Практическое занятие №145/146

Г. Группа 2Э Иностранный язык

«Правила техники безопасности при работе с механизмами»

1. Read and translate the text. Прочтите и сделайте письменный перевод текста:



Accidents to people in industrial enterprises are called industrial traumatism (injury). They occur when workers have not acquired the requisite for skill and lack the necessary experience in handling tools and equipment. Accidents are also caused through neglect of safety rules and regulations in the factories and training workshops.

The purpose of safety engineering is to prevent accidents and to create such conditions of work in industry which will ensure maximum productivity of labour. When taking up new duties or when first going to work at any industrial enterprise each worker is obliged to acquaint him thoroughly with, and to master the safety instructions.

You need many kinds of safety equipment on a building site. Housebuilders and other workers have to wear safety boots, helmets, gloves, and sometimes goggles and dustmasks. Ear protectors (ear plugs) should be used near noisy machines. Ladders and scaffoldings are used when working at heights. Ladders must be placed right and they must be strong enough to carry the load of the workers. Scaffoldings must also be carefully erected, so that they don't collapse. At bigger building sites both ladders and scaffoldings are usually made of metal, but sometimes also wooden ones are used. Here are some other points to keep in mind:

- A very important thing is to keep your working place tidy and clean.

- You must not leave empty tins or dirty buckets on floors or in yards.

- Tools must be kept in the right places, in toolkits and sheds.

- Nails and screws must be kept in boxes, so that they will not be wasted.

- All the used boards should be collected into one place as well as other garbage.

- On a building site you should always be careful with fire.

- Paints and solvents catch fire very easily.

- Make sure that you have insurance.

- You should have put on overalls to protect your clothes when working with paints or solvents.

2. Change Russian word with English one using new words. Замените слова на русском языке вновь изученными словами на английском языке:


1.This was несчастный случай.

2.All people must keep технику безопасности.

3.Do you know правила техники безопасности?

4.We work in мастерской.

5.Мы обеспечиваем safety engineering.

3. Используя следующие предложения, составьте инструкцию на английском языке с помощью текста «SAFETY ENGINEERING»:


1. Несчастные случаи с людьми на предприятии называются производственной травмой. Они случаются, когда у рабочих нет опыта или они пренебрегают правилами безопасности на заводах или в мастерских.

Цель техники безопасности - предотвратить несчастные случаи и создать условия такие условия в промышленности, которые обеспечат максимальную производительность труда. Приступая к новым обязанностям, вы должны ознакомиться с правилами безопасности и освоить их.

2. На стройплощадке строители должны носить ботинки со стальным носком, каски, перчатки, наколенники, пыле защищающие маски, защитные маски, защитные очки, беруши. Вы должны носить беруши, когда вы рядом с шумным оборудованием. Вы должны использовать лестницы, строительные леса, страховочные ремни, когда работаете на высоте. Вы должны надевать спецодежду, чтобы защитить свою одежду при работе с краской и растворителями. Вы должны знать предупреждающие знаки. И очень важно держать свое рабочее место в порядке и чистоте.

4. Match the columns. Найдите соответствия в колонках. Запишите их:

  a) 1. Wear safety boots! 2. Don’t enter! 3. Don’t use a mobile phone here. 4. Emergency exit this way! 5. Be careful. Dangerous liquid! 6. Don’t touch! 7. Wear safety goggles in the area! 8. Don’t park here! 9. Be careful! Explosive material! 10. Don’t switch on! 11. Danger of an electric shock! 12. Don’t smoke here! 13. Wear a hard hat! 14. Watch out! Danger!   b) a) Руками не трогать! b) Парковка запрещена! c) Осторожно! Взрывоопасные вещества. d) Не курить! e) Не включать! f) Осторожно! Высокое напряжение! g) Надеть обувь! h) Запасной выход! i) Осторожно! Опасно! j) Отключить мобильные телефоны! k) Не входить! l) Для безопасности оденьте очки! m) Осторожно! Опасные растворы! n) Надеть каску!

5.The pictures are from a safety manual for drilling crews. Which person is…

(выберите правильный вариант ответа на вопрос картинке ниже):

1 wearing loose clothes?

2 standing under a load?

3. running up or down steps?

4. eating near chemicals?

5. handling chemicals without PPE?

6 walking below people working?

7. standing between a wall and a moving load?

8. using a broken tool?

9.climbing without a safety harness?

10.doing the right thing: lifting correctly and keeping his back straight?


6. Найдите нужные соответствия слов (1-4) к выражениями (А-D). Запишите полученные варианты:


Домашняя работа:

1) выписать и выучить новую лексику к тексту «SAFETY ENGINEERING».

2) Записать краткий пересказ текста «SAFETY ENGINEERING».

    Самостоятельная работа: 3) Выполнить письменно перевод текста   AREAS OF USE OF ROBOTS The era of robots is approaching. It’s the result of scientific-technical progress. These mechanical agents were created to help people with hazardous work and daily chores.  
And, indeed, they are capable of doing many things. They can perform any operations, according to the program installed in them. For example, they can help with the laundry, do preparatory work for cooking meals, answer the phone, pick up objects, and even deal with radioactive substances.  

If we think over this issue, we will realize that we have already robots at our houses. They don’t only come in the shape of an electronic man, they are also regarded as automatic machines for performing various work. Most household appliances are like robots: a dishwasher, a washing machine, a clothes dryer, a microwave, a blender, a vacuum-cleaner, etc. These intelligent machines help us on everyday basis. They have significantly changed our life to the better.

Speaking of realistic robots with two hands, two legs and a head with built-in computer, these creatures might be very useful in the future. Perhaps, every house will have at least one robot to provide help with a repetitive, boring work.  
Other than that, robots can be exploited to do the most difficult and dangerous things. They are already sent to explore other planets or to explore deep underwater. They are used in factories to build cars and other electronics. It seems that the only way we can get such things done is to entrust them to robots.  
In my opinion, the future of scientific progress is impossible without them. I’m sure that humanoid robots with Artificial Intelligence will be used by new advanced generations.  


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