How to protect your eyes from the computer

Г. Группа 2Э Иностранный язык

ПЗ №149/150

Тема «Правила работы на компьютере»

Прочтите внимательно текст, переведите его, используя словарь, выпишите из него новые слова и выражения по теме.

The rules of using the computer

Today, the computer has become a part of our life. And, despite the fact that modern technologies are constantly improving, we still risk "getting" health problems. Contribute to this and the habit of sitting at the computer at random and as much as possible. So it turns out that our assistant and friend turns into our enemy. Therefore, we get acquainted and remember: the rules of working at the computer.


* Choose the correct pose. Namely: directly opposite the screen, the upper part of the monitor at eye level or slightly below.

* Observe the distance from the eyes to the monitor – 55-60 cm (arm's length). The lower part of the monitor should be tilted at a slight angle to the working one (that is, located a little closer).

* Choose a comfortable chair for working at the computer. It is desirable that this is an ergonomic (orthopedic) chair with an armrest and headrest.

• The height of the seat of the chair should be such that the hands placed on the keyboard are positioned horizontally.

• Take breaks for 15-20 minutes every hour. A break in which you just wander the Internet or play on the computer does not count.

* Watch your breathing: it should be smooth, without delays.

* Perform eye exercises as often as possible.

All these rules are basic - they should be known to everyone who works at a computer. Many other interesting and useful information about proper computer work can be given by doctors. Here, for example, is what Elena Malysheva, a well-known TV presenter and medical doctor, says about this:

— First. You must have the right chair. The chair should support the lumbar lordosis-a forward bend on the lower back. The chair I'm sitting in is wrong. These chairs are the worst of all, because they make us bend this place forward (lumbar lordosis) - make us fall apart and bend this place backwards. This is an unnatural bend, it is called kyphosis (i.e. hump). The chair should have a special arched back with the height change, which will rest on your lumbar lordosis and make you sit in the correct position. This is one.

Second. The seats should be so that you can sit down completely. And the rule of right angles. You should sit at the table so that your knee and hip are at right angles. That is, this should be the height of the chair. And your hands on the table should be so that there is also a right angle. There are right angles everywhere: between the hip and back, between the elbow and forearm. And the chair should have height-adjustable legs. And the table. Then you will choose everything for yourself correctly. The computer must be at eye height. You must sit and look straight."

Exercises for the eyes

The following exercises will help you relieve visual tension when working at a computer. It is recommended to perform the exercises daily. During execution, turn away from the monitor or leave the room where the computer is located.

1. Standing facing the window, look for the most distant object within sight. Take a deep breath and look at the tip of your nose. On the exhalation, look again for the farthest object in the window, then inhale and look up. Another exhalation and a glance out the window. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

2. Close your eyelids and relax your eyes. In this position, make rotational eye movements first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Make 5 turns to the right and left.

3. With your eyes open, slowly "draw" an eight in the air: diagonally, horizontally, vertically. 5-7 eights in each direction will be enough to rest your eyes.


How to protect your eyes from the computer

And another little secret for those who care about their health.


Doctors say that honey helps protect your eyes from the computer. According to them, honey contains a complex of useful substances necessary for normal retinal function. If after working at the computer, the eyes are very tired, look faded, there is a network of blood vessels, it means that they need immediate help.


Recipe: after waking up, ten to fifteen minutes before brushing your teeth, slowly dissolve a tablespoon of honey. It is advisable to repeat this procedure before going to bed.


2. Guess the word, each word is connected with computers. Подберите слова, связанные с компьютером, подходящие для правильного ответа:

1. It is an animal. Also it can be a computer part. (………….)

2. Program secretly introduced into a computer, which makes copies of itself and often damages other programs.(……….)

3. A device which is used to transfer photos and texts to your computer.(…………..)

4. A machine which is connected to a computer and makes a printed record of computer information.(…………..)

5. This looks like a typewriter and has the keys you need to press (………….).

6. It can be hard. It can be floppy. (………….)

7. A device which allows you to join Internet and explore the net. (……………)

8. The programmes that you put into computer to make them do the job they want. (……………..)

9. Small and convenient computer. (……….)


3. Read the text and put each of the following words in its place in the passage below. Заполните пробелы в тексте указанными ниже словами:


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