Разбор решения заданий тренировочного модуля.

ОДБ.03 Иностранный язык


Тема: Jobs

Краткое описание:

На уроке мы:

Узнаем новые лексические единицы по теме, повторим правила использования времен группы Future.

Научимся строить высказывания с использованием введенных лексических и грамматических единиц.

Сможем употреблять введенные лексические и грамматические единицы в речи

Перечень вопросов, рассматриваемых в теме:

There are many different opportunities that are open for each person. People can become lawyers and accountants, or even invent a completely new profession and be consulting detectives, just like Sherlock Holmes.

Глоссарий по теме:

Different people enjoy doing different things. That’s why there are so many various professions. To talk about jobs and professions we will need these words:

Alternative - альтернативный,

applicant – кандидат, претендент,

architect - архитектор,

armed forces – вооруженные силы,

author - автор,

bank clerk – банковский служащий,

beautician - косметолог,

celebrity - знаменитость,

common sense – здравый смысл,

communication skills – навыки общения,

current - текущий,

emergency service – служба экстренной помощи,

energetic - энергичный,

flight attendant – стюардесса, стюард,

florist – торговец цветами,

freelancer – внештатный сотрудник,

hard working - трудолюбивый,

lawyer - адвокат,

part-time –частичная занятость,

plumber - сантехник,

requirement - требование,

risky – рискованный, опасный,

salary - зарплата,

seasick – морская болезнь,

shift work – сменная работа,

surgeon - хирург,

translator - переводчик,

vet - ветеринар,

can’t stand – не выносить,

bring home the bacon – зарабатывать деньги для семьи,

follow in one's footsteps – идти по стопам,

in the same boat – в одинаковом положении,

jack-of-all-trades – мастер на все руки,

artist - художник,

gardener - садовник,

carpenter - плотник,

mechanic - механик,

fisherman - рыбак,

engineer - инженер,

secretary - секретарь,

naval officer – морской офицер,

pilot - пилот,

firefighter – пожарный,

hairdresser - парикмахер,

pay rise – прибавка к зарплате,

apply for a job – устроиться на работу,

personnel - персонал,

full-time – полная занятость,

pick on – дразнить, критиковать,

pick up – улучшать, приниматься за что-то новое,

pick out - выбирать,

pick at – есть маленькое количество.

Основная и дополнительная литература по теме:

Афанасьева О.В., Дули Д., Михеева И.В., Оби Б., Эванс В. Английский язык 10 класс: Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений. 10 класс. – М.: Просвещение, 2017. с. 50-51.

Теоретический материал для самостоятельного изучения:

There are so many different jobs around the world. Some are quite common, others are rather unusual. Joe Foster has always wanted to have an unusual profession. He just thought that he couldn’t stand being an ordinary plumber or carpenter, secretary or even naval officer. That’s why he decided to become an astronaut. What can be more unusual leaving the final frontier of the planet and heading up to the world of unknown and unexplored?

Different people enjoy doing different things. That’s why there are so many various professions. To talk about jobs and professions we will need these words:

Alternative - альтернативный,

applicant – кандидат, претендент,

architect - архитектор,

armed forces – вооруженные силы,

author - автор,

bank clerk – банковский служащий,

beautician - косметолог,

celebrity - знаменитость,

common sense – здравый смысл,

communication skills – навыки общения,

current - текущий,

emergency service – служба экстренной помощи,

energetic - энергичный,

flight attendant – стюардесса, стюард,

florist – торговец цветами,

freelancer – внештатный сотрудник,

hard working - трудолюбивый,

lawyer - адвокат,

part-time –частичная занятость,

plumber - сантехник,

requirement - требование,

risky – рискованный, опасный,

salary - зарплата,

seasick – морская болезнь,

shift work – сменная работа,

surgeon - хирург,

translator - переводчик,

vet - ветеринар,

can’t stand – не выносить,

bring home the bacon – зарабатывать деньги для семьи,

follow in one's footsteps – идти по стопам,

in the same boat – в одинаковом положении,

jack-of-all-trades – мастер на все руки,

artist - художник,

gardener - садовник,

carpenter - плотник,

mechanic - механик,

fisherman - рыбак,

engineer - инженер,

secretary - секретарь,

naval officer – морской офицер,

pilot - пилот,

firefighter – пожарный,

hairdresser - парикмахер,

pay rise – прибавка к зарплате,

apply for a job – устроиться на работу,

personnel - персонал,

full-time – полная занятость,

There are different ways of expressing future action is the English language. One of these ways is using Future Tenses.

Future Simple.

We use this tense when we want to talk

- About some actions that will happen in the future;

- About some decision that has not been planned;

- About promises.

To form an affirmative Future Simple sentence we need an auxiliary verb “will”, followed by a main verb in the infinitive form.

For example: I will go to France next Summer.

To form a negative sentence we need to add a negative particle “not” after the auxiliary verb “will”.

For example: I will not go to France next Summer.

time expressions: tomorrow, next, in 2085

To form an interrogative sentence we need to put an auxiliary verb “will” in the first place of the sentence before the subject.

For example: Will you go to France next year?

We use Future Continuous to talk about something that will be in progress at the definite time in the future.

For example: She will be reading tomorrow at 5 o’clock.

To form this tense we need to put the auxiliary verb “will” after the subject in the affirmative sentence. Then we need to add the verb “be” and the main verb in its “ing” form after the auxiliary verb “will”.

For example: She will be reading tomorrow at 5 o’clock.

To make the sentence in the Future Simple negative we need to out a negative particle “not” between the auxiliary verb “will” and the second auxiliary verb “be”.

For example: She will not be reading a book tomorrow at 5 o’clock.

To make the sentence in the Future Continuous interrogative we need to put the auxiliary verb “will” in the first place of the sentence before the subject. Then we need to add the verb “be” and the main verb in its “ing” form after the subject.

For example: Will she be reading a book tomorrow at 5 o’clock?

There is one more Future Tense in the English language. It’s called Future Perfect Tense. We use it to tell about some action that will have finished by a certain time in the future.

For example: Maria will have already written her essay by 6 o’clock tomorrow.

To form an affirmative sentence in this tense we need to put the subject, the auxiliary verb “will” the auxiliary verb “have” and the main verb in the form of past participle.

To form a negative sentence in this tense we need to add a negative particle “not” between the auxiliary verbs “will” and “have”.

For example: Maria will not have this work done by 6 o’clock in the morning tomorrow.

To form an interrogative sentence in this tense we need to put the auxiliary verb “will” in the first place of the sentence before the subject. Then goes the auxiliary verb “have” and the main verb in the form of past participle.

For example: Will Maria have written her essay by 6 o’clock tomorrow?

The last future tense is called Future Perfect Continuous. We use this tense to talk about something that will last for some time up until the certain time in the future.

For example: Misha will have been reading his book for already 5 hours by 10 p.m. tomorrow.

To form an affirmative sentence in this tense we need to add the auxiliary verb “will” followed by other auxiliary verbs “have been” and the main verb in its “ing” form after the subject.

To form a negative sentence we need to put the negative particle “not” between the auxiliary verbs “will” and “have”.

For example: Sam will not have been reading a book for already 3 hours by 10 p.m. tomorrow.

To form an interrogative sentence we need to put the auxiliary verb “will” in the first place of the sentence before the subject. Then go the auxiliary verbs “have been” and the main verb in its “ing” form.

For example: Will Sam have been reading a book for already 3 hours by 10 p.m. tomorrow?

There are some verbs that change their meaning depending on the preposition that follows them. We call these verbs “phrasal” verbs.

pick on – дразнить, критиковать,

pick up – улучшать, приниматься за что-то новое,

pick out - выбирать,

pick at – есть маленькое количество.


Разбор решения заданий тренировочного модуля.

Задание ТВ 1


1. Внимательно прочитайте задание. Вам необходимо найди слова.

2. Слова можно искать по вертикали и по горизонтали

Задание ТВ 15

Reading. Life online.

What kind of a person are you? Are you risky, or serious? Do you have good communication skills? Nowadays 1)___________________. A person can be a teacher or a priest, a scientist or a writer. Some of these 2) ___________to go to work and make money online.

One of the recent researches shows that more and more people tend to change their office jobs to the ones that allow them to work from home. Almost 3) ___________ equivalent. Do you fancy working with children and teach them? Why don’t you open4) ______________? Even if your dream is to become a sportsman, but you are too 5)_______________, you still have an option. It’s called cyber sport.

1. your own online school

2. lazy to go to the gym

3. there is a profession for everybody

4. professions even allow you not

5. every profession has its own online

6. Внимательно прочитайте текст задания. (При необходимости это можно делать несколько раз)

7. Переведите текст задания

8. Переведите предложенные варианты ответа, опираясь на материал в теоретической части урока;

9. Логически сопоставьте переведенные Вами варианты ответа с заданиями.


plumber - сантехник,

requirement - требование,

risky – рискованный, опасный,

salary - зарплата,

seasick – морская болезнь,

shift work – сменная работа,

surgeon - хирург,

translator - переводчик,

vet - ветеринар,

can’t stand – не выносить,

bring home the bacon – зарабатывать деньги для семьи,

follow in one's footsteps – идти по стопам,

in the same boat – в одинаковом положении,

jack-of-all-trades – мастер на все руки,

artist - художник,

gardener - садовник,

carpenter - плотник,

mechanic - механик,

fisherman - рыбак,

engineer - инженер,

secretary - секретарь,

naval officer – морской офицер,

pilot - пилот,

firefighter – пожарный,

hairdresser - парикмахер,

pay rise – прибавка к зарплате,

apply for a job – устроиться на работу,

personnel - персонал,

full-time – полная занятость,

pick on – дразнить, критиковать,

pick up – улучшать, приниматься за что-то новое,

pick out - выбирать,

pick at – есть маленькое количество.

Основная и дополнительная литература по теме:

Афанасьева О.В., Дули Д., Михеева И.В., Оби Б., Эванс В. Английский язык 10 класс: Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений. 10 класс. – М.: Просвещение, 2017. с. 50-51.

Теоретический материал для самостоятельного изучения:

There are so many different jobs around the world. Some are quite common, others are rather unusual. Joe Foster has always wanted to have an unusual profession. He just thought that he couldn’t stand being an ordinary plumber or carpenter, secretary or even naval officer. That’s why he decided to become an astronaut. What can be more unusual leaving the final frontier of the planet and heading up to the world of unknown and unexplored?

Different people enjoy doing different things. That’s why there are so many various professions. To talk about jobs and professions we will need these words:

Alternative - альтернативный,

applicant – кандидат, претендент,

architect - архитектор,

armed forces – вооруженные силы,

author - автор,

bank clerk – банковский служащий,

beautician - косметолог,

celebrity - знаменитость,

common sense – здравый смысл,

communication skills – навыки общения,

current - текущий,

emergency service – служба экстренной помощи,

energetic - энергичный,

flight attendant – стюардесса, стюард,

florist – торговец цветами,

freelancer – внештатный сотрудник,

hard working - трудолюбивый,

lawyer - адвокат,

part-time –частичная занятость,

plumber - сантехник,

requirement - требование,

risky – рискованный, опасный,

salary - зарплата,

seasick – морская болезнь,

shift work – сменная работа,

surgeon - хирург,

translator - переводчик,

vet - ветеринар,

can’t stand – не выносить,

bring home the bacon – зарабатывать деньги для семьи,

follow in one's footsteps – идти по стопам,

in the same boat – в одинаковом положении,

jack-of-all-trades – мастер на все руки,

artist - художник,

gardener - садовник,

carpenter - плотник,

mechanic - механик,

fisherman - рыбак,

engineer - инженер,

secretary - секретарь,

naval officer – морской офицер,

pilot - пилот,

firefighter – пожарный,

hairdresser - парикмахер,

pay rise – прибавка к зарплате,

apply for a job – устроиться на работу,

personnel - персонал,

full-time – полная занятость,

There are different ways of expressing future action is the English language. One of these ways is using Future Tenses.

Future Simple.

We use this tense when we want to talk

- About some actions that will happen in the future;

- About some decision that has not been planned;

- About promises.

To form an affirmative Future Simple sentence we need an auxiliary verb “will”, followed by a main verb in the infinitive form.

For example: I will go to France next Summer.

To form a negative sentence we need to add a negative particle “not” after the auxiliary verb “will”.

For example: I will not go to France next Summer.

time expressions: tomorrow, next, in 2085

To form an interrogative sentence we need to put an auxiliary verb “will” in the first place of the sentence before the subject.

For example: Will you go to France next year?

We use Future Continuous to talk about something that will be in progress at the definite time in the future.

For example: She will be reading tomorrow at 5 o’clock.

To form this tense we need to put the auxiliary verb “will” after the subject in the affirmative sentence. Then we need to add the verb “be” and the main verb in its “ing” form after the auxiliary verb “will”.

For example: She will be reading tomorrow at 5 o’clock.

To make the sentence in the Future Simple negative we need to out a negative particle “not” between the auxiliary verb “will” and the second auxiliary verb “be”.

For example: She will not be reading a book tomorrow at 5 o’clock.

To make the sentence in the Future Continuous interrogative we need to put the auxiliary verb “will” in the first place of the sentence before the subject. Then we need to add the verb “be” and the main verb in its “ing” form after the subject.

For example: Will she be reading a book tomorrow at 5 o’clock?

There is one more Future Tense in the English language. It’s called Future Perfect Tense. We use it to tell about some action that will have finished by a certain time in the future.

For example: Maria will have already written her essay by 6 o’clock tomorrow.

To form an affirmative sentence in this tense we need to put the subject, the auxiliary verb “will” the auxiliary verb “have” and the main verb in the form of past participle.

To form a negative sentence in this tense we need to add a negative particle “not” between the auxiliary verbs “will” and “have”.

For example: Maria will not have this work done by 6 o’clock in the morning tomorrow.

To form an interrogative sentence in this tense we need to put the auxiliary verb “will” in the first place of the sentence before the subject. Then goes the auxiliary verb “have” and the main verb in the form of past participle.

For example: Will Maria have written her essay by 6 o’clock tomorrow?

The last future tense is called Future Perfect Continuous. We use this tense to talk about something that will last for some time up until the certain time in the future.

For example: Misha will have been reading his book for already 5 hours by 10 p.m. tomorrow.

To form an affirmative sentence in this tense we need to add the auxiliary verb “will” followed by other auxiliary verbs “have been” and the main verb in its “ing” form after the subject.

To form a negative sentence we need to put the negative particle “not” between the auxiliary verbs “will” and “have”.

For example: Sam will not have been reading a book for already 3 hours by 10 p.m. tomorrow.

To form an interrogative sentence we need to put the auxiliary verb “will” in the first place of the sentence before the subject. Then go the auxiliary verbs “have been” and the main verb in its “ing” form.

For example: Will Sam have been reading a book for already 3 hours by 10 p.m. tomorrow?

There are some verbs that change their meaning depending on the preposition that follows them. We call these verbs “phrasal” verbs.

pick on – дразнить, критиковать,

pick up – улучшать, приниматься за что-то новое,

pick out - выбирать,

pick at – есть маленькое количество.




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