Прошедшее простое, прошедшее совершенное время.

Упражнение № 38

Раскройте глаголы в скобках в прошедшем простом, прошедшем совершенном времени.

When Horatio Nelson (to be) 12, he (to go) to work with his uncle. In 1772 he (to sail) to the Arctic. He (to travel) to Canada and America before he (to become) the captain of the Agamemnon. Before he (to lose) his right eye in the battle near Corsica he (to become) the captain of the Agamemnon. In 1797 he (to lose) his arm in the battle near Tenerife. Before he (to win) the battle of Trafalgar he (to go) to Spain. In 1805 he (to die).

Настоящее простое, настоящее продолженное, настоящее совершенное, прошедшее простое, прошедшее совершенное, будущее простое время.

Упражнение № 39

Определите время.

  1. I have already written a letter to my grandparents.
  2. He wrote a historical book in 2001.
  3. We have just heard about a famous English writer.
  4. He heard about this concert yesterday.
  5. I have never seen this woman.
  6. She saw her classmate three days ago.
  7. They have already been at the National Theatre.
  8. I was at the Natural History Museum last week.
  9. Helen read “Adventures of Tom Sawyer” last year.
  10. We have never read this magazine.

Упражнение № 40

Определите время

  1. Pupils have examinations once a year.
  2. He had become the captain of his first ship before he travelled to Canada.
  3. Horatio Nelson won the battle of Trafalgar.
  4. I am learning English words now.
  5. I have not seen you for ages.
  6. We shall buy many toys.
    Упражнение № 41

Определите время

  1. He had lost his arm in the battle before he went to Spain.
  2. She is raising money for the blind at this moment.
  3. I have already done my homework.
  4. We visit the swimming pool twice a week.
  5. There will be a storm tomorrow.
  6. Elizabeth II became queen in 1952.

Упражнение № 42

Определите время

  1. She spent her holidays at the seaside.
  2. Chemistry is very interesting.
  3. We are doing experiments in the laboratory now.
  4. I shall take part in the concert.
  5. He has just got A’s in physics.
  6. They had done two difficult physical exercises before they listened to the tape- recorder.

Страдательный залог.

Упражнение №43

Выберите правильный перевод.

  1. She was sent a fax.

a) Она послала факс.

b) Ей пришлют факс.

c) Ей послали факс.

  1. They were told an interesting story.

a) Они рассказали интересную историю.

b) Им рассказали интересную историю.

c) О них была рассказана интересная история.

  1. We were shown a film.

a) Фильм будет показан нам.

b) Мы показали фильм.

c) Нам показали фильм.

  1. Sasha was offered help.

a) Саша предложил помощь.

b) Саше предложили помощь

c) Помощь будет предложена Саше.

  1. I was promised a trip to England.

a) Мне обещали поездку в Англию.

b) Я обещала поездку в Англию.

c) Они обещали поездку в Англию.

  1. He will be asked a lot of questions.

a) Он задаст много вопросов.

b) Ему задали много вопросов.

c) Ему зададут много вопросов.

Упражнение № 44

Вставьте глагол в нужной форме.

  1. Water (to be) polluted.
  2. Animals (to be) disturbed.
  3. Litter (to be) thrown away.
  4. Forests (to cut) down.
  5. Wildlife (to be) destroyed.
  6. Air (to be) polluted.

Упражнение № 45

Вставьте форму глагола to be.

  1. They – told to protect wildlife.
  2. He – asked to throw away litter.
  3. I – allowed to organize environment group.
  4. Our class – asked to collect metal.
  5. The Browns – told not to disturb animals.
  6. Mary, Peter and I – asked not to leave litter.

Упражнение № 46

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в страдательном залоге.

  1. We (to tell) to take litter home.
  2. They (to ask) to be quiet.
  3. I (to ask) to raise money.
  4. He (to allow) to feed birds.
  5. Mary (to tell) to water flowers.

Упражнение № 47

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в страдательном залоге.

  1. Bob (to ask) not to leave an exercise- book at home.
  2. He (to tell) to learn English well.
  3. Ted and Diana (to allow) to recycle paper.
  4. I (to ask) not to cut down the tree.
  5. You (to allow) to care for wild animals.

Упражнение №48

Поставьте глагол в страдательном залоге.

  1. The forest (to destroy).
  2. Nature (to damage).
  3. Birds (to disturb).
  4. Animals (to hurt).
  5. Water (to pollute).
  6. Trees (to cut) down to make new paper.

Косвенная речь в настоящем простом времени.

Упражнение №49

Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

  1. Kate: “Our form teacher is ill. We won’t go to the library.”
  2. John: “I am good at Biology. I get only A’s and B’s”
  3. Linda: “I am a new pupil. I don’t know anyone in the class.”
  4. Ann: “My father is strict but fair.”
  5. Robert: “We shall do interesting projects.”
  6. Mother: “Sveta, pass me the salt, please.”
  7. Olga: “I shall go to the cinema.”
  8. The policeman: “Cross the street here, children.”
  9. The teacher: “Children, don’t talk at the lesson.”
  10. Bob: “I can swim in the river.”
  11. Tom: “Helen, how many lessons do you have on Tuesday?”
  12. Jane: “Kate, bring the plates, please.”
  13. Mother: “Ben, how many spoons are there on the table?”
  14. Dan: “Do not open this box!”
  15. Harry: “Don’t watch TV.”

Упражнение № 50

Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

  1. Bob says: “I am glad to be back to school. I shall see my friends every day.”
  2. Marry says: “I am looking forward to school. I shall get a lot of information.”
  3. Peter: “Oh no. I’m not glad to be back to school. I’ll have to do my homework.”
  4. Helen: “I’m nervous because I have a new teacher in Literature.”
  5. Sam: “I’m sure I’ll be good at English.”

Упражнение № 51

Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

  1. Ann says: “Mike, do you want to take my ball?”
  2. My aunt says: “Do you take my dress?”
  3. She says: “Please, take me to the USA with you.”
  4. “Bob, don’t forget to take my book.”, says Natalie
  5. “Call me when you will go to the chess club.” says Helga.


Упражнение № 52

Составьте предложения.

  1. my, tennis, is, playing, hobby.
  2. them, by, morally, disabled, she, people, helps, supporting.
  3. people, like, giving, a helping, hand, to poor, we.
  4. my, looks, sister, after, orphans, them, visiting, by.
  5. organizing, time, a good, for, it’s, concerts.

Упражнение № 53

Переведите предложения с русского на английский язык.

  1. Перестаньте разговаривать!
  2. Я ненавижу слушать рэп.
  3. Он, наконец, бросил курить.
  4. Джейн любит читать сказки.
  5. Эту книгу стоит прочитать.

Упражнение № 54

Составьте предложения

  1. like, the sun, I, in, sitting.
  2. boating, go, let’s.
  3. house, she, now, in, enjoys, a beautiful, living, new.
  4. eating, sweets, I, like, don’t.
  5. needs, the machine, cleaning!


Упражнение №55

Выберите правильный вариант.

  1. I know English (good, well).
  2. It’s not (good, well) for you.
  3. He speaks (angry, angrily).
  4. They lived (happy, happily).
  5. It’s a very (serious, seriously) thing.
  6. The sea was (quiet, quietly).
  7. He is (dangerous, dangerously) ill.
  8. The ice is (dangerous, dangerously).
  9. I wrote a dictation (bad, badly).
  10. It is not (bad, badly).

Упражнение №56

Выберите правильный вариант.

  1. He walked (slow, slowly) under crocodile.
  2. She felt (happy, happily).
  3. The sun shines (bright, brightly).
  4. It’s (near, nearly) 5 o’clock.
  5. His English is (fair, fairly) good


Test 1

1. Выберите правильную форму глагола.

a) My classmate (live / lives / to live) near my house.

b) Her sister’s name (am / is / are) Sarah.

c) We (like to fish / likes fishing / like fishing).

d) He (enjoy reading / enjoys reading / enjoy to read).

e) Anna hates (cook / cooking / to cook) an Italian pizza.

2. Вставьте артикли: a, an, если необходимо.

a) Would you like... oranges?

b) Please, give me... tea.

c) She is... singer.

d) They are... famous.

e) I read... historical book.

f) I think it is... good magazine.

3. Переведите предложения.

a) A friend in need is a friend indeed.

b) He teaches me to speak and read English.

c) They will buy a big bicycle.

d) I hate doing gymnastics.

e) It’s important to play sports.

f) I would like to go home.

g) I am afraid of ghosts.

Test 2

Вариант I.

  1. Вставьте формы глагола to be.

a) I... 10 years old.b) My name... Ann.c) I... from Yakutsk.d) It... in Russia.e) My friends... from England. f)They... English.

2.Вставить артикль а или аn, если необходимо.

a) I like... interesting magazines.

b) We speak... English.

c) I am …pupil.

d) You are... Scottish writer.

e) It is... fantasy tale.

f) They are... great singers.

g) He is... Irish poet.

3.Вставьте have или has.

a)I... got a brother. b) My brother... got two parrots.c) We... got many toys.d) Our mother... not got toys.e) She... got two wonderful sons.

4.Раскройте скобки.

a)My friend...doing gymnastics (to enjoy).

b)We... playing tennis (to hate).

c)I... cooking (to hate).

d)She... playing the piano (to enjoy).

e)Kate... doing yoga (to like).

5.Переведите предложения.

a) Я могу плавать.

b) Он может играть в дартс.

c) Они умеют готовить.


Test 2

Вариант II.

1. Вставьте формы глагола to be.

a) This... a boy. b) His name... Tom. c) He... from Yakutsk. d)It... in Russia. e)His friends... from Ireland. f) They... Irish.

2. Вставьте артикль а или аn, если необходимо.

He likes... interesting books.

She speaks... English.

I am... boy.

They are... famous writers.

It is... good book.

I am... English singer.

You are... American poet.

We like reading... Russian tales.

3.Вставьте have или has.

This is Ann. She... got a mother and a father. Her mother... got a

cat. Her father... got a car. They... got many books. Ann... got

many toys.

4.Раскройте скобки.

a)She... playing the piano (to like).

b)We... doing yoga (to enjoy).

c)I... cooking (to like).

d)She... speaking English (to enjoy).

e)Bob... reading books (to hate).

5. Переведите предложения.

a)Я могу читать.

b)Мы умеем работать.

c)Она умеет делать гимнастику.


Test 3

Вариант 1.

1.Дополните предложения, выбрав соответствующие обстоятельства времени.

1)He is feeding a dog.

2)He feeds a dog.




d)at this moment

2.Выберите правильный перевод.

1)play the harp.

2)am playing the harp.

a)играю (сейчас)

b)играю (вообще)

3.Соотнесите русские и английские формы глаголов.

1)Я часто обедаю здесь.

2)Я сейчас обедаю.

a) have dinner

b) am having dinner

3)Он поет.

4)Он занят, сейчас он поет.

a)is singing


4.Задайте общие и специальные вопросы к следующим


He is taking part in a horse race.

We often visit the British Museum.

5.Поставьте глаголы в скобках к соответствующим


a)We... an English lesson now (have).

b)They usually... Russian in the morning (have).

c)Our teacher... on the blackboard at this moment (write).

d)Sometimes I... to the radio (listen).


Test 3

Вариант 2.

1.Соотнесите русские и английские формы глагола.

1)Он всегда ждет её здесь.

2)Сейчас 6 часов. Он ждет её.

a)is waiting


3)Она часто покупает фрукты.

4)Сейчас она покупает фрукты.

a) is buying

b) buys

5)Сейчас 12 часов. Она обедает.

6)Она обычно обедает в 12 часов.

a)has dinner

b)is having dinner

2.Задайте общие и специальные вопросы к следующим


She usually listens to rock music.

We are singing folk songs.

Sometimes they have a competition at school.

3.Дополните предложения, выбрав соответствующие обстоятельства времени.

1)I am taking part

2)I take part

a) every day

b) now

c) sometimes

d) at this moment

4. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующем времени.

a)I... a magazine at this moment (read).

b)She usually... part in a concert (take).

c)We... a dog now (feed).

d)Sometimes they... the piano (play).

Test 4

Вариант 1.

1.Напишите формулы прошедшего простого времени и

настоящего совершенного времени.

2.Выберите один правильный вариант.

I travelled round the world...

a) before

b) now

c) last year

He has lived in Yakutsk...

a) 2 years ago

b) at this moment

c) for five years

We have not written a songbook...

a) yesterday

b) now

c) yet

He bought a picture of Mickey...

a) for 6 years

b) today

c) in 1928

She has won a competition...

a) in summer


c) last winter

Они захватили Северную Англию в 793 году.

a) have invaded


c) are invading

Йорк стал столицей в 866 году.

a) has become

b) becomes

c) became

Они развивали международную торговлю много лет назад.

a) develop

b) developed

c) have developed

Я уже съел ягоды.

a) am eating

b) have eaten

c) ate

3.Вставьте правильный вариант.

Long ago men... tunics and trousers.

a) wear

b) have worn

c) wore

In winter they... on the rivers.

a) have skate

b) skated

c) skate

I... never... England.

a) have visited

b) visited

c) visit

How long... to America?

a) were you

b) have you been

c) are

I... here for a week.

a) was

b) have been

c) am

We... part in a competition yesterday.

a) have taken

b) take

c) took

He...already…a letter.

a) writes

b)has written

c) wrote

I... here since Monday.

a) was

b) haven’t been

4.Составьте общие вопросы.

1)We bought a new car last week.

2)I saw this film 2 years ago.

3)Gagarin was the first man in the space.

4)They have already planned the holiday.

5)They were popular actors.

6)He has never met this man.

5. Переведите предложения.

1)He was a great Russian traveller.

2)We have taken part in a competition since June.

3)Sam spent a week in Britain.

4)I have already bought a new house.

5)Have you ever been to Britain?

Test 4

Вариант 2.

1.Напишите формулы прошедшего простого времени и

настоящего совершенного времени.

2. Выберите один правильный ответ

They brought their traditions...

a) now

b) for an hour

c) since

d) many years ago

She has done her homework...

a) two days ago

b) today

c) at this moment

Я только что купил эту книгу.

a) have bought

b) bought

c) buy

Они построили дом давно.

a) are building

b) built

c) have built

3.Вставьте правильный вариант

Helen... school in June.

a) finished

b) has finished

I... never... to Canada.

a) have been

b) was

How long... you... there?

a) have been

b) were

I... there for 2 hours.

a) was

b) have been

Where... they yesterday?

a) have been

b) were

He... at the Black Sea since August.

a) has been

b) was

4. Составьте общие вопросы.

Tom went to Canada last year.

He has eaten Italian food.

Linda won a competition two years ago.

The actors were wonderful.

5. Переведите предложения.

1)Have you ever eaten Chinese food?

2)I have never seen this man.

3)He has written a book before.

4)We have just bought tickets.
Test 5

Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Progressive.

1. Дополните следующие предложения, выбрав соответствующие обстоятельства времени из правой колонки.

1) He is flying over the Pacific Ocean a) for two days

b) right now

c) every day

2) She learns new words a) since morning

b) now

c) every day

3) He has been reading this magazine a) every week

b) now

c) since 2 o’clock

4) We have seen her a) just

b) yesterday

c) since evening

2. Соотнесите формы глагола с характеризующими их


1) to be V – ing a) Present Perfect

2) to have been V – ing b) Present Progressive

3) to have V – ed, V3 c) Present Perfect Progressive

3. Соотнесите английскую форму глагола с правильным

переводом на русский язык

1) eat a) съел (уже)

2) am eating b) ем (уже час, с 2 часов)

3) have been eating c) ем (сейчас)

4) have eaten d) eм (вообще)

4. Из правой колонки выберите ту форму глагола, которую следует употребить при переводе следующих предложений.

1) Я изучаю английский уже 7 лет. a) study

b) am studying

c) have been studying

2) Она читает по-английски хорошо. a) is reading

b) reads

c) has been reading

3) Не мешайте Кате. Она учит английские слова. a) learns

b) has been learning

c) is learning

4) Они нарисовали картину. a) have been painting

b) have painted

c) painted

5. Раскройте скобки.

1) I (write) a story now

2) I (write) a story for 2 years since the fifth form.

3) I (write) a story every month.

4) I (write) already a story.

6.Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам или начните предложения с вопросительных слов в скобках.

1) He has been reading a book for 2 hours. (How long)

2) They are going to Atlanta at the moment.

3) He doesn’t play football. (What)

4) Her uncle is a pilot.

5) We have been to Wales this summer.


Test 6

1.Переведите. Объясните, почему в предложениях

употреблено Past Perfect.

1) Jane had visited all her classmates by the end of her winter


2) John had come home before it began to rain.

3) He said that he had already been to America.

4) My friend had repaired his TV set by the end of the month.

2.Соедините 2 предложения, изменив союз then на союз указанный в скобках.

Example: Mrs. Garrett made a cake. Then the guests came. (before)

Mrs. Garrett had made a cake before the guests came.

1) Everybody sang “Happy Birthday”. Then Natalie blew out

the candles on the cake. (after)

2) Rose invited Mike to her birthday party. Then he went to a

gift shop. (after)

3) He was very ill. Then he died. (before)

4) They had dinner. Then Betty came. (when)

5) I fastened my seat –belt. Then the plane took off. (when)

6) Ann’s parents bought a car. Then they gave it to her. (after)

3.Ответьте на вопросы, употребив Past Perfect или Past


Example: Why did Sasha visit America? (because, the Garrets, invited, him)

Sasha visited America, because the Garrets had invited him.

1) When did she arrive? (after, they, go)

2) When did he lock the car? (after, he, park, it)

3) Why did John sell his car? (because, his friend, offer him a

good price)

4) Why didn’t she call us? (because, she, lose, our phone number)

5) When did he start reading this book? (after, he, see, film)

4.Переведите на английский язык.

1) Она распаковала чемодан после того, как приехала в отель.

2) После того как он посмотрел фильм, он пошёл спать.

3) Она позвонила родителям после того, как купила


4)Миссис Гэрэт прочитала письмо после того, как

почтальон принёс почту.

5. Выберите глагол (to make, to buy, to paint, to clean, to do)

и вставьте его в нужной форме.

1)Mrs. Garrett----------- a cake before Natalie arrived.

2)The Garretts ---------- Natalie a birthday present by her birthday.

3)Peter ---------- the picture by the end of the year.

4)She ---------- the room before the guests arrived.

5)She ---------- dinner after she ---------- the shopping.


Test 7

Вариант 1

1. Задайте общие вопросы.

1) I have got Biology on Monday.

2) We help each other.

3) My classmate is polite.

4) Boys never argue.

5) Mary quarrels with her brother.

2.Составьте сложные предложения, соединив правую и левую колонки.

1) We became friends a) if he promises something

2) If we have arguments b) if I ask something

3) If she has something to say to us c) we are sorry afterwards

4) I always say “Please” d) when we were 10

5) He keeps his word e) she says it straight

3. Раскройте скобки.

1) They (to have) English yesterday.

2) I (to meet) my friend tomorrow.

3) Mandy (to be) a good president.

4) Kate (to have) a dog.

5) The weather (to be going) to be fine next Saturday.


Ленивый, общительный, умный, добрый, честный, вежливый,

любящий командовать, злой.
Test 7

Вариант 2

1. Задайте общие вопросы.

1) I’ve got a lot of friends.

2) We work a lot.

3) My friend is very sociable.

4) Girls often chatter about their friends.

5) Tom fights with his brother.

2.Составьте сложные предложения, соединив правую и

левую колонки.

1) If we have quarrels a) when he was 5

2) We started to play tennis b) if she asks about something

3) He learned to read c) if she looks upset

4) She always says “Please” d) we are sorry afterwards

5) I try to help her e) when we were 10

3.Раскройте скобки

1) We (to see) the film yesterday.

2) She (to be) not right.

3) They (to arrive) at 6 p.m. tomorrow.

4) My family (to have) a good time.

5) The weather (to be going)to be fine next Sunday

4. Переведите.

Застенчивый, ленивый, полезный, неопрятный, общительный, бодрый, грустный, любящий командовать, тихий, осторожный, умный, глупый, забавный, добрый, честный, приятный, послушный, вежливый, жадный.

5. Закончите предложения.

1) He gives his bicycle because he is ….

2) Don’t ask him to give you this book, he won’t because he is ….

3) She’s …, she easily makes friends.

4) They are …, they smile and talk all time.

5) My Dad gives orders to everybody in the family, he’s ….

Test 8

1.Выберите правильный перевод.

He is asked to save animals.

а) Он просит спасти животных.

b) Его попросили спасти животных.

с) Его просят спасти животных.

They are allowed to feed birds.

а) Они позволяют кормить птиц.

b) Им позволяют кормить птиц.

с) Им позволили кормить птиц.

The air is polluted.

а) Воздух загрязняет.

b) Воздух загрязнился.

с) Воздух загрязняется.

Trees are cut down.

а) Деревья вырубили.

b) Деревья вырубят.

с) Деревья вырубают.

2.Поставьте глаголы в скобках в страдательном залоге.

а) The climate (to change).

b) Animals (to hurt).

с) Litter (to throw) away in the river.

d) Plastic bottles (to recycle).

e)The Popovs (to ask) to plant trees.

f) John (to allow) to organize environment group.

3. Переведите с русского на английский язык.

a) Его просят собирать бумагу.

b) Нам говорят собирать пластиковые бутылки.

c) Мне позволяют кормить животных

d) Их просят не бросать мусор.

e) Меня просят не ломать деревья.

f) Ему говорят не беспокоить животных.

g) Им позволяют перерабатывать банки.

h) Их просят не оставлять мусор в лесу.


Test 9

1. Напишите как меняется сказуемое при согласовании времен:

Direct speech Reported Speech
Present Simple Present Progressive Present Perfect Present Perfect Progressive Past Simple Future Simple Future Progressive

2.Укажите, какими словами следует заменить обстоятельства места, времени и указательные местоимения при переводе прямой речи в косвенную:

Прямая речь Косвенная речь
Now Here Today Tomorrow Yesterday Next week Last night Last year This/ these

3.Переделайте слова Лены в косвенную речь, начиная главное предложение словами:

Lena said that …

I am Russian

I am going to do my homework

Last summer I visited London

I will be here for 5 months

4. Переведите в косвенную речь.

1. They tell John, “Please, don’t come home late”.

2. She reminds, “I don’t watch the news”.

3. “Is he travelling by train?” Alison says.

4. “Will he come on Monday or on Tuesday?” mother says to me.

5. “When did they write it?” Jack says to Kate.



Упражнение № 57


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) occupies all the territory of the British Isles. It consists of four main parts which are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the official name of the state which sometimes referred to as Great Britain or Britain, England or British Isles. But there is one more name: Albion. Alba in Latin means white, and the name Albion remains to this day.

The population of the UK is nearly 59 million people. The population lives mostly in towns and cities and their suburbs. Four out of every five people live in towns. English is the only language people use in the UK. English is the official language. Besides standard literary English there are many regional and social dialects.

Упражнение № 58

Вставьте пропущенные слова


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) – all the territory of the British Isles. It – of four main parts which are -, -, - and -. Their capitals are -, -, - and -.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the - - of the state which sometimes referred to as Great Britain or Britain, England or British Isles. But there is one more name: -. Alba in Latin - white, and the name Albion - to this day.

The - of the UK is nearly 59 million people. The population lives mostly in towns and - and their -. - - of every five people live in towns. English is the only language people - in the UK. English is the - -. Besides standard literary English there are many regional and social -.


official language

London cities means

Four out Albion
use Belfast Cardiff population consists

occupies Wales official name

suburbs Northern Ireland England remains

Scotland dialects Edinburgh

Упражнение № 59


London is the capital of England. It is its political and business centre. More than seven million people live there. The heart of London is the City. It is the oldest part of London. There are many banks and other officers there too. You can visit some interesting places in the City. One of them is the Tower of London. The Tower of London was a fortress, a palace, and a prison. Now it is the museum. You can see many interesting things in the halls of the White Tower. Its square walls are white and tall. William the Conqueror built it in the 11- th century. There are also black ravens in the Tower of London. People look after them very well as they believe that London will be rich while ravens live there.

One of the greatest English churches, St. Paul’s Cathedral, is not far from the Tower of London. The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built it in the 17- th century after the Great Fire. It is a beautiful building with many columns and towers. In one of its towers there is one of the largest bells in the world.

The centre of London is Trafalgar Square. It is the most beautiful place in London. In the middle of the square stands a tall column. It is a monument to Admiral Nelson. Four bronze lions look at the square from the monument. Also you can see the National Gallery, which is one of the best picture galleries of the world. Every day many tourists visit this fine building with tall columns.

Упражнение № 60

Ответьте на вопросы.

  1. What is the capital of England?
  2. How many people live there?
  3. What are there in the City?
  4. What is the City?
  5. What can you visit in the City?
  6. What was the Tower of London?
  7. What is it now?
  8. What can you tell me about the White Tower?
  9. Why do people look after the ravens?
  10. Where is St. Paul’s Cathedral?
  11. Who built St. Paul’s Cathedral?
  12. When did he build it?
  13. What is the most beautiful place in London?

Упражнение № 61

Вставьте пропущенные слова.


London is the - - -. It is its - - - centre. More than - million - live there. The heart of London is the -. It is - - - of London. There are many - and other - there too. You can visit - - - in the City. One of them is - - - -. The Tower of London was a -, a -, and a prison. Now it is the museum. You can see many interesting things in the halls of the - -. Its square walls are white and tall. - - - built it in the 11- th century. There are also - - in the Tower of London. People - - them very well as they believe that London will be - while ravens live there.

- of the - English churches, St. Paul’s -, is not far from the Tower of London. The famous English architect Sir - - built it in the 17- th century after the Great Fire. It is a beautiful - with many - and -. In one of its towers there is one of the largest - in the world.

The centre of London is - -. It is the most beautiful place in London. In the middle of the square stands a - -. It is a monument to - -. Four - - look at the square from the monument. Also you can see the - -, which is one of the best picture galleries of the world. Every day many tourists - this fine building with tall columns.


capital of England visit Christopher Wren

bronze lions political and business seven, people National Gallery,

City tall column the oldest part building, columns, towers

some interesting places Trafalgar Square banks, officers

Admiral Nelson fortress, palace bells Cathedral

White Tower look after, rich black ravens

William the Conqueror the Tower of London one greatest

Упражнение № 62

English and American holidays.

There are some common holidays in Great Britain and the USA. Many of them have British origin and were brought to the new continent with the first settlers.

Let’s take Valentine’s Day. February 14 is a day when people express their affection for each other in gay and merry ways. Special greeting – cards in the form of a heart with verses or words of love are sent to people on that day. Halloween is celebrated on the 31 – st of October. It means “holy evening”. The holiday is connected with witches and ghosts. People put on strange costumes and pretend they are witches. They tell thrilling stories. They cut horrible face on pumpkins, put a candle inside and place this lantern on the window to frighten ghosts.

Christmas is the most important and merry festival of the year. Most families decorate their houses and put a Christmas tree. There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas. But the most important one is the giving of presents.

Of course, there are many peculiar holidays in each country. English people celebrate Guy Fawkes Night on the 5 – th of November. In 1605 Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament. Still the British traditionally burn a guy on a bonfire on this day.

Since Lincoln’s time it has been the custom for the President of the USA to proclaim the fourth Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day. It was first celebrated in 1621 by the first settlers who had overcome many hardships.

The 4 – th of July is the American nation’s birthday. It honours the day in 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was adopted. The country of 13 states was given the name of “The United States of America”.

Упражнение № 63

Вставьте пропущенные глаголы

English and American holidays.

There are some common holidays in Great Britain and the USA. Many of them have British origin and - - to the new continent with the first settlers.

Let’s take Valentine’s Day. February 14 is a day when people - their affection for each other in gay and merry ways. Special greeting – cards in the form of a heart with verses or words of love - - to people on that day. Halloween is celebrated on the 31 – st of October. It means “holy evening”. The holiday is connected with witches and ghosts. People - - strange costumes and - they are witches. They tell thrilling stories. They cut horrible face on pumpkins, put a candle inside and place this lantern on the window to - ghosts.

Christmas is the most important and merry festival of the year. Most families decorate their houses and put a Christmas tree. There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas. But the most important one is the giving of presents.

Of course, there are many peculiar holidays in each country. English people celebrate Guy Fawkes Night on the 5 – th of November. In 1605 Guy Fawkes tried to - - the Houses of Parliament. Still the British traditionally - a guy on a bonfire on this day.

Since Lincoln’s time it has been the custom for the President of the USA to – the fourth Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day. It was first celebrated in 1621 by the first settlers who - - many hardships.

The 4 – th of July is the American nation’s birthday. It – the day in 1776 when the Declaration of Independence - -. The country of 13 states was given the name of “The United States of America”.


pretend burn frighten blow up are sent
had overcome were brought put on
proclaim honours
express was adopted

Упражнение № 64

Вставьте пропущенные существительные и прилагательные

English and American holidays.

There are some - holidays in Great Britain and the USA. Many of them have British - and were brought to the new continent with the first -.

Let’s take Valentine’s Day. February 14 is a day when people express their - - each other in gay and merry ways. Special greeting – cards in the form of a heart with - or words of love are sent to people on that day. Halloween is celebrated on the 31 – st of October. It means “holy evening”. The holiday is connected with witches and ghosts. People put on strange costumes and pretend they are -. They tell - -. They cut horrible face on pumpkins, put a candle inside and place this - on the window to frighten ghosts.

Christmas is the most important and merry festival of the year. Most families decorate their houses and put a Christmas tree. There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas. But the most important one is the giving of presents.

Of course, there are many - holidays in each country. English people celebrate Guy Fawkes Night on the 5 – th of November. In 1605 Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament. Still the British traditionally burn a guy on a bonfire on this day.

Since Lincoln’s time it has been the custom for the President of the USA to proclaim the fourth Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day. It was first celebrated in 1621 by the first settlers who had overcome many -.

The 4 – th of July is the American nation’s birthday. It honours the day in 1776 when the - of - was adopted. The country of 13 states was given the name of “The United States of America”.


common Independence witches

thrilling stories settlers lantern

affection for peculiar hardships verses origin Declaration

Упражнение № 65

Составьте вопросы

  1. February, what, do, on, of, the, people, 14- th, do?
  2. day, what, to, people, is, on, sent, that?
  3. celebrated, is, Halloween, when?
  4. with, what, connected, is, it?
  5. Christmas, on, do, what, people, do?
  6. 1605, Guy Fawkes, did, do, what, in?
  7. the British, on, what, do, the, do, November, of, 14- th?
  8. Thanksgiving Day, do, people, when, celebrate, American?
  9. adopted, the Declaration, was, Independence, when, of?
  10. the, Day, do, when, people, American, celebrate, Independence?

Упражнение № 66

English traditions.

Every country and every nation has its own traditions and customs. The British are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up.

There are numerous royal traditions in Britain, some are ancient, others are modern. Some ceremonies are rather formal, such as the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham palace, Trooping the Colour, the State opening of the Parliament. It seems strange but the Queen has two birthdays. She is the only person in Britain with two birthdays. The Queen’s actual birthday is celebrated on April 21-st.

The official birthday is on the second Saturday in June. This day is famous for a ceremony called Trooping the Colour, a beautiful parade of the Queen’s soldiers. At the front of the parade they carry the regiment’s flag or colour, in other words, they troop the colour.

The Queen’s Christmas speech is a modern custom. The Queen makes a speech on radio or TV. The speech is connected with the events of the past year.

There is a very special royal tradition. On the river Thames there are hundreds of swans.

Traditionally, a number of these beautiful large white birds belong to the Queen. In July, when the young swans are about two months the Queen’s swan – keeper marks them. This unusual custom is called swan-upping.

To this day a British family prefers a house with a fireplace and a garden to a flat in a modern house with central heating. Most British love gardens. People all over the world know the saying “The Englishman’s home is his castle”. They say that English people keep to their traditions even in meals. Englishmen are very fond of porridge. They eat porridge with milk and sugar for breakfast. The English are tea – drinkers. They usually drink tea with milk many times a day.

Some British traditions are strange, some are funny but they are all interesting.

Упражнение № 67

Соедините слова с их определением.


Custom a special flag of the country or a regiment.


To keep up something that is connected with a king, a

queen or a member of their family.


Regiment means belonging to the distant past.


Colour you continue to do it and do not let it stop

or end.


Royal a large group of soldiers usually under the

command of a colonel.


Ancient traditional activity or festivity, especially

one that takes place at the same time

every year.


Trooping the Colour a large white bird with a long neck

which often lives on rivers and

lakes on which it swims.


A swan keeper a formal talk which someone gives to an

audience, and which they have usually

prepared in advance.


Speech a ceremony when soldiers carry a

regiment’s flag in front of the

regiment, especially as part of a parade.


A swan a ceremony when soldiers change with

each other.


The Changing of the Guard a custom when the Queen’s swan –

keeper marks the young swans.


Swan – upping a person who looks after swans.
Упражнение № 68

Ответьте на вопросы.

  1. When does the Queen make a speech?
  2. What is the speech connected with?
  3. What are there on the Thames?
  4. Whom do these swans belong to?
  5. What does the Queen’s swam- keeper do?
  6. What does every country and every nation have?
  7. What are the British proud of?
  8. What ceremonies do you know?
  9. How many birthdays does the Queen have?
  10. When is the Queen’s actual birthday celebrated?
  11. When is the official birthday of the Queen?
  12. What is this day famous for?
  13. What does a British family prefer?
  14. What saying do people know?
  15. What are Englishmen fond of?
  16. What do they eat for breakfast?
  17. What do the English usually drink?


Упражнение № 69

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. What does paragraph 1 say about English traditions?

a) Englishmen continue to remember their traditions.

b) They try to forget their traditions.

c) English people don’t know their traditions.

2. What facts about the Queen does the author make clear in

paragraph 2?

a) It is strange to have the Queen in the country.

b) The Queen was born in April.

c) Some people think the Queen is very strange.

3. What does paragraph 3 say about Trooping the Colour?

a) All soldiers carry flag of different colours at the parade.

b) The soldiers called The Queen on her birthday.

c) The soldiers carry the colour before the parade.

4. What does the author tell about the Queen’s Christmas

speech in paragraph 4?

a) In her speech the Queen talks about modern customs.

b) People in different countries listen to the Queen’s speech.

c) In her speech, the Queen makes it clear that there is a connection between all events of the year.

5. What does the Queen’s swan – keeper do according to

paragraph 5?

a) He takes care of the young swans for about two months.

b) He gives special marks to the swans belonging to the Queen.

c) He brings the young swans up the river Thames in a boat

from London to Henley.

6. What does the paragraph 6 say about English meals?

a) English people like to drink coffee very much.

b) Englishmen are very fond of ice – cream.

c) English people are considered to be great tea – drinkers and they like eating porridge.

Упражнение № 70

Вставьте пропущенные существительные

English traditions.

Every - and every - has its own traditions and customs. The British are proud of their - and carefully keep them up.

There are numerous - traditions in Britain, some are ancient, others are modern. Some ceremonies are rather -, such as the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham palace, Trooping the Colour, the State opening of the Parliament. It seems strange but the - has two birthdays. She is the only person in Britain with two -. The Queen’s actual birthday is celebrated on - 21 st.

The official birthday is on the second Saturday in -. This day is famous for a - called Trooping the Colour, a beautiful - of the Queen’s soldiers. At the front of the parade they carry the regiment’s flag or colour, in other words, they troop the colour.

The Queen’s Christmas speech is a modern -. The Queen makes a - on radio or TV. The speech is connected with the events of the past year.

There is a very special royal tradition. On the river Thames there are hundreds of -.

Traditionally, a number of these beautiful large white - belong to the Queen. In July, when the young swans are about two - the Queen’s swan – keeper marks them. This unusual - is called swan - upping.

To this day a British family prefers a - with a - and a garden to a flat in a modern house with central heating. Most British love -. People all over the world know the saying “The Englishman’s home is his - ”. They say that English people keep to their traditions even in -. Englishmen are very fond of -. They eat porridge with - and - for breakfast. The English are tea – drinkers. They usually drink - with - many times a day.

Some British traditions are -, some are - but they are all -.


country April ceremony gardens castle

nation traditions birds months

formal June parade speech fireplace

Queen birthdays custom house royal swans custom meals porridge milk sugar tea milk strange funny interesting

Упражнение № 71

Вставьте пропущенные глаголы

English traditions.

Every country and every nation - its own traditions and customs. The British - - - their traditions and carefully - them -.

- - numerous royal traditions in Britain, some are ancient, others are modern. Some ceremonies are rather formal, such as the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham palace, Trooping the Colour, the State opening of the Parliament. It - strange but the Queen has two birthdays. She is the only person in Britain with two birthdays. The Queen’s actual birthday - - on April 21-st.

The official birthday is on the second Saturday in June. This day - - - a ceremony called Trooping the Colour, a beautiful parade of the Queen’s soldiers. At the front of the parade they - the regiment’s flag or colour, in other words, they - the colour.

The Queen’s Christmas speech is a modern custom. The Queen – a speech on radio or TV. The speech - - with the events of the past year.

There is a very special royal tradition. On the river Thames - - hundreds of swans.

Traditionally, a number of these beautiful large white birds - to the Queen. In July, when the young swans are about two months the Queen’s swan – keeper - them. This unusual custom - - swan - upping.

To this day a British family - a house with a fireplace and a garden to a flat in a modern house with central heating. Most British - gardens. People all over the world - the saying “The Englishman’s home is his castle”. They say that English people - to their traditions even in meals. Englishmen - very - - porridge. They - porridge with milk and sugar for breakfast. The English are tea – drinkers. They usually - tea with milk many times a day.

Some British traditions - strange, some are funny but they - all interesting.


are proud of seems belong are fond of

troop is connected there are

keep up is famous for prefers are

has is celebrated makes is called love drink

there are carry marks know keep eat are



Упражнение № 72


People travel on business or for pleasure. Thousands of people spend their holidays travelling.

There are many ways of travelling: by air, sea, train, car. Travelling is very interesting and useful because you get to know our beautiful nature and people. I always enjoy picturesque places, monuments of history and culture.

Many people prefer travelling by air as it is the most convenient, comfortable and quickest means of travelling. If you travel to Britain by air you will arrive in the southeast because the main passenger ports and airports are situated there. Heathrow Airport is the biggest airport in the UK and the busiest airport in the world. It is about 30 miles to the south. Heathrow has 28 million passengers a year and Gatwick has about 10 million.

If you are not sea – sick you can travel by sea or a river. But this is the most expensive way of travelling.

A lot of people like to travel by train because they can look at passing villages, forests and fields through windows. Some people like to travel by car. There they can go as slowly or as fast as they like. They can stop when and where they want.

People who live in big cities use various means of communication to get from one place to another.

Do you know what means of communication Londoners use? Londoners use the underground railway. They call it “the tube”. London’s underground is the oldest in the world. It was opened in 1863.

As for me I prefer travelling on foot. Fresh air does people a lot of good. You can climb a mountain, walk in a forest and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Упражнение № 73

Ответьте на вопросы

a. What ways of travelling do you know?

b. What do you always enjoy?

c. Why do people prefer travelling by air?

d. What airports are situated in Britain?

e. What is the biggest airport in the UK?

f. How many people does Heathrow have?

g. What can you tell me about travelling by sea?

h. Why do people like to travel by train?

i. What means of communication do Londoners use?

Упражнение № 74

Вставьте пропущенные слова


People travel - business or for pleasure. Thousands of people - their holidays travelling.

There are many – of -: by air, sea, train, car. Travelling is very interesting and useful because you - - -our beautiful nature and people. I always enjoy - places, - of - and culture.

Many people prefer travelling by air as it is the most convenient, comfortable and quickest - - -. If you travel to Britain by air you will arrive in the southeast because the - - - and - are situated there. - - is the biggest airport in the UK and the busiest airport in the world. It is about 30 miles to the south. Heathrow has 28 million passengers a year and - has about 10 million.

If you are not - - you can travel by sea or a river. But this is the most - way of travelling.

A lot of people like to travel - - because they can look at passing villages, forests and fields through windows. Some people like to travel - -. There they can go - slowly or - fast - they like. They can stop - and - they want.

People who live in big cities use various - of - to get from one place to another.

Do you know what means of communication - use? Londoners use the - -. They call it “the -”. London’s underground is the oldest in the world. It was opened in 1863.

As for me I prefer travelling - -. Fresh air does people a lot of good. You can - a mountain, walk in a forest and enjoy the beauty of -.


monuments main passenger ports as when

on as ways airports by car

spend travelling Gatwick expensive

picturesque means of travelling by train as where

get to know history Heathrow Airport sea – sick


means communication Londoners

on foot climb nature

underground railway tube


Упражнение № 75

Составьте вопросы

  1. know, you, ways of travelling, what, do?
  2. you, enjoy, always, do, what?
  3. air, travelling, by, people, why, prefer, do?
  4. in, what, Britain, airports, are, situated?
  5. is, what, in the UK, the biggest, airport?
  6. have, how, many, does, Heathrow, people?
  7. tell, you, can, by sea, travelling, what, me, about?
  8. by, like, why, to travel, do, people, train?
  9. use, Londoners, what, do, means of communication?


Упражнение № 76

Music In Our Life.

People all over the world are fond of music. They listen to music, they dance to music, they learn to play musical instruments.

There are a lot of different kinds of music. Some of them appeared long ago, and some are modern. For example, folk music appeared long ago but it is still alive. There are many local performers, choirs, and folk groups in Russia. Classical music is often associated with the music of the past. However, this style also includes music being written now. So we may speak of modern classical music, too. Rap is a modern style where the singer speaks or shouts the words in time to music with a steady beat. Tastes differ. So people’s musical interests range from pop and rock music to classical music and opera.

My favourite style of music is pop music because it is breathtaking and full of energy. It helps to relax when I’m tired and entertains me when I’d like to have fun. My favourite group is “Ivanushki-international”. Their cheerful tunes made them popular and one of the most successful groups. When I have free time, I can’t help listening to their records.

It’s a pity that many young people like to listen only to modern music. As for me, I enjoy to listen to classical music, too. It gives me delight, pleasure and a sense of happiness. The music I hate is heavy metal. Though some young people are fond of this style of music, it is not to everyone’s taste. To my mind, too loud music can destroy our ears.

It goes without saying that music plays a very important role in people’s lives. It reflects our mood and emotions. Music appeals to our h


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