IV. Fixed expressions. Supply the articles if they are necessary.

The absence of the articles.


The articles aren’t used before:
— proper nouns: Marta is a shop-assistant. Марта продавец.
— abstract nouns: They lived in love and peace. Они жили в любви и согласии.
— nouns of nutritive: We don’t eat butter. Мы не едим масло.
— the names of sciences and languages: I’d like o study Japanese.   I am fond of Literature. Я бы выучил японский. Я люблю литературу.
— the names of seasons, days of the week and months: Autumnhas set in. 30 days in September. Sunday is a day-off. Наступила осень. 30 дней в сентябре. Воскресенье – выходной.
— the names of meals: I usually havebreakfast at 7 a.m. Я обычно завтракаю в 7.
— nouns in address: How are you, young lady? Как дела, юная леди?
— nouns denoting titles followed by proper names: Prime Minister Wilson delivered a brilliant speech yesterday. Премьер министр Уилсон вчера произнёс блестящую речь.
— nouns denoting titles as the part of the predicative: My acquaintance isdean of this faculty. Мой знакомый – декан этого факультета.
— names of the continents: Asia Азия
— names of the countries: Italy Италия
— the names of the states: Hawaiiis the 50th state. Гавайи – 50й штат.
— the names of the cities: London Лондон
— the names of the towns: Astrakhan Астрахань
— the names of the villages: Dubky Дубки (деревня)
— the names of the streets: Downing Street Даунинг (улица)
— the names of squares: Piccadilly Circus Пикадили (площадь)
— the names of the single islands: Great Britain Ireland Великобритания Ирландия
— the names of the lakes with the word lake: Lake Michigan Lake Ontario Мичиган (озеро) Онтарио (озеро)
— the names of the stations: Victoria Station Виктория (станция)
— the names of the universities: Astrakhan State University Астраханский Государственный Университет
— the names of the airports: Heathrow Airport Хитроу (аэропорт)
— the names of castles: Edinburgh Castle Эдинбургский замок
— the names of palaces: Buckingham Palace Букингемский дворец
The articles aren’t used after:
— an adverb – no: I have no sister. У меня нет сестры.
— possessive pronouns: My brother is a student. Мой брат студент.
  — nouns in the possessive case: I am fond of mom’s smile. His brother’s friend is cute. Я люблю мамину улыбку. Друг его брата очень умный.
— interrogative pronouns – whose, what, which; Whose book is this? What bus do you take? Чья это книга? На каком автобусе ты ездишь?
— demonstrative pronouns: This pen is mine. Это ручка моя.
— cardinal numerals: We have two pets at home. У нас два домашних животных.
— with the set expressions:
by chance by occupation out of doors from morning till night from beginning to end to loose heart at sunrise at sunset at daybreak to take place to take part to take care to take interest at night to go to school to go home to go to bed to go on foot to go by train (plane, etc.) to be at school to be at home to stay in bed by name by land by air by mistake to take to heart at present from head to foot случайно по профессии на открытом воздухе с утра до ночи с начала до конца испугаться на восходе на закате на заре происходить принимать участие заботиться проявлять интерес ночью идти в школу идти домой ложиться спать идти пешком ехать поездом находиться в школе быть дома лежать в кровати по имени по земле по воздуху по ошибке принимать к сердцу теперь с головы до пят


Check your progress. Articles.

I. Geographical and other proper names. Supply the articles if they are necessary.

A) theB) —
l. — Andes 2.— Baikal 3.— Crimea 4.— Hague 5.— Lenin Peak 6.— Panama Canal 7.— Antarctic Continent 8.— Belgium 9.— Dublin 10.— Havana 11.— Maldives 12.— Persian Gulf 13. — Antilles 14. — Bay of Bengal 15. — English Channel 16. — Hawaiian Isles 17.— Arctic Ocean 18.— Caucasus 19.— Everest 20.— Hudson Bay 21. —Netherlands 22.— Sahara 23.— Asia 24.— Central America 25.— Gibraltar 26.— Kalaharj Desert 27.— North Pole 28.— Sakhalin 29.— Bahamas 30.— Urals 31.— Great Bear Lake 32.— Ladoga 33.— Pacific Ocean 34.— New Zealand 35. — Philippines
A) theB) —
1. — Thanksgiving 2. — President 3.— Christmas 4. — President Kennedy 5. — Trafalgar Square 6. — London University. 7. — Gorky Park 8. — Waterloo Bridge. 9. — Piccadilly Circus 10. — Kremlin 11. — University of Florida 12. — Queen Elizabeth 13. – Arbat 14. – London Zoo 15. – GUM 16. – Pyramids 17. – Armory Chamber 18. – Hermitage 19. — Eiffel Tower 20. — St. Paul’s Cathedral 21. — Vatican 22. — White House 23. — Hyde Park 24. — Cambridge University 25. — Buckingham Palace 26. — British Museum 27. — Crimean War 28. — Tower of London 29. — Westminster Abbey 30. — Houses of Parliament

III. Put in the articles with the names of the places.

IV. Fixed expressions. Supply the articles if they are necessary.

A) a B) theC) —
1. all of __ sudden 2. as __ result 3. in __ demand 4. to tell __ truth 5. to be at __ loss 6. once __ week 7. from __ head to __foot 8. as __ matter of fact 9. in __ loud voice 10. at __ first sight 11. __day before yesterday 12. after __ lunch 13. two times __day 14. in__ fact 15. to have __ good time 16. __to play violin 17. to take — seat 18. in __ conclusion 19. at __time 20. to be in __ hurry 21. from __ time to __ time 22. by __mistake 23.__other day 24. at __sunset 25. to watch __TV 26. __ to listen to __radio 27. to be in __ bed 28. for __example 29. to tell __ time 30. by __bicycle



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