A high / low threshold / barrier (for sth)

С.И. Жолобов

Краткий тематический словарь

Выборы и опрос общественного мнения

Учебное пособие

Для студентов университетов

Нижний Новгород 20


Жолобов С.И.   Краткий тематический словарь. Политическая власть и политики: Учебное пособие для студентов университетов. – Нижний Новгород: НГЛУ им. Н. А. Добролюбова, 20. – 65 с.



Настоящая работа представляет собой лексический справочник по темам, изучаемым студентами на пятом курсе. Соответствующий словарный состав сгруппирован на основе тематического принципа. Каждая лексическая единица снабжена толкованием, переводом, иллюстративными примерами ее употребления в речи, а также минимально необходимой грамматической и стилистической информацией. Кроме того, в учебное пособие включены разнообразные упражнения, которые должны помочь студентам усвоить изучаемый ими словарный материал.





© Жолобов С. И., 20





  1. Nomination……..............................................................   2. Election………................................................................   3. Voting……………………………………………………………   4. Electioneering……………………………….………….………   5. Influencing voters………………………………………………   6. Polling……………………..……………………..…………….                
Vocabulary practice   I. Sections: Nomination, Election ….…………………….…...   II. Section: Voting …………………..…..……………………….   III. Section: Electioneering..................................................   IV. Sections: Influencing voters, Polling ………………………            




1. to nominate [ transitive ] to officially suggest someone for an election, job, position or honour выставлять / выдвигать / предлагать кандидата (для участия в выборах / на должность)

to nominate sb: Under party rules each candidate has to be nominated by 55 Labour MPs.

to nominate sb for sth: They nominated him for the presidency. | By now it was clear that Bush was going to be nominated for President. | The Democrats nominated Andrew Jackson for a second term.

to nominate sb as sth: He's been nominated by the Green Party as their candidate in the next election.

to nominate sb to do sth: Lee was the first Chinese American nominated to head the Civil Rights Division. | I nominate John to represent us at the meeting.

2. nomination [ uncountable; countable ] the act of officially suggesting someone for an election, job, position or honour выдвижение / предложение кандидата (для участия в выборах / для назначения на должность); номинация: The Bush network is looming large in the race for the nomination.

presidential / vice presidential nomination | nomination for (the post of / office of) president / vice president / the presidency / prime minister / the premiership / governor выдвижение на пост президента / вице-президента / премьер-министра / губернатора: Gore had lost his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1988. | Who will get the Republican nomination for president?

to seek the nomination | to campaign for the nomination бороться за выдвижение в качестве кандидата: Powell announced he would not seek the Republican nomination. | Dole campaigned for the Republican presidential nomination.

to get / win / gain / earn (sb) / obtain / secure / capture the nomination (for sth) добиться выдвижения в качестве кандидата: He got / won / earned / obtained the presidential nomination. | A candidate needs 996 delegates to win the Republican presidential nomination. | Governor Clinton struggled to gain the Democratic nomination. | The Senate majority leader already holds more than one-third of the delegates needed to secure the Republican presidential nomination.

to accept the nomination согласиться / дать согласие на выдвижение в качестве кандидата: Clinton will accept the Democratic nomination for a second term.

to approve / confirm one's nomination утверждать выдвижение кандидата: All the committee's nominations were approved. | The Senate Tuesday confirmed his nomination by 100-0.

to lose the nomination (to sb) проиграть борьбу за выдвижение в качестве кандидата: By alienating his natural backers, Rockefeller lost the 1964 nomination to Goldwater.

to withdraw one's nomination снять свою кандидатуру: He withdrew his nomination less than twelve hours later.

3. candidate | nominee [ countable ] someone who has been suggested or being considered for an election, job, position or honour кандидат (выдвинутый на выборах / предложенный на должность); претендент; соискатель; кандидатура: One candidate must receive a majority of the vote. | The Democratic nominee was more specific on the issue of illegal immigration.

successful / victorious candidate избранный / победивший кандидат

defeated / unsuccessful candidate проигравший кандидат

party candidate кандидат от какой-л. партии

candidate / nominee for election кандидат на выборах

presidential / vice presidential / parliamentary candidate / nominee | candidate / nominee for (the post / office of) president / vice president / the presidency / prime minister / the premiership / governor кандидат на должность президента / вице-президента / премьер-министра / губернатора / в парламент: He is a candidate for the office of Governor. | He is mentioned as a possible vice presidential nominee for 1996.

Conservative / Tory / Labour / Liberal / Liberal Democrat / Democratic / Republican candidate / nominee кандидат от Консервативной / Лейбористской / Либеральной / Либерально-демократической / Демократической / Республиканской партии: I made my mark against the Conservative candidate. | The Democratic candidate is still leading in the polls.

independent candidate / nominee независимый кандидат: Independent presidential candidates would be able to stand. | He gained 19 percent of the vote as an independent presidential candidate in 1992.

to elect / choose / select / pick a candidate / nominee | to choose / select sb as one's candidate / nominee: In order to be elected, a constituency candidate needs only a plurality of the votes cast. | In the 1975 election voters chose four independent candidates for the council. | He might have been selected as a Conservative candidate. | John Taylor was selected as a Tory candidate.

to approve / endorse a candidate / nominee утвердить / поддержать / одобрить кандидатуру: And it is partly because of the way in which cabinet nominees are approved.

to offer / announce / declare oneself as a candidate выдвинуть / выставить / предложить свою кандидатуру; зарегистрироваться в качестве кандидата: He did not offer himself as a candidate in the approaching elections. | Anybody who wants to be an MP must declare himself or herself as a candidate in one of these constituencies.

4. to put up | to put forward | to field | to go to the polls [ transitive; intransitive ] to suggest someone or oneself as a suitable candidate to take part in an election выставлять / выдвигать чью-л. / свою кандидатуру на выборах, предлагать кого-л. в качестве кандидата, баллотироваться

to put up / put forward / field a candidate (for sth): Each party is allowed to put up one candidate. | Several people have been put forward for the chairmanship. | It fielded four candidates who averaged just under 10 percent where they stood.

to put sb / oneself up / forward (as a candidate) (for sth): I was put up for the committee. | They are putting him up as a candidate in the next elections. | Do you intend to put yourself up (for the empty seat in the House)? | Is Chris willing to be put up for election? | She has decided to put herself forward as a candidate.

to put up for sth / as a candidate Do you really intend to put up for that seat? | He put up as a candidate.

to go to the polls: In June 1983, Margaret Thatcher went to the polls for the second time.

5. candidacy | candidature (esp. BrE) [ uncountable; countable ] the fact that someone is a candidate in an election кандидатура; кандидат: The local party supported her candidacy for the post of chairman.

presidential / parliamentary candidacy | candidacy for (the post of / office of) president / the presidency кандидатура на пост президента / в парламент: Gore assiduously cultivated his eventual presidential candidacy.

to announce / declare / file one's candidacy (for election) выдвинуть / выставить / предложить свою кандидатуру; зарегистрироваться в качестве кандидата: He has officially announced his candidacy for the presidential election. | He has declared his candidacy for the post.

to withdraw one's candidacy | to send in one's withdrawal from the candidacy снимать свою кандидатуру: She later withdrew her candidacy.

to approve / endorse one's candidacy утвердить / поддержать / одобрить кандидатуру: He endorsed the presidential candidacy of Ronald Reagan.

6. opponent [ countable ] someone who is competing against you and who belongs to a different party or who have different aims or policies противник, оппонент: a political opponent | a leading / main / chief opponent | He is admired even by his political opponents. | During the primary elections, McCain was Bush's leading opponent. | Reed is an outspoken opponent of the death penalty.





1. to run (esp. AmE) | to stand (esp. BrE) [ intransitive ] to take part in an election as a candidate участвовать в выборах, избираться; баллотироваться, выставлять / выдвигать / предлагать свою кандидатуру на выборах, баллотироваться

to run / stand: Clinton ran a second time in 1996. | Mrs Thatcher wanted to run a fourth time. | Some ardent supporters were urging him to stand.

to stand / run for election (to parliament) | to stand / run at / in an election / by-election | to stand / run in an area / seat участвовать в выборах / дополнительных выборах, избираться; баллотироваться, выставлять / выдвигать / предлагать свою кандидатуру на выборах / дополнительных выборах: She was one of the first women to stand for election to parliament. | He will run for election this fall. | He has not yet announced whether he will stand in the election. | She's not intending to stand at the next election. | None of the three Conservative candidates standing in the area for the first time was elected. | Women are running in nearly all the contested seats in Los Angeles.

to run / stand for office / president / the presidency / governor / mayor / parliament / a city council / a town / a seat участвовать в выборах, избираться; баллотироваться, выставлять / выдвигать / предлагать свою кандидатуру (в парламент / на пост / должность): Jackson announced his intention to run for President. | He stood for parliament. | More people are race

for the city council. | Do you intend to stand for this town in the next election? | Three women with the same name are standing for this seat.

to run / stand for re-election / a second term баллотироваться / выставлять / выдвигать / предлагать свою кандидатуру на новый срок: He's going to run for re-election. | Salinas is running for a second term as President. | The president has announced she does not intend to stand for re-election.

to stand as a candidate (at / in an election / for an area) участвовать в выборах / избираться в качестве кандидата / в избирательном округе / на место / на пост / на должность: Age alone will not preclude him from standing as a candidate. | He stood as a candidate in / at the first post-war election in 1996. | She stood as the candidate for Hackney East. | She stood unsuccessfully as a candidate in the local elections.

to run / stand against sb соперничать с кем-л. на выборах: You are running against some worthy opponents. | His margin over the conservative candidates standing against him was not of much consequence.

2. to elect [ transitive; often passive ] to choose someone by voting so that they represent you or hold an official position избирать, выбирать (голосованием)

3. to re-elect [ transitive ] to elect someone again переизбирать, избирать вновь

4. to elect | to re-elect COLLOCATIONS

to elect / re-elect a president / vice president / governor / mayor / chairman / leader / member / government / council: The people of the Philippines have voted to elect a new president. | Every nation should have a right to elect their own government. | The president will pursue lower taxes if he is re-elected.

to elect / re-elect sb (as) president / vice president / governor / mayor/ chairman / leader / member: Ronald Reagan was first elected President in 1980. | Ken Livingstone was elected mayor of London in May 2000. | The country elected him as president in the first contested election in its history. | He was re-elected as party leader.

to elect / re-elect sb to (a) parliament / a legislature / a council / a committee / a governorship: He was elected to parliament by a large majority. | Brock was elected to the state legislature. | No new members were elected to the party central committee. | He was elected to a US state governorship.

to elect / re-elect sb to do sth: She was elected to represent us / to tackle poverty. | The group elected one of its members to be their spokesperson.

to elect / re-elect sb for a term: The President is elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage. | The chairman and treasurer have both been re-elected for another year.

5. to return [ transitive; often passive ] (BrE) to elect someone to a political position, especially to represent you in parliament избирать, выбирать (в законодательный орган)

to return sb: Only 96 Conservative MPs were returned at the last election.

to return sb to (a) parliament / a legislature / office: The voters returned her to parliament last year. | It seems unlikely that the President will be returned to office.

to return sb as a member of parliament / MP: At the last election she was again returned as MP for Brighton.

6. to carry | to win [ transitive ] (AmE) if a candidate or party carries / wins a state or local area in a US election, they win in that state or area выиграть на выборах (в округе, штате): A Democrat has not carried Arizona since 1948. | George W. Bush carried the state with 56 percent of the vote. | Cuban Americans play an important role in whether he carries Florida in the fall campaign. | Our party carried the state, as usual. | Bush initially won Florida by 2,000 votes. | No Republican has won the presidency without winning Ohio.

7. elect (adjective) elected to an important position, but not yet given that position officially избранный

president-elect | governor-elect | prime minister-elect someone who has been elected as a new president / governor / prime minister, but who has not yet officially started the job вновь избранный президент / губернатор / премьер-министр: The President-elect is preparing to take office in January.

7. election (1) [ countable ] an occasion when people vote to choose someone for a political or official position выборы: The final election results will be announced on Friday.

election to / for sth выборы в какой-л. орган: Elections to the European parliament are due in May. | She is standing for the first time in elections for the National Assembly.

general election an election in which all the voters in a country elect the government всеобщие выборы

national / local / municipal election выборы в общенациональные / федеральные / местные / муниципальные органы власти, общенациональные / местные / муниципальные выборы: Even for the last remaining superpower, domestic issues, not foreign matters, dominate national elections. | At the municipal elections, twenty communities voted for the proposition.

presidential / gubernatorial / mayoral election выборы президента / губернатора / мэра, президентские / губернаторские выборы: The next presidential election is due in two years.

parliamentary / congressional election выборы в парламент / конгресс: But he would vote for the official Labour candidate in a parliamentary election. | Congressional elections are by universal and compulsory adult suffrage.

legislative election(s) / race(s) elections for electing people to a legislative body выборы в законодательный орган / законодательное собрание: At the legislative elections the party advocated a strongly right-wing economic programme. | The 1996 legislative races turned out to be particularly important.

regular election очередные выборы

early election досрочные выборы (в парламент)

mid-term / off-year election | mid-terms промежуточные выборы; выборы, не совпадающие с президентскими выборами и выборами в конгресс: The augurs of the left noted that reverses in the “off-year” elections held by New Jersey and Virginia have a history of being predictive of nothing at all, having sometimes been the precursors for drubbings for the ruling party at the mid-terms a year later (as in 1994) and sometimes precisely the opposite, as in 2002. | The pundits of the right were swift to see this as a sign of the resurgence of their battered party, after heavy losses in the 2006 mid-terms and worse ones a year ago, capped by the triumph of Barack Obama. | One thing seems obvious: a lot is likely to happen to Mr Obama’s fortunes between now and the 2010 mid-terms.

primary elections | primaries предварительные выборы

to declare the election invalid | to nullify / annul the election results признать выборы / результаты выборов недействительными: On Monday, parliament voted to declare the election invalid. | The election results were nullified because of voter fraud. | Jovic nevertheless dismissed fears that the Presidency might seek to annul the election results and declare a state of emergency. | That August, Babaginda annulled the results of the June presidential election.

(2) [ singular ] the fact of being elected to an official position избрание: With the election of a new leader, the country became relatively stable. | One third of the committee comes up for election every year.

election to sth избрание в какой-л. орган: Her election to the Senate was welcome news.

election as sth избрание в качестве кого-л.: His election as President will mean changes in foreign policy.

to run for / stand for / seek election (to sth) участвовать в выборах (с целью одержать победу)

to win election to sth победить на выборах в какой-л. орган власти: In Illinois, the Democrat candidate is the favourite to win election to the Senate.

8. re-election [ uncountable; countable ] when someone is elected again to the same position переизбрание, повторное избрание (на должность): His re-election campaign is floundering.

to run for / stand for / seek re-election участвовать в выборах с целью быть избранным на новый срок: She's running / standing for re-election. | Barnes is seeking re-election.

9. run-off (election) [ countable ] a second election or competition that is organized when the first one does not have a winner второй / решающий тур выборов, повторное голосование: Neither candidate won a clear majority, forcing a runoff. | There will be a run-off between these two candidates on December 9th. | His nearest rival announced he would not contest the run-off.

10. by-election | bye-election [ countable ] (esp. BrE) a special election to replace a politician who has left parliament or died дополнительные выборы: He returned to Parliament after his by-election victory in Kensington and Chelsea last November.

11. election | by-election COLLOCATIONS

at / in an election / by-election на выборах / дополнительных выборах: Taxation will be one of the major issues at the next general election. | We have gained four local council seats in by-elections in Essex recently.

to call an election / a by-election объявлять выборы / дополнительные выборы, объявлять о проведении выборов / дополнительных выборах: The government may decide to call an election early.

to schedule / fix an election / by-election for a particular date | to appoint / fix / set a date for an election / by-election | an election / by-election is due (to take place) in / on… назначать выборы / дополнительные выборы (на определенное время, определенную дату): The elections are scheduled for mid-June. | Under this pressure the government set an election date of 18 March 1990. | Elections to the European parliament are due in May.

to hold an election / by-election | an election / by-election is held / takes place проводить выборы / дополнительные выборы: South Africa held its first multi-racial elections in 1994. | Local government elections will be held / take place in May.| Elections will be held / take place on 14 February.

to win an election / by-election победить на выборах / дополнительных выборах: The Labour Party won the 2001 election by a huge majority. | I was fortunate enough to win a by-election in the constituency of Worcester.

to lose an election / by-election проиграть на выборах / дополнительных выборах: If the Tories lose every by-election, the odds will change.

to fight / contest an election / by-election участвовать в выборах / дополнительных выборах; бороться на выборах / дополнительных выборах: He will be fighting local elections next May. | The parties formed an alliance to contest the legislative elections.

to disrupt an election / by-election сорвать выборы / дополнительные выборы

12. election / electoral commission | electoral authority [ countable ] избирательная комиссия: The election commission might postpone the election until these questions are clarified. | The remainder of the votes were declared invalid, the election commission said. | Results were cancelled by the electoral commission in both places. | Those in the opposition claimed that the electoral authority was not impartial.

13. (election) returns | election / electoral results | result(s) of an election [ countable; usually plural ] the results of an election результаты выборов: The election returns produced a confusing picture of gains and losses. | Early returns show that the Labour Party is in the lead. | What are the returns from last night's voting? | He aimed at influencing the result(s) of the presidential elections.

14. elective (formal) an elective position is one that someone holds because people have voted for them выборный

elective office / seat выборная должность; выборное место: the 34 elective seats in the National Assembly | The presidency is an elective office. | The council also reviews candidates for elective office.

to hold (an) elective office занимать выборную должность: Most of them hold an elective office. | Buchanan has never held elective office.

to fill an elective office заполнять выборную должность: There are approximately one million elective offices to be filled.

15. electoral [only before noun] relating to elections and voting избирательный, выборный: Reports of the electoral death of the Conservatives were exaggerated.

electoral district избирательный округ: Yeltsin won majorities in more than 80 of the 88 electoral districts.

electoral law: The opposition parties criticized different aspects of the electoral law.

electoral reform: The government are promising electoral reform within five years.

electoral system: Electoral systems vary from country to country. | Our electoral system strongly favours two-party government. | He became president in 1999 under a new electoral system.

electoral register / roll / list список / реестр избирателей: to draw up an electoral register / roll / list | Is this one of the reasons why one million people are missing off the electoral register? | They cannot have their names on the electoral roll and, as a result, cannot vote.

electoral victory / success: After his electoral victory, Smith was appointed environment minister. | This was the first of her many electoral successes.

electoral defeat: It was the party's fourth electoral defeat.

electoral mandate наказ избирателей

16. elector [ countable ] someone who has the right to vote in a political election избиратель; лицо, имеющее право голоса: Elections limit Parliament because they give power to electors who ignorantly demand ever more state intervention. | Over 36% of electors did not vote at all.

17. voter [ countable ] someone who has the right to vote in a political election, or who votes in a particular election избиратель; лицо, имеющее право голоса; участник голосования, голосующий: Voters overwhelmingly rejected the far right in the May elections. | Only 40% of eligible voters participated in the last election. | Voters went to the polls today to elect a new president.

voter apathy a situation in which a lot of people who have the right to vote do not vote: Voter apathy is especially high among young people.

18. electorate [ countable; usually singular ] all the people in a country or area who have the right to vote электорат, избиратели, контингент избирателей, избирательный корпус: The present voting system distorts the wishes of the electorate. | A majority of the electorate oppose the law. | Research has shown that thirty percent of the electorate have still not decided how they will vote.

19. bid | run [ countable; usually singular ] an attempt to achieve or obtain something; an attempt to win an election попытка, стремление; попытка победить на выборах: Her bid for re-election was unsuccessful. | Lavell has not ruled out a run for the state senate seat.

to make / mount a bid for sth | to prepare a run for sth предпринимать попытку достичь чего-л.: The party now feels the time is right to make a bid for power. | Do you think he'd be willing to mount another bid for the presidency? | He is preparing a / his run for the presidency.

20. ticket [ usually singular ] (1) (esp. AmE) slate (AmE) | party('s) list a list of the people supported by a particular political party in an election (партийный) список кандидатов (на выборах), избирательный (партийный) список: to split a ticket | He withdrew his name from the Democratic ticket. | The leadership want to present a single slate of candidates to be approved in an open vote. | At a congress of the pro-Kremlin United Russia party, he graciously agreed to head its party list at the general election in December.

on a particular ticket / ballot от какой-л. партии, по списку какой-л. партии: Bush ran for president on the Republican ticket. | He was running against his opponents on an independent ticket. | He plans to remain on the Republican ticket for the November election. | After serving as secretary of commerce under Presidents Harding and Coolidge, H. Hoover was elected to the presidency on the Republican ballot.

(2) (BrE) the ideas that a political party supports in an election платформа политической партии (с которой она выступает на парламентских выборах): He fought the election on an openly racist ticket. | He first ran for president on a far-left ticket. | It's a ticket that was designed to appeal to suburban and small town voters.

21. suffrage [ uncountable ] | franchise [ singular; uncountable ] the legal right to vote in national elections право голоса, избирательное право, право участвовать в выборах; голосование: Popular suffrage meant that rival factions would shout for their own candidate. | The franchise is made uniform throughout the country.

to give / grant / provide / introduce / extend suffrage / (the) franchise предоставить право голоса, наделить избирательным правом, вводить избирательное право: Women are given the franchise on the same basis as men. | The constitution provided broad electoral franchise. | The franchise was later extended to any person over 18 years old.

to win the franchise (for sb) завоевать избирательное право, добиться избирательного права: In 1918 the suffragists won the franchise for UK women over the age of 29.

to exercise one's franchise пользоваться правом голоса

direct suffrage / franchise прямое избирательное право

equal suffrage / franchise равное избирательное право

universal suffrage / franchise всеобщее избирательное право: the principle / introduction of universal suffrage / franchise | All elections are by universal adult suffrage. | The President would be elected on the basis of / by universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot for a five-year term. | It was also the year of the first presidential election held under universal suffrage.

female / women's suffrage избирательное право для женщин: She was a strong advocate of women's suffrage.

22. term (in / of office) [ countable ] a fixed period of time during which a politician or other official holds their job; a period of time between two elections during which a particular party or government is in power срок полномочий / пребывания в должности: He hopes to visit China during his second term in office. | Throughout his first term in office there was a series of battles between his political appointees and career bureaucrats. | It was always clear that Schmidt's third term in office would prove a difficult one.

term (in / of office) as president / vice president / governor / mayor / chairman / member of parliament: He recently completed a two-year term as chairman.

to elect / re-elect sb for / to a term (of / in office) избирать на какой-л. срок: The president hopes to be elected for a second term in office. | General Herrera was elected to a third term of office as President.

to win a term (of / in office) быть избранным на какой-л. срок: Felipe Gonzalez won a fourth term of office in Spain's election.

to serve (for) a term (of / in office) занимать выборную должность: Only Ronald Reagan has served two full terms. | But he promised to serve for only one term, and refuses to go back on his word.

a term (of / in office) ends / expires / runs out срок полномочий истекает: Her term of office ends in September. | The Government's term of office expires at the end of the year.

23. presidency [ countable ] (1) the job of being president президентство; председательство: the race for the presidency | Mr Clinton began his presidency wanting to do it all. | Overall, the presidency of Gerald Ford was not a success.

to run for / stand for / seek the presidency участвовать в выборах на пост президента / в президентских выборах, выставлять / выдвигать / предлагать свою кандидатуру на пост президента; претендовать на / бороться за пост президента: He has announced that he is running for the presidency. | Twenty candidates have said they will stand for the presidency. | After winning the election, Clinton instead sought the presidency.

to elect sb to the presidency выбирать кого-л. президентом: Roosevelt was elected four times to the presidency of the US.

to win / take the presidency быть избранным президентом, стать президентом: She won the presidency by a wide margin. | No Republican has won the presidency without winning Ohio.

to assume the presidency вступать в должность президента: He also predicted that even if Aristide won he would not be permitted to assume the presidency.

to lose the presidency (to sb) лишиться должности президента; уступить пост президента кому-л.: The former Yugoslav president, Slobodan Milosevic, has appeared on television for the first time since he lost the presidency.

to resign the / one's presidency подавать в отставку с поста президента: He resigned his presidency one year and seven months into his second term.

(2) the period of time for which a person is president срок полномочий президента, президентский срок: She has promised improvements during her presidency. | During his presidency he undertook a great initiative towards world peace. | That was the policy during the Reagan and Bush presidencies. | But the picture he paints of foreign policy-making under the Reagan presidency is disquieting. | Truman's popularity fell to the lowest point of his presidency.

24. seat [ countable ] a position as an elected member of a parliament, committee, council, board, court etc должность, место, пост (в выборных органах): the Senate seat for Colorado

seat in a parliament: a seat in the National Assembly | The Green Party won 4 seats in the new parliament.

seat on a board / committee / council: a permanent seat on the UN Security Council | Independent candidates won the majority of seats on the local council. | Promotion means a seat on the board of directors.

to hold / have // keep / retain a seat иметь // сохранять место: Republicans, at the moment, hold 41 seats while Democrats have 37. | Mr Adams is expected to keep his seat.

to win / gain / secure a seat завоевать / получить место: Tories won 419 seats in the last elections. | In this second round the candidate with most votes would win the constituency seat provided that participation was above 25 percent. | He predicts that his party will gain at least 12 seats.

to fill a seat заполнить место: The Senate seats were all filled by completely free balloting.

to lose a seat потерять место: He is expected to lose his seat on the council in next month's elections.

to fight / contest a seat бороться за место: He subsequently fought and held his parliamentary seat against his former party. | He unsuccessfully contested parliamentary seats in 1929 and 1931.

25. constituency [ countable ] (1) (BrE) an area of a country that elects a representative to a parliament, or the people who live and vote in a particular area избирательный округ: a rural / urban constituency | constituency boundaries | It is time that he visited his constituency and had a look around. | The Minister will be pleased to know that unemployment in my constituency fell by 41 last month.

(2) a section of society that supports or is likely to support a politician or a political party избиратели, электорат: Students have never been the constituency of any single party. | Mr Jackson had a natural constituency among American blacks. | In France, farmers are a powerful political constituency.

26. to inaugurate sb (as president / governor / mayor) [ transitive ] to introduce a new person into an important job, such as that of president, by holding a special ceremony (торжественно) вводить в должность: The new President will be inaugurated in January. | In 1959 De Gaulle was inaugurated as First President of the Republic. | The new Assembly was due to be inaugurated on June 1.

27. inauguration [ uncountable; countable ] (торжественное) вступление в должность, инаугурация: the inauguration of the new Governor | an inauguration ceremony | his long inauguration speech

28. to rig / fix [ transitive ] to arrange or influence something such as an election in a dishonest way in order to produce a particular result подтасовывать / фальсифицировать результаты (выборов), фальсифицировать (выборы)

to rig / fix an election / a by-election / the vote / the ballot / (election) results: Some international observers claim the election was rigged / fixed. | Previous elections in the country have been rigged by the ruling party. | There was no rigging of the election and no attempt by the hard-liners to reverse the results after the vote. | The senator resigned after accusations that the vote had been rigged. | All major opposition parties boycotted local elections because they believed that the results would be rigged.

29. ballot / vote / election rigging / fixing / fraud | voter / electoral fraud [ uncountable ] the practice of cheating in an election by producing a false record of the number of votes подтасовка / фальсификация результатов голосования / выборов: Rumours of ballot-rigging discouraged many from voting. | The poll was widely discredited after allegations of ballot rigging / vote fixing. | The EU decided to tighten its sanctions against those in his government it blames for the ballot fraud. | The election results were nullified because of voter fraud. | Accusations of election fraud, from ballots cast for dead people to double-voting, are as old as democracy itself.

30. fix [ singular ] a dishonest arrangement intended to produce a particular result: People think the election was a fix.

31. threshold | hurdle | barrier [ countable ] the level at which something starts to happen or have an effect порог, барьер; пороговая величина: In a two-round poll, with a 10% threshold in the first round, a three-way contest between the Socialists, the National Front and the centre-right could end up favouring the far right. | The 5% Duma barrier was designed to weed out the just-for-fun contenders.

a high / low threshold / barrier (for sth)

to set a threshold (for sth) устанавливать порог: Another proposal would combat political fragmentation by setting a threshold of 2% of the vote for a party to win seats in Congress.

to raise / lower the threshold / barrier (for sth): To keep the opposition out of parliament, the Kremlin raised the threshold for seats to 7%, and banned small parties from forming coalitions to meet this requirement.

to reach a threshold: No other parties succeeded in reaching the 5 percent threshold required to win representation.

to cross / pass a threshold (for sth) | to clear / get over a hurdle | to overcome a hurdle / barrier преодолевать барьер: Just six of those parties managed to cross the 5 percent threshold necessary for official status in the Duma. | Without them, say Yabloko leaders, their party would have cleared the 5% hurdle.

32. close | hotly contested won by only a small amount or distance: a close election / vote | A second count of votes was done because the result was very close. | Both sides expect a close vote. | The result is going to be / is too close to call. (= so close that it is impossible to know who will win) | Our candidate came a close second (= nearly won).

close / hotly contested election напряженные выборы; выборы, на которых разрыв между кандидатами незначительный; выборы, в которых кандидаты имеют почти равные шансы

33. neck and neck (with sb) (informal) | nip and tuck (American English) (informal) if two competitors or groups are neck and neck / nip and tuck in a competition or race, they are level with each other ноздря в ноздрю, в равном положении, не отставая: He and Yeltsin are neck and neck in the polls. | Du Pont and others are neck and neck with us. | Opinion polls show the two main parties are running neck and neck. | They are running neck and neck with Mrs Clinton. | In 1960 Kennedy and Nixon ran neck and neck in seventy-one of northeast Texas' seventy-two counties. | Abstention and New Labour came in almost neck and neck: 29 per cent for the former, 31 per cent for the latter. | The presidential contest is nip and tuck.




1. to vote [ intransitive; transitive ] to show by marking a paper, raising your hand etc which person you want to elect or whether you support a particular plan голосовать: voting irregularities | to tamper with voting lists | The minimum voting age is lowered to eighteen.

to vote: In 1918 British women got the right to vote. | They voted by a show of hands. | All adults enjoy the right to vote in free general elections. | Participation is measured using voter turnout, or the percentage of the eligible voters who actually voted in national elections.

to vote for / in favour of // against sb / sth: They voted for of the Maastricht treaty. | The vast majority of people voted in favour of closer links with Europe. | Four years ago, when Ohio voted against incumbent Bush, the jobless rate in the state stood at 7 percent.

to vote Labour / Conservative / Tory / Liberal / Democrat(ic) / Republican / Socialist: I voted Labour at the last election. | He used to vote Conservative, but he switched to Labour in 1997. | Then they voted Democrat in 1992 and 1996. | I have voted Republican my entire life.

to vote to do sth: Congress voted to increase foreign aid by 10%. | The committee voted to approve the report.

to vote on sth: The committee voted on the proposal, and accepted it unanimously. | The people were given a chance to vote on the issue.

to vote somebody into / out of office / power / parliament | to vote sb in / out | to vote sb onto a committee / council to elect or dismiss someone by voting: The Republican Party was voted into office. | They cannot join forces to vote her out of office. | The members of the national assembly will vote in a prime minister by a simple majority. | With policies like that, he'll be voted out in the next election. | It was the younger members who voted Smith onto the committee.

to vote sth through to approve a plan, law etc by voting провести (предложение) путем / в результате голосования: The committee voted through a proposal to cut the defence budget.

to vote sb / sth down | to defeat sth to reject sb or a plan, law etc by voting провалить / отвергнуть (предложение) путем / в результате голосования: If he demands too much, the unions will vote him down | The Congress voted down a motion to change the union's structure. | The proposal was defeated on April 2 by 767 votes to 121.

2. to go to the polls to vote in an election идти на выборы, принимать участие в выборах / голосовании, голосовать: We're trying to encourage young people to go to the polls. | Voters are due to go to the polls on Sunday to elect a new president.

3. to poll | to take [ transitive ] to get a particular number or percentage of votes in an election получать / собирать голоса: The Labour candidate polled 52% of the votes. | The winner polled over 16,000 votes. | The Labour Party took 45 per cent of the votes.

4. to ballot (1) [ transitive ] to ask people to vote in order to decide an issue проводить (тайное) голосование; баллотировать; решать вопрос голосованием

to ballot sb (on / over sth): The union decided to ballot its members on the issue. | The union will now ballot its members on whether to go ahead with strike action.

(2) [ intransitive ] to vote for something голосовать

to ballot for sth: Staff balloted for strike action yesterday.

5. to outvote [ transitive ] to defeat a person or an idea by winning more votes than them нанести поражение путем / в результате голосования, иметь перевес голосов, забаллотировать: Waddington's proposal was outvoted in the Senate. | France was outvoted on that issue. | They feared that the numerous poor might outvote the few rich.

6. to stay away from the polls not to vote in an election не ходить на выборы, не принимать участия в голосовании, не голосовать

7. to abstain (from sth / doing sth) / (in the vote) [ intransitive ] to choose not to vote for or against something in an election; to choose not to vote in an election or meeting воздержаться (при голосовании); не участвовать в голосовании / выборах: The leaders asked their workers to abstain from voting. | Three Conservative MPs abstained in the vote on the second reading of the Railways Bill. | But 26 million voters, or 69 % of the electorate, abstained.

8. to turn out (for sth / to do sth) [ intransitive ] to go somewhere in order to be present at an event or take part in an activity принимать участие; являться: About 70% of the population turned out for the election. | Only 62% of the electorate turned out to vote. | The highest turnout rate in the past 60 years came in the 1960 Kennedy-Nixon race when 62.8 percent turned out.

9. vote (1) [ countable ] a choice or decision that you make by voting in an election or meeting голос (на выборах): We have enough votes to carry the state. | Mr Reynolds was re-elected by 102 votes to 60. | The proposal was rejected by 19 votes to 7. | Bush initially won Florida by 2,000 votes.

vote for / in favour // against (sb / sth): There were 402 votes for Mr Williams, and 372 against. | The House of Representatives approved the budget, with 52 votes in favour, 16 against and 12 abstentions.

to cast a vote (for / in favour of // against sb / sth) to mark a piece of paper to show who you are voting for подавать голос (на выборах), голосовать (на выборах): In Britain many people cast their votes at local schools. | She cast her vote for the Communist Party.

to win / gain / get / receive / take votes получать голоса (на выборах): Harkin won 74 percent of the votes cast. | He got an overwhelming majority of the votes. | He received 52 votes while the Communist candidate got only 33 votes. | The Labour Party took 45 per cent of the votes.

to lose votes потерять голоса

to cost / lose sb votes стоить кому-л. голосов избирателей: This policy will cost her thousands of votes. | Defence, which lost Labour so many votes in 1983 and 1987, is especially important.

the deciding vote / ballot решающий голос (голос, определяющий исход голосования в случае, если количество проголосовавших за и против одинаково): The chairperson always has the deciding vote.

to count votes считать / подсчитывать голоса: Party members were up all night counting the votes.

count of votes подсчет голосов

recount of votes a second count of votes that happens in an election because the result was very close пересчет / повторный подсчет голосов: Opponents demanded a manual recount. | I am still trying to get them to do the recount.

(2) [ countable; usually singular ] an occasion when a group of people vote in order to decide something or choose a representative голосование; баллотировка; волеизъявление: a close / lopsided / solid / unanimous vote | The result(s) of the vote will be announced tomorrow. | The mass media can influence / swing the vote (in our favour). | Both sides expect a close vote. | The Senate passed the treaty by a vote of eighty-two to one.

to have / take / hold a vote (on sth / to do sth) | to hold a ballot (of sb) проводить (тайное) голосование: We called a meeting in order to have / take / hold a vote on the issue. | I think we should take a vote on whether or not to accept their offer. | They decided to hold a ballot. | It was decided to hold a ballot of all party members.

to put sth to the / a vote / the ballot поставить на голосование: The proposal was read out and then put to the vote. | When the matter was put to a vote, the staff voted overwhelmingly not to go on strike. | This seems to be an area of disagreement, so let's put it to the ballot.

direct / secret / open vote / ballot прямое / тайное / открытое голосование: Fifty of its members will be elected by direct ballot. | The party leader is elected by secret ballot. | Voting will be by secret ballot. | The President would be elected on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot for a five-year term.

(3) [ singular ] the total number of votes or voters in an election, or the number of votes received or cast by a particular group итоги голосования; (общее) число / количество (поданных) голосов; голоса избирателей: The Republicans increased their share of the vote. | Their policies are designed to win / capture the African-American vote. | The vote was overwhelmingly in favour of the Democratic Party.

to get / take / win / poll / secure 25% of the vote: The Green Party got / took 25% of the vote. | The Tories won 53 per cent of the popular vote. | Labour polled just 4% of the vote.

to split the vote to cause people to vote for different things: The new environmental party split the liberal vote.

(4) the right to vote in an election право голоса; избирательное право: At that time black people did not yet have the vote. | In France women didn't get the vote until 1945.

10. polling [ uncountable ] the activity of voting in a political election голосование: Polling started / began / commenced at 8.00 this morning. | Polling will take place from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

heavy / light polling with many or few people voting высокий / низкий процент участия избирателей в выборах

11. poll (BrE) | ballot [ singular ] the total number of votes recorded in an election итоги голосования; (общее) число / количество (поданных) голосов; голоса избирателей: Labour


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