Translate the following article from English into Russian.

The presence of man causes soil contamination by-made chemicals or other alteration in the natural soil environment. This type of contamination typically arises from the rupture of underground storage tanks, application of pesticides, percolation of contaminated surface water to subsurface strata, oil and fuel dumping, leaching of wastes from landfills or direct discharge of industrial wastes to the soil. The most common chemicals involved are petroleum hydrocarbons, solvents, pesticides, lead and other heavy metals. This occurrence of this phenomenon is correlated with the degree of industrialization and intensity of chemical usage.

The concern over soil contamination stems primarily from health risks, both of direct contact and from secondary contamination of water supplies. Mapping of contaminated soil sites and the resulting cleanup are time consuming and expensive tasks, requiring extensive amounts of geology, hydrology, chemistry and computer modelling skills. It is in North America and Western Europe that the extent of contaminated land is most well known, with many of countries in these areas having a legal framework to identify and deal with this environmental problem; this however may well be just the tip of the iceberg with developing countries very likely to be the next generation of new soil contamination cases.

The immense and sustained growth of the People's Republic of China since the 1970s has exacted a price from the land in increased soil pollution. The State Environmental Protection Administration believes it to be a threat to the environment, to food safety and to sustainable agriculture. According to a scientific sampling, 150 million mi (100,000 square kilometres) of China’s cultivated land have been polluted, with contaminated water being used to irrigate a further 32.5 million mi (21,670 square kilometres) and another 2 million mi (1,300 square kilometres) covered or destroyed by solid waste. In total, the area accounts for one-tenth of China’s cultivatable land, and is mostly in economically developed areas. An estimated 12 million tonnes of grain are contaminated by heavy metals every year, causing direct losses of 20 billion yuan (US$2.57 billion).




1. To biodegrade means to break down naturally. Sunlight, air, water and microorganisms help materials to biodegrade. Different materials break down at different rates.

Rank the following commonly littered items from 1 to 9. Use 1 for the item that will biodegrade the fastest, and 9 for the item that will biodegrade the slowest. Assume these items are on a roadside, and are exposed to the same conditions.


  Aluminum can
  Glass bottle
  Plastic bottle
  Cigarette butt
  Orange peel
  Milk carton
  6-pack ring holders


2. Items that go to the landfill are compacted several times by large machinery. Each day, the portion of the landfill that is currently in use is covered with several inches of ash or sand. Do you think the items above would biodegrade in the landfill? Why (not)?

3. Do you think that things like apple cores and orange peels are litter? Why (not)?


4. Air, water, and soil are necessary for existence of all living things. Polluted air can cause illnesses, and even death. On polluted soil, food cannot be grown. In addition, environmental pollution spoils the natural beauty of our planet. Luckily, pollution can be reduced gradually. Individuals and groups of people, all of us, can work together to recycle waste and make factories stop pouring chemicals into our lakes and rivers and skies. The only way out is “Recycling”. Think in pairs of as many words as possible related to this topic.


5. Have a look at a Date File. What does the term “throw-away society” stand for? Is this concept appropriate for reflecting the actual state of affairs? Why (not)? Who should solve these problems – governments or individuals? Would you rather join a political campaign, or do something about it yourself, instead? How can each of us recycle objects? How do you dispose of your domestic rubbish? What is the method of waste disposal employed in your neighbourhood? Do you approve of it?



3. Are you an environmentally-minded person? Mark each ecological topic out of 5 depending on how strongly you feel about it (5-very strongly, 3-moderately strongly, 1-not bothered at all).

1. Water pollution (dirty lakes, rivers, seas)  
2. Air pollution (by factories, plants, vehicles on the road)  
3. Land pollution (chemical fertilizers, litter, garbage disposal)  
4. Atmospheric fall-outs (radioactive, acid rains) 5.
6. Noise pollution (aircraft, traffic, blasters) 7.
8. Contaminated food 9.
10. Visual contamination (ugly architecture, posters) 11.
12. Mental contamination (TV, radio ads, soap operas)  
13. Global warming (greenhouse effect)  
14. Holes in the ozone layer  


Now add up your total score out of 50. Compare your notes with a partner.

A score of 45-50 suggests you worry too much;

30-45 suggests you won’t die of worry, but you are certainly not indifferent;

15-30 suggests either that you don’t read the papers or don’t believe a word they say;

0-15 suggests you live on some idyllic island.


4. Prepare a presentation on the topic being discussed.


Think of a beautiful natural place that you know. Write a description, including the plants and animals that live there.


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