Structural Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering


ACCOUNTING (Accountants)


LEGAL (Lawyers)

SECURITY (Security Guards)

departments divided has look part report section top

1. Our company has a simple structure. At the________is Kasper Karp, the owner.

2. There are eight ____________. The department heads report to the owner.

3. “Operations” consists of a Health and Safety ___________ and all the project managers.

4. The site managers and supervisors___________directly to a project manager.

5. “Business Development” is____________into three sections: Design, Estimating and Marketing.

6. “Engineering” also________three sections: Structural, Mechanical and Electrical.

7. There are different departments which___________after materials, accounting, HR, security and legal.

8. External consultants are not_________of the company.


Прочитайте, как описывают функционирование отделов компании их руководители. Угадайте, о каких отделах идет речь.

1. ______________

My role is to make sure that all the project managers have the support they need for materials and equipment. We have a fleet of vehicles which the project managers and site managers use, and I also liaise with many different suppliers.


2. ______________

There are only five people in my department, two lawyers and three assistants. We handle all the contracts and claims.



My department works with all the other departments. The project managers work for me, but the people in the project teams come from the other departments. These teams change as the project goes through different phases.


4. ______________

Our main task is to look after all the income and outgoings in the company. So we send out the bills to our clients and pay the suppliers.



We do the maths and make sure that in the project things work the way they should. We work a lot with Operations and also Business Development.



We help to recruit new staff and deal with training and development. We are also responsible for paying expenses and paying wages and salaries.




Дополните предложения, используя схему в упражнении№1.

    1. The project managers liaise with…
    2. The Head of Accounting reports to…
    3. Engineering is divided into...
    4. Business Development is responsible for…
    5. There are three sections in… and…


Приложение I - 6.3


Прочитайте текст и ответьте, верны ли утверждения ниже.


Most US companies will call the top or highest ranking corporate officer the Chief Executive Officer or the CEO, whereas in the UK Managing Director is the preferred designation. There is some overlap of course, some British companies which are now using CEO and vice versa, but at least traditionally these were the two titles for each region.


Now, as you know, either the CEO or the Managing Director typically reports to the Board of Directors and Board of Directors is another designation that has slight, subtle differences with respect to capitalisation in the US and the UK.


One final thing when it comes to CEO or Managing Director that is what is an acting CEO? And if you see this before the title of a corporate office, an acting CEO or acting whatever, could be acting secretary or what have you, this generally means that it is an officer that's working in an intern capacity, temporarily. It signifies that they have not yet or will not become the permanent position holder. So if someone is the acting CEO they do have all the powers of the CEO for that time period and can act just as any other CEO would be able to but it means that they have not yet assumed the position of permanent CEO. They may or may not assume that position in the future. Generally it happens when, in the interim, when a CEO has stepped down, resigned or been removed and somebody else has to temporarily act in his or her place.



Is it True or False?

  1. CEO is a short form for the Chief Executive Officer.
  2. The Chief Executive Officer is a higher position than the Managing Director.
  3. At the top of the company hierarchy is the Board of Directors.
  4. An acting CEO has all the powers of a CEO.
  5. An acting CEO appears when a CEO needs an assistant.


Напишите отчет о структуре организации, которая представлена ниже.




Напишите название должности.

  1. I’m the boss. I give you your tasks and ensure that you reach your targets. It is my responsibility to ensure that our company performs well.

C__ __ __ __ E__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ O__ __ __ __ __ __


  1. I work in an office and arrange everything for my boss. Sometimes even when and what to eat for lunch!

P__ __ __ __ __ __ __ A__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __


  1. People trust us only when we work for them! We draft contracts and you contact us to sort out all kinds of legal problems.

L __ __ __ __ __


  1. Many people think my job is very boring because I deal mainly with numbers. But I keep all the financial information about the company up-to-date, so it’s quite interesting.

A __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __


  1. I develop computer system languages so that the end users can use the computer.

P __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __


  1. I’m responsible for the day-to-day on site running of a construction project. I keep within the timescale and budget of a project, and manage any delays or problems encountered on-site during a construction project. I’m also involved in managing quality control, health and safety checks and the inspection of work carried out.

S__ __ __ M__ __ __ __ __ __


  1. I’m employed to protect the construction project either directly or by watching alarm systems or video cameras. I also control access to site.

S__ __ __ __ __ __ __ G__ __ __ __



Расшифруйте названия профессий.

1. EEPRSTNID - President

2. COE










Разделитесь на небольшие группы по 3-4 человека. Представьте, что каждый работает в строительной компании. Опишите свою работу и то, что делаете. Остальным участникам группы необходимо угадать, какую должность занимаете и в каком отделе работаете.


  1. In Business English you should NOT use…
  1. Clichés.
  2. Professional terminology.
  3. Metaphors.


  1. Abbreviations can be used in business letters.
  1. True.
  2. False.


  1. Which variant is appropriate for business correspondence?
  1. I want to ask…
  2. I would like to know…
  3. Can you tell me…?


  1. … is NOT part of a business letter.
  1. Biography.
  2. Greeting.
  3. Heading.


  1. It’s not a good idea to change the word order in the sentence while translating.
  1. True.
  2. False.


  1. Company names are…
  1. Translated.
  2. Left in the original language.
  3. Transliterated or transcribed.


  1. WTO means…
  1. World Trade Organization.
  2. Water Tourism Office.
  3. Write to you on occasion.


  1. Globalization has a negative effect on local enterprises.
  1. True.
  2. False.


  1. North America belongs to
  1. High-context cultures.
  2. Low-context cultures.
  3. Neither of them.


  1. … is focused on the self instead of the well-being of the group. People value personal goals and little attention is paid to relationship-building.
  1. Egalitarian culture.
  2. Group-oriented culture.
  3. Individualist culture.


  1. Both the British and Americans…
  1. Like informality.
  2. Honour their history and traditions.
  3. Pay much attention to privacy.


  1. RSVP means…
  1. Pay as soon as possible.
  2. Respond when you get an invitation.
  3. Reserve the VIP table for a business meeting.


  1. When you are introduced in the UK it is proper to shake hands not only with men, but also with women.
  1. True.
  2. False.


  1. What are the best topics to discuss with Americans?
  1. President, Weapons.
  2. Family, Sports.
  3. Politics, Religion.


  1. If you want to get a job in the international company you should send … to the HR department.
  1. a CV.

B. an Application Letter.

  1. Both a CV and an application letter.


  1. Which one is NOT a CV format?
  1. Informational format.
  2. Chronological format.
  3. Targeted format.


  1. Choose a correct piece of advice for creating a CV.
  1. Don’t make it longer than 1 page of A4.
  2. Write “Curriculum Vitae” in the heading.
  3. Use different colours to decorate it.


  1. What is a good order of CV components?
  1. Interests, Work Experience, Education, Objective.
  2. Work Experience, Objective, Education, Top Skills.
  3. Objective, Education, Work Experience, Personal Information.


  1. In a CV referees are…
  1. Your previous places of work.
  2. People who can characterize you in a positive way.
  3. Your qualifications.


  1. “Top Skills” is a necessary component in the CV of…
  1. a Targeted Format.
  2. a Chronological Format.
  3. Any Format.


  1. The main paragraphs of an application letter are…
  1. Introduction, Biography, References, Conclusion.
  2. Introduction, Education and Work Experience, Skills, Conclusion.
  3. Introduction, Work Experience, Education, Interests.


  1. In the introduction of your application letter you…
  1. Describe your traits of character.
  2. Write about your duties at your previous work place.
  3. State why you are writing and give information of the source advertising the vacancy.


  1. At the interview you should…

A. Know the company’s history.

B. Ask about the services the company provides.

C. Ask about the company’s history.


  1. What are you supposed to do if you haven’t understood the question at the job interview?

A. Change the topic of conversation.

B. Ask to repeat the question saying “Sorry, could you repeat that please?”

C. Smile.


  1. The interviewer asks you to speak about yourself. Is it a good idea to ask him/her “What would you like to know about me?”

A. Yes.

B. No.


  1. What will you say if the interviewer asks you about your weaknesses?

A. I’ll say that I don’t have any.

B. I’ll speak of the weaknesses that are not connected with work.

C. I’ll mention one small weakness related to work and I’ll add that I feel successful in overcoming it.


  1. What type of letter is the following extract taken from?

“On 15 September I bought one of your drill rigs from Stansfield Group. Unfortunately, I have been unable to get the system to work and I’m very disappointed with my purchase”.

A. Enquiry.

B. Order.

C. Letter of Complaint.


  1. What is meant by…


Mr. H. Brown

N. Glass Ltd.

18 Hill Street

London WIM 5KF

Great Britain


Dear Mr. Brown,


  1. Recipient.
  2. Sender.
  3. Heading.


  1. Fill in the missing words in the Memorandum.


To: Janet Berries,___1____

From: ___2_____, Manager

Subject: ___3_____

___4___: 8 October 2014


  1. 1) Date, 2) Oscar Knott, 3) General Manager, 4) Booklet of Services.
  2. 1) General Manager, 2) Oscar Knott, 3) Booklet of Services, 4) Date.
  3. 1) Oscar Knott, 2) General Manager, 3) Booklet of Services, 4) Date.


  1. Where do you write the date in the business letter?

A. On the right under the heading.

B. On the left under recipient’s address.

C. Under signature.


  1. What does “Enc” mean?

A. Some documents going together with the letter.

B. Type of company.

C. Copies are sent to….


  1. What should be placed first in the business letter?

A. Greeting (above recipient’s address and sender’s address).

B. Recipient’s address (above sender’s address).

C. Sender’s address (above recipient’s address).


  1. “Yours sincerely” is used…

A. If recipient’s name is not known.

B. If recipient’s name is known.

C. In all letters.


  1. Is it appropriate to write the date like that: 8.4.2015?

A. Yes.

B. No.


  1. Which part of the letter may contain the phrase “If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me”?

A. Conclusion.

B. Introduction.

C. Details.


  1. Choose the best variant of the address.


A. 67 Iron Road

Cambridge HL5 8 DM

Great Britain


B. Iron Road 67


Great Britain

HL5 8 DM


C. Great Britain


Iron Road

House 67

HL5 8 DM


  1. How do you call @ when you spell your e-mail address?

A. Dog.

B. Dot.

C. At.


  1. What type of letter is the following extract taken from?

“Please supply: 30 modular systems, wood, at £210 per item, including delivery.

Delivery is required not later than 31 August”.

A. Specification.

B. Order.

C. Application letter.


  1. “ltd.” means…

A. Private limited company.

B. Public limited company.

C. Limited partnership.


  1. In the UK at the top of the company hierarchy is usually…

A. Senior Management.

B. The Board of Directors.

C. a Chief Executive Officer.


Глава 1: вопросы 1-6 Глава 2: вопросы 7-10 Глава 3: вопросы 11-14 Глава 4: вопросы 15-26 Глава 5: вопросы 27-38 Глава 6: вопросы 39-40  




Методические принципы построения учебного пособия определялись конкретными задачами, вытекающими из его основной цели - сформировать навыки устной и письменной речи в ситуациях делового общения в профессиональной сфере. Основной акцент в пособии сделан на развитие навыков ведения переговоров в условиях глобализации и написания различных видов деловых писем.

По окончании курса делового иностранного языка студент знает специфику официально-делового стиля английского языка, лексические и синтаксические особенности стиля деловой корреспонденции, правила перевода текстов такого рода. Молодой специалист получил навыки ведения переговоров в различных культурных контекстах. Постижение особенностей культурного пространства всё чаще становится неотъемлемой составляющей при изучении делового иностранного языка в Российских вузах, поскольку обеспечивает адекватную межкультурную коммуникацию. Студент также научился составлять резюме, сопроводительное письмо, проходить собеседование на должность инженера-строителя, оформлять и писать различные виды деловых писем (запросы, оферты, заказы, жалобы и т.д.), с которыми приходится иметь дело строительным организациям. Кроме того, изучена специфика создания служебных записок, сообщений по факсу и электронной почте. Усвоена структура иностранной компании, ее деятельность и управление, основные типы компаний в англоязычных странах.

В соответствии с поставленными целями, теория и практические упражнения построены так, чтобы студент смог самостоятельно изучить необходимый материал в случае своего отсутствия на аудиторном занятии: извлечь ключевые моменты теории с постепенным применением их на практике (от упражнения к упражнению), с детализацией и закреплением. С этой целью, например, предусматриваются аутентичные примеры написания резюме, деловых писем, ведения переговоров; задания на дополнение уже готовых деловых писем, лексические упражнения, развивающие языковую догадку и, наконец, задания, требующие создания собственных монологических и диалогических сообщений в письменной или устной форме. Справочная информация, представленная в приложениях, ускоряет процесс составления деловых писем на английском языке.

Разнообразные деловые игры, которые имитируют ситуации профессиональной деятельности инженеров-строителей, мотивируют студентов к изучению дисциплины и обучают решению профессиональных задач на английском языке. Коммуникативные задания формируют навыки, необходимые для достижения положительных результатов в ситуациях реального общения.

Предложенные аспекты теории и практики способствуют активному усвоению не только официально-деловой лексики, но и строительной терминологии.




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