The university I study at

I am a first (second) year student of the Ufa Oil University. It is one of the major centrеs for training engineers. The University was founded in 1948. As many as 10,000 students study here. The students body and the teaching staff are increasing from year to year. A great number of teachers are Doctors and Masters of Science. The University provides full-time and part-time tuition (education). Part-time tuition is provided by the evening and extramural departments. Part-time tuition runs for six years. Full-time students are awarded scholarships (get stipends). There are five departments (faculties), each headed by the dean: the Faculty of Automation, the Mechanical Faculty, the Faculty of Economics, the Nature Protection Faculty and the Technological Faculty.

The academic year is divided into 2 terms. At the end of each term the students take their examinations and tests. The students have at their disposal modern laboratories, well-equipped workshops, a large well-stocked library and a reading hall. Readers can borrow books on special subjects, Russian and foreign publications and fiction. There is a large hostel for the students who are not permanent residents. The University is in close connection with oil fields and other industrial enterprises of our country. After graduating from the University the students work at research institutes, pipe-lines, construction sites, oil refineries and other places.



Topical Vocabulary

a first-year student – первокурсник

a second -year student – второкурсник

training – подготовка

the teaching staff – преподавательский штат

to provide – обеспечить

tuition – обучение

extramural department – заочное отделение

part-time tuition – неполная форма обучения

to be awarded scholarship – получать стипендию

term – семестр

to have at their disposal – иметь в своем распоряжении

well-equipped workshops – хорошо оборудованные мастерские

to borrow – брать взаймы, одолжить

fiction – художественная литература

permanent residents – постоянные жители

to be in close connection – быть в тесной связи

oil field – нефтяное месторождение

enterprise – предприятие

research institute – научно-исследовательский институт

pipe-line – трубопровод

соnstruction site – строительная площадка

oil refinery – нефтеперерабатываюәий завод


Answer the questions:

  1. Where do you study?
  2. What specialties does the university train?
  3. How many departments are there at the university?
  4. What do students have at the end of each term?
  5. What do students have at their disposal?
  6. Where can students work after graduating from the university?



Translate into English:

  1. Университет был основан в 1948 году.
  2. Число студентов и состав преподавателей увеличивается из года в год.
  3. Неполная форма обучения длится 6 лет.
  4. В конце каждого семестра студенты сдают зачеты и экзамены.
  5. Для иногородних студентов имеется общежитие.
  6. После окончания университета студенты работают в научно-исследовательских институтах, на трубопроводе, на строительных площадках, на нефтеперерабатывающих заводах и в других местах.



My Specialty

    1. Automation of Technological Processes and Productions

My specialty is "Automation of Technological Processes and Productions". It is one of the most progressive specialties in our time. Our University trains highly-skilled specialists in this field. It trains specialists with a wide theoretical and practical outlook.

"Automation" is a word coined in the 1940s to describe processes by which machines do tasks previously performed by people.

Industrial production of some goods is needing in high-accurate processes of manufacturing, assembling etc. The hands of most experienced jeweller can't do this work. And here we are to use machines, which with their manipulators can create wonders. And when do we remember about industries with hazards for life of a man, for instance chemical or atomic? If we want to have in the future a healthy humanity on our planet, we must use machines. Moreover, due to machines we can increase the quality by the reduction of price. The automation of the industry is vital in our time.

The higher school has a specific task to train engineers of a new type who would combine fundamental knowledge with a high professional level and practical training in the specific field of the national economics.



Topical Vocabulary

production – производство

highly-skilled – высококвалифицированный

outlook – кругозор

to coin – придумывать

previously – ранее, предварительно

to perform – выполнять

high-accurate – высокоточный

manufacturing – производство

assеmbling – сборка

experienced – опытный

jeweler – ювелир

to create – создавать

wonder – чудо

hazard – риск, опасность

healthy – здоровый

to increase – увеличить

reduction – снижение, сокращение

vital – жизненно важный

Answer the questions:

  1. What department do you study?
  2. What specialists does your university train?
  3. What does the word «automation» mean?
  4. Why do you use machines?
  5. What features must an engineer have?


Translate into English:

1. Наш университет готовит высококвалифицированных специалистов в этой области.

2. Он готовит специалистов с широким теоретическим и практическим взглядом.

3. Промышленное производство некоторых товаров нуждается в высокоточном процессе производства, сборки.

4. Машины могут создавать чудеса.

5. Благодаря машинам мы можем увеличить качество товара, снижая его цену.


    1. Mechanical faculty

From the times I was a pupil I got interested in precise sciences and most of all in physics and mathematics. My teachers recommended me the right books to read and supplied me with different bits of equipment to set up my own experiments, let alone the participation in different Olympiads in physics and mathematics. Later on I got interested in engineering and after leaving school I firmly decided to enter the faculty of general engineering of the Ufa Oil University and become an engineer. Now I am a first-year student of the mechanical department. Our University is one of the major centres for training engineers for different branches ofour industry.

In five years I shall graduate from the University and shall become a mechanical engineer. I like my future specialty and study with great interest. During the first two years we are taught general subjects, such as, physics, mathematics, strength of materials, theoretical mechanics, English. In a year we shall begin specializing in one or another field we like best. I am deeply interested in engineering. Engineering demands a sound training in general sciences particularly in physics, mathematics and chemistry. So I work hard. At the last examination session I passed all my exams with good marks. A friend of mine is also interested in engineering and looking forward to become a mechanical engineer. It is our future spe­cialty. Our work will deal with design, construction and operation ofstructures, machines, engines and other devices used in industry and everyday life. Be the way my friend is very good at English and often helps me with it since I'm only a beginner.



Topical Vocabulary

precise sciences – точные науки

to supply – снабжать

to decide firmly – твердо решить

to enter – поступить

branch – отрасль

sound training – тщательная подготовка

to look forward – ожидать с нетерпением

to deal with – иметь дело с чем-либо

device – прибор

every day life – повседневная жизнь


Answer the questions:

  1. What department do you study?
  2. Why did you enter the mechanical faculty?
  3. What subjects are you taught?
  4. What will your future work deal with?
  5. Do you study hard?


Translate into English:

  1. С детства я интересовался точными науками.
  2. Я твердо решил стать инженером.
  3. Через пять лет я стану инженером.
  4. Инженерная специальность требует тщательной подготовки по физике, математике, химии.
  5. Я люблю свою будущую специальность и занимаюсь с большим интересом.




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