Глава 10. Эротика, агрессия и страх в искусстве


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Cumming, L. A Face to the World: On Self-Portraits. London: Harper Press, 2009.

Danto, A. C. Live flesh // The Nation, January 23, 2006.

Davis, M. The Language of Sex: Egon Schiele’s Painterly Dialogue. 2004. См.: https://www.michellemckdavis.com/.

Elsen, A. Drawing and a New Sexual Intimacy: Rodin and Schiele / In: Egon Schiele: Art, Sexuality, and Viennese Modernism. P. Werkner, ed. Palo Alto, CA: The Society for the Promotion of Science and Scholarship, 1994.

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Knafo, D. Egon Schiele: A Self in Creation. Plainsboro, NJ: Associated University Press, 1993.

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Westheimer, R. The Art of Arousal. New York: Artabras, 1993.

Whitford, F. Egon Schiele. London: Thames and Hudson, 1981.


Глава 11. Открытие “вклада зрителя”


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