Ex. 1

  primary school secondary school gymnasium lyceum an English language school boarding school state (maintained) school private school headteacher (BrE); principal (AmE) to leave school school-leaving certificate to attend school to miss school Rector (President) Vice- rector Dean Assistant dean Full professor Associate professor Assistant professor Instructor Department secretary Assistant secretary Lab (oratory) assistant Tutor Monitor Bachelor Master PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) DLitt (Doctor of Letters; Doctor of Literature) DSc (Doctor of Science) academic year term winter (Christmas)/ summer vacation sessional exam     faculty department head of the department full-time department part-time department correspondence department research institute undergraduate level (course) graduate level (course) postgraduate level (course) senior doctorate level (course) a third-year project bachelor’s Thesis master’s thesis a PhD dissertation a senior doctoral dissertation   fresher sophomore junior senior graduator post-graduate to apply to university to take (entrance) examinations to pass (entrance) examinations to fail exam to make up exam grate point average degree exam to have a class (lectures, classes, seminars ) hall of residence/ hall; to live in hall rented room / flat; to rent a flat; to share a room with sb  



Ex. 2

1. Are you happy that you became the student of the university?

2. Do university students play an important role in the future of the country?

3. Does it cost much money to go to university or can you study for free?

4. Where is your university situated?

5. When was the university built?

6. Is your university rather big?

7. How many floors are there?

8. On which floor is your department situated?

9. When do your lessons begin?

10. How many double lessons have you a day?

11. What is your favorite subject? What was your favorite subject at school?

12. What subjects do you think should be studied in the university?

13. Which one would you prefer – to study in your country or to study abroad? Why?

14. Try to compare school’s life and student’s life. What is more exciting? Why?

15. What do you think of the first months at the university?

16. Do you take part in any out of class activities?

Ex. 3

History Art Chemistry Biology Geography Philosophy Physics Algebra Literature Music Computing Physical Education (PE) Technology Linguistics Geometry


  1. __________ - the study of theories about the meaning of things such as life, knowledge, and beliefs
  2. __________ - the activity or skill of using computers or programming computers
  3. __________ - the study of the Earth's physical features and the people, plants, and animals that live in different regions of the world
  4. __________ - the study of the events of the past
  5. __________ - the scientific study of the structure of substances and the way they react with other substances
  6. __________ - the activity of painting, drawing, or creating sculptures
  7. __________ - the art or activity of writing, performing, or studying music
  8. __________ - the science that deals with heat, light, and other forms of energy and how they affect objects
  9. __________ - the part of mathematics that deals with the relationships between lines, angles, and surfaces
  10. __________ - the study of language and how it works
  11. __________ - a type of mathematics that uses letters and symbols in place of numbers
  12. __________ - the scientific study of living things
  13. __________ - the sports and physical exercise that children learn as a school subject
  14. __________ - the activity of making or repairing things for your home or getting skills in some simple professions
  15. __________ - the study of stories, poems, and plays, especially those that are considered to have value as art and not just entertainment


Ex4 Look at the subjects in Exercise and discuss which ones were …

  1. the hardest/ the easiest to learn
  2. the most boring/ the most interesting
  3. the least useful/ the most useful

Ex. 5

Read and translate the text using a dictionary if necessary.


The history of the Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University goes back to 1938 when the first students entered it. One hundred and fifty six first-year students started the course of training at three faculties: Russian and Literature, History, Physics and Mathematics. In 1958 it was named after Lev Tolstoy. There were many reasons for it: Lev Tolstoy is our fellow-countryman, he organized a school for peasants’ children in YasnsyaPolyana and made a great contribution to Pedagogics. In December 1994 the university was awarded the status of State Pedagogical University.

In 2009, the university became a laureate of the contest «Gold Medal «European Quality» in the «Top 100 universities in Russia» category and won in the category «Best Russian Specialized University ».

In 2012, the university was included in the National Register of the «Leading scientific organizations of Russia».

At present, there are 10 faculties at Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University, 138 basic educational programs of higher education, 24 specialties and postgraduate programs, 3 doctoral programs of 10 branches of science. The university provides a wide range of programs of additional education and training as well.

The university infrastructure includes six academic buildings. The oldest building at 7, Mendeleyev Street (ulitsaMendeleeva) the faculty of Russian Philology and Documentation and the faculty of History and Law. The main building at 125, Lenin Avenue (prospect Lenina), which is a big modern building, houses 5 faculties. In front of it there is а monument to Lev Tolstoy. Students often take pictures there.

There are ten faculties. They are the faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology, the faculty of Technology and Business, the faculty of Foreign Languages, the faculty of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, the faculty of Psychology, the International faculty, the faculty of Natural Sciences and the faculty of Physical Culture, the faculty of Russian Philology and Documentation and the faculty of History and Law.

All academic buildings are equipped with a local area network, computer, language labs and multimedia classrooms and are provided with the resource access to the research library.

On the grounds of TSPU campus there are halls of residents, a canteen, a swimming-pool, a tennis court, a football pitch.

Sport is very important in TSPU – there a lot of places to do sports, like gyms and fields and a new sports complex including the swimming-pool.

The university is also full of societies and clubs – students can sing in a choir, play chess, join a drama club, рlay a musical instrument.

Ex.6 Give the English equivalents of the following words and phrases in bold from the text.

Педагогический; назвать в честь кого-либо; соотечественник; сделать большой вклад во что-либо; профильный университет; образовательная программа высшего образования; специальность; большой выбор; дополнительное образование; учебный корпус; памятник кому-либо; компьютерная лаборатория, лингвистическая лаборатория; научно-исследовательская библиотека; на территории чего-либо; общежитие; столовая; футбольное поле; бассейн; теннисный корт; спортивный зал; сообщество; хор; записаться в драмкружок.

Ex.7 Answer the questions, using the information from the text.

  1. When was Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University founded?
  2. How many faculties were there at first?
  3. How many students entered the university in 1938?
  4. When was the university named after Lev Tolstoy? What were the reasons?
  5. How many faculties are there at present? What are they?
  6. How many academic buildings includes the university infrastructure?
  7. Which building is the oldest one and where is it situated?
  8. What is there on the grounds of TSPU campus?

Ex. 8



The merry-go-round of university life is something that one never forgets. It's a fascinating, fantastic, fabulous experience, ir­respective of the fact whether one is a full-time or a part-time stu­dent.

Who can forget the first day at the university when one turns from an applicant who has passed entrance exams into a first-year student? I did it! I entered, I got in to the university! A solemn cere­mony in front of the university building and serious people making speeches. Hey, lad, do you happen to know who they are? Who? The rector, vice-rectors, deans, subdeans... and what about those la­dies? Heads of departments and senior lecturers? Okay. Some of them must be professors, some — associate or assistant professors, but, of course, all of them have high academic degrees. And where are our lecturers and tutors? Oh, how nice...

The monitors hand out student membership cards, student record books and library cards — one feels like a real person. First celebra­tions and then days of hard work. So many classes, so many new subjects to put on the timetable! The curriculum seems to be devel­oped especially for geniuses. Lectures, seminars and tutorials. Home preparations; a real avalanche of homeworks.

If one can not cope with the work load of college he or she im­mediately starts lagging behind. It is easier to keep pace with the programme than to catch up with it later. Everyone tries hard to be, or at least to look, diligent. First tests and examination sessions. The first successes and first failures: "I have passed!" or "He has not given me a pass!" Tears and smiles. And a long-awaited vacation.

The merry-go-round runs faster. Assignments, written reproduc­tions, compositions, synopses, papers. Translations checked up and marked. "Professor, I have never played truant, I had a good excuse for missing classes ". Works handed in and handed out. Reading up for exams. "No, professor, I have never cheated — no cribs. I just crammed ".

Junior students become senior. Still all of them are one family — undergraduates. Students' parties in the students' club. Meeting people and parting with people. You know, Nora is going to be ex­pelled and Dora is going to graduate with honours. Yearly essays, graduation dissertations, finals...

What? A teacher's certificate? You mean, I've got a degree in English? I am happy! It is over! It is over... Is it over? Oh, no...

A postgraduate course, a thesis, an oral, and a degree in Phi­lology. The first of September. Where are the students of the fa­culty of foreign languages? Isitthe Englishdepartment? Oh, hownice...

(Английский язык для студентов университетов. Чтение, письменная и устная практика. – Меркулова Е.М.,Филимонова О.Е., Костыгина С.И., Ивано­ва Ю.А., Папанова Л.В. – СПб.: Издательство Союз, 2000.)


Ex. 9 Give the English equivalents of the following words and phrases in bold from the text.

Закончить университет с отличием; студенты младших курсов, студенты старших курсов; декан, заместитель декана, госэкзамены; зачётная книжка студента; каникулы; заведующий кафедрой; готовиться к экзаменам, пропускать занятия; поступить в университет; быть отчисленным из университета; студент дневного отделения; читательский билет; расписание; предмет; диссертация; задание; письменная работа; вступительные экзамены; сдавать экзамен; сдать экзамен; прилежный студент.

Ex.10 Comment on the following.

They say that it is a poor soldier who does not want to become a gen­eral. Name the steps of the social ladder which a student must pass to climb up to the position of the rector. Use the words from the list below, placing one word on one step.

Dean, assistant lecturer (instructor), head of department, vice-rector, asso­ciate professor, assistant professor, assistant dean, full professor.



Ex. 11

Student’s life

It’s great to be a student. Many colleges and universities offer great opportunities for studying and for social life.

There are a lot of reasons why student life is exciting. First of all, students learn what they need for their future profession. They learn subjects, which they are interested in. Secondly, being a student means not only studying. You have enough time for hobbies and different activities.

Thirdly, student’s social life is very interesting. You meet lots of new people, even from other countries. For many people student years are the best in life. While you study, lots of things start changing: your thoughts, your ideas, people who surround you. You stop being a child. You realize that you’ve grown. You start earning your first money. Lots of students now a day’s work and study at the same time. Eventually you understand that it’s great to have the job you like. Higher education may help a lot in getting your dream job in future.


  Ex. 12Read and translate the text. Do you agree or disagree? Try to explain you point of view. Our main characters are Paul and Nicholas. They both study in the same group in the same specialty in the same University. Paul is a local resident, Nicholas came to study from other region. Paul lives with his parents in the apartment, and Nicholas lives in a hostel.


He gets up at 8 in the morning. From 8-10 to 8-20 – a leisurely breakfast. Then a half-hour trip to the place of study. In principle, the condition is working, he does not want to sleep, because he slept on his bed, in his room, in his apartment. No one disturb to sleep. Classes begin at 9: 00 am. At 12-00 there is break for lunch, discussion with groupmates learning problems and a personal life. From 13-00 till 16-00 there is the second half of classes. After classes Paul slowly walks with his groupmates to the nearest public transport. Then the group of students decides to go to the local shopping center. After spending for about two hours, Paul returns home. The time is 8 pm. At home caring parents have already prepared food. At about 9 pm Paul eats and at the same time sits on the Internet. Then there comes a time when the person remains alone in his room. And how do you think that does Paul at this time do? just sits on the Internet like every typical student. The time is 01-00. Paul goes to bed.


He gets up at 7-00. He terribly wants to sleep. However, he need to gets up early because the toilet and the shower are constantly busy in the morning. 7-30 Nicholasis cooking eggs in the kitchen (there was 2 eggs in the fridge). 7-50 – it's time to go out, but where should Itake more or less clean t-shirt? And where is my other sock? Hastily Nicholas finds, what to wear, and rushes to public transport like a bullet. Almost an hour trip and Nicholas is at the University. 12-00 is the time for lunch. Nicholas decides not to go to the dining room, because healmost does not have money for food (and he should pay to the Internet andto throw at least 30 rubles on the phone).Classes end at 4 pm. Nicholas with groupmates go out of the walls of the University. Paul and other groupmates call Nicholas to go together. But Nicholas refuses.

Instead of spending time and money on trifling things Nicholas at the last money goes to the nearest department store to buy something to eat. After going to the store there is money is only to pay for the Internet. There is no possibility to pay for the phone. Okay, in the extreme case it is possible to take a loan. Nicholas returned to the hostel in the center 18-30

As it usually is it is insanely wanted to eat. At least there are products which Nicholas bought. Also the absence of the roommates says that today all the food you can eat. There no needs to share it.So, Nicholas goes to the kitchen to cook a "posh" table – dumplings with yesterday's pasta. Having dealt with cooking, Nicholas proceeds to the coveted meal.

The time is almost 8 p.m. as according to schedule, in the room are enter roommates and, seeing that Nicholas proceeds to supper, they ask him to share food with them. Well, student is a brother to student, especially a student who lives in the same room. So Nicholas has to share what he is rich with.

Then there comes a time on conversations between neighbors. The time is 9-30 p.m. After an hour of conversation, Nicholas has the opportunity to finally sit down at his computer and go online. After about three hours being online, Nicholas goes to the shower to wash. Thetimeisalmostmidnight.

After our main character washed up and brushed his teeth, he still sits on the Internet for about a half an hour and then goes to sleep. The time is about 2 a.m. But how can to sleep! Behind a nearby wall are screams and loud music. Nicholas remains nothing but to cover themselves a pillow and try to sleep. The time is about 3 a.m. It all calms down. Everyone is asleep…


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