Satan, Prince of This World 9 глава


We have only quoted a few unrelated authors who in the second half of the 19th Century found out truths I confirmed as the result of my own research in the first half of the 20th Century. Those who direct the Luciferian conspiracy can keep this information locked up because they control the press and all avenues of public information. But is it not strange that the ministers of the Christian religion don't insist on making these truths known from their pulpits, set up in what they claim are Christian churches-the Houses of God?


In order to drive the final nails in the coffin of those who try to make the general public believe that ALL Freemasons are tarred with the same brush "Satanism" and/or Luciferianism, I wish to point out that both Weishaupt and Pike took particular care to provide for the total destruction of Freemasonry, together with all other secret societies, in the final stages of the conspiracy.


In the lectures delivered on the "Protocols" of the Luciferian conspiracy, as divided into chapters and paragraphs by Marsden, the lecturer said Masons and Freemasonry are to be dealt with as follows: (Chap. IV. Par. 2) "Who and what is in position to Overthrow an invisible force? And this is precisely what our force is. Gentile masonry blindly serves as a screen for us and our objects, but the plan of action of our force, even its very abiding place, remains for the whole people an unknown mystery." Because this copy of the lectures was to be used for arousing anti-Semitism in Russia to boiling point the word "Gentile" was introduced. Chap. IX:2 - "The Masonic watch words, "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity: will, when we come into our Kingdom be changed to mean the "right of liberty, the duty of equality, the ideal of brotherhood- that is how we shall put it."


The lecturer then goes on to explain: "Nowadays, if any states raise a protest against us the Satanists and Luciferians who direct the W.R.M. AT THE TOP) it is only proforma at our discretion and by our direction (because they control the policies of ALL governments from behind the scenes)." There is also a statement made which refers to "the management of our lesser brethren." This statement indicates the Directors of the Luciferian conspiracy intended to use Lower Degree Masons as they use Lesser Jewish brethren to serve their own secret plans and sacrifice as many as necessary to serve their own devilish purposes.


Chap. XI: 5-7, says: "we shall keep promising to give back (to the people) all the liberties we have taken away as soon as we have quelled the enemies of peace and tamed all parties. It is not worthwhile to say anything about how long a time they will be kept waiting for the return of their liberties. "For what purpose then have we invented this whole policy and insinuated it into the minds of the "goys" without giving them any chance to examine its underlying meaning? For what, indeed, if not in order to obtain in a roundabout way what is for our scattered tribe unattainable by the direct road?"


"It is this which has served as a basis for our organization of SECRET MASONRY, which is not known to, and aims which are not even so much as suspected by, these GOY cattle, attracted by us into the "SHOW army of Masonic Lodges in order to throw dust in the eyes of their fellows."


The above reads as if Jews were directing the conspiracy but we must remember we are dealing with the High Priests of the Synagogue of Satan, The Masters of Deceit, whom Christ told us are them who say they are Jews but are not. Those who serve Satanism all over the world, seeking the ruin of souls, are just as much "the scattered tribe" as are the Jews (Hebrews).


Chap. XV tells what is going to happen to all Lesser Beings, Masons, Jews, Christians, etc. etc., "when we (the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed) at last definitely come into our kingdom by aid of a "coup d'etat" prepared every where for one and the same day, after the worthlessness of all existing forms of government has been definitely acknowledged."


This lecture was delivered between 1873 and 1901. The lecturer told his listeners it might take a century to place those who directed the conspiracy "where NO power or cunning can prevent us usurping undisputed world domination. "He tells his audience that once in power they shall take the following steps to make certain they remain in power:


1. We shall slay without mercy ALL who take arms to oppose our coming into our kingdom.



2. Belonging to anything like a secret society will be punishable by death.



3. Those who having belonged to secret societies has served the S.O.S., are to be disbanded and sent into exile. (Exactly as was done in Russia and is now being done in China.) The lecturer adds, "in this way we will proceed with Masons who know too much."


4. Death will be the penalty of all who hinder our affairs. We execute Masons in such wise that none save the Brotherhood can ever have suspicion of it, not even the victims themselves of our death sentence. They will all die when required as if from a normal kind of illness.


Scottish Rite Masons would do well to investigate and expose who among them are secretly of "The Synagogue of Satan." By their fruits ye shall know them. Because Christ told us Lucifer is the "Father of Lies" and "The Master of Deceit," we will examine General


Albert Pike, alleged patriot, and considered one of the greatest doctors of Masonic Science, in the light of his own words, which were never supposed to see the light of day. He said: "The Blue degrees are no more than the outer door of the temple portal. Part of the symbols are explained here to the initiated, but he u intentionally deceived with false interpretations! It is not intended that he understand them, but rather that he imagine himself to understand them. Their true interpretation is reserved for the Initiated Ones, the Princes of Masonry." "Masonry" continues Pike, "like all religions, all mysteries, hermeticism and alchemies, hide secrets from everyone except the Initiated Sages or Elects, and employs false explanations and interpretations of its symbols to deceive those who deserve to be deceived, and to hide from them the truth, which is called LIGHT and to separate them from it." 19


It is only when we compare the above statement with the information contained in Pike's letters to Mazzini and others who became "Initiated Sages" and "The Elect" of the Luciferian Creed that we can understand and appreciate the terrible truth hidden behind the above quoted words. The word LIGHT which he emphasized is proved to mean "the TRUE LIGHT of the pure doctrine of Lucifer" as he explained to Mazzini in the letter he addressed to him, August 15, 1871.


For confirmation of the above quotation read Preuse AF pp. 12-13. I consider many Freemasons among my friends. During the 1930's I had the honour, and privilege, to be the guest speaker at numerous Masonic Lodges. I was so honoured by the Ionic Lodge of Hamilton, Ontario (the oldest Lodge in Canada) on several occasions. It is with feelings of love and charity that I reveal that they are lied to and deceived, and that their society is used as a cloak to cover up the true identity and purpose of the members of the Synagogue of Satan who use their temples as their secret headquarters so they can work secretly and mysteriously, in the dark, promoting Satanism and directing the Luciferian conspiracy.


I know that Masons, in Blue Masonry, swear on the Bible when taking their oaths. That proves the vast majority believe in God, (Adonay) as the Creator of Heaven and Earth, whom they call the Grand Architect of the Universe.


I know the vast majority of apprentices mean every word they say when they swear by God they will never reveal the secrets; and I know that the God they swear by is the God they think of as that Supernatural Being who cast Lucifer and his fellow rebels out of Heaven and into Hell. I know that of the vast number of Freemasons, located throughout the world that, only a few, and a very few, deteriorate to the point they are considered "worthy' to be initiated into Satanism; I know that still fewer are selected to become members of the Elect of Lucifer. As far as my studies go, I feel that the insidious purpose behind Luciferian infiltration into Freemasonry and all other religions is to deceive them into directly and indirectly promoting the "Idea' of a One World Government and religion. As I said before, I repeat once more, "not one Mason in ten thousand even suspects that those who direct all aspects of the Luciferian conspiracy intend to usurp the powers of the first world government to be established and them impose the Luciferian ideology upon what is left of the human race."



I know that some of the very fine Masons I am proud to consider my friends would become violently ill if asked to utter the blasphemies against the God they worship and adore, and take part in the abominations practiced at one of Pike's modernized Black Masses to which he gave the name Adonaicide Mass.




With deceit as their chief weapon, those who direct the Luciferian conspiracy have caused Catholics to believe Freemasonry to be the main instrument the Devil uses to destroy them and Christianity. Using exactly the same deception Masons are taught to believe Roman Catholicism is Luciferianism in disguise. By the same token Communists are taught they are the champions of "democracy" while the people of the so-called remain- ing democratic nations are being convinced Communism is the root of all evil and the main threat towards the destruction of their governments and religions. Thus those who direct the Luciferian conspiracy kept the Goyim divided among themselves. They shift the blame for their own sins against God and their crimes against humanity and place it where they find it most convenient. In a most remarkable manner, which can only be explained by the power of the Devil, they manage to deflect towards others the finger of suspicion whenever it is pointed at them and, generally speaking, they preserve the secrecy of their motives and identity.


The Synagogue of Satan directs the Luciferian conspiracy. History proves the S.O.S. has used ALL internationalist movements organized since the beginning of time to further their own secret plans. The Bible tells us the 'idea' of a one world government was introduced to Solomon ten centuries before Christ was born.


As happened to Nazism, all international movements are made to destroy themselves as soon as they have served the Luciferian cause. Thus it is that the few, who direct the World Revolutionary Movement move peacefully nearer to establishing a totalitarian state. They make those they plot to subjugate, fight, and destroy each other, their governments, and religions because they stand as obstacles in their path. The "Protocols" are the original draft of the plan by which the Synagogue of Satan intend to obtain undisputed world domination. The Protocols are, as the saying goes, as old as the His. Weishaupt simply revised


and modernized them in order that those who comprise the Synagogue of Satan may take full advantage of rapidly changing conditions, and the advances being made by applied science. The manner in which the discovery of atomic energy is being used to frighten the masses into accepting the "idea' that a One World Government is the only solution to the world's many problems is typical of what I mean. Those who direct the conspiracy carefully conceal, from those they use to serve their devilish purpose, the fact that in the final stage of the conspiracy they intend to usurp the powers of the first world government to be established, and then impose the Luciferian ideology upon what remains of the human race. Once One Worlders are enlightened in this regard, they will reject internationalism in any form.


Weishaupt organized the Illuminati to put his revised version of the conspiracy into effect. He also established the lodges of Grand Orient Masonry to be the secret headquarters of the Illuminati. When members of the Illuminati infiltrated into other secret organizations, including Continental or Blue Freemasonry, they organized their own secret society within the lodges of the secret society into which they infiltrated. The ordinary, "Imperfect", members were, and still are, kept in ignorance of this fact.


The most prominent Satanists, or Luciferians, who worked with Weishaupt were the famous German author Zwack, Baron Knigge, Baron Bassus-inSandersdorf, the Marquis Constanza and Nicolai. In order to hide their identity, and real purpose, Weishaupt and his lieutenants used code names. 20 Weishaupt was "Spartacus"; Zwack was "Cato"; Baron Knigge was "Philo"; Bassus was "Hannibal;" The Marquis Constanza was "Diomedes;" and Nicolai the greatest scoffer of ALL religions which teach belief in a God other than Lucifer, became "Lucian."


Cities in which Grand Orient Lodges were established to be the secret revolutionary headquarters of those who directed the conspiracy also received code names. Thus Munich became "Athens;" Vienna became "Rome;" etc. It was an accident, or an "Act of God" which exposed these secrets. Zwack had put Weishaupt's notes into orderly manuscript form ready for publication for the information of revolutionary leaders throughout the world. Copies of this Luciferian Bible were placed in the hands of carefully selected trustees to ensure that some would survive if government authorities seized other copies. One copy was entrusted to the care of Prof. John Robison of Edinburgh University.


In 1784, another copy was sent from Frankfort-on-Main in Germany to Mirabeau in Paris, France. He had been selected by Weishaupt to foment the French Revolution scheduled to break out in 1789. Very few historians seem to realized that early in the 1700's, long before Weishaupt was retained, by the newly formed House of Rothschild, to revise and modernize the age old conspiracy to bring about a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, the so-called "Internationalists" had infiltrated into America. The works of those historians who do mention this fact have been suppressed. There is documentary evidence which proves these subversives were active as early as 1746. They celebrated May 1, 1776 as the day on which Weishaupt finished the revision of the age old conspiracy and gave the name "Illuminati" to those selected to direct the conspiracy, and put his revised plans into effect. Millions upon millions of people have celebrated May Day ever since, This practice continues to the present day as we proved in the story of the secret meetings held on Jekyl Island, and St. Simon island, published in Pawns in the Game, and The Red Fog Over America. thinking it the anniversary of the day America and Labour gained independence. The Masses (Goyim) never dreamed May 1, 1776 was an epoch making day in the history of the Luciferian conspiracy which we refer to as the World Revolutionary Movement. It was the day Illuminati stabbed Britain in the back as part of their program to ultimately destroy the British Empire together with ALL other remaining governments and religions. May Day had been celebrated by the Roman Catholic Church for centuries as the feast day of the mother of Jesus Christ. It was for this reason that Weishaupt, a renegade Jesuit, picked it to announce to his fellow Satanists and Luciferians his revised plan to destroy Christianity and bring about what Nietzche afterwards referred to as "The death of God."


But to get back to our story. As the Illuminati's courier rode through the town of Ratisbon, on his way to Paris to deliver Mirabeau his copy of Weishaupt 's revised plans, the courier was killed by a stroke of lightning. This event occurred in 1784. The police turned the documents found on the body over to Bavarian government authorities. Examination revealed them to be the "Protocols" of the order and sect of the Illuminati. The word "Protocol" means: "A copy of the original draft of a plan to achieve a definite purpose and reach a clearly defined goal".


The Bavarian government had got hold of the Protocols of the Luciferian conspiracy as revised by Adam Weishaupt between 1770 and 1776. They knew how Weishaupt intended to use "The Order and Sect of the Illuminati" to put his modernized plans into effect. The documents further disclosed that the Lodges of the Grand Orient were to be used as the secret headquarters of those who directed the conspiracy, to destroy all remaining governments and religions, throughout the world. They also revealed that the Illuminati intended to infiltrate into all other secret societies, but particularly into Continental (Blue) Freemasonry, for the purpose of contacting wealthy and influential people over whom they wished to obtain control so they could be used to further the Illuminati's secret plans to bring about a One World Government.


The "Elector of Bavaria' ordered the police to raid the homes and meeting places of Weishaupt and his close associates. These raids added a wealth of additional evidence to what had already been obtained from the documents found on the body of the courier.


The Bavarian government was very thorough. By 1786 they had examined all available evidence. They published the information in a book entitled (English translation) Original Writings of the Order and Sect of the Illuminati. Zwack's manuscript containing Weishaupt's revised version of the age old Luciferian conspiracy was entitled Einige Originalschriften. Copies of the conspiracy were sent by the Bavarian government to ALL heads of Church and state in Europe. History proves these warnings were ignored because Weishaupt's


Illuminati had already been placed in key positions behind the scenes of government, both secular and religious, as "Experts" and "Advisers." They denounced the evidence as a "forgery." They claimed it was part of a huge practical joke being perpetrated by those who wished to ridicule the heads of Church and state. But the French revolution broke out on schedule, and history proves that the conspiracy has been developed since 1776 EXACTLY as Weishaupt intended. Today, it is in its semi-final stage.


The Elector of Bavaria banished Weishaupt. He lost his "chair" in Ingolstadt University where he taught "Canon Law" He moved to Regensburg, Switzerland, where he reorganized his Illuminati. Switzerland was made into a neutral nation and remained the headquarters of the directors of the World Revolutionary Movement until the United Nations Organization was set up by the Rockefellers in New York. Then the "Brains," which work out the programme to bring the conspiracy to its ultimate goal, moved into the Harold Pratt Building, New York.


Two Italians, the Marquis Constanza, and the Marquis Savioli joined Weishaupt in Switzerland. This explains why the Italian Guiseppe Mazzini was selected to direct the World Revolutionary programme in 1 834; and was succeeded by another Italian, Adriano Lemmi, in 1 872 when Mazzini died. With devilish cunning Weishaupt and his fellow conspirators made those in authority believe that the Illuminati had died a natural death in 1786. The truth is the plot to bring what remains of the human race under a totalitarian dictatorship has never ended. It blossomed forth under new names and disguises in all parts of the world. It is the W.R.M. as we know it today.


Weishaupt himself tells us he planned well in advance of 1786 how to take care of the risk of possible discovery and exposure. Those who defect from God (Adonay) first become Satanists, then after long years of testing and trial, a few Satanists are selected for the initiation into the Luciferian Priesthood. From these are selected the High Priests and the Universal Sovereign Pontiff of the Luciferian Creed. Weishaupt (Spartacus) aspired to become Sovereign Pontiff. In a letter he wrote "Cato" (Zwack) dated February 6, 1778, he said "the allegory on which I am to found the Mysteries of the Higher Orders is 'The Fire-worship of the Magi' (worship of Lucifer). We must have some worship and none is so apposite- 'Let there be light.' This is my motto, and this is my fundamental principle."


In March the same year, Weishaupt again wrote to his friend "Cato" (Zwack). He said: "I have gone through the whole circle of human inquiry. I have exorcised spirits. 21 1 raised ghosts; discovered treasures; interrogate the Cabale; 22 I have never transmuted metals. I would have executed much greater things had not the government (his superiors in the Luciferian conspiracy at the time) always opposed my exertions and placed others in situations which suited my talents."


Weishaupt was literally as proud as Lucifer. He was determined to become the Sovereign Pontiff of the Luciferian Creed. He was determined to be placed higher than any other person in this or the celestial world, excepting only his beloved Lucifer. This statement is proved by a letter he wrote "Cato" (Zwack) in 1778. He told his friend: "By this plan we shall direct all mankind. In this manner, and by the simplest means, we shall set all in motion and in flames. The occupations must be so allotted and contrived, that we may, in secret, influence all political "transactions".... I have considered everything, and so prepared it, that if the Order should this day go to ruin, I shall in a year reestablish it more brilliant than ever." There we have the key to the secret. The Bavarian government discovered and exposed the existence of the continuing conspiracy, but Weishaupt built it up and made it stronger than ever. All the Bavarian government actually did was prune the Tree of Evil and make it grow stronger. What they should have done was dig it up by the roots and burn it as the Holy Scriptures tell us we must do if we wish to destroy the Spiritual Forces of Darkness who roam about this world seeking the destruction of Souls (Matt. 7: 15-24). If the heads of Church and state had in 1786 followed the advice of the scriptures and cut down and burned the Evil Tree, of which the Illuminati is only one of many branches, "the womb would have forgot him (Weishaupt); the worm would have fed sweetly on him; he would be no more remembered; and wickedness would have been broken as an evil tree." (Job 24:20)


Before Weishaupt was banished in 1786, his 2,000 well educated, carefully selected, brilliant-minded, wealthy and well bred Illuminists had established one or more Lodges of the Grand Orient in Munich, Ingolstadt, Frankfort, Echstadt, Hanover, Brunswick, Calbe, Magdeburgh, Cassel, Osnabruck, Wiemar, Saxony, Heidelbergh, Mannheim, Strasbourg, Spire, Worms, DusseldorfF, Cologne, Bonn, Livonia, Courtland, Franendahl, Alsace, Wienne, Deuxponts, Hesse, Cousel, Buchenwerter, Treves, Montpelier, Aix-la-Chapelle, Stuttgart, Barschied, Carlsruhe, Hahrenberg, Anspach, Neuweid, Mentz, Rome, Naples, Ancona, Turin, Florence, Warsaw, and Dresden. There were Lodges in Upper Saxony, Westphalis, Switzerland, France, Scotland, Holland, and last but by no means least, America.


Many, so-called, authorities have, since 1786, tried to convince the heads of Church and state in America


and elsewhere that Illuminism is dead as the Dodo bird. These Luciferians produce what they claim is documentary evidence to prove what they say is the TRUTH, but they are careful to conceal the evidence which proves that Albert Pike reorganized the Palladian Rite between 1859 and 1889 to take over the direction of the Luciferian conspiracy from the Illuminati. They carefully conceal the evidence which proves that Illuminism began to stink in the nostrils of honest Americans. In the early 1800's 45,000 Scottish Rite masons handed in their charters in protest against the manner Illuminism had infiltrated into their lodges. This it is that few Americans know that Pike established twenty-six councils (triangles) of this New and Reformed Palladian Rite in every large city throughout the world to direct the Luciferian conspiracy as Weishaupt intended. We explain how this plot worked in another chapter.


We mentioned that Professor John Robison of Edinburgh University was one of those entrusted with a copy of Zwack's original manuscripts dealing with Weishaupt's revised and modernized version of the age old Luciferian conspiracy. Robison was a 33rd degree member of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. As such he visited most Masonic



Lodges in European cities, and took part in their rituals and initiations. He taught Natural Philosophy at Edinburgh University. He was secretary of the Royal Society. Weishaupt had been particularly anxious to obtain


Robison 's cooperation so that the "IDEA" of a One World Government could be introduced into ALL educational institutions. This objective has since been achieved as any parent of children of school age must 21 The word "exorcised" means to expel a devil or devils from a person who has been possessed. The scriptures tell us how Christ cast out devils. But Satanists invite devils to enter into, and possess, their mediums and through them to speak to those who seek knowledge or advice from Satan and/or Lucifer. After the medium has served their purpose, the High Priests of the Synagogue of Satan then "exorcised" the devils from that person's body, and he or she becomes normal again. It is this practice which caused the Synagogue of Satan which wished to discredit Christ, to accuse him of casting out devils in the name, and through the powers of Beelzebub the Prince of Devils and not by the power of God. (Luke 11:14-15) 22 The Cabale (often spelled differently) as referred to by Weishaupt means "The Spiritual Powers headed by Lucifer in the celestial world:" the Holy Scriptures refer to them "As the spiritual Powers of Darkness." Human beings who direct the Luciferian cause often consult their spiritual directors in the celestial world, in exactly the same way as millions of Christians believe in the Communion of the Saints and pray to them to intercede with God on their behalf for spiritual insight and blessings. Mackenzie King while Prime Minister of Canada repeatedly tried to obtain advice and guidance from people who had already departed from this life. Pike is on record as having done so repeatedly also; the best recorded instance is his own report of the seance he personally conducted in St. Louis as reported elsewhere.


Thus we see that "Truth" is much stranger than any fiction ever written. admit. Weishaupt ordered his Illuminists to wine and dine Robison, and introduce him into the best European educational circles. He was flattered and hailed as one of the greatest educationalists of his time. But all the wiles and guiles of the Devil's servants didn't deceive John Robison. He recognized that behind the Illuminati's clever presentation that a One World Government could solve all our political, social, economic, and religious problems, the real intention of those who controlled the Illuminati AT THE VERY TOP was to usurp the power of the first world government to be established and then impose a totalitarian Luciferian dictatorship upon what remained of the human race.


After the heads of Church and state refused to heed the warnings given to them by the Bavarian government in 1786, and the French Revolution broke out as scheduled in 1789, John Robison published all the knowledge he had obtained regarding the Illuminati, and those who controlled it AT THE TOP, in a book containing 548 pages. It is entitled Proofs of a Conspiracy Against all Religions and Governments of Europe. On the front cover is the additional information "Carried on in the secret meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati, and Reading Societies." Copies of this book are still in existence despite the frantic efforts of those who direct the conspiracy to try to destroy all that were published. I have the written statement of a friend who owns a copy that agents of the Rockefeller Foundation told him he could name his own price for his copy. He rejected the offer.


Another authentic source of information is M. Barruel who wrote Memoirs of Jacobism. This is a companion piece to Proofs of a Conspiracy. As I mentioned in Pawns in the Game, Sir Walter Scott also published two volumes on the subject under the title Life of Napoleon, both of which have been suppressed. This great work is not. even listed by most libraries as being one of his works.


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