Natural sciences and their role in modern world.

Unit 14: Environmental protection.

I. Read and translate the text:

Our planet is the only place where a human being might live. Unfortunately, scientists haven’t yet discovered other planets, to where a person may move and live. That’s why we have to take care of the Earth and look after our nature and surroundings as well as possible.

A human being is able not only to create but also to destroy. Especially our earth suffers badly from pernicious actions of man. This applies to both people’s neglectful attitude to the nature – dropping of cigarette ends, rubbish on the earth – and industrial factories and natural appearances (e.g. acid rains).

Factories regularly emit harmful chemicals into the air. Petrol and gas that are used by our drivers also leave much to be desired. Apart from air pollution, water and soil are subjected to pollutions as well. When such fuels as coal and oil burn, they emit very dangerous smoke.

A person destroys not only environment, plants, animals, but also himself. Faster and faster man’s health starts worsening. Forests are being cut down, and animals from the Red Book are gradually dying out. What will be next in our world?

Let’s protect the nature. Nature is our friend!

to create – создавать;

to destroy – разрушать;

pernicious actions – пагубные действия;

to emit – выбрасывать;

leave much to be desired – оставляет желать лучшего;

fuel – топливо;

coal – уголь;

oil – нефть;

worsening – ухудшаться;

neglectful attitude – пренебрежительное отношение;

II. Translate into English:

1. Человек убивает не только окружающую среду, растения, животных, но и самого себя.

2. Землю надо беречь и как можно лучше заботиться о природе и окружающей среде.

3. Человек способен не только творить, но и разрушать.

4. Помимо загрязнения воздуха, вода, почва также подвергается загрязнениям.

5. Наша планета – это единственное место, где человек может жить.

6. Фабрики регулярно выбрасывают вредные химические вещества в воздух.

7. Леса вырубаются, а животные из красной книги постепенно вымирают.

8. Ученые еще не открыли других планет, куда человек бы мог перебраться и жить.

9. Особенно сильно страдает от пагубных действий человека наша земля.

10. Бензин и газ, который используют водители, также оставляет желать лучшего.




Unit 15: Science.

I. Read and translate the text.

Natural sciences and their role in modern world.

There is a discussion about the role of natural sciences in our life. Is this role really important nowadays? I support the opinion that these sciences are very important and useful today. They are a necessity of our modern life.

Modern science is a collection of hundreds of sciences, which are exploring different spheres of reality. Those of them which learn nature are natural sciences. They are physics, chemistry, astronomy, biology, physiology and others.

Science arises from certain needs and develops on their basis. So, there is a reason to believe that the main driving force is a social needs. Thanks to their satisfaction, a person is forced to interact with nature and get some knowledge. The role of science has increased in modern society. New computer and informational technologies, genetic engineering and biotechnology promise to change the structure of our life itself. Under the influence of science the role of the human factor in all forms of activity increases.

Physics has achieved a great success. The discovery of a huge number of elementary particles, hypothesis about the structure of matter generate new ideas about the structure of matter itself and the structure of the Universe in particular. The achievements in physics, chemistry, and biology let synthesize new molecules and materials (polystyrene, ceramics, etс.). It is expected that as a result of the use of synthetic fibers, various plastics and gels most sectors in economy will change.

Knowledge helps to improve their strength, conductivity, etc. The emerging materials are widely used in modern biology and medicine. They let create «smart» drugs acting at a certain time in a certain part of the body. And today we can say that natural sciences play an important role in many industries and areas of our life. The level of their development can show the social development of every country and the whole world.


Useful words:


natural sciences - естественные науки;

exploring – исследование;

satisfaction – удовлетворение;

to arise – возникать;

basis – основа;

social needs - социальные потребности;

to interact – взаимодействовать;

increase – возрастать;

to achieve – достигать;

particle – частица;

hypothesis – гипотеза;

structure of matter – строение материи;

molecules – молекулы;

to expect – ожидать;

fibers – волокна;

conductivity – электропроводность;

to improve – усовершенствовать;

emerging materials – создающиеся материалы;

«smart» drugs – умные лекарства


III. Translate into English:

1. основная движущая сила;

2. изменить структуру нашей жизни;

3. позволять синтезировать новые молекулы и материалы;

4. генерировать новые идеи о структуре самой материи;

5. изучать различные сферы реальной жизни;

6. человек вынужден изучать природу;

7. позволять создать «умные» лекарства;

8. естественные науки играют важную роль во многих отраслях и сферах жизни;

9. наука возникает из определенных потребностей и развивается на их основе;

10. в современном обществе роль науки увеличилась;



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