Формулировка ТЗ. Выберите заголовок текста

Формулировка ТЗ. Выберите заголовок для текста.

The specific territorial, geographic and climatic conditions of the country and big volumes of freight and passenger traffic over long distances make high requirements to the development and operation of the system, which embraces rail, river, sea, motor, pipeline and air transport.

Railway transport has always been the main method of transportation in our country and distinguished by a high carrying capacity, relatively low transportation costs, high speed and regularity of delivers.

At present, Russian railway transport is one of the major highly developed branches of national economy, incorporating 32 main lines, 170 operating divisions, over 7000 railway stations, a great number of production facilities, including locomotive and car-repair factories, and other industrial railway transport facilities.

In terms of freight turnover, volume of deliveries, length of electrified railways, rolling stock operation and other indicators Russian railway transport occupies the leading position in the world.

For a long time marked by an extensive development of the material and technical base of the Russian transport, with new powerful electric and diesel locomotives, heavy freight cars, containers, and latest railway automation, signalling and communication facilities were put into service.


B + Railway transport system of Russia.

B - Railway transport of the world.

B - Industrial transport facilities.

B - Railway automation.



Формулировка ТЗ.

Определите, какое предложение соответствует содержанию текста.

B + Particular attention is paid to regularity and volume of deliveries, rolling stock operation and freight turnover.

B - At present, USA railway transports is one of the major highly developed branches of national economy, incorporating 32 main lines, 170 operating divisions, over 7000 railway stations.

B - At present, Russian railway transports is one of the major highly developed branches of national economy, incorporating 50 main lines, 170 operating divisions, over 7000 railway stations.

B - In terms of freight turnover, volume of deliveries, length of electrified railways, rolling stock operation and other indicators Russian railway transport does not occupy the leading position in the world.





Заполните пропуск в предложении согласно тексту «Railway transport is considered to be one of the main means of _____________ in Russia.

(впишете одно слово)

B + transportation


Формулировка ТЗ.

Найдите в тексте ответ на вопрос «Нow many lines do Russian railways incorporate?” и запишите его (числительное записать цифрами).

B + 32



Формулировка ТЗ.

Используйте глагол в соответствующей форме страдательного залога.


32 main lines,170 operating divisions, over 7000 railway stations and a great number of production facilities ______________ (to incorporate) in Russian railway transport system.

B + are incorporated


Формулировка ТЗ.

Постройте специальный вопрос к выделенным словам.

At present Russian railway transport is one of the major highly developed branches of national economy, incorporating 32 main lines, 170 operating divisions, over 7000 railway stations.

B + How many stations do Russian Railways include?



Формулировка ТЗ.

Определить значение слова number в тексте и запишите его.

B + количество

№ 3.8.1

Формулировка ТЗ. Выберите заголовок текста

Russia is often spoken as a great rail power. The total length of the Railways of the Russian Federation amounts 86 thousand km. of which more than 36 thousand km. are double or multi track. The length of Severo-Kavkazskaya railway track is 6427 km. Railways of Russia are the key transportation mode of the country,carrying more than 80 per cent of the total freight traffic and more than 40 per cent of the passenger and freight traffic.

The railways play a decisive role in the transportation of the freight, which are important for a stable functioning of the industrial complex. The railways carry about 99 per cent of iron, over 92 per cent of the ferrous metals, more than 87 per cent of coal and coke and more than 88 per cent of the chemical and mineral fertilizers. The length of electrified routes is over 40000 km. The Russian railways presently employ more than 13 million workers.

Russia ranks the second place in the world(after the USA) in railways track length, the third (after China) in the volume of freight traffic, the third in passengers traffic (after China and Japan) Today the railway transport in our country represents one of the major highly developed industries of the national economy. Highly economical and powerful diesel-electric locomotives are successfully operating on the railways of Russia. In the near future Russian trains will run at 200 km/hour.

B - Severo-Kavkazskaya railway

B + Russian railway

B – Railway transport of the world.

B - Russian trains.



Определите, какое предложение соответствует содержанию текста.

B - The railways carry about 60 per cent of iron and managing ores, over 92 per cent of the ferrous metals, more than 87 per cent of coal and coke and more than 88 per cent of the chemical and mineral fertilizers.

B - In the near future Russian trains will run at 150 km/hour.

B - Railways of England are the key transportation mode of the country, carrying more than 80 per cent of the total freight traffic and more 40 per cent of the passengers freight traffic.

B + In system of Russian railways double track amounts 36 thousand km.


Формулировка ТЗ.

Заполните пропуск в предложении согласно тексту «Russian railways carry about 90 percent of mineral ____________.

(впишите одно слово)

B + fertilizers


Формулировка ТЗ.

Найдите в тексте ответ на вопрос «What is the length of the electrified routes?” и запишите его (числительное записать цифрами).

B + 40000


Формулировка ТЗ.

Используйте глагол в соответствующей форме страдательного залога.

Different ferrous metals, coal and coke, fertilizers __________ (to carry) by Russian railways.

B+ are carried


Формулировка ТЗ.

Постройте специальный вопрос к выделенным словам.

The Russian railways presently employ more than 13 million workers.

B + How many workers do Russian railways employ?


Формулировка ТЗ.

Определить значение слова power в тексте и запишите его.

B + страна




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