Faculty of Automation and ComputerEngineering
Beforeyou read
Discuss these questions with your partners.
1. What do you know about your faculty?
2. Why have you chosen this faculty?
3. Who recommended you to enter this faculty?
4. What entrance exams did you take?
Read the text. Make a list of the facts that are new for you. Compare your list with a partner.
The Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering is one of the largest NSTU faculties. The faculty was set up in 1963. It comprised three departments at that time. These were the Department of Automation and Teleautomatics; Electric Metering Technology; and Mathematical and Calculating Machines and Devices.
Since 1994 the Faculty has been located in the seventh teaching block, being the only faculty occupying a separate building.
At present the faculty comprises six major departments awarding degrees. These are the following ones: Department of Automation; Department of Instrumentation; Department of Automated Control Systems; Department of Computer Engineering; Department of Data Collection and Data Processing Systems; Department of Network Information Technologies.
Students are given an opportunity not only to obtain the most up-to-date knowledge in the area chosen, but also to carry out research and participatein engineering developments. The Faculty has about 40 instructional and research laboratories and computer classrooms, among these are "SIEMENS" training centre and "AEG-Modicon-Schneider" training centre.
The Faculty offers multi-level system of training awarding Bachelor's, Master's and Engineer's degrees. The Bachelor degree is awarded after 4 years of study, Engineer's degree- after 5.5 years, and Master's degree- after six years of study.
The teaching staff are 110 teachers and professors. The faculty offers Bachelor's and Master's degrees in the fields of automation and control; instrument engineering; information science and computer engineering; and biomedical engineering. An Engineer's degree is awarded in the fields of biotechnical and medical apparatuses and systems; control and informatics in engineering systems; off-line information and control systems; computers, complexes, systems and networks; computer-aided data processing and control systems; computer-aided design systems; software for computer technology and computer-aided systems; computer-aided systems of information security.
More than 150 international students study at the Faculty.
Students acquire fundamental knowledge and practical training in various fields of science and engineering related to data processing, theory of control, design of various instruments and devices.
1. faculty - факультет
2. automation - автоматика
3. computer engineering - вычислительнаятехника
4. Instrumentation department - кафедраПриборостроения
5. automated control system - автоматизированнаясистемауправления
6. data collection - сборданных
7. data processing system - системаобработкиданных
8. networkinformationtechnologies - технологии информационных систем
9. to be set up - бытьоснованным
10. tobelocatedin — быть расположенным, находиться
11. teachingblock - учебный корпус
12. teachingstaff - преподавательский состав
13. computer-aideddataprocessing - автоматическая обработка данных
14. systemofinformationsecurity - система информационной безопасности
15. instructional laboratory - учебнаялаборатория
16. technologist - технолог
17. technique — техника, технические приемы
18. computingmachinery - вычислительная техника
19. graduatestudents - магистранты
20. design — чертеж, проект; проектировать
Vocabulary development
Match the English phrases and their opposites.
1. to graduate from the University
2. to fail the exams
3. minor
4. career-oriented
5. one-leveleducationscheme
a) research-oriented
b) to enter the university
c) multi-level education scheme
d) major
e) to pass the exams
Make up all possible word combinations.
1. centre
2. scientific
3. instructional
4. mechanized
5. academic
6. computing
7. graduate
a) year
b) laboratory
c) system
d) machinery
e) students
f) experiment
g) device
Decide if the statements are true(T) or false (F)
1. The faculty was set up in 1996.
2. The teaching staff are 110 teachers and professors.
3. Students are given an opportunity to obtain the most up-to-date knowledge in the area chosen.
4. Since 1994 the faculty has been located in the sixth teaching block.
5. The faculty comprises six major departments awarding degrees.
1.6. Answer the questions on the text.
1. Where is the Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering located?
2. When was the faculty set up?
3. How many teachers and professors work at the faculty?
4. Who can study at the faculty?
5. Who is the dean of the faculty? When did he take office?
6. What system of training does the faculty offer to their students?
7. How long should the students study to get a Bachelor’s degree,a Master’s degree and an Engineer's degree?
8. Where do the students of the faculty have practical training?
9. Where are you going to work after graduating from the University?