Контрольная работа № 1
По английскому языку
По профессии 43.02.15 Повар, кондитер
Для групп ПК-19-1з и ПК-19-2з
1.Выберите правильный вариант.
1. My dream is to visit... Sahara.
a) the, b) а, с) —, d) an.
2. The Second World War... in 1939.
a) broke out, b) broke up, c) broke open, d) broke off.
3. This test consists... a number of multiple-choice questions.
a) —, b) in, c) of, d) for.
4. She could... open her eyes.
a) hard, b) hardly, c) badly, d) well.
5. Peter... since he left school.
a) was working, b) works, c) has been working, d) will be working.
6. Jane is as... as her elder sister.
a) tall, b) taller, c) the tallest, d) much taller.
7. Take your umbrella. It....
a) rain, b) rained, c) is raining, d) rains.
8. I knew him... a considerate man.
a) was, b) is, c) to be, d) be.
9. He said they... to buy flowers for her.
a) forgot, b) forget, c) have forgotten, d) had forgotten.
10. When I came they... things.
a) pack, b) packed, c) were packing, d) were packed.
11. Mrs White... Mary that she was going away. a) said, b) told, c) talked, d) spoke.
12. This is... very important news.
a) a, b) the, c) —, d) an.
13. They... yet.
a) didn't arrive, b) haven't arrived, c) don't arrive, d) won't arrive.
14. How old... when you got married?
a) are you, b) will you be, c) were you, d) have you been.
15. I am not very good... learning languages.
a) at, b) in, c) of, d) while.
16.1 don't know if she... to the party.
a) comes, b) will come, c) had come, d) would come.
17. You... work hard to pass the exam.
a) must, b) can, c) may, d) might.
18. Don't worry. All your expenses....
a) will pay, b) will be paid, c) had been paid, d) are paying.
19. Is there... strange in what she is saying?
a) some, b) anything, c) any, d) no.
20. This time she has... mistakes in her test.
a) fewer, b) less, c) fewest, d) little.
2. Расставьте правильно время в историях.
1. As soon as Pole (to get off) the train, he (to call) his friend. She (to promise) to pick him up in an hour. Pole (to decide) to wait in a café. When he (to enter) the café he (to see) that there (to be) no place to sit.
2. Pole (to order) a cup of tea and (to move) towards a beautiful woman sitting near the window. He (to introduce) himself and (to ask) to sit with her. She (not\to refuse).
3. They were talking when Pole’s friend (to call). Pole (to write down) girl’s phone number, (to promise) to call her and (to go) home.
Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужную форму.
1. Mary, who is 95 now, (to have) two sisters.
2. Anita (to be) a student several years ago.
3. It was only about 7.30 a.m. Why (you\get up) so early?
4. She (not\ to go) to work this morning as she (to feel) sick.
5. Children (to have) porridge, a slice of bread and tea for breakfast.
6. Her mother usually (to drive) her to school. But she (to take) a bus from time to time.
7. She (to spend) an hour on getting to work before she (to decide) to change it.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Я знала, что Алиса была очень занята, поэтому я не звонила ей.
2. Она не была голодна, поэтому ничего не ела.
3. В доме было очень холодно. Поэтому я спал не очень хорошо.
4. Пол упал с лестницы утром и сломал руку.
5. Моцарт написал больше 600 произведений.
6. Она открыла дверь, зашла в дом и только потом обнаружила, что была не одна.
5. Выберите правильный вариант.
1. Cork, the second largest city in Ireland, is the site of many industries, ______ automobile manufacturing and whiskey distilling.
A. two of whom are
B. which two are
C. two of which are
D. two of that are
2. Because of the success ______ I had in this class, I became more confident and at ease.
A. —
B. whose
C. what
D. whom
3. ______ we need is a big fridge.
A. That
B. Who
C. Whom
D. What
4. Martin’s garage, ______ the car had been taken to, was not far away.
A. what
B. who
C. whom
D. where
5. The Olympic Games, ______ in 776 B.C., did not include women participants until 1912.
A. who first played
B. first played
C. that they were first played
D. they were first played
6. They gave me ______ I asked for.
A. that
B. what
C. which
D. when
7. There’s the man ______ took your coat.
A. which
B. who
C. —
D. whom
8. It’s certain to be a good game, ______ wins.
A. whichever
B. whatever
C. however
D. whoever
9. The people in Canada were very friendly ______ we went.
A. whatever
B. however
C. wherever
D. when
10. The dentist had to pull out two of my teeth, ______ was a real pity.
A. that
B. what
C. which
D. —
11. I’ll give you my address and phone number but I need something ______.
A.I can write
B. that I can write
C.I can write on
D. what I can write on
12. She is lucky, ______ much she eats, she never gets fat.
A. whatever
B. however
C. whoever
D. whenever
13. I liked ______ you said at the meeting very much.
A. which
B. what
C. that
D. than
14. Where is the book ______ I bought this morning?
A. whose
B. what
C. that
D. whom
15. ______ caused the accident, nobody knows.
A. Which
B. What
C. That
D. Whichever
16. ______ I’d like most is a home computer.
A. That
B. Which
C. What
D. Who
17. Sergeant Brown, ______ was very polite.
A. whom I showed my license,
B. which I showed my license to
C.to what I showed my license
D. who to I showed my license
18. Where is the man ______ I saw this morning?
A. who
B. this
C. whose
D. which
19. There is the driver ______ overtook us five minutes ago.
A. whom
B. whose
C. which
D. who
20. He is a man ______ falls a heavy responsibility.
A. on his shoulders
B. who
C. whose shoulders
D. on whom