Methodological competence

Professional Competence

The capability to perform the duties of one's profession generally, or to perform a particular professional task, with skill of an acceptable quality. A professional is competent when he/she acts responsibly and effectively according to given standards of performance. One can also say that this professional possesses sufficient competence. Professional competence is seen as the generic, integrated and internalized capability to deliver sustainable effective (worthy) performance (including problem solving, realizing innovation, and creating transformation) in a certain professional domain, job, role, organisational context, and task situation. Competence consists of various competencies. A competency is a part of generic competence; it is a coherent cluster of knowledge, skills and attitudes which can be utilized in real performance contexts. For instance, in a crime scene investigation a forensic expert needs to produce a DNA profile of a piece of evidence. This requires knowledge (disciplinary knowledge), skills (working with artefacts) and attitudes (accuracy, coping with pressure, integrity). Together these constitute professional competence. Or traders at a flower auction: they require knowledge (about the products, quality indicators, market developments, prices), skills (multi-tasking, processing information, instant decision making), and attitudes (stress-tolerance, feeling for sales). These are elements of professional competence as well.

The concept of professional competence, which are related to competence motivation, human intelligence, professional performance and professional education. This description will show that the concept of competence was used in the context of learning and performance from the outset, and that competence and professional and practice-based learning are intrinsically related to one another.

The link between competence and professional practice however differs by the way in which competence is defined. Three broad approaches of competence and professional development are distinguished here: 1. Competence and behaviouristic functionalism, which stresses the importance to specifically determine the discrepancies between actual and desired competence, leading to training of sometimes miniscule skills; an important pitfall of this approach is fragmentizing learning; 2. Competence as integrated occupationalism, which is visible in the present qualification frameworks and competence-based education approaches in which it is stressed that knowledge, skills and attitudes should be integrated in the curriculum, teaching, learning and testing; 3. Competence as situated professionalism, which indicates that competence only gets meaning in a certain context; an important pitfall here is holism, when details of competence are covered under generic expressions of abilities of people, which may be sufficient in personal development processes, but not for professional certification purposes (Mulder, 2011).


· Professional conduct

· Classroom management

· Teacher's approach

· Language production

Professional conduct

· Be prompt and punctual because promptness and punctuality lead to systematic work.

· You are bound by the virtue of your professional growth to change and modify your approach to fit the ever-changing factors in the fields of learning and teaching. Therefore, seek the best ways to improve and brush up your English.

· Evaluate your teaching tactics occasionally through self-criticism, which is highly constructive and leads to perfection.


Classroom management

· Create a relaxed atmosphere in the classroom to achieve full student participation.

· Discipline and firmness are of paramount importance especially when students practise group work. The friendly relationship between you and the class has its vital impact on the students' attitude towards learning the language.


Teacher's approach

· Be creative because much of the teacher's success depends upon his/her imaginative power, originality and creativity. Teaching is more an art than a science.

· Be an example of a good planner and organizer. By doing so, you encourage your students to develop their planning and organizational abilities.

· Preparing the lessons regularly and adequately makes you surefooted in the classroom. It sets your mind at ease and makes you realize the main aim of the lesson. Do not over-plan. Make your lesson plan brief, informative, clear and purposeful. Include various activities to suit the individual differences in the classroom.

· Be active. An active teacher means an active lesson. Avoid being indifferent because this creates a sort of boredom in the classroom.

· Make your lesson enjoyable because the ability to enjoy is the key to effective learning. Remember that what one learns through enjoyment, one never forgets and its effect on the memory never fades. Lack of interest means lack of response.


Language production

· Involve your students in authentic communication situations, which encourage a continuous flow of speech. In fact, the acquisition of the language depends on practising it naturally.

· Give your students every possible chance to use the language. Talk as little as possible to give the students the opportunity to interact. Do not over teach. Make the lesson student centred, not teacher centred.

· Teach the language in appropriate social contexts. Relate the word to a sentence, the sentence to a situation and the situation to real life.

· Use the teaching media properly to make the lesson more attractive and perceptive. They save time and effort.

· Use effective means to eradicate errors. Always look at what they have achieved rather than at what they have failed to achieve.

· Be accurate in evaluating your students' achievement. The marks given should be in conformity with the real standard of the class.


The concept of "competence", which characterizes the fusion of theoretical and practical readiness of the person to carry out any activity, is widely used today in the theory and practice of general and vocational education. A.K.Markova [2] distinguished the several types of professional competence, the presence of which indicates the maturity of the person in professional work:

• special competence - owning his own professional activities at a high level, the ability to design their further professional development;

• social competence - possession of a joint professional activity, cooperation, and adopted the profession of professional communication techniques;

• social responsibility for the results of their labor;

• personal competence - possession means of personal expression and self-confrontation means a professional deformation of the person;

• individual competence - possession of ways of self-realization and development of individuality within the profession, commitment to professional and personal growth, self-organization and self-rehabilitation.

The originality of pedagogical activity makes them unacceptable presence of a highly specialized competence and professionalism of the teacher is a combination of all kinds of professional competence. In addition, the competence of the teacher can be seen as the unity of the overall competence required for a person regardless of his profession, competence in the field of the science, the foundations of which he teaches, and psycho-pedagogical competence.

Regardless of the types of teacher’s competence in each of them consists of two main components: 1) a system of knowledge that determines the theoretical readiness of the teacher;

2) a system of skills that forms the basis of its practical readiness for the implementation of professional activities.

Generic requirements for the level of theoretical and practical readiness of the teacher are in qualifying characteristic of the graduate, received a special "teacher", presented in the state standard of higher education.

Today, a significant problem of increasing the level of the future teachers’ professional competence is to think freely and actively simulate educational and educational process, implement new ideas and technology training. This allows to the teacher, first a positive influence on the formation of pupils creative abilities in the process of educational work; secondly to achieve better results in their professional activities; thirdly, to realize their own professional opportunities.

Formation of the teachers professional competence through the content of education, which includes not only a list of subjects, but also the skills and, that are formed in the process of mastering the subject by means of the teacher s active position, political and cultural life. All this create and develop the personality of the teacher in complex, so that the personality has a way of self-development and self-improvement, that will ensure the effective functioning of the teacher, as a subject is a professional in the "a man - a man.". Researchers distinguish between 3 and 37 kinds of competences and competence of teachers. According to the most concise definition of I.A. Zimnyaia "Competence is a successful action in a particular situation."

Competence approach - an educational process based on providing stakeholders (educational, informative, games, etc..) The right to self-realization, the acquisition and use of expertise. L.M. Mitina considers, the professional competence of the teacher are: activity, communicative and social. N.V. Kuzmina distinguishes: a special and professional competence of the teacher in the discipline being taught; methodical in the way of knowledge and skills of trainees formation; social - psychological processes in the field of communication; differential in psychological motives and abilities of students; and autopsychological in the strengths and weaknesses of their own activities and personality [3].



Methodological competence

Methodological knowledge refers to the cognitive area and includes skills, whereas competencies are related to the practical application of knowledge and skills in real life situations. Therefore, the training of future teachers should be focused not only on interdisciplinary liking of the knowledge of various sciences relevant to the teaching methodology of a given subject (parent science, pedagogy, psychology, sociology), but also on the acquisition and development of competencies. Competency should be the ultimate goal of teaching and the success of teaching methodology of a given subject depends on how much attention is focused on the activation of methods, techniques and the system of teaching and learning in order to enable individuals to efficiently perform the tasks of professional teachers. Therefore, apart from knowledge, competency includes experiential, psychological, voluntary, and other determinants of an individual person together with his/her preparedness for carrying out a task, which derives from the training process. Methodological competencies refer to the ability of teachers to apply theoretical and experiential knowledge in their practical work with the aim of effective teaching


Н. В. Соловова


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