Education in the United States comprises three levels: elementary, secondary and

higher education. There are two types of educational institutions* - private and state. State

institutions are called public schools, they are open to all classes and financed by taxes

collected from all citizens. Americans view their public school system as an educational

ladder, rising from secondary school to university programs. Kids start school by going to

kindergartens at the age of 6, which is often a part of grade schools (each year of study is

called a grade*). First six years are elementary school, then come junior high (grades 7 - 8)

and high school (grades 9 - 12).

Most pupils follow a course that includes basic subjects - English, science and mathematics,

social sciences and physical education - as well as elective subjects for high school students 19

who plan their careers and select subjects that will be useful in their chosen work - foreign

languages, fine arts, advanced mathematics and science, and vocational training.

Students usually receive grades from A (excellent) to F (failing) in each course they

take on the basis of performance in tests given throughout the year, participation in class

discussions and completion of written and oral assignments. End-of-the-year examinations

are given in many schools, but it’s not a must.

Sometime during grade school students are given an IQ test* (an Intelligence Quotient test).

It is not a test of their knowledge, but of their ability to think. The results (scores) from these

tests are known only by the teachers, and not by the students or their parents. If you have a

high IQ score the teachers expect more of you, and give you more interesting work to do. At

the same time, you could have a bad IQ score and be quite bright because the tests aren’t

perfect and often fail to bring out your best abilities.

Though there is no separate educational system for the wealthy, there have always

been private schools at all levels which are not supported primarily by public funds and

charge fees*. The organization and curriculum* of private schools and colleges are similar

to those of public schools but the administration differs. Private schools are usually smaller,

some are open to all classes and some are not. The latter are elite private schools which serve

mainly upper-class children. The tuition costs are so high that only wealthiest families can

afford. Many private schools are boarding schools where kids often stay at school and don’t

go home after classes, so their parents have to pay not only for better training but for their

rooms and food as well. Some schools are single-sex, whereas most public schools are

coeducational (coed*). Private high schools are sometimes called prep schools, that is,

preparatory schools, meaning preparation for college.

Most young Americans graduate from school with a high school diploma* upon

satisfactory completion of a specified number of courses. Each student is given a high school

transcript* which summarizes the courses taken and the grades obtained. That is the end of

mandatory free public education, however, some students drop out of school and never

graduate.). At that point young people have to decide whether they want to continue with

their education or whether they want to seek employment. Over half of the students enter

institutions of higher education, others may get further education at special colleges. It is

mainly vocational, and leads to a certificate, or a diploma, not a degree. Courses vary in

length - from a few months to two years. There are full-time, part-time and sandwich

courses, that is, courses where periods of full-time study alternate with periods of full-time

work, usually in industry.

• Vocabulary:

• to regard - рассматривать;

• means - средство;

• inequality - неравенство;

• to erase - стереть;

• desirable - желаемый;

• to achieve - достигать, добиваться;

• to comprise - включать;

• institution = establishment - учреждение;

• Institution of Higher Education - ВУЗ;

• public school - государственная школа (субсидируемая государством);

• taxes - (мн.ч.) налоги;

• to view - рассматривать;

• ladder - лестница, лесенка;

• kids - амер. разг.: дети;20

• grade - амер. класс; оценка;

• junior - младший;

• basic - основной;

• elective - факультативный, необязательный, по выбору;

• advanced - продвинутый, повышенного типа;

• vocational - профессиональный;

• training - обучение;

• to receive - получать;

• failing - провал, т.е. неудовлетворительно;

• performance - здесь: участие, успеваемость;

• throughout - через, в продолжение (всего времени);

• IQ = Intelligence Quotient - коэффициент умственного развития;

• completion - выполнение, завершение;

• ability - способность;

• scores - баллы, результат очках;

• bright - здесь: смышленый, сообразительный, умный;

• wealthy - состоятельный;

• to support – поддерживать

• to charge - взимать (плату);

• fee - плата за обучение;

• curriculum (мн.ч. curricula) - учебный план, программа;

• similar - подобный, схожий;

• latter - последний (из названных);

• elite - элита, элитный

• to serve - обслуживать;

• tuition - обучение;

• tuition fee - плата за обучение;

cost - стоимость;

• to afford - позволять (в финансовом отношении

• boarding school - школа-пансионат (т.е. с проживанием);

• co-educational school - школа совместного обучения (юношей и девушек);

• preparatory - подготовительный;

• high school diploma - диплом о среднем образовании;

• specified - определенный;

• high school transcript - аттестат зрелости (с указанием отметок);

• to obtain - получать;

• mandatory - обязательный;

• to drop out - бросать (школу);

• point - точка, момент;

• to seek employment - искать работу;

• over - свыше;

• to enter - поступать (колледж, университет);

• further - дальнейший;

• degree - научная степень;

• to vary - варьировать, различаться;

• full-time courses - дневное обучение;

• to alternate - чередовать(ся).

Comprehensive check: answer the following questions:

1. What are the levels of education in the USA?

2. What age groups do they include?

3. What are the basic subjects at school?

4. What does the word "elective" mean?

5. How are the students graded?

6. Does a bad IQ test score necessarily mean, that a student is not bright?

7. Are the IQ test scores known to students and their parents?

8. Is there a separate educational system for the wealthy?

9. What are boarding schools like? Who can afford to study there?

10. What information does a high school transcript include?

11. What are the possible ways to get further education?

Word Study

Ex.1: Match the pairs of synonyms among the following words:

to select; to comprise; to regard; elective; to be a must; to receive; to

be mandatory; task; to obtain; specified; education; vocational; optional;

assignment; to view; to choose; certain; professional; to include;


Ex.2: Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:

1. educational institution a/ студент дневной формы обучения

2. public school b/ диплом о среднем образовании

3. elective subjects c/ по окончании

4. oral assignment d/ определенное число

5. performance in tests e/ плата за обучение

6. throughout the year f/ факультативные предметы

7. vocational training g/ пансионат

8. boarding school h/ государственная школа

9. high school diploma i/ участие/успехи в тестах

10. upon completion j/ профессионально-технич. образование

11. high school transcript k/ старшеклассник

12. specified number l/ аттестат зрелости

13. full-time student m/ в течение всего года

14. high-school student n/ устное задание

15. tuition fee o/ образовательное учреждение

Ex.3: Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:

1. to comprise 3 levels a/ вести к научной степени

2. to collect taxes b/ бросать школу

3. to receive grades c/ искать работу

4. to be a must d/ заканчивать университет

5. to be supported by public funds e/ получать отметки

6. to drop out of school f/ быть обязательным

7. to seek employment g/ включать три уровня

8. to graduate from a university h/ варьировать по продолжительности

9. to lead to a degree i/ собирать налоги

10. to vary in length j/ содержаться на


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