Self checking. Самопроверка.

Ход урока.

Организационный момент. Речевая зарядка.

С самого начала урока создается англоязычная среда путем вопроса преподавателя к каждому студенту How are you today?

T: Hello, guys.

T: How are you today?

St.1: - I’m fine, thanks.

St.2: - I’m in a good mood ‘cause yesterday I took part in football competition and my team won the first place.

St.3: - I’m very well and ready for the lesson.

St.4: - I’m great and looking forward to speak English.

2. Целеполагание. Сообщение плана урока.

T: Now you will watch a short video, which will help you to guess about the topic of today’s lesson.

(Аудирование+определение темы и цели урока.

T: So, what are we going to discuss at the lesson?

St: Judging by the video, I can say that we’ll speak about children’s rights.

T: That’s right. Now you can define the aim of the lesson. Why should we study this topic? For what reason?

St.1: The aim of our lesson is to learn about our rights.

St.2: We’ll find out the most important rights which we can use in our life.


Pair work (работа в парах)

Now please work in pairs discussing the rights, which are listed in this document.

T: Ok, guys, your time is up. What rights do you have as a child?

St1: The Convention declares that every child has certain basic rights, including the right to life, his or her own name and identity.

T: Thanks. Does anyone else have any opinions?

St: All children have the right to be raised by his or their parents within a family or cultural grouping, and to have a relationship with both parents, even if they are separated.

T: Anything else to add?

St2: Children have the right to acquire a nationality and. as far as possible, the right to know and be cared for by his or her parents, the right to freedom of expression, the right to education.

St3: We have the right to be protected from abuse and neglect.

St4: The right to express the views that we have, to a decent standard of living, to be protected from all forms of cruelty, exploitation and torture.

Group work (Работа в группах)

T: Very well, thanks. Now you’ll be working in groupsGroup1 and group 2. You’ll have to fill in the table writing about your rights at home, at school, in the street. Then we’ll compare your answers and draw a conclusion. The Convention will help you to do this task. You have 4 min.

Doing the task. / Выполняют задание.

T: Your time is up. Put your pens aside. So Group1 is speaking about the rights at home, Group2 is listening and adding.

St. (from Group 1): At home we have the right to: drink safe water, eat healthy food, have a decent standard of living, express our views, to be protected from neglect and abuse.

T: Ok. Group 2, do you have anything to add?

St.(from Group 2): We’ve the right to: love and be loved, be cared by our parents..

T: That’s correct. Now group2 is speaking about school rights and group 1 is adding some information.

St: At school we have the right to: education, express my views, learn, know about our progress, have a rest during breaks.

T: Right you are. Group 1 would you like to add something?

St: We have the right to be protected from neglect and abuse, choose our friends, to be listened to in anything that affects us

5. Reading with full understanding of the words. Чтение с полным пониманием текста.

T: Thank you so much. Now look at the screen. Here you can see a list of rights that you may have in the street. What would you like to remove from here or add?

St: I think there is no sense in the right to walk in the company of parents… I think it’s silly and we should remove it from the list.

T: Ok. What rights would you like to add?

St1: I’d add the right to freedom, to listen to music in the street.

St2: Oh, cool. Then I have the right to listen my favourite music as loudly as I want!

St3: Let me disagree with you. You cannot listen to music very loudly as you may disturb other people.

St4: In such a situation I’d advise you to listen to your music in earphones.

St2: I’ll think about that.

T: All right, guys. What can you say about your rights? Who must uphold them?

Хорошо, ребята. Что вы можете сказать о своих правах? Кто должен поддерживать их?

St: We have different rights in different situations. They should be protected by the Government.

Lexico-grammatical material training. Отработка лексико-грамматического материала.

Self checking. Самопроверка.

T: Translate into Russian the following words and expressions. Do exercise 7, p.143. in your shees of paper.

Переведите слова и выражения на русский язык и сделайте упражнение на их подстановку на листах.

Doing the task individually. Выполняют задание индивидуально.

T: You time is up, please put your pens aside and exchange your papers. Look at the screen and check the exercise.


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