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Кафедра «ИЯГЕНО»
Т. В. Дроздова
Методические указания
Для аспирантов
(дисциплина «Иностранный язык»)
Астрахань – 2013
Автор: профессор кафедры ИЯГЕНО,
д.филол.н. Дроздова Т.В.
Рецензент: доцент, к.филол. н. Бочарникова Е.А.
Методические указания рассмотрены и утверждены
на заседании кафедры «ИЯГЕНО»
Протокол № 10/1 от 02.09. 2013г.
Пояснительная записка
Данные методические указания предназначены для аспирантов и имеют целью дать общее представление о жанрах письменного научного текста и их лингвостилистических характеристиках, правилах написания и основных требованиях к оформлению научного текста на английском языке. Все указанные сведения содержатся в материалах методических указаний, которые также включают сведения о клишированных языковых единицах и выражениях, используемых при написании научного труда, упражнения на закрепление языкового материала и творческие задания на написание научных текстов разного жанра.
Пособие может быть использовано как в качестве основного учебного материала на практических занятиях, так и для самостоятельной работы аспирантов.
Unit I
1. Read the text given below and answer the questions:
a) what are the purposes of writing scientific texts?
b) which types (genres) of the scientific text are described?
c) what are the main characteristics of the scientific text?
All scientists and engineers should accept that writing is part of their work. In scientific writing the main purpose is to explain: to analyze and interpret the information obtained in research in order to make valid conclusions and to persuade the academic community that the author’s point of view on the investigated problem is correct because it is supported by the facts. The facts the authors collect, the evidence they find should be convincing or powerful. In scientific papers scientists often present new theories. New discoveries must be made known to others, as well.
Besides, scientific texts provide a means of communication between scientists from different parts of the world, various research institutions, scientific schools. Scientific texts or academic writing, i.e. the literature of science, is a kind of the record of the history of science, observations and opinions, search for truth. The educational purposes and popularization of science should also be kept in mind.
So, scientific works include learned articles (or papers), books (monographs, textbooks, popular science works), reviews of authors’ own works or those of their colleagues (summaries, synopses, annotations, précis, résumés, abstracts). As a rule, researchers write progress reports, final reports on investigation, or some special documentation, including letters, electronic mails, memoranda, etc.
There are certain requirements to the scientific text which are to be met in order to make the main idea of the work clear for the assumed reader. Thus, the main characteristics of the scientific text include explanation, clarity, completeness, impartiality, order in terms of logic unity (coherence) or structural or syntactic unity (cohesion), accuracy, objectivity, combined with informativity, simplicity, persuasiveness.
2. Learn more about writing scientific texts and say which of the given instructions you follow while writing your scientific work.
To write a good scientific paper, it is necessary to follow a set of instructions. Some of them are very useful and are given below.
You should first analyse who your readers are, what they already know, what more they require in the way of information, explanation and examples. The treatment of the problem should be comprehensive.
In many ways a research paper is an effort to answer a question or series of questions. From this the researcher forms a main idea (that is, a thesis) on which to base the writing of the paper. So a research paper is a form of writing based upon a thesis supported by facts, figures, statistics, and other writers’ carefully documented ideas. It is possible to illustrate the main ideas, statistics or calculation results with tables, graphs, charts, diagrams.
To write a research paper one must:
1. Rely on more than one’s own personal opinions and experiences. Show an awareness of all sides of a question. Do not omit evidence that is against your hypothesis, nor undervalue the findings of other scientists when these seem to contradict your own. It is important to make clear which ideas belong to other writers or which of their works are quoted.
2. Choose a topic and explore it: narrow down the topic, formulate a research focus, gather data, write a thesis statement. All assumptions, explanation or generalization, should be based on sufficient evidence, and should be in accordance with all that is known on the subject.
3. Make an argument: select the suppoting details, facts, and statistics; prepare a working outline. Every line of argument should be followed through to a logical conclusion. Make clear any assumptions underlying your arguments, for if these are incorrect, your conclusions may also be incorrect. Indicate how, when and where your data were obtained, and specify the limitations of your work, the sources of error and probable errors in the data, and the range of validity of the conclusions.
4. Bring a conclusion: bring together the main ideas of the paper; repeat the thesis on the paper. Try not to be biased by preconceived ideas, and take care not to overestimate the importance of your work.
The clear thinking while recognizing a problem, formulating hypotheses, planning an investigation and its execution should be reflected in the clarity of your writing and in your illustrations. Every statement should be complete. Your writing should be free from errors of omission but you should show an awareness of the limitations of your knowledge.