History of the police in Great Britain and the USA

ЧОУ ВО «Казанский инновационный университет им. В.Г.Тимирясова»

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History of the police in Great Britain and the USA

Police is a judicial and executive system, and an organized civil force for maintaining law and order and enforcing the laws.

There are traces to be found in every organized society of some system of rules for the maintenance at peace and order. At the same time, a system at police in the special modern sense of the term did not exist in ancient times.

In England, from the time of the Saxon kings, there had existed an organisation of a partially voluntary character for the repression of crime and arrest of criminals, and the maintenance of good order. In 1828 Robert Peel (hence the term “Bobbie” or “Peeler” applied to the British, police) secured the passage of a stature creating the Metropolitan Police Force, and leading the way to the adoption of a uniform system for the whole country. The Metropolitan Police Force dates from 1829. Its office is New Scotland Yard; near the Houses of Parliament.

London is dividedinto four districts in charge of chief constables. Under the latter are the superintendents, most of them in charge of divisions embracingfrom 500 to 1.000 men. In rank follow the inspectors, the sergeants, and the constables.

In the USA, the English system was followed. In 1857 the State Legislature of Hew York copied the London plan, but in 1870 abandoned it in favour of local control. In New York City, the Police Department is under the supervision of a commissioner appointedfor a term of five years; he may be removedby the mayor or by the Governor of the State. He has five deputise, also appointedby the mayor. The city is divided into 17 inspection districts, each in charge of an inspector, and the districts are dividedinto precincts, each in charge of a captain.

Лондон поделен на четыре района, в ведении главных констеблей. Далее старший полицейский офицер, большинство из них в ведении подразделений охватывает от 500 до 1000 человек. По рангу следуют инспекторы, сержанты и полицейские.
Английская система пришла и в США. В 1857 году Законодательное Собрание штата из Тесаного Йорк скопировал план Лондона, но в 1870 году отказались от него в пользу местного управления. В Нью-Йорке, департамент полиции под руководством комиссара назначается сроком на пять лет; он может быть снят с должности мэром или губернатором штата. Он также имеет пять заместителей назначеных мэром. Город разделен на 17 районов инспекции, за каждый несет ответственность инспектор, и районы поделены на участки, за каждый отвечает капитан.

2. Переведите на русский язык: maintenance of peace and order- поддержание мира и порядка, system of police – система полиции, repression o fcrime-подавление приступления, arrest of criminals-арест пр и ступников, maintenance of good order-поддержание исправности.

3. Переведите на английский: частично добровольный –partly voluntary, подавление преступлений – crime suppression, арест преступников - arrest of criminals, принятие всеобщей системы – the adoption of a universal system, в пользу чего – in favor of what, пять заместителей – five deputise, назначаемый мэром-appointed by the mayor.

4 Распределитепотипуслога (открытый, закрытый, гласный + r; гласный + re):
bus, student, fast, me, dog, horse, is, fire, sir, wine, neck, cure, get, burn.

Открытый: me, is, wine.

Закрытый: bus, student , fast, dog, neck, get.

+r: horse, sir, burn.

+re: fire, cure.


5. Запишитеписьменночислительные:

2, 14, 61, 573, 1817 – two, fourteen, sixty one, five hundred seventy three, eighteen seventeen;
11 марта 1990 г. – eleventh of march thousand nine hundred ninety year;
400,1430, 2240, 645,1120 – four am, two thirty pm, ten forty pm, six forty five am, eleven twenty am.



6. Поставите глагол to be в нужную форму:
a) What is your name?
b) Yes, it is.
c) I am astudent.
d) They are engineers.


7. Переведите и дайте степени сравнения прилагательных:

Быстрый-fast, faster, fastest, высокий-tall, taller, tallest, смелый-bold, bolder, boldest, старый-old, older, oldest, много-many, more, the most, интересный-interesting,very interesting, the most interesting.


8. Вставьте местоимения:
a) I am a student.
b) Where is your sister, Ann?
c) Tell me your story.
d) I don’t like this cake.


9. Составьте все виды вопросов:

1. I went to bed at 10 o’clock yesterday.

a) Who went to bed at 10 o’clock yesterday?

b) Did I go to bed at 10 o’clock yesterday?

c) When I went to bed yesterday?

d) What I did at 10 o’clock yesterday?


10. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму:

1. He was at the theatre yesterday. (to be)

2. This is my school, isn’t? (to be)

3. Who are reading the newspaper? (to be)

4. The sun is risen in the East. (to rise)


11. Составьте предложения и укажите временную форму:

1. He, to school, goes, Friday, on.- He goes to school on Fridey. (Present simple)

2. tomorrow, they, come, will.- Tommorow they will come.(Future simple)


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