МБОУ «СОШ-детсад №6 г.Симферополь Республика Крым

Методическая разработка учителя английского языка Адыловой Л.Р.

МБОУ «СОШ-детсад №6 г.Симферополь Республика Крым

«Урок английского языка «Unusual houses», обучении аудированию»

Цель: научить воспринимать на слух и понимать содержание несложных аудиотекстов (рассказ «Unusual houses»), выполнять задания по прослушанному тексту, составлять текст-описание с опорой на план и иллюстрации, закрепить изученный грамматический материал(конструкции there is/there are, предлоги места)


Образовательная: научить слушать и воспринимать текст на слух, реагировать на услышанное, передавать содержание прослушанного текста.

Развивающая: развивать память и внимание учащихся, логическое мышление и языковую догадку.

Воспитательная: формировать положительную мотивацию к изучению английского языка, воспитывать любовь к своему дому.

Технологии: критическое мышление, проектная, коллективное творческое дело

Формы работы: фронтальные, групповые, индивидуальные


Компьютер, презентация «Unusual houses», аудиозапись с текстом «Unusual houses», раздаточный и иллюстрационный материал, карта-план для выполнения заданий по аудированию, карты для работы над проектом «Dream house»


«Unusual houses»

Teacher: I want to show you this presentation. What can you tell me about these houses? Let us watch and discuss the pictures. What is the size and the shape of these houses?

Pupil: This house has the shape of an aeroplane. It is a huge building with small windows. I think it is a hotel.

Pupil: This house has the shape of a boot. It is very small, but funny. It is in the forest and it is friendly to the environment.

Pupil: I think this house has a shape of a seashell. It is very small and strange. It is like a magic house.

Pupil: I think this house has the shape of a piano. It is a huge building with big classrooms for children who love music. The house in the shape of a plane.


The house in the shape of a boot.

The house in the shape of seashell.

The house in the shape of a piano.


Teacher: We have very strange letters. We have the plan of two houses, but there are no words. What can you tell me about these houses? Can you guess who lives in these houses? Whose houses are they?

Pupil: I think this house is for a boy because there are cars and trains on the floor.

Pupil: I think this house is for a girl because there is a beautiful doll on the armchair.



Teacher: We also have got a sound letter. Listen to the message and you should choose the pictures for the plans. Then put your pictures in the right place.


This house has a shape of a mushroom. It is a small house with brown roof. There is a bicycle in front of the house. Inside there is a blue sofa in the middle of the room. There is a big beautiful poster on the wall. There is a computer on the desk. There are some books on the shelf.

This house has a shape of an apple. It is small but funny. There are many exotic flowers in front of the house. Inside there is a pink sofa between two armchairs. There is also a pink wardrobe behind the sofa. There is a round table next to the sofa. There are many balloons in the room.


Pupils listen to the tape again, describe the houses and find the right place of the things on the plan.

Teacher: My friends, I know you like making your own projects. Imagine the house of your dream.

You have a plan of your «Dream house» and many pictures with things you need for your work. You should choose the pictures and stick them. Try to make up a story about your dream house. Pupils prepare their projects and describe the «Dream house».



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