Find in the Text English equivalents of the following Russian words and expressions.

Воздействие инсульта; на ранней стадии; раннее вмешательство; задавать тон; адаптация пациента к нарушение познавательной способности пациента; нарушение восприятия (окружающей действительности); нарушение двигательной способности; неподвижность; поражение конечности; поврежденная сторона; самостоятельная деятельность (активность); страдать отсутствием чувствительности.


II. Grammar Exercises

1. Exercise

Find in the Text sentences with verbs in the Imperative Mood and translate them. (Review: Grammar Note 4, Text B, Unit 12.)

1. Exercise

Find in the Text sentences with the conjunction «since» and translate them. (Review: Grammar Note 3, Text B, Unit 11.)

3. Exercise

Fill in the appropriate modal verbs (can, must, should), comment on your choice. (Review: Grammar Note 1, Text A, Unit 6.)

1. The impact of a stroke, or cerebrovascular accident on a person’s ability to communicate and on their mobility... be profound.

2. Early interventions... set the tone for ongoing progress.

3. To plan patient’s care, the nurse... carefully assess sensory, perceptual, cognitive, and motor deficits and strengths.

4. Putting the joints on the affected side through gentle exercises will maintain the range through which the joint... move.

5. Since the patient... not feel his left side and often lacks awareness of his left side in general, he is at risk for injury.

6.... he try to move on his own, he may fall.




Active Vocabulary to Text A

sign [sain] — признак

right [rait] — правый, правосторонний

left [left] — левый, левосторонний

trouble [ trAbl] — проблема

considerable [кэгГsidarabl] — значительный

cautious [ 'ko:j9S] — осторожный

anxious [ 'asqkjas] — беспокоящийся, тревожащийся

reinforcement [,ri:in 'foismant] — усиление, укрепление

success [sak'ses] — успех

failure ['fejljs] — неудача; недостаточность

to adjust [a'd^st] — приспосабливать(ся)

spatial ['speijal] — пространственный

to judge ['d;yui 3 ] — судить, определять

rate [reit] — зд.: скорость

to overlook — игнорировать, не обращать внимания

to assume [э 'sju:m] — признавать, допускать

cue [kju:] — намек, verbal cues — зд.: словесный метод



Look through Text A and point out major problems of patients with а) right-side paralysis;

b) left paralysis.


The most visible sign of the stroke is usually paralysis on one side of the body. Right-side paralysis (right hemiplegia) is caused by an injury to the left side of the brain whereas left-side paralysis (left hemiplegia) is caused by an injury to the right side of the brain. People with right- side hemiplegia who are right-handed often have problems with speech and language. This is called aphasia. Sometimes they can understand more than they can speak or write. Typically, though, people who have aphasia have some trouble both speaking and understanding. Although this is true, it does not mean that they cannot communicate. Nor does it meanA that they can understand a considerable amount of vocabulary. Some people will be able to communicate better by writing; while for others spoken communication works better. If someone can’t talk, try another form of communication.

Right-side paralysis also causes people to be cautious, anxious, and disorganized when attempting new tasks®. These people need constant positive reinforcement for their behavior and need to be told about their success more than their failure. Families may have difficulty adjusting to this new behavior and may need tasks to be broken down small steps, allowing them to succeed.

People with left-side paralysis often have trouble with spatial-per­ceptual tasks leading to

difficulty in their ability to judge distance, size, position, rate of movement, form, and how parts relate to wholes. Spatial-perceptual deficits are often overlooked and attention is placed on speech and communication. If a person can talk and communicate it is assumed that they are unimpaired. It is important to assess for any deficits in this area by having them demonstrate they can do something safely rather than taking their word for itc. It is important to use ver­bal cues when working with these people since they often cannot learn by demonstration due to their spatial — perceptual deficits.

People with left-side paralysis and spatial-perceptual deficits are poor judges of their ability and often do not realize their limitations. They tend to overestimate their abilities, act impulsively and move too fast. This carefree behavior can lead to injury. It is important to keep the environment around them safe.


A nor does it mean... — не означает это также и...

в when attempting new tasks — при попытке выполнить новое действие с rather than taking their word for it... — зд.: вместо того, чтобы полагаться на их утверждения



Loss of spatial perceptual ability to judge distance and size

Left brain damage can cause: Right side paralysis and loss of sensation

Right brain damage can cause: Left side paralysis and loss of sensation



Problems with speech, language, and swallowing


Tendency to be disorganized, slow, and cautious

Tendency to be impulsive and a poor judge of own abilities


  Brain stem


Loss of vision in right side of both eyes


Loss of vision in left side of both eyes



Damage to the cerebellum can result in poor balance or coordination, or dizziness

Damage to the brain stem can result in irregular breathing or heartbeat, or coma



I. Vocabulary Exercises


1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words:


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