Which of these do you think gives an audience a good impression and which a bad impression?

■ looking at your shoes;

■ laughing all the time;

■ turning your back on the audience;

■ keeping eye contact with members of the audience;

■ having your notes in the wrong order;

■ looking out of the window;

■ swaying from side to side;

■ hands in your pockets;

■ a bored look;

■ a smile;

■ shouting;

■ apologizing all the time;

■ talking to all the audience not just your friends;

■ sitting down.

The following is a list of different steps that people go through when preparing a presentation. Read the steps and decide in which order they could be done.

■ Prepare the visual aids.

■ Research the topic.

■ Practise giving the presentation to an audience – time how long it takes.

■ Decide on the main points of the presentation.

■ Put the main points into a logical and connected order.

■ Make notes to refer to in the presentation.

■ Decide on the structure of the presentation – the introduction, the main points and the conclusion.


Read the words given below and learn them by heart.

Appeal обращение Authoritative source авторитетный источник Bias предубеждение; пристрастие; предвзятость; необъективность Body language язык тела (жестов) Coherence связанность, согласованность Сommunication tools инструменты общения Dominate доминировать, преобладать Narrative повествование Relevant уместный, относящийся к делу Technique способ, метод; умение To convey сообщать (известия); выражать (идею) To daydream грезить наяву; фантазировать; мечтать To enumerate briefly the кратко перечислить результаты results of smth чего-либо To gain information получать информацию To keep in mind держать в памяти To look confident выглядеть уверенным To maintain an eye- поддерживать визуальный contact with smb контакт To provide feedback обеспечить обратную связь To remain attentive оставаться внимательным To shape one’s point сформировать точку зрения of view To slouch неуклюже держаться, сутулиться Visual aids средства наглядности  


2.2 Fill in the blanks in the text Public Presentation with the words from the box.

to look confident; resemblance; to remain attentive; art; body language; narrative; weapon; authoritative sources; techniques; to enumerate briefly; keep in mind; points of view; body; appeal; significance




Public presentation is a great ___1___ and a great ___2___ at the same time. It is aimed to conveying the necessary information to the audience and shaping its ___3___. Public speaking can be either in the form of an emotional ___4___ (politicians, priests, lawyers) or of a ___5___ (teachers, scientists, TV reporters) but in any case it affects the audience in this or that way.

A good presentation requires the knowledge of certain ___6___ to make it a successful presentation. First of all, it is a good idea not to copy the manner of some well-known and famous speaker, because the ___7___ may turn out very poor and, what is more important, you may lose your individuality.

Secondly, every speaker must ___8___ the basic characteristics of a presentation. They are: significance of the topic, novelty, competence, illustrativeness, informativeness and coherence.

Naturally, every presentation consists of three major parts: introduction, body and conclusion. In the introduction it is necessary to greet the audience, introduce oneself, present the topic and its ___9___ and state the structure of the presentation. The body should contain the general outline of the problem, supported with ___10___, the results of your research and the examples, if possible. However, the body shouldn’t be very long: six points of new information are enough, otherwise the audience will find it difficult ___11___.

In the conclusion, it is necessary to give a balanced summing up of the ideas mentioned in the ___12___. Sometimes it is required to state your presentation attitude to the problem, but on the whole it is enough ___13___ the results of your research or the topic concepts, covered in your speech.

The general appearance and the manner of speech should also be taken care of. It is important ___14___, to speak with a loud enough voice, to make necessary pauses, not to hurry, to maintain eye-contact with the audience. On the whole, a good speaker should sound friendly, show his respect to the audience and avoid slang words. ___15___ must not distract the listener from your presentation, it ought to be appropriate for the situation. At the end it is advisable to thank the audience.


2.3 Read the text Active Listening and translate the words given in the brackets into English.


Good speakers not only inform their audience, they also listen to them. By listening, you know if they understand the information and if the information is important to them.

Active listening with a purpose is used (1. получить информацию), to determine how another person feels, and to understand others. Some good traits of effective listeners are:

● Spend more time listening than talking (but of course, as (2. докладчик), you will be doing most of the talking).

● Do not finish the sentence of others.

● Do not answer questions with questions.

● Aware of (3.необъективности). We all have them. We need to control them.

● Never (4. грезить наяву) or become preoccupied with your own thoughts when others talk.

● Let the other speaker talk. Do not (5. доминировать) the conversation.

● Plan responses after others have finished speaking...NOT while they are speaking. Their full concentration is on what others are saying, not on what they are going to respond with.

● (6. обеспечить обратную связь) but do not interrupt incessantly.

● Analyze by looking at all the (7. уместный) factors and asking openended questions.

● Keep the conversation on what the speaker says...NOT on what interest them.

Listening can be one of your most powerful (8. инструменты общения)! Be sure to use it!

(from https://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/leader/leadpres.html)


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