку в виде колпака Санты. Эдриан и Натали наряжают елку, но отец Габриэль так и не вышел к ним. Это было первое Рождество Эдриана без матери, и он обиделся, ушёл к себе в комнату, перевоплотился в Кота Нуара, и убежал на улицу. Он одинок и несчастен, он котоклизмом хотел разрушить новогоднюю елку, но не смог, поэтому разрушил тумбу с объявлениями. Плагг ослаб, а у Эдриана не было с собой сыра. Эдриан открывает подарок Маринетт, читает открытку от неё, прячет Плагга в шапку, чтобы тот согрелся, а открытку роняет рядом с тумбой. Отец Габриэль приходит в комнату Эдриана с подарком, а того там нет. Натали обзванивает друзей, все начинают искать Эдриана. Маринетт трансформируется в Леди Баг и отправляется на поиски. Она находит разрушенную тумбу, своё письмо и думает, что Кот Нуар сражался с суперзлодеем и защищал Эдриана. В это время Эдриан встречает Санту, которого обидели неблагодарные дети. Они кинули в него снегом, и шапка у него была полна снега. Санта согрел Эдриана, дал камамбер (для Плагга) и напоил горячим шоколадом. Сант предлагает подвезти Эдриана домой. Эдриан отдаёт Санте шапку (подарок от Маринетт), как подарок на Рождество. Все продолжают искать Эдриана. Эдриан приглашает Санту к себе домой, чтобы он мог отпраздновать Рождество с ними. Габриэль прогоняет Санту, а Леди Баг, которая пошла по следам Эдриана полагает, что в Санту вселился акума. Санта сбегает, Леди Баг сбрасывает его с саней. Он разозлился, а Бражник вселяет акуму в шапку Санты. Санта превращается в Santa
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