Translate the following sentences.



















2. Pronounce the following words and give their Russian equiva­lents. Consult the dictionary to check your answers.

Ischemic [is'ki:mik], attack [a'taek], cardiovascular [^kaidiau'vaeskjido], artery ['aitsri], to block [bbk], hemorrhagic [,hem3'r£ed3ik], to characterize [' keeriktaraiz], neurological [_nju3r9'bd3ik(3)l], dysfunction [dis'fAi3(k)Jsn], sensory ['sensari], deficit ['defisit], vision [vi3n], pathological [,рае0э'кх1з1кэ1], cholesterol [ka'lestarol], fibrillation [/ibn'lei/an], carotid [ks'rotid], tobacco [ta'baskau], nicotine ['mkatiin], carbon monoxide ['kaibanms'noksaid], oral [' э:гэ1], sex [seks].



3. Define from which verbs the following adjectives are formed and give their meanings. Use the model:

verb + able = adjective

e.g. rely + able = reliable

Predictable, preventable, valuable, suitable, remarkable, implantable, considerable, communicable.


Find in the Text English equivalents of the following Russian words and expressions.

Сердечно-сосудистое заболевание; ишемический инсульт; отсутствие кровоснабжения; внезапное острое неврологическое расстройство; нарушение двигательной функции; сенсорные изменения; расстройство речи; нарушение зрения; преходящее нарушение мозгового кровообращения; обширный инсульт; предостерегающий симптом; сгусток крови растворяется (разлагается); симптомы исчезают; патологическое состояние; спровоцировать инсульт; высокий уровень холестерина в крови; страдать избыточным весом; желудочковая фибрилляция; главная причина смерти; поражение сонной артерии; жировой компонент бляшки.


II. Grammar Notes and Exercises

1. Grammar note:
Составные союзы either... or (или... или, либо... либо) и neither... nor (ни... ни) являются сочинительными союзами и, следовательно, соединяют однородные члены предложения и однородные предложения.


2. Exercise Translate the following sentences with conjunctions either ... or, neither ... nor.

1) A stroke occurs when the blood vessel that carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain is either blocked by a clot or bursts.

2) An excess of the somatotropic hormone, either due to hypersecretion or injection of extracts, gives rise to gigantism in immature individuals or animals or leads to acromegaly in adults.

3) This new technique is known neither in Europe nor in the USA.

4) Neither single hormone nor endocrine gland acts wholly by itself at any time.


3. Grammar note:

В придаточных определительных предложениях союзное слово или союз (that, which) могут быть опущены, если они не являются подлежащим придаточного предложения. При переводе таких пред­ложений на русский язык следует восстанавливать пропущенное слово или союз.


One of the most significant problems (which) the doctors face is that the pumping ability of the left ventricle is weakened.

Одной из наиболее значительных проблем, с которой сталкиваются врачи, является то, что способность левого желудочка качать кровь ослабляется.

4. Exercise

Translate the following sentences.

1) When that happens, part of the brain can’t get the blood (and oxygen) it needs, so it starts to die.

2) When part of the brain dies from lack of the blood flow, the part of the body it controls is affected.

3) TIAs occurs when a blood clot temporarily clogs an artery, and part of the brain doesn’t get the blood it needs.

4) Here are the risk factors that people can modify by their personal choices they make each day.


5. Grammar note Слово likely может выступать как наречие (Adverb) со значением «вероятно», как прилагательное (Adjective) со значением «вероят­ный, возможный; правдоподобный».


• You will very likely see your attending doctor again (Adverb).

Вы, скорее всего, еще увидитесь со своим лечащим врачом.

• In molecular biology much is likely to become clear within the next decade (Adjective).

Весьма вероятно, что многое в молекулярной биологии станет ясным в сле­дующем десятилетии.

Слово unlike может выступать как прилагательное (Adjective) со значением «непохожий», как предлог (Preposition) со значением «в отличие от».


• These diseases have unlike signs and symptoms (Adjective).

Эти заболевания имеют разные (несхожие) признаки и симптомы.

• For centuries, unlike other sciences, medicine and pharmacy were not inde­pendant (Preposition).

Веками, в отличие от других наук, медицина и фармация были взаимосвя­заны.



Translate the following sentences. Analyze the function and mean­ing of the words like, likely, unlike. (Review: Grammar Note 5, Text A, Unit 14.)

1) Like stroke, TIA symptoms occur rapidly, but they last a relatively short time.

2) Compared with people who haven’t had a TIA, people who’ve had a TIA are 9 times more likely to have a stroke.

3) Unlike stroke, when a TIA ends, the blood clot resolves itself and the symptoms disappear, leaving no permanent effects.


III. Text Exercises

1. Make a list of questions (6-8 questions) to ask a neurologist about stroke risk factors.

2. Translate Text A in written form*. (Use: Active vocabulary to Text A, Text Notes, Vocabulary Exercises, Grammar Notes and Exercises, Text Exercises.)



Active Vocabulary to Text В

impact ['impaskt] — влияние, воздействие

(cerebrovascular) accident ['sksident] — инсульт

profound [pra'faund] — основательный, глубокий

recovery [ri 'кдуэп] — выздоровление, восстановление

improvement [im'pruivmsnt] — улучшение

initially [I'mfsh] — вначале; на ранней стадии

disability [diss'biliti] — нетрудоспособность

current [ 'клг(э)т] — текущий

perceptual [рэ 'septjual] — воспринимающий, ощущающий

cognitive [ 'kognitiv] — познавательный

strength [streijG] — сила

pillow [ 'pilau] — подушка

blanket roll [ 'bleeqkrt reul] — свернутое (скатанное) одеяло

joint [ 'd 30 int] — сустав

contracture [кэп'trsektfa] — сведение, контрактура

decubiti [di 'kju.’bitai] — мн.ч. пролежни

to tolerate [ "tolsreit] — переносить, быть устойчивым

awareness [з' weanis] — зд.: ощущение

environment [in'vaiarsnmant] — окружение, окружающая среда

item [ 'aitam] — отдельный предмет

to reintegrate [' ri:' intigreit] — восстанавливать




Look through Text В and say

1) which is the term for the condition when a patient is unable to feel one side of his body and, as a result, is unable to maintain proper body position;

2) how visitors can help the patient to develop an awareness of the right side of the body.




The impact of a stroke, or cerebrovascular accident on a person’s ability to communicate and on their mobility can be profound. Since recovery can take up to a year, the nurse in the hospital may not see much improvement initially. However, early interventions can set the tone for ongoing progress. Once the patient has stabilized, usually after the first 72 hours, the emphasis of care is rehabilitation and sup­port for the patient’s adaptation to the current disability.

To plan care, the nurse must carefully assess sensory, perceptual, cognitive and motor deficits and strengths of the patient. Also essen­tial is to assess the emotional state following this crisis and family or social supports. We will focus on one aspect of the care plan.

Immobility. Hemiparesis is common in certain types of strokes. The patient is unable to feel one side of his body and, as a result, will need help with positioning in order to maintain proper body position. Proper body position will require pillows or blanket rolls to support the affected limbs and to protect and minimize joint strain. One risk of immobility is contractures. A nursing intervention to prevent this from occurring is passive and active range of motion exercises. Putting the joints on the affected side through gentle exercises will maintain the range through which the joint can move. Teach and encourage the patient to initiate similar exercises on the unaffected side. This will get him involved in self-care activities from the beginning of his recoveryA. These exercises should be done four to five times a day.

Since the patient with hemiparesis cannot safely move himself, it is essential to turn the patient every two hours. This helps prevent decubiti, contractures and pulmonary complications. Getting the patient up to a chair® as soon as possible will also help to decrease the risk of these complications. Most patients are able to tolerate sitting in a chair for short periods three days after the stroke occurs.

Since the patients with left sided hemiparesis cannot feel their left side and often lacks awareness of his left side in general, he is at risk for injury. The patient will also not notice heat applied to the injured side or any other injury. Should he try to move on his ownc, he may fall. How can the nurse help with this hemiparesis? Encourage the patient to scan the left side of his environment, to turn his head and look at that side of the room or his meal tray. Often, the patient will only eat that food on the tray on his unaffected side. Place items such as his toothbrush on the right side of his bed table to encourage him to reach in that direction with his left hand. Suggest to the patient’s visitors that they sit on his left side so that he will develop an aware­ness of that side of his body, even if he cannot feel it. These interven­tions will help the patient to reintegrate his right side back into his body awareness.



A this will get him involved in self-care activities from the beginning of his re­covery — это будет способствовать тому, что он с самого начала восстанови­тельного периода будет учиться самостоятельно ухаживать за собой

8 getting the patient up to a chair — зд. \ усаживать больного на стул

с should he try to move on his own — если он попытается сделать какое-либо дви­жение самостоятельно...


I. Vocabulary Exercises

1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words:





















2. Pronounce the following words and give their Russian equiva­lents. Consult the dictionary to check your answers.

Cerebrovascular [,seribro'vaeskju:l9], mobility [mau'bihti], tone [taun], progress [ "'prsugrss], to stabilize [ 'steibilaiz], rehabilitation ['ribbiirteijbn], adaptation [,asdaep'tei/эп], sensory ['sensari], motor ['mauts], immobility [jmau'bihti], hemiparesis [^hemipg'riisis], position [pa'zifn], pulmonary ['рл1тэпэп], scan [skasn], visitor ['vizita].



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