V. Read and translate the text (Прочитать и перевести текст).

In order to feel confident at the TABLE in any situation: at a party, in a cafe or restaurant - you will need the following phrases, write off and learn (Для того, чтобы чувствовать себя ЗА СТОЛОМ уверенно в любой ситуации: в гостях, в кафе или ресторане - Вам пригодятся следующие фразы, списать и выучить)

Read and translate the recipe(Прочитать и перевести рецепт)

Read and translate the text (Прочитать и перевести текст)


I. Phonetic charging (Фонетическая зарядка)

I wish you were a fish in my dish.

I shot the city sheriff.
I shot the city sheriff.
I shot the city sheriff.

II. Answer the questions (Ответить на вопросы):

1. Do you like Russian cuisine?

2. What is your favourite cuisine? Why?

3. How often do you go to a restaurant?

4. What do you prefer to eat for breakfast?

5. What do you usually eat for dinner?

6. What is your favourite kind of soup?

7. Does your family usually gather together for dinner?

8. What traditional Russian dishes do you know?

III. In order to feel confident at the TABLE in any situation: at a party, in a cafe or restaurant - you will need the following phrases, write off and learn (Для того, чтобы чувствовать себя ЗА СТОЛОМ уверенно в любой ситуации: в гостях, в кафе или ресторане - Вам пригодятся следующие фразы, списать и выучить):

I'd like some butter, please. - Масло, пожалуйста.

May I have some butter, please? - Можно масла?

Could I have some butter, please? - Можно масла?

Pass the butter, please. - Передайте мне, пожалуйста, масло.

Угощают гостя так:

Help yourself to the salad, please. - Возьмите, пожалуйста, салат.

Try the pudding, please. - Попробуйте, пожалуйста, пудинг.

Please have more chicken. - Возьмите еще цыпленка.

Another piece of cake? - Еще кусочек торта?

Настойчивая хозяйка будет уговаривать гостя:

Can't I tempt you? - Неужели не соблазнитесь?

You've hardly eaten anything. - Вы ничего не съели.

Just take it to please me. - Возьмите, чтобы сделать мне приятное.

Формула согласия: Yes, please.

К этому можно добавить:

It looks inviting. - Выглядит очень аппетитно.

It's delicious. - Очень вкусно. (Если Вы уже попробовали это блюдо).

Well, maybe I could manage a very small piece. - Ну, может быть, я справлюсь с очень маленьким кусочком.

Формула отказа: No, thank you.

К этому можно добавить:

I'm on a diet. - Я на диете.

I'm slimming. - Я худею.

I've had too much already. - Я и так слишком много съел.


IV. Read and translate the recipe(Прочитать и перевести рецепт)

You need:

1 kilo of potatoes, 2 onions chopped, 1 stick of margarine, salt and pepper, 2 cups of flour, 1 egg,

1/2 teaspoon salt, water.


1) Cook potatoes in simmering water until soft and mash it.

2) Fry onion in margarine until very soft, add 1/2 of the onions to the potatoes and pour salt and pepper.

3) Sift flour and salt into a bowl.

4) Add vegetable oil and enough water to make soft batter and mix until the batter no longer sticks to the hands.

5) Cover batter and let rest for about 15 minutes.

6) Roll out batter on a floured board.

7) Cut batter into small circles and place a tea spoon of potato mixture in the center of each circle.

8) Fold batter, pinch ends to form a semicircle.

9) When all are made, put into boiling water and boil for about 10 minutes.

10) When all are cooked, drain and serve with the fried onions on top.

V. Read and translate the text (Прочитать и перевести текст).

«Different cuisines of the world»

Food is necessary for living, especially when you are young and your body grows up. You wake up, and you are ready for the first meal of the day, it is a breakfast. The healthy breakfast should not burden your body in the morning. The composition of the meal should be based on the natural balance. The first dish for lunch is raw food followed by boiled dishes. The dinner should be as light as it’s possible, because a hearty dinner can disturb night sleeping. Therefore, it should be taken early.

Every country has its traditions and its cuisines. The national first dish in Russia is a beetroot soup, called borscht. Russian soups are very thick. The peculiarities of the Russian cuisine include also various dishes from potatoes. There is an interesting and sweet dish of berries, it is called kissel. This is neither a drink nor food, it seems like a jelly. The national Russian drink is kvass. You can drink it when the weather is rather hot.

Traditional British cuisine is simple. Most of all the British try to show a natural taste of food, but not to change it. A pudding is a traditional dessert. The British are famous by their love for having tea. The UK has four state parts that is why they have a lot of local dishes. One of them is typical for Scotland; another is for Wales or for the Northern Ireland. It can be Welsh croutons with cheese or Yorkshire jelly.

German cuisine has a variety of dishes from vegetables, pork, poultry and fish. The German eat a lot of boiled vegetables: cauliflower, beans, carrot. The second dish is also cooked from meat; it can be sausages as a rule. The sweet dish includes a fruit salad that is mixed with a sauce. The national drink is beer. There is even a festival called Oktoberfest that is dedicated to this drink.

Japanese cuisine is very popular in the world. It is different not only from European cuisine, but also from Asian one. The great number of dishes is made from sea products. Rice is a very important product for cooking too. There are a lot of fish shops and restaurants in Japan. The most famous restaurants serve sushi as a traditional dish.

French cuisine is rich of vegetables. It is similar with the other European cuisines, but the French use less milk for cooking. The most popular dish is scrambled eggs or an omelet. They prefer drink coffee with sugar.

Even if you live in another country, you can try dishes from around the world.


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