Юлия Ивановна
Научный руководитель:
преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков
Светлана Петровна
Нижневартовск 2016
I. Напишите во множественном числе данные группы слов.
a) a nice face – nice faces
a simple fact – simple facts
a fine place – fine places
an easy text – easy text
a big child – big children
a black mouse - black mice
a friendly family – friendly families
a wooden bench – wooden benches
that man – those men
this goose – these geese
that college – those colleges
this radius – these radii
the worst day – worst days
this simple test – these simple tests
the best type – best types
the same length – same lengths
an angry black wolf – angry black wolves
a little thin hand – little thin hands
personal happiness – personal happiness
folk music – folk music
good news – good news
B) Преобразуйте подчеркнутые существительные во множественное число и произведите все необходимые изменения.
1. The deer is in the forest.
The deer are in the forests.
2. Her sister in law is an artist.
Her sisters in law are artists.
3. The knife is on the shelf.
The knives are on the shelves.
4. That young lady is a second year student.
Those young ladies are second year students.
5. This hero is an old man.
These heroes are old men.
6. There is a new film on TV.
This are new films on TV.
C) Преобразуйте подчеркнутые существительные в единственное число и произведите все необходимые изменения.
1. Those geese are in the lakes.
That goose is in the lake.
2. These families are in the shops.
This family is in the shop.
3. There are a lot of women in the governments.
This is a little of woman in the government.
4. These mice are in the cages.
This mouse is in the cage.
5. The deer are in the forests.
The deer is in the forest.
6. These new methods are scientific.
This new method is scientific.
II. Объедините два существительных, используя форманты притяжательного падежа (s) (‗) или (…of…). Переведите полученные словосочетания на русский язык.
1) the children / help
The children's help. - Помощь детей.
2) the ellipse / the change
The change of ellips. - Сдвиг овала.
3) the printer / his computer
His computer's printer. - Принтер его компьютера.
4) the length / the pencil
The pencil's length. - Длина ручки.
5) the workers / families
Families of workers. - Семьи работников.
6) trade / Britain
Trade of Britan. - Британская торговля.
III. Переведите на английский язык словосочетания, обращая внимание на употребление притяжательного падежа.
1. Книги моих студентов.
My students´ book.
2. Результат этих исследований.
The result of these researches.
3. Бутылка свежего молока.
A bottle of fresh milk.
4. Это новая программа правительства.
Government’s new program.
5. План научного руководителя.
Scientific director´s plan
6. Учителя моего сына.
My son´s teachers.
IV. Употребите There is/There are. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. There are seventeen students in his group.
Есть семнадцать стульев в его группе.
2. There is no time to visit the museum.
Нет времени чтобы посетить музей.
3. There are traffic lights at every corner of the street.
Светофоры на каждом углу улицы.
4. There are a few English books in his library.
Есть несколько английских книг в его библиотеке.
5. There is some chalk in the box.
Есть один мелок в коробке.
6. There is a lot of snow in the garden.
Много снега в саду.
V. Задайте: общий вопрос, альтернативный вопрос, разделительный вопрос, специальный вопрос (what, where, etc).
1. There is much furniture in the hall.
Is there much furniture in the hall?
Is there much furniture in the hall or in the dining room?
There is much furniture in the hall, isn't it?
Where is much furniture?
2. There are eight labs in the main building of the University.
Are there eight labs in the main building of the University?
Are there eight or seven labs in the main building of the University?
There are eight labs in the main building of the University, aren't they?
Where are eight labs?
3. There are many scientists at this conference.
Are there many scientists at this conference?
Are there many scientists at this or that conference?
There are many scientists at this conference, aren't they?
How many scientists are there at this conference?
4. Her parents are teachers at the University.
Are her parents teachers at the University?
Are her parents teachers or doctors at the University?
Her parents are teachers at the University, aren't they?
Who are her parents?
5. This student is always late for the lessons.
Is this student always late for the lessons?
Is this or that student always late for the lessons?
This student is always late for the lessons, isn't he?
Who is always late for the lessons?
VI. Замените русские слова, данные в скобках, английскими и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. She knows (ничего) about this article.
She knows nothing about this article.
Она ничего не знает об этой статье.
2. My parents wanted to asked (кoгo-нибудь) to help them with their car.
My parents wanted to asked someone to help them with their car
Мои родители разыскивают кого-нибудь чтобы им помогли с их автомобилем.
3. Did you find (что-нибудь) interesting in this magazine?
Did you find something interesting in this magazine?
Вы нашли что-нибудь интересное в этом журнале?
4. The students must do (все) in time.
The students must do everything in time.
Студенты должны делать все вовремя.
5. The scientist realized that (ничего) was ready for the experiment.
The scientist realized that nothing was ready for the experiment.
Ученый понял что ничего не было готово для эксперимента.
6. (Каждый) will be able to take part in the conference.
Everybody will be able to take part in the conference.
Каждый сможет принять участие в конференции.
7. Is there (что-нибудь) important in this discussion?
Is there anything important in this discussion?
Есть что-нибудь важное в этой дискуссии?
8. She is happy to obtain (некоторую) information on it.
She is happy to obtain some information on it.
Она счастлива что получила некоторую информацию по теме.
9. Did (кто-нибудь) see the running boy?
Did anybody see the running boy?
Кто-нибудь видел бегущего мальчика?
10. Are there (какие-нибудь) significant errors in this research?
Are there any significant errors in this research?
Есть какие-нибудь существенные ошибки в этом исследовании?
11. These ladies can buy these glamorous magazines (повсюду).
These ladies can buy these glamorous magazines every where.
Дамы могут купить этот гламурный журнал повсюду.
12. (Никто) of them could say (что-нибудь) about these students.
None of them could say something about these students.
Никто из них не мог сказать что-нибудь об этих студентах.
13. They have (какие-то) newspapers at their disposal.
They have any newspapers at their disposal.
У них есть какие-то газеты в их распоряжении.
14. There are (несколько) cars in the parking lot.
There are some cars in the parking lot.
Есть несколько автомобилей на стоянке.
15. He found (что-то) interesting and showed it to his scientific supervisor.
He found something interesting and showed it to his scientific supervisor.
Он нашел что-то интересное и показал это научному руководителю.