Прочитайте деловое письмо. Перепишите и переведите его. Напишите ответ на него.



(английский язык)

Задание 1.

54, Hanover Street, Edinburg, ENK2 5LS UK  
Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке и запишите его. Переведите письмо.



8 January, 2016
Dear Ms Baudoin,
Although I am presently employed by a non-profit organization, it has always been my intention to work in a commercial environment. I would particularly welcome the chance to work for your company as I have long admired both the quality of the product that it provides and its position as a defender of environmental causes. As you will notice on my enclosed CV, the job you are offering suits both my personal and professional interests
I would be pleased to discuss my Curriculum Vitae with you in more detail at an interview. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information. I look forward to hearing from you.  
Yours sincerely,
h)My work experience has familiarized me with many of the challenges involved in the public relations today. I’m sure that this, together with my understanding of the needs and expectations of sport and nature enthusiast, would be extremely relevant to the position. I’m fluent in German and would enjoy working in a German-speaking environment.  
In am writing to apply for the position which was advertised last month in The Independent.
Natalie Baudoin Patagonia GMBH Reitmorstrasse, 50. 8000 Munich, 23 Germany  


Fiona Scott

Fiona Scott


a) Although I am presently employed by a non-profit organization, it has always been my intention to work in a commercial environment. I would particularly welcome the chance to work for your company as I have long admired both the quality of the product that it provides and its position as a defender of environmental causes. As you will notice on my enclosed CV, the job you are offering suits both my personal and professional interests.


b) I would be pleased to discuss my Curriculum Vitae with you in more detail at an interview. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information. I look forward to hearing from you.

c) Dear Ms Baudoin, d) 8 January, 2016


e) In am writing to apply for the position which was advertised last month in The Independent.


f) 54, Hanover Street, g) Natalie Baudoin

Edinburg, Patagonia GMBH

ENK2 5LS, Reitmorstrasse, 50.

UK 8000 Munich, 23



h) My work experience has familiarized me with many of the challenges involved in the public relations today. I’m sure that this, together with my understanding of the needs and expectations of sport and nature enthusiast, would be extremely relevant to the position. I’m fluent in German and would enjoy working in a German-speaking environment.


i) Fiona Scott j) Yours sincerely,


Задание 2.

Согласуйте слова левой колонки с их интерпретацией, предложенной справа.

1) cash a) piece of business, the act of transacting
2) profit b) ownership, with its rights and duties according to the law
3) account c) an agreement or arrangement in business, that is to the advantage to both sides
4) loan d) a person or an organization who buys good or services from a shop, business
5) transaction e) articles to sell
6) customer f) a sum of money kept in a bank which may be added or taken from
7) property g) money in the form of coins and notes
8) goods h) someone who sells things in shops to customers
9) retailer i) money gained by training of business
10) deal j) a system of buying goods or services and paying for them later












Задание 3.

Заполните отрывок из письма акционерам словами и выражениями, данными ниже в требуемой форме. Переведите на русский язык.

tariffs quota
Chief Financial officer broker
balance revenue
net profit local subsidiary
yield duties
deposit debit card
balance sheet global warning
cashpoint issue shares
dividend recycling


It has been another excellent year for the company as our business have continued to grow. As you will see from the 1.___________ and the accompanying financial statements, our financial performance has improved significantly.

We are particularly proud of our sales record and of the fact that we are able to report a 6% increase in 2. __________ during the period.

Thanks to this and to the success of various cost reduction initiatives. Our 3.__________ is substantially higher and consequently our shareholders have benefited from a significant rise in 4. __________ share. Our continuing commitment to the environment, and our policy of ensuring the long term 5. _____ of the recourses that we use in manufacturing, have contributed to our recent success in the new export markets in Eastern Europe where concern for the environment is growing. Our performance in toxic 6. __________ reduction has been significantly improved and we are now on target to meet EU requirements. In the light of our success in the East European markets, we are planning to continue investing there and are moving forward with plans to set up additional 7. _______. However our performance in some areas has been affected by continuing economic uncertainty and also by the introduction of 8. __________ restricting sales of certain products.

On the recommendation of our advisors, we have decided to go ahead with plans 9. ________ on the Stock Exchange. Our 10. __________ will be responsible for implementing this new program in the second half of the year.













Задание 4.

Прочитайте деловое письмо. Перепишите и переведите его. Напишите ответ на него.


Dear Sirs,

We wish to inform you that we have started producing a new model of Grinding Machine Matrix 67 in which, we believe, you may be interested.

From the catalogue enclosed you will see that the model is of high operation efficiency and it is incomparably easy to handle. Most of the good points of the earlier types have been incorporated to the model. In addition it has many advantages as compared with the existing models.

We are pleased to offer you these machines at the price of $560 per unit. The price is understood to be c.i.f. St. Petersburg. We feel sure that our offer will be of interest and assistance to you and we shall be glad to send you further information should you require it.

This offer is made without any obligation on our part.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. Jones

Robinson and Co. Ltd




Уважаемые Господа,


Мы хотели бы сообщить вам, что мы начали производить новую модель шлифовальной машины матрицы 67, в которой, как мы считаем, могут быть интересны.


Из каталога в приложении Вы увидите, что модель имеет высокую эффективность работы и несравнимо прост в обращении. Большинство хороших точек более ранних типов были включены в модель. Кроме того, он имеет много преимуществ по сравнению с существующими моделями.


Мы рады предложить вам эти машины по цене 560$ за единицу. Цена понимается Санкт-Петербурге. Мы уверены, что наше предложение вызовет интерес и мы будем рады выслать вам дополнительную информацию, если вам потребуется помощь.


Это предложение делается без всяких обязательств с нашей стороны.


С уважением,

Mr. Jones

Робинзон и Ко., ЛТД.





Задание 5.

Прочитайте текст. Перескажите на английском языке.


The United States is rich in natural recourses, the main being iron ore, coal and oil. The nation produces more than 100 million tons of iron a year. Four fifth of the ore mine in the USA comes from the Great Lakes region. Though the great deal of the ore has been use up, its recourses have not been exhausted. Most of the coal mine din the USA is used by power plants to produce electricity. Coal is also used in the chemical industries for the manufacture of plastics and other synthetics. The production, processing and marketing of such oil products as petrol (gasoline of gas in the USA) make up one of the America’s largest industries.

The basic metals and minerals mined in the United States are zinc, copper and silver.

Some of the main crops grown in the USA are wheat, maize, cotton, tobacco and fruit.

Cattle breeding and pig raising make up an important branch of America’s agriculture.

To make the farmers work more productive scientific methods of farming are employed and modern technique of freezing, canning and packing farm products is used.

The United States in an industrial country with various branches of heavy industry prevailing, namely, the mining, metallurgical, automobile and chemical industries, as well as engineering. Many branches of light industry are also developed, among then a\re the textile, food and woodworking industries.

The leading US exports are industrial machinery, electronic equipment, armaments, grain, oil products and chemicals.

American industry is distributed unevenly. Originally most of the industrial enterprises were located in the eastern part of the country. But industry was spreading out as there was a tendency to build factories far removed from the home plant and closer to natural recourses and markets. Good transportation facilities ad rapid communication systems made it possible for the main plants to keep in touch with branch factories.


Задание 6.


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