Unit 1 Building a Career



to set a limit on the amount of money that someone can spend or charge Cap (costs) ограничить
the amount of money that you earn earnings Заработок
to make a problem become worse exacerbate обострять
extracurricular activities are things that you do at school or college that are not part of your course extracurricular факультативный
all the teachers in a university, college, or school faculty Профессорско-преподавательский состав
money that you pay to a professional person or institution for their work fee Гонорар, плата за обучение
a sudden large increase in the amount or level of something hike увеличение
a temporary job that is part of a course of study and that gives you experience of the work you hope to do at the end of the course. The American word is internship placement стажировка
something such as money, workers, or equipment that can be used to help an institution or a business resources Ресурсы, средства
to make something happen, especially something involving violence or angry feelings spark off Разжечь (скандал)
to continuously become worse, more, or less spiralling Резко возрастающий\снижающийся\ухудшающийся
an amount of money that the government or another organization pays to help to reduce the cost of a product or service subsidy субсидия
a gradual change or development that produces a particular result trend Направление, тренд
if you are willing to do something, you do it when someone asks you, sometimes when you do not want to willing Готовый (что-то делать)
to limit what someone is allowed to do by making them obey a rule or agreement bind обязывать
to help something to increase, improve, or become more successful boost Повышать, способствовать росту
a lot of available money deep pockets Богатство, «туго набитый кошелек»
to leave something such as an activity, school, or competition before you have finished what you intended to do drop out Бросить (например, школу)
to improve something, or to make it more attractive or more valuable enhance улучшить
to end someone’s employment, especially temporarily, because there is not enough work for them lay off Уволить (временно)
to lose an opportunity to do or have something miss out Упустить, пропустить
if someone is redundant, they have been told they must leave their job because they are no longer needed Redundant, make smb redundant Сокращенный (штат), сокращать
to begin doing something again from the beginning start over Начать заново
very carefully, so that nothing is missed thoroughly тщательно
a group of people who examine a problem or situation and suggest a way of dealing with it working party Рабочая группа
to arrive, or to become available come along прибывать
to make a company or organization smaller by reducing the number of workers downsize сокращать
used when you are very surprised about something Fancy Fancy meeting you here! Быть удивленным, неожидать (увидеть кого-то)
to become fatter put on weight Поправиться (о весе)
a period away from work when people such as college or university teachers can study, rest, or travel sabbatical Академический отпуск
to improve a business, organization, process etc by making it more modern or simple streamline Модернизировать, рационализировать
an act of teaching someone in a particular subject   tutoring Обучение
an amount, level, standard etc that you can use for judging how good or bad other things are benchmark Точка отсчета, Ориентир, стандарт
comments about how well or how badly someone is doing something, which are intended to help them do it better feedback Отзыв
a situation in which two people disagree because they have very different personalities personality clash Столкновение личностей
something difficult that you succeed in doing, especially after working hard over a period of time accomplishment достижение
work serving drinks in a bar bartending Работать барменом
the activities of organizing business deals for other people brokering   Оказание брокерских услуг
a group of people who debate a subject by discussing it formally before making a decision usually by voting debating society Дискуссионный клуб
to start a new project or activity, usually one that will be difficult and will take time embark on Начинать, пускаться в (какое-л) предприятие
a piece of information that may help someone to solve a problem or to find out the truth about something, especially a crime or a contact that may bring new business lead намек
someone who is outgoing is friendly and enjoys meeting and talking to people outgoing Общительный, дружелюбный
a formal written offer to provide goods or services for a particular price tender Тендер
the place where an activity or event happens venue Место проведения мероприятия
an area of land containing all the main buildings of a university campus Территория университета
to prepare and write something such as a document or plan draw up составлять
the art, buildings, traditions, and beliefs that a society considers important to its history and culture heritage наследие
a big city, especially considered as somewhere that is very busy and exciting metropolis Мегаполис, столица
to spend or invest a lot of money into something pour millions into a research «Вливать»миллионы в исследование
the process of buying supplies or equipment for a government department or company procurement Закупка, материально-техническое снабжение
to relax and stop making the effort to do something sit back Бездельничать, расслабляться
to make or change something especially for a particular person or purpose tailor something to\for приспосабливать


Unit 2 Information



in a better situation or having more money Be better off Жить лучше (материально)
to cover or hide something bury скрывать
to deal successfully with a difficult situation or job cope with Справляться с
to put people or things into a space that is too small Cram (into) втискивать
a small job that involves going to collect or deliver something errand поручение
involving a lot of force or energy Fierce (competition) Жестокая конкуренция
a count of all the people in a place headcount Численность (персонала)
to pause before doing something, or to do something very slowly, usually because you are nervous, embarrassed, or worried hesitate Колебаться, медлить, сомневаться
an act of going somewhere very quickly in an extremely uncontrolled way mad dash Безумный порыв
to do something wrong or spoil something especially by making mistakes mess up (ис)портить
used for saying that something is not what you would expect in a particular situation Oddly Oddly enough… странно
to completely change a system in order to make it work more effectively overhaul Перестраивать, реконструировать, пересматривать
to improve a skill by practising polish up совершенствовать
  a difficult situation in which people have to work very hard or experience a lot of strong emotions   pressure cooker (environment)   Среда, где человек испытывает сильный стресс
a long difficult search quest Поиск (квест)
Done in a very impressive way that seems to need very little effort Slick Slick set of slides Ловкий, искусный
a short rest from work or activity, to have a rest. take a breather Сделать передышку
existing or present in an amount that is too large to be measured Untold (damage) Неисчислимый (неслыханный) (ущерб)
an occasion when a computer or a computer program suddenly stops working crash поломка
to help someone give someone a hand помочь
to annoy someone, or to cause problems for them hassle Надоедать, донимать
belonging or not belonging to a group that has information and makes decisions about something Keep smb in the loop Держать кого-то в группе осведомленных, (держать в курсе)
people in the know have more information about something than other people in the know В курсе дел
a piece of software that you add to a computer program in order to improve it or remove a fault patch патч
a piece of software or hardware that you add to a computer to increase the range of things it can do plug-in плагин
letters that are sent by post snail mail Обычная почта (не элект)
having difficulty doing everything that you should because you lack the necessary time, money, people, or equipment stretched Проблемный, напряженный
too big to be carried or stored easily bulky громоздкий
the amount of carbon dioxide a person, organization, building, etc produces, used as a measure of their effect on the environment carbon footprint Негативные экологические последствия деятельности (углеродный след)
someone you know a little, who is not a close friend acquaintance знакомый
Internet Protocol address: a code that represents a particular computer and is used to send messages to it on a network (=group of computers)or the Internet IP address  
used as a reply to someone who asks you whether you are well, for saying that you feel all right   Mustn’t grumble! Не жалуюсь!
informal conversation about things that are not important small talk Светская беседа
not very important, serious, or valuable trivial Незначительный, мелкий,банальный, тривиальный
to make something less painful, severe, or serious alleviate Облегчать, снимать (проблему)
an amount of money that you have to pay because you have broken the law fine штраф
careful thought and planning that prepares you well for a future event forethought предусмотрительность
immediately forthwith Немедленно, тотчас
extremely important and urgent imperative Настоятельный, обязывающий
the way of speaking and writing used by people who work in governmentoffices, especially when ordinary people cannot understand it officialese Стиль официальных документов
  to ask someone for something such as money or support   solicit   ходатайствовать
the period of time during which something happens or must happen time frame Временная рамка
clear and with only one possible meaning unambiguous недвусмысленный
time when a computer or other machine is not working down time Простой (сущ)
to make someone do something that they do not want to do drag someone kicking and screaming Заставить, несмотря на сопротивление, «взять за жабры»
unkind and showing a strong feeling of wanting to hurt someone or damage something malicious злобный
the amount of enthusiasm that a person or group of people feel about their situation at a particular time morale Боевой дух
an arrangement in which work is done by people from outside your company, usually by a company that is expert in that type of work outsource Привлекать внешние источники, осуществлять аутсорсинг
to get someone to work in a company or join an organization recruit Нанимать на работу
a company that is owned by a larger company subsidiary Дочернее предприятие
the value of the goods and services that a company sells in a particular period of time turnover оборот


Unit 3 Quality


commitment приверженность
A strong belief that something is good and that you should support it  
craze мания
something that suddenly becomes very popular, but only for a short time  
elusive Неуловимый
an elusive person or animal is difficult or impossible to find or catch  
enchanting очаровывающий
very interesting and attractive  
(Become an) end (in itself) (стать) самоцель(ю)
the reason for a particular action or the result you want to achieve    
Fad причуда, прихоть
something that is popular or fashionable for only a short time  
Fake (to fake a commitment) Прикидываться, притворяться  
to pretend to have a feeling that you do not have  
intrinsically внутренне
relating to the essential qualities or features of something or someone  
Planned/built-in obsolescence Запланированное устаревание
the practice of making products that will quickly become old-fashioned, or will not last long, so that people will need to replace them  
rattle Дребезжать, грохотать
if something rattles, it makes short sharp knocking sounds as it moves or shakes  
roughly Грубо (приблизительно)
rumble Громыхать, грохотать
to make a continuous deep sound  
Sake (quality for quality’s sake) Цель, причина, мотив (качество ради самого качества)
the purpose of doing, getting or achieving something  


Sour   Портиться, ухудшаться
if a situation sours, it stops being successful or satisfactory    
stream поток
a continuous flow of people or things  
  struggle Стараться изо всех сил
to try hard to do something that you find very difficult  
  take for granted Считать само собой разумеющимся, воспринимать как должное
to expect something always to exist or happen in a particular way  
  trap Ловушка, капкан, западня
a mistake or problem that you should try to avoid  
  white goods Крупногабаритная бытовая техника
large pieces of electrical equipment used in people’s homes  
  cost-effective рентабельный
Giving the most profit or advantage in exchange for the amount of money that is spent  
  exacting требовательный
needing a lot of skill and care  
  fit for purpose Целевой, соответствующий назначению
of a good enough standard for a particular use  
  flawed бракованный
spoiled by something such as a fault or mark, or lacking something  
  flimsy Непрочный, шаткий
badly built or made, and so likely to break easily  
  heavy-duty сверхмощный
strong and not easily damaged  
(Quality/beauty is) in the eye of the beholder Каждый видит по-своему (на вкус и цвет…)
phrase used for saying that different people perceive things differently  
  lean бережливый
a lean business spends as little money and employs as few workers as possible so that it will make a good profit  
  machine Обрабатывать (на станке)
to give metal, wood or plastic a particular shape by cutting it on a machine  
  shoddy низкопробный
shoddy work, services or products are of a very low standard  
  stakeholder Ключевой партнер, вовлеченная сторона
Somebody who is affected by or who has an interest in the success or activities of a company  
  tolerance Допуск (по стандарту)
The amount by which the size of a part of a machine can be different from the standard size before it prevents the machine from operating correctly  
to agree that something is true, especially when you are unhappy, sorry, or surprised about it admit
    faded     Выцветший, поблекший
something fades, it gradually becomes less clear or noticeable until it finally disappears  
  fitting Фитинг, соединительный элемент
a small part that you connect to something  
  forklift Вильчатый погрузчик
a vehicle that uses two long metal bars at the front for lifting and moving heavy objects  
heap Куча, груда
a large pile of something,especially an untidy pile  



  loading bay Погрузочная площадка
an area from which goods can be loaded on and off trucks, trains, etc.  
  logistics логистика
the activity of transporting goods to customers or to places where they are bought or sold  
  mislay затерять
to lose something for a time, especially because you cannot remember where you put it  
  night shift Ночная смена
a period when some people work during the night in a workplace  
  overflow переливаться
to flow over the top of a container because it is too full  
  rack стеллаж
an object used for storing things that consists of a row of small shelves, spaces or hooks  
  round-the-clock круглосуточный
happening or done all day or all night  
  skip Мусорный контейнер
a very large metal container used in the building industry for waste. It is carried away by a truck when it is full.  
  spot Опознать, определить
to notice someone or something  
  stack Складывать (стопкой)
to arrange things so that they are placed one on top of another  
  tactful тактичный
someone who is tactful is very careful in the way that they speak and behave so that they do not upset other people  
  take the blame Признавать вину
To accept that you are responsible for an accident, problem or bad situation  
  underlying Скрытый (факт)
underlying causes, facts, ideas, etc. are the real or basic ones, although they are not obvious or directly stated  
  acronym акроним
An abbreviation consisting of letters that form a word  
  digress Отвлекаться, отклоняться
if you digress from a subject, you start to talk or write about something else  
special words and phrases that are only understood by people who do the same kind of work  
  make or break добиться успеха или провалиться
phrase to help someone or something to be very successful or to cause them to fail completely  
  signposting акцентирование
Clear or noticeable indicators that give structure to speech of writing  
  batch   Партия, группа
a number of things or people that arrive or are dealt with at the same time  
  bin liner Вкладыш, пакет для мусора
a plastic bag that you put in a bin to hold the rubbish  
  dashboard Информационная панель
a visual display with business information presented on a single screen  
  ERP Планирование ресурсов предприятия
enterprise resource planning: the management of a company’s information and resources by means of an integrated computer system  
  flaw брак
a mistake or fault in something that makes it useless or less effective  
  lab-ware Лабораторное оборудование
objects that are used in a laboratory  
  leak утечка
if a container leaks, liquid or gas comes out of it through a hole or crack  
  pallet паллета
a flat wooden or metal surface used for moving or storing heavy goods  
  scratch   a thin mark on a surface царапина
  stain пачкать
to leave a mark on something accidentally  
  teething problems Первоначальные трудности
minor problems that a new company, project, product, etc. may have in the beginning  
  vial Пробирка, пузырек
a small bottle used especially for storing liquid medicines  
  bruise Помять (фрукты)
to damage a piece of fruit and cause a soft brown area to appear on its surface  
  bulk БОльшая часть
the bulk of something is the majority or largest part of something  
  decay Портиться, гнить
to be gradually destroyed as a result of a natural process of change  
  harvest Сбор урожая
the activity of collecting a crop  
  outlet Торговая точка
a shop or place where a particular product is sold  
  punnet корзинка
a small container like a basket, in which fruit such as strawberries are sold  
  ripe спелый
ripe fruit or crops have grown to their full size and are ready to eat or use  
  shallow мелкий
with only a short distance from the top or surface to the bottom; the opposite of deep  
  shed сарай
a building, usually made of wood,in which you store things  
  shelf life Срок годности
the amount of time that a food, medicine or similar product can be kept in a shop before it is too old to sell  
  shrivelled Засохший, жухлый
if something such as a plant shrivels or shrivels up, it becomes smaller and thinner than usual and it does not look fresh and healthy  
  sound   healthy or in good condition   крепкий
  squash раздавливать
to damage something by pressing or crushing it and making it lose its normal shape  
  straw соломинка
the yellow stems of dried crops such as wheat: a straw hat  
  tray поднос
a flat open container with raised edges used for holding or carrying things.  
  wastage Отходы, потери
the amount of something that is wasted  


UNIT 4 Feedback

accomplish достигать
allied (with) Объединенный, соединенный
apathy Безразличие, апатия
aspiring Честолюбивый
bang on (target/time) Точно (в срок)
better off лучше
In blindfolds С завязанными глазами, вслепую
Bunch (of people) группа


buy into Поверить, соблазниться, «клюнуть»
dam Дамба
Feasibility Feasibility study Выполнимость, осуществимость Технико-экономическое обоснование
foundations Фундамент
milestone Этап, веха
offend Обидеть, оскорбить
prevail Господствовать, превалировать
resettlement Переселение
scope Границы, рамки, пределы, возможности
silly Глупый
start from scratch Начать с нуля
touchy-feely Амикашонский, панибратский
appraisal interview Аттестация (сотрудников)
Bully Запугивать
Hectic Беспокойный, лихорадочный
Loner Нелюдим, одиночка
Maverick Индивидуалист
Pass the buck Сваливать ответственность
Pull your weight Честно выполнять свою работу
Evacuate копать
Impact Влияние, воздействие
Turn smth down Отклонить (приглашение)
Elicit   mess up Допытываться, извлекать, вытягивать (ответ) Испортить, ошибиться
Overdo Переусердствовать, перестараться
Praise Похвала, восхваление
Engage Нанимать, привлекать, вовлекать
Foster Побуждать, стимулировать, воспитывать
Team spirit Командный дух
Touch on Касаться, упоминать
I could do with some help Мне не помешала бы помощь
Forecourt Магазин при АЗС
Handle someone with kid gloves Деликатничать, нежно обращаться
Mess Беспорядок, кутерьма
Put up with Мириться
Sort out Решить (проблему)
Top up Пополнить, долить (бензин, масло)
Windscreen Лобовое стекло

Work your fingers to the bone работать на износ


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