Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
II. Речевая зарядка
1.Т. How can you say about your rights in two possible ways?
P1. I have a right to life I have a right to live
P2. I have a right to education I have a right to get education
P3. I have a right to leisure I have a right to have leisure
P4. I have a right to privacy I have a right to have privacy
T. Which right did not you expect to find in the convention?
P1. I did not expect to find the right to information.
P2. I did not expect to find the right to privacy.
P3. I did not expect to find the right to name and nationality at birth.
P4. I did not expect to find the right to take a full and active part in everyday life.
T. Which of the right are social, political and cultural?
P1. Social rights: the right to health and the health care protection, take an active part in everyday, рrivacy, name, nationality.
P2. Cultural rights: the right to education, the right to leisure, the right to get information;
III. Работа над лексическим материалом урока
Чтение текста о том, как объясняются права детей в Комментарии к Соглашению (Ex. 3 p. 107)
What are all these rights about?
A Guide to the UN Convention
All children must get a name when they are born and become a citizen of a particular country.
The Government must give children good medical care and try to reduce the number of deaths in childhood.
All children should have the rights whatever their race, sex, religion, language, disability, opinion or family background.
Children should have a chance to live in a safe and unpolluted environment with good food and clean water.
Children with disabilities must be helped to be as independent as possible.
Children should have the best chance to develop their abilities.
Every child can go to school. Different kinds of secondary schools should be available for children.
School should help children develop their skills, teach them about their own and people’s rights and prepare for adult life.
The Government should protect children from harm, cruelty, abuse and dangerous drugs.
Children can join organizations, take part in meetings and peaceful demonstrations which do not affect other people’s rights.
Every child should have a chance to rest and play.
Children can say what they think. What they say must be listened to carefully.
The Government must protect children from exploitation and dangerous work which can harm their health or interfere with their education.
Children get information especially that would make their life better.
Nobody can open children’s letters and listen to their phone calls.
IV. Развитие навыков устного высказывания
T. What does the main right the Convention proclaim?
P1. The Convention proclaims the right to get education. Articles 28 and 29 say that children have the right to education and development. It means that every child can go to school. The right to education also includes that education must be free up to the primary level at least.
T. What do you think about article 24?
P2. Article 24 says that children have the right to health and health care. In my opinion it is very important for us.
T. What will the convent bring children?
P3. The Convent is great and will bring children more rights. For the first time children have a document with which to work together on their problems.
T. Does the Convention interest you?
P4. It doesn’t interest me. I can’t agree that it can give children real rights.
P5 It seems to me that Convention is very important because it solves the biggest problems that concern young people.
V. Развитие навыков письма.
Russia agreed to the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989. It worked out some documents that proclaim different rights. What rights do children have?
Translate into English.
P1. В документе провозглашаются права детей на жизнь и развитие, на имя с рождения, на получение национальности, на право иметь семью.
The document proclaims children’s rights to life, development, nationality, to get a name when they are born and to have a family.
P2. Все дети имеют право на охрану здоровья и безопасность, на получение образования и досуг.
All children have a right to health care and protection, to leisure and get education.
P3. Конвенция дает право детям на свободу собраний, на выражение своих мыслей, на получение информации и на личную свободу.
The Convention gives children the right to take part in meetings, to express their views, right to information and privacy.
P4. Документ гарантирует права детей- инвалидов.
The document provides rights for disabled children.
P5. Каждый ребенок имеет право знать свои права.
Every child enjoys the right to know his rights.
VI. Практика чтения текста с извлечением информации.
There are a lot of organization all over the world that help people to cope with their problems.
Read the text.
The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children was founded in Britain in 1884.The number of children the society helps has increased up to 75,000 a year on average, nearly half of them under 5 years of age. Many parents are said to beat their children, not because they are violent but because they have problems which fill them with despair.
The NSPCC has inspectors all over the country who are acquainted with the problems. And if anybody has a suspicion that a child is being treated badly, one of these inspectors can be informed. Occasionally, a letter from someone who suspects that the parents beat their children but does not want to give his name is the first hint of parents’ cruelty.
Some people who work there are volunteers.This organization is universally accepted as one of the most important services. It also includes child health care, the care and protection of single parents.
2. Answer the following questions:
a. What stands for the letters NSPCC?
b. Who does the organization help?
c. Who works in this organization?
d. How can a person ask for help?
VI. Заключительный этап урока.
Домашнее задание: Написать 10 предложений на тему:
What would you write in a report to the U.N. Committee about the rights of children in your country?